Masked Knight

Chapter 339: The Final (Part 2)


Under the setting sun, Rody stood in front of Luo Er's broken city wall.

The angels all over the sky have dispersed. As expected, these angels cannot survive in the human world for too long. They do not have pure bodies in the first place. Once time passes, they gradually disappear and turn into golden light all over the sky.

Seth stood beside Rody and gritted his teeth: "You are finally back. Do you know that you were supposed to fight this war? But those guys actually tied me up forcibly!"

Rody shook his head: "You are now the Tulip Duke. If the army cannot see the tulip battle flag, it will lose half of its fighting spirit. Even if I lead the army, I am afraid that this war will not be resolved so smoothly."

After a pause, Rody asked again: "How long has this war been going on?"

"It's been a month." Seth looked at the surrounding troops who were cleaning up the ruins and corpses after the war, and whispered: "It took fifteen days to prepare for the war. Most of the Thunder God's Whip was commanded by General Sieg. I led this army The army rushed directly into the eastern province to attack their base camp."

Rody nodded, it was right to separate Seth and Sieg. Among all the people in the empire, only Sieg had been with him the longest and understood him best. If Siegur and Seth were allowed to command the army together, Siegur would definitely notice something strange about this "lord Duke" with his shrewdness and ability.

After being silent for a while, Seth couldn't help but said: "Are what you just said true? The gods are Dandong? Now the heaven and the human world have been completely separated? There will never be gods in this world again?"

Rody smiled slightly: "I know you are the most curious. If you want to go to heaven, there is still a way to go. There is also a forbidden door in the Roland Temple. That door can go in, but not out."

Seth thought for a while, shook his head and said: "I can't go. You said you have to abandon your body to go to heaven. If you don't even have a body, then there must be no fun in heaven. Besides, even if I want to leave now, I can leave. "?"

He suddenly smiled: "It's you, Rody. There is still another trouble waiting for you after you return to the Imperial Capital."

"Trouble?" Rody was stunned for a moment: "Is there any other trouble?"

Seth half-smiled: "Just after your inexplicable madness disappeared, the women in your family almost went crazy. Some inexplicable news came from the east from time to time. If it weren't for that guy Fatty Tianlie who forced the Black Veil Saint After being imprisoned, I am afraid that with her ability as a great practitioner, no one can stop her from running to the east to look for you... But then... "

When Seth said this, he deliberately paused and sighed: "You are really a romantic guy. A few days later, a woman suddenly came to the imperial capital and told us that you had gone to the Roland Continent Temple. Now that we know that your demon star is no longer in the east, we dare to launch an army to attack these guys from the Divine Religion. That woman now lives in your Marquis Mansion in the imperial capital."

"It's Nidis!" Rody remembered immediately. Although his body was occupied by the demon dragon at the time, he was still conscious, but the control of his body was not in his hands.

Originally, he was a little worried about Nidis. However, most of the people in the temple were killed by the dragon, so Nidis should not be in any danger. I just didn't expect that she would actually run back to Guangming Continent and go to the Imperial Capital to report the news.

"Well, that woman seems to be called Nidis. My sister seemed to be very hostile to her at first, but I don't know what the fat man said to my sister, and then my sister changed her attitude." At this point, Sai Te glanced at Roddy sideways and said, "You are quite popular with women."

Rody's mouth was a little bitter. Even if he thought about it with his toes, I'm afraid the women at home might not look good on him.

Looking bitterly at Seth who was gloating about his misfortune, Rody felt a bit like counterattack in his heart. He suddenly stretched out a hand and put it in front of Seth: "Sett, what do you think this is?"

I saw a golden light circling around in the palm of Rody's hand, as if it was filled with vitality.

Rody deliberately slowed down his speech and said with a smile: "This is not my fighting spirit, nor is it magic. This is a trace of divine power. A trace of divine power given to me by Dandong. Let me tell you, gods have no bodies. Originally, I have been I searched hard for the blood of the gods, but after finding Dandong, I realized that since the gods have no bodies, how can they have blood? Therefore, the blood of the gods is just a trace of divine power stripped from their light bodies. "

Looking at Seth's confused expression, Rody smiled deliberately and said: "This trace of divine power is actually the blood of the gods. I heard that as long as the body is well preserved, the blood of the gods can resurrect the dead..."

With a long laugh, Roddy pulled a war horse beside him, turned over and jumped on, saying calmly: "You are magically restrained by the black veil, so you can't run away this time. I am now Go back to the Imperial Capital first, and then I will wait for you in the Imperial Capital... When the time comes, I will personally deliver a surprise to you! "

Seeing Rody disappear under the sunset, Seth felt a little uneasy in his heart.

In this unrest, the great Duke of Tulip commanded the equally great Whip of Thunder and swept away the rebellious cults in the eastern provinces of the empire - of course, the cults now have been clearly classified as evil heretics by His Majesty the Emperor's order.

And in the final battle when Duke Tulip led the great army to capture the cult's base camp, angels from heaven actually assisted in the battle. Such a miracle has never happened before!

Even in the legendary ancient times when humans conquered the Kara tribe, there were no angels or gods to help them! !

For a moment, people all realized that perhaps our Lord Tulip Duke was really an angel descended from heaven! Lord Tulip Duke is invincible, it's because the gods are protecting him!

Of course, such publicity naturally made someone hiding in the palace laugh.

A month later, Duke Tulip led his army to evacuate from the stabilized eastern province and returned to the imperial capital. The triumphal ceremony of the Imperial God of War was extremely spectacular. Tens of thousands of civilians in the imperial capital spontaneously came to the streets and outside the city, hoping to witness the grace of this patron saint who guarded the empire. A mile away from the gate to the imperial capital, you can faintly see the dark crowd.

Seth was still wearing the gorgeous but heavy armor, riding a black horse and walking at the forefront of the team. He was flanked by loyal Spike Army guards on both sides, and the golden tulip battle flag behind him was fluttering in the wind.

As the crowd cheered, countless flowers flew over, and countless people took off their hats and screamed and cheered. The ears of the Wolf Fang Army soldiers were almost deafened.

There is no doubt that the soldiers of the Imperial Security Bureau are still having the hardest time this time.

But when our great Duke Tulip saw the important figures of the empire standing under the city gate to greet him, his eyes suddenly became clear!

Although the heavy helmet did not reveal his somewhat pale face—well, even his body swaying while sitting on the horse was not noticed, but the look in our great Duke's eyes that was a bit shocked and uneasy was real. of.

A slim and graceful woman slowly walked up a few steps, with a pink face and a smile, and her eyes were moving. Those charming eyes were full of expectation and joy, but her face was slightly pale, but it made her even more delicate and charming.

Looking at this woman, Seth almost had the urge to turn his horse around and run away.

His Majesty the Great Emperor, Abbas XI, our Majesty Andy, looked at the girl beside him with a smile, tried his best to suppress the urge to laugh wildly, and whispered: "Qiaoqiao, do you remember what I just said? "

Girl, the resurrected Qiaoqiao bit her lip: "But Seth doesn't like others forcing him to do anything."

Roddy, who was standing behind Andy, coughed slightly, and Miss Nicole immediately said: "Don't worry, my brother also has weaknesses. Of course, someone will make the decision for you in this matter."

The Duke's team was already in front of him.

Qiaoqiao's body was trembling with excitement, but her eyes were firm. She took a deep breath and slowly walked towards Seth.

"Qiao, Qiaoqiao, hello." Seth jumped off the horse under the admiring eyes of thousands of people. Qiao Qiao had a bright smile on her face, but there were tears of excitement in her eyes: "Aren't you happy that I'm back?"

"Happy." Seth sighed. He knew how Qiao Qiao died. Although he was born with a hard heart, he really couldn't be cruel to this girl who was willing to die for "himself" at this moment.

For a moment, his helplessness towards Roddy for rescuing Qiao Qiao turned into a bit of gratitude.

Amid the cheers, a man and a woman hugged each other. Under the attention of thousands of people, everyone was happy for the young patron saint of the empire.

At this moment, His Majesty the Emperor coughed majestically.

"I declare that in three days, I will personally officiate the wedding of our Tulip Duke!"

Seth's legs went weak and he almost lost his balance. The look in the emperor's eyes was clearly one of pleading.

One night three days later.

The carnival during the day has ended at this moment, and the Imperial Tulip Duke's residence is covered with colorful ribbons and flowers. Just today, the wedding of Duke Tulip, the empire's great god of war, was completed. Although countless girls in the imperial capital secretly shed tears, the wedding was finally held in a grand manner. His Majesty the Emperor personally presided over the wedding, and almost all the Thunder God's Whips were dispatched to act as a guard of honor for the great commander in their hearts.

The only regret is that the groom tonight seems to be smiling a little unnaturally.

"Shh, keep your voice down, you damn fat man, you almost squeezed me out..."

"Shut up, the place is so small, do you need me to fly?"

Just at the back door of the Tulip Duke's Mansion, several figures were sneakily hiding on a big tree.

Rody looked helplessly at Fatty and Andy beside him. It was hard to imagine that the emperor of the empire would take him to the groom's house tonight to take a peek behind the door.

"What on earth did you bring me here to see tonight?"

Andy glanced at him: "Thankfully you are related to Seth now, but you don't know him? A playboy like him is forced to get married by us, I'm afraid he will run away."

Rody's eyes lit up: "Then we wait here to catch him and take him back?"

Tian Lie shook his huge head: "Of course not, we can just wait and watch the excitement."

At this moment, I saw a slender black shadow sliding out of a side door, and I looked around at the surroundings.

"Here we come!" The three guys immediately hid in the darkness of the branches.

Just when the figure seemed to relax, a cry came from the yard: "Set!!"

The shadow trembled, and the three guys on the tree immediately laughed secretly. It's just that Tianlie's body is really huge, so small. If his body trembles, the branches will not be able to bear it. There was a click and three fell from the tree.

According to common sense, of these three guys, one is a super warlock, one is a strong man in the field, and the other is already a demigod. Naturally, they will not fall to the ground. However, in the dark, the fat man hooked Roddy's arm. When Roddy was struggling casually, his head hit Andy who was chanting a spell quickly, and Andy hit Tian Lie's chin painfully. As a result, the three people had a close contact with the ground.

The big tree is outside the wall. It seems that you can't see what's going on inside, but you can still hear the sounds coming from inside.

", do you want to leave secretly?"

"Huh? Hahahaha, Qiaoqiao, don't think too much. I just saw that the moon is beautiful tonight and I just went out for a walk."

"Looking at the moon? Do you need to be burdened to look at the moon? Seth, you make me... sad..."

There was a shout, and they didn’t know what the sound was, but the three people outside the wall could see a glint of light flashing inside the wall under the night, and then heard Seth’s scream: “Ah!! Didn’t that Miaosi say Have you lifted my magic ban? Why..."

Qiaoqiao's voice seemed a little distressed: "Sette, are you in pain? I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it was Miaosi Magician who gave me the restriction... She said that this is a kind of spiritual magic, which is restricted on your body. As long as Whenever I feel sad, it will trigger the restrictions on you... "

So much for the sound. As for whether the Duke was so angry that he fainted, that is unknown.

The three guys simply lay on the ground and looked up at the stars.

"Andy, tell me, are Dandong and the others still up there?" Rody pointed to the sky.

"Hmph, do you think the master will be willing to sacrifice himself to seal two old monsters in heaven?" Andy curled his lips.

Rody was speechless for a moment.

With Andy's cunning, wit, and even a bit sinister and despicable... you can think of how "smart" Dandong was who made this kind of thing!

Such a dangerous guy also has god-level strength. Worrying about him is probably not as good as worrying about Kara, who is blinded by anger and hatred, and the indifferent and rigid dragon!

After a moment of silence, Rody suddenly said in a dissatisfied tone: "Old guy, at the wedding today, you suddenly announced that I will be your adopted son from now on. What is your intention?"

Tian Lie chuckled: "As the adopted son of the Emperor of the Empire, from now on even Seth will call you 'Your Highness' when he sees you. Isn't it interesting?"

Roddy's voice sounded a little wary: "Interesting, I guess you have some conspiracy?"

Andy chuckled and said: "Oh, originally I really didn't want to take such a step, but... the queen gave birth to a girl. And I am a skeleton and have no ability to give birth... Well, think about it, even if I can Isn't it ridiculous for an emperor to live for hundreds of years? I can help support the empire for another twenty or thirty years at most, and then I should find a place to relax. By then, dear Rody Boy, guess who I will let manage this empire? Who will inherit this throne? My adopted son..."

The skeleton smiled smugly and sinisterly. Rody was silent for a few seconds, then suddenly let out a wail.

The starry sky is so beautiful and the night is so wonderful! From a distance, Fatty Tianlie's happy and unbridled laughter could be heard, and then the Fatty's voice like a broken gong began to sing:

"The toads croaked in the river,

It made the uncle feel angry.

Catch two of them to eat with wine,

Gu, quack, they all ran away! "

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