Masked Knight

Chapter 5: [Failed highway robbery]


Looking at the rusty broken knife in his hand, Roddy couldn't believe that he would one day follow others and become a robber? !

A little before night, Star took Roddy to a place called the Wild Boar Bar to meet a fat middle-aged man with only one eye. Then Star told Fatty that they were short of money recently and wanted to find some business.

The sneaky one-eyed fat man obviously knew Star, but he didn't trust Roddy a little. Although Star assured that Rody's skills were definitely better than his own, and said that Rody was a very honest and reliable person. But Fatty still asked to try Roddy's skills.

But fortunately, these concerns disappeared after Rody punched a table in the bar to pieces.

The fat man was immediately very enthusiastic about Roddy. The shrewd fat man had already noticed that the young man in front of him, wearing the uniform of an Imperial Academy student, had the strength to be at least a regular first-level swordsman! For a person with such skill, he only has two subordinates in total! Now that this young man has joined, it can be said that tonight's business has a high chance of success!

The fat man led them to a secret room behind the bar, where there were three people in very simple clothes. Everyone had their faces covered, and their exposed eyes looked at them with vigilance as they looked at the people who had just walked in. Roddy and Star in the room. However, they all obviously know Star, and they all retain some respect for Star in their eyes - no one dares to disrespect a warlock! Especially Star, he is an electric warlock! No one likes the feeling of being scorched by lightning.

But when they saw Rody, their eyes were not so friendly. Especially after seeing Roddy's yin and yang face, everyone seemed to be holding back the urge to laugh. Roddy had become so used to this reaction over the years that he didn't feel anything at all - at least not on the surface.

By the time the fat man took out a bundle of swords and distributed them to everyone, and explained tonight's mission in detail, Rody was already a little stupid.

"Remember, you are not robbers! But you must pretend to be robbers! Your task is to intercept the carriage and give the nobleman in the carriage a lesson! Remember, don't kill anyone! Give him a beating That's it. My employer just wants us to teach the people in the carriage a lesson. If someone is killed, then you should be ready to go to the guillotine! After success, you will come back, and everyone can get two. Gold coins! Be careful with the opponent's bodyguard. I heard that there is a third-level warrior among the opponent's bodyguards! But I think it should be enough for you to catch him by surprise with a sneak attack."

Rodista and his three accomplices stood behind a tree on a path outside the city with swords in their hands, looking nervously into the distance. Frankly speaking, Roddy already regrets it now.

He knew that this was actually not a big deal, it was just being hired as a temporary thug. In the prosperous imperial capital, many street gangsters make a living from this, and some down-and-out warriors often earn a little extra money from this... But when I think that the other party is a noble, and if this thing fails, I will If his identity is exposed, then his future is likely to be over, and he will also be kicked out of the academy...

But think about it again, if you can't get the money, you will still be kicked out of the college a month later... Anyway, the result will be the same!

Thinking of this, Rody felt some comfort in his heart - of course, Rody felt no guilt at all about teaching an annoying nobleman. Like most civilians, Roddy has no good impression of those aristocrats who live a luxurious life and are morally corrupt!

This is a small road outside the city. Normally no one goes here. However, since His Majesty the Emperor built a spacious road at the West Gate, this small road that was not used by many people suddenly has many more pedestrians - because you have to pay taxes to pass through the road built by His Majesty the Emperor!

"Be careful! They are coming!" The thin guy holding a long sword suddenly shouted in a low voice. Rody glanced at him. He was lying on the ground with his ears pressed tightly to the ground. Then the guy raised his head and glanced at everyone: "Get ready. They are coming here, a carriage!"

Rody didn't like this guy very much because he was the first to choose a weapon and took the long sword - it turned out that Rody originally wanted to take that sword. But judging from the way he held the sword, that guy was obviously not a swordsman. I really don’t understand why he wanted to grab the sword... In fact, Roddy really wanted to use the rusty broken sword in his hand. Make a change with him.

On a calm night, there was not a single pedestrian on this remote road. Only the sound of carriages gradually coming from the distance, and the sound of horse hooves trampling on the soil could be heard. Rody was very nervous and couldn't help but glance at Star. Star's expression was not relaxed, but it was much better than Rody. After all, he had done it once.

"What a disgusting night!" Nicole played with her fingers boredly, then opened the curtains of the carriage and took a look outside. The moonlight shone in and shone on her golden wavy hair, making her look like the moonlight goddess.

Nicole is not very happy, tonight's date is terrible! Her Majesty the Queen's nephew, Baron Sloane, has been pursuing me for a full month. Tonight, I really couldn't stand his annoying entanglements every day, so I agreed to attend a banquet at his residence, but that damn guy , although he usually looks like a polite gentleman, tonight he actually dared to be rude to himself!

snort! It seems that this guy who has just arrived in the capital has not found out his nickname yet! He actually dared to continue drinking and try to forcefully kiss himself! But the kick he received in the crotch was enough to punish him for disrespecting himself! That kick was enough to prevent him from touching women for a month!

Nicole was in such a terrible mood! Although I already punished that disgusting scoundrel in the evening! But she still felt deeply sad.

Has the great tulip family fallen to this point? Could it be that the Tulip family, the only bloodline of the great God of War in the empire, has fallen to the point where a bumpkin from the countryside can be bullied at will

Nicole deeply understands that since her father died of illness six years ago, the Tulip family has lost its last pillar! Although they are the home of the Imperial Marshal! But a family without adult men cannot gain a foothold in the imperial capital! The only hope is his young brother... But that fool has been the shame of his family for hundreds of years! As a descendant of the Emperor God, he can inherit every advantage of his family! He only fights and makes trouble in the academy every day, but his own strength is pitiful! Otherwise, it’s just spending money randomly! He and a bunch of aristocratic kids were spending a lot of time and causing trouble everywhere! Let yourself be troubled! Back then, as a teenage girl who was not yet an adult, she suddenly had to take on the responsibility of the entire family. She had struggled to support it for so many years with her faith... Many times, Nicole couldn't help but wonder, why is she not a boy? If that's the case, I can legitimately shoulder the responsibility of reviving the family!

While Hu Si was thinking wildly, suddenly a horse's neighing sound came from outside the carriage! Then the carriage suddenly stopped! The coachman, Old Mark, shouted outside: "Damn it! There are robbers!"

Roddy didn't rush out in a hurry. Although he looked very strong, he was never reckless. He watched others rush out, and he hid behind the big tree to observe - if those guys could solve the problem Once you've done it, you can get the money without showing up, so why not

The coachman had been pulled from his seat in the carriage by an accomplice.

Rody had a strange feeling in his heart: Didn't it mean that the other party had a bodyguard who was a third-level swordsman? Why is there only one coachman? Although the old coachman looked quite strong, he didn't look like a bodyguard. His accomplice subdued him with only one hand.

The unexpected relief made everyone feel excited. Several of the accomplices screamed and banged on the door of the carriage with their swords, loudly threatening the people inside the carriage.

Just when everyone was a little surprised, the carriage door slowly opened.

The first thing that stuck out from the door was a slender foot with round ankle bones and skin as moist as snow. I swear to the Almighty God, such a beautiful slender foot is simply a masterpiece of God! Just when Rody was stunned, a slender and graceful figure flashed out from behind the door.

If it was just Roddy who was in a daze before, then everyone is in a daze now!

This girl, no, should be said to be a goddess! Under the moonlight, her beautiful face glowed with the color of ivory, her blond hair was dancing gently, like the softest music, and her eyes were as blue and deep as the tranquil lake water. A small smile gently formed on her small, red lips... Well, wait, she is actually smiling

"Not good!" Rody seemed to feel something in his heart, but it was too late for him to shout out.

The air flow suddenly becomes faster! A whirlpool of air that was three to four meters high suddenly rose above everyone's heads, and all the leaves and branches on the path were rolled up. There was even a faint sound like thunder coming from the whirlpool!

"She is a warlock!!" Star was the first to shout. As a warlock, he had already felt the true strength of that girl! After Star's first thought, he immediately clearly judged that he was definitely not the opponent's opponent! Even if everyone here is included, including Roddy who is still hiding behind the tree, they are no match for that girl!

Damn it, not only is she inhumanly beautiful, she is also terrifyingly powerful!

Can you just send out a lightning vortex with a smile without any preparation? ? This kind of strength has at least reached the level of a six-level warlock or above! In comparison, I, a first-level warlock, am simply not good enough!

Star immediately wanted to run away, and if he couldn't beat him, he would run away. This had always been his five-character mantra of Uncle Star! In his opinion, holding on for dear life is definitely not a truly heroic move.

But the girl had already noticed Star, because Star was the first to shout out a word in surprise.

The girl's beautiful eyes were already fixed on Star, and then she opened her red lips and said slowly: "You are wrong, I am not a warlock."

After saying this, Nicole gently hooked her little finger at Star, and a bolt of lightning immediately shot out from the vortex above her head. Star's protective spell had just been uttered less than two words before he was already concentrated by lightning and flew out with a scream.

Nicole gently raised a pair of slender hands, and grabbed them lightly in the air. The two of them seemed to be grabbed by a pair of invisible big hands, and their whole bodies were caught in the air. Then there was a mocking look in Nicole's eyes, and a pair of hands With a slight movement, the two people in mid-air collided hard and fell to the ground without even making a sound.

The remaining person no longer cared about the mission and ran away with a shout. Nicole didn't chase him, she just lightly hooked her fingers at his back, and a bolt of lightning immediately shot out from the vortex above her head, accurately focusing on the poor guy. The poor guy's hair stood on end due to the electric shock, and he lay down straight.

Roddy opened his mouth and was stunned. Of course he knew very well that he was definitely no match for this woman. In fact, he was just a first-level swordsman, and he had not yet received the official title of swordsman. There were also two first-level warriors among his companions, but they were not easily dealt with by the opponent.

Nicole took care of a few thieves who were overestimating their abilities. With her venting just now, her depressed mood seemed to be getting better tonight. She glanced at the coachman who was sitting on the ground and said calmly: "Okay, old Mark, don't sit still. I know you'll be fine! Just grab a random person and take them to the city and hand them over to the police station tomorrow. They will definitely There are accomplices. Just leave the others here. They won't wake up within a day." After that, she got into the carriage and closed the curtains.

Frankly speaking, Roddy didn't want to rush out at all. But that coachman, that old guy was so stubborn that he actually left the two people in front of him on the ground and didn't catch them. Instead, he ran behind a tree on the side of the road and picked up Star, who had just been struck by lightning. Poor Star's clothes had been burnt by electricity, and his face was also gray and black. Rody watched as the old coachman found a rope, tied up Star, and then threw him to the luggage area on the roof of the car like a dead pig.

Without any choice, Rody quietly followed the carriage. Giving up on his friends was definitely not Roddy's fault! He has to find a way to save Star! What's more, Star didn't have to come tonight. His tuition fees have been raised long ago. He came here solely to help Roddy!

Of course, while Roddy was following, he didn't forget to take the sword with him when he passed by the guy who fainted on the ground. Anyway, the guy who passed out after being electrocuted didn't need it anymore.