Masked Knight

Chapter 61: [The Tragedy of Empire]


Just when the entire night in the imperial capital was shrouded in various complex emotions, just when Abbas XI was anxious for his ministers to urgently discuss the military situation, just when Rody returned to the Tulip family and had a sleepless night. In the northwest, in the fierce battle, the situation has changed again...

The hills on the edge of the Nishikawa Plain in the northwest.

Night has enveloped the earth, and the moonlight is obscured by the rolling dark clouds in the sky. Only half of the face can be revealed occasionally. There were no stars in the sky, and an army was marching hard on the winding mountain road.

They were wearing the uniforms and armor of the Empire of Light, and the soldiers were already exhausted. Many people just drag their swollen and numb legs along with the people in front of them. The flagman was listless on the horse. The originally flaming thorn flower flag was carried feebly on his shoulders. He was holding the reins with one hand, barely keeping himself from falling off the horse.

From soldiers to officers, everyone is filled with pessimism and fear about the future. They were originally part of the Northwest Army garrison stationed at Blackstone Castle, but the day before yesterday they received an order from General Reuben, the commander of the Northwest Army, ordering them to immediately abandon Blackstone Castle and move closer to Watt Fortress where the main force of the Northwest Army was located at all costs.

At this moment, the whole army is filled with a pessimistic atmosphere. Everyone knows that in the past month, the Northwest Army has been retreating steadily. General Reuben's main force of 150,000 troops was commanded by the murderous demon king Reuenthar of the Big Moon Kingdom. The iron cavalry regiment was defeated and defeated. Most of the territory in the northwest Rostock province was lost, and finally even the base camp of Fort Mudan was captured. At this moment, General Reuben led the main force to hold on to Watt, the last large fortress in the northwest.

And just two days ago, various news came. I heard that the murderer King Reuenthar made a long-distance attack for two consecutive days and two nights, pulling out the imperial military strongholds around Watt Fortress one by one, Loulan Fort, especially Fort Lille was also captured overnight.

The Northwest Army Headquarters ordered all scattered troops to immediately move closer to the main force - this order was correct. They were already at a disadvantage. Instead of spreading their troops to let others defeat them one by one, it was better to clench their fists and concentrate their strength to confront the opponent.

But when the commander of Black Market Fort received the order personally issued by General Ruben of the Northwest Army Headquarters, he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

The order required him to lead the 15,000 defenders of Blackstone Castle to join the headquarters immediately, but General Reuben only gave him a day and a night!

"Hell!" The imperial commander of Blackstone Castle was riding on his horse. He couldn't help but look back at the long troops behind him and cursed in his heart: "How can I get here in two days and two nights? That's more than six hundred miles away. We are infantry! It takes two days and two nights for the soldiers to walk, what a joke! Can those things fly?"

The commander couldn't help but secretly pray for the blessing of the great gods - at this moment, his army had been on the road for a whole day without a moment's rest. Even if it could arrive to join the army, I am afraid that this army would not have much combat effectiveness in a short time. . Now the soldiers are so tired that they don't even have the strength to walk... If... If they encounter enemy troops on the road now... Then...

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but think of the news that came two days ago. It was said that two garrison armies from other places were intercepted by the army of the Big Moon Kingdom on the way to the main army after receiving orders. As a result, the Empire was defeated on the plain. The infantry was rushed to pieces by the cavalry of the foreign barbarians, and almost the entire army was wiped out...

I can only ask for God’s blessing!

He looked at the surrounding terrain. Fortunately, this was not a plain and open area. The surrounding hills and hills made the road relatively narrow. Even if he encountered the enemy, the opponent's cavalry would not be able to play a big role...

At this time, several scout cavalry ran back from a distance. The commander immediately cheered up and asked, "How is it?"

The cavalryman's head was already covered with sweat, but his expression was still very calm. He said loudly: "Sir, the mountain road ahead is over. We can walk out of these hills in about half an hour! When we walk out, there is an open area. There is no We found traces of the enemy. Sir, it seems we can't find a better place to camp tonight. There is an open area in front of us, and there is a small forest next to it. "

The commander listened carefully to the scout's report, not daring to miss a word, and then he was silent for a while.

It looks like it's going to rain tonight, so camping on the edge of the woods shouldn't be a big problem. Don't worry about the enemy attacking with fire... Oh, I hope I won't encounter the enemy. It's raining. In such bad weather, the cavalry of the Great Moon Kingdom will not come out to attack us, right? After all, this rainy and muddy weather is not conducive to a cavalry charge.

"Order the entire army to speed up, get out of this mountainous area, and set up camp!" He gave the order loudly...

The soldier received the order. Although his body had no strength, he still cheered up and quickened his pace when he heard that he could camp and rest.

When the front line of the team walked out of the mountain pass and saw an open plain in front of them, the soldiers couldn't help but let out an exhausted cheer - they could finally rest!

After the order to camp was given, the entire army began to get busy. To the disappointment of the soldiers, there were too few woods in the woods that the scouts mentioned, and the trees were all slender saplings, which could not be cut down to build fences for camping. In desperation, they could only gather baggage trucks and simple timber to build a weak camp wall.

But what pleased the Imperial soldiers was that the ambush they might encounter in the legend did not appear, and the murderous demon king of the legendary Big Moon Kingdom also seemed to have no sign of appearing—presumably in this weather, the enemy would also feel tired. Everyone thought they could at least survive the first night safely.

A veteran was teaching the panicked recruits, telling them not to panic. Generally, if they encounter an enemy attack, the scouts walking around will give warnings - if they want to escape, wait until they hear the enemy's horns and drums running. Not too late.

The whole military camp was in a commotion, and the soldiers were busy setting up tents and burying pots to make rice. There was a loud "click", an earth-shattering thunder sounded, and a bolt of lightning pierced the sky. Then there was a crash, and heavy rain came down. .

The soldiers all breathed a long sigh of relief. It finally started raining. On such rainy days, the enemy's cavalry would not come out!

The sky was completely dark, and a recruit was soaked to the skin. He was trying to use a hammer to fix the wooden camp wall that had been blown aside by the strong wind. Suddenly, as if he sensed something, he raised his head and looked at the empty space in panic. In the distance, at the far end of the eastern horizon, some faint black shadows began to be spotted.

"what is that!!"

A veteran looked back, his expression immediately changed, and his mouth opened wide: "It looks... like a human being! Oh my god! It's an enemy! It's the cavalry of the Dayue Kingdom!!!!"

"Enemy attack!!"

It was hard to tell who was the first to shout this sentence, and then the sentence quickly spread throughout the army like a plague in the dim night. Everyone was panicked, and everyone screamed and threw away the tents they were setting up and the fences they were erecting. The soldiers looked for their swords in a panic. The cavalry hurriedly put on their armor, and the people in the huge camp shouted and neighed.

It has to be denied that the Empire of Light has been established for two hundred years, and its martial tradition has still produced many real heroes. At this time, it was the loyal and brave commander of this army who truly showed the spirit of a warrior!

"Why panic! Everyone take up arms!" The commander immediately decided, drew his sword and killed several sergeants around him who were still running around in panic. "No one will survive if we panic any longer! Form up the infantry!" A majestic voice sounded in the night. He ran all the way, using his knife to kill several soldiers who ran around blindly and disobeyed orders, and then He led his own soldiers to drive the scattered soldiers into a square formation.

"Idiot! Don't panic, the enemy is still lining up, and there will still be some time before they line up and charge!" The commander tried to calm down as many soldiers as possible, "Pick up your swords! Raise your shields!! The shield bearer is here First row! Second row of spearmen!"

Several infantry formations that were beginning to take shape were finally arranged in order. The leader commanded his only 500 cavalry to get on their horses and quickly move a hundred steps behind the infantry formation. These five hundred men were cavalry trained by him, and they were the real elite force in this army. All of them looked cold and resolute, holding their bright sabers across their chests and holding their reins tightly.

The dull sound of horse hooves came over, and the earth shook under the trampling of thousands of horse hooves, sending up dust. The trampling sound of thousands of horses' hooves even covered up the rolling thunder overhead...

The commander sat on his horse and watched the enemy's approaching speed. He couldn't help but have some questions in his heart: "It doesn't seem right. How come their cavalry charge is so slow?"

The black stream of iron in the distance gradually approached, and the imperial soldier could finally clearly see the appearance of the enemy cavalry. He could even see the tassels on the helmets of the enemy cavalry. A look of fear suddenly appeared in the commander's eyes: "Not good." ! It's a horse archer!"

"Wha—!!" A heart-stopping sound broke through the air, and suddenly tens of thousands of sharp arrows fell from the sky in the enemy's cavalry formation! There were not enough shield-hands in the infantry ranks, and they were unable to withstand the bows and arrows shot from the sky like locusts. Countless soldiers were hit by arrows and fell to the ground screaming and howling. Some of them were shot through by several wolf-fang arrows just as they raised their shields! Immediately afterwards, someone screamed: "It's the cavalry! Everyone, run away!!"

Almost instantly, the already disorganized army collapsed, and all the infantry teams were in chaos. Everyone knew that ordinary light infantry was no match for the cavalry in the wilderness. Their thin equipment was unable to withstand the sharp arrows fired by the opponent. After the opponent's bow and arrow were shot, the full charge of the enemy cavalry was even more of a massacre for them!

Countless people kept shouting: "Run for your lives! Everyone, run for your lives!" The infantry queue that the Emperor's commander had painstakingly driven out collapsed in an instant. He slashed several escaping soldiers with a knife from behind, but still could not control the situation. These scattered and chaotic troops drove the cavalry formation he prepared behind him to stagger.

At this moment, the enemy cavalry formation suddenly became silent, and then a deep and high-pitched voice was heard shouting: "Change the knife! Charge!! Stirlier (foreign language: kill!)!!!"

"Striel!!!" Tens of thousands of cavalrymen let out an earth-shattering cry at the same time. The imperial commander knew immediately that he was doomed! This army is finished too!

The black iron current suddenly roared and rushed forward at an incredible speed. Under the galloping horses, the earth trembled, and the clanking iron hoofs seemed to trample everything to pieces!

During the roar, the front end of the enemy cavalry had easily broken through the already fragile infantry formation. Some brave soldiers who still stood firm had not had time to see clearly the twisted and brutal face and red eyes under the helmet of the enemy cavalry. The queue was shattered.

The enemy's cavalry quickly crossed the front line of the infantry and rushed directly towards the depths of the Imperial Army's camp.

Behind them are the infantry that have completely collapsed and scattered. These infantry are being killed by the cavalry coming in a steady stream from behind. They are often cut down by the scimitars in the hands of the enemy cavalry before they even swing out their swords. Or be trampled into pulp by the enemy's horse hooves!

The imperial commander watched in despair as his infantry formation was easily torn to pieces by his opponent. His body could not help but tremble. He said to his orderlies in a voice that was almost deathly calm: Pass my order and call everyone. Run away, run away as far as you can!

After giving the last order in his life, the loyal soldier of the empire turned around and shouted to the five hundred cavalry beside him: "I was once a personal soldier of Duke Tulip! There is absolutely no coward who runs away under the flag of Tulip." ! Are you afraid?"

"Follow your lord!" The shouts of five hundred people seemed to drown out the shouts and screams in the sky! Five hundred sharp sabers were raised high!

The commander no longer looked behind him, he drove his horse tightly with the big sword in his hand and rushed towards the iron flow without hesitation. Behind him, no one of the five hundred heroic elite cavalry hesitated, and they shouted with their long sabers. Follow closely behind!

The empire's last cavalry force collided fiercely with the enemy's cavalry forward. Because the enemy's forward had passed the first blockage of the infantry formation and its momentum had weakened, their sniper attack still had some upper hand at the beginning, and it also bought valuable time for other teams in the camp to collapse and escape. - Later generations of scholars who study war history believe that if this heroic commander of the empire had not been prepared to face death in times of crisis, then the 15,000-strong army that was reinforcing the main force would probably have been annihilated.

But their sniping didn't last long. This heroic commander and his 500 men were like a pebble thrown into the river in the huge torrent of steel. Although there was a brief splash of waves, soon, It was submerged...


In this battle, the 20,000 cavalrymen of the Big Moon Kingdom completely overwhelmed the 15,000 local defenders who were reinforcing the main force of the Northwest Army. For a whole night, the empty plains were filled with the roar of the Big Moon Kingdom’s cavalry and the roar of the Empire’s cavalry. The soldiers screamed and howled. This is no longer a battle! The infantry who lost their defensive position were massacred wantonly by the cavalry!

In this night attack, the emperor's 15,000-strong army were completely defeated, and in the end, less than 5,000 people escaped with their lives from the massacre. And the chance of survival of these five thousand people was bought by the leader and his five hundred warriors with their lives! But there is no record of the name of this commander...

In this battle, the 20,000 cavalry led by Prince Reuenthar of the Dayue Kingdom achieved a great victory, completely defeating the last reinforcement force that was approaching the main force of the Northwest Army! Annihilated more than 10,000 enemies...

Take no prisoners!