Masked Knight

Chapter 95: [Kill]


Ferrara was shocked and quickly backed away. Naturally, he had several guards and soldiers under his command, who immediately ran forward and blocked him in the middle.

Rody waved his hand, and the soldiers of the Wolf Fang Army immediately stopped, but they did not put down the scimitars in their hands, and stared at the people in front of them. They were all people who had killed and licked blood on the battlefield. Although Ferrara also had a few personal guards, their momentum was immediately outmatched. Some of them were pale and already had the timidity to retreat. meaning.

Fedo's face was already pale with fright. Ferrara gritted his teeth, steeled himself, and said loudly: "Your Majesty the Duke! What are you doing! Do you want to settle accounts with the queen!!"

Rody pretended to be confused: "Settling accounts? What accounts are being settled?"

Ferrara turned pale and said loudly: "Your Majesty the Duke! You and I all know what's going on in the northwest! Even everyone here knows it! It's just a little money! Who among you is missing money from the air force? Don’t do it? If you must cause trouble for us, then fight to the death! Don’t forget to accept those gold coins!”

Speaking of the last few words, Ferrara pulled out his sword and looked at Roddy fiercely.

Rody smiled and said loudly: "Commander Ferrara! I don't understand what you are saying! I don't understand things like military pay! I came to arrest you today because I found out that you are collaborating with the enemy and treason!"

As soon as these words came out, Ferrara immediately shouted: "Nonsense! I am the commander-in-chief of the empire, how could I be treason! You, don't talk nonsense!"

Rody snorted coldly and said, "I knew you would not plead guilty!" After saying that, he clapped his hands and strode in from the door about twenty soldiers. Each two people carried a box and put ten people in it. The box was placed in the middle of the clearing.

"Commander Fedo, Commander Ferrara! Do you all recognize these boxes? They all have your own family's emblem on them!"

The soldier kicked open a box with his feet, revealing a box full of golden coins.

"You are the commanders of the empire! How much is your military salary per year? How much property does your family have? With your income, how can you get so many gold coins!!" Rody looked gloomy and said bitterly: "You are having an affair with Luo Yanta. You, betray the empire, otherwise, how could our 200,000-strong army in the Northwest Army be defeated in one fell swoop! How could the Blackstone Fort, Loulan Fort, and Trier Fort be easily defeated by you? Communicating with the enemy! This money is your evidence!”

The garrison commander Fei Duo was so frightened that he shrieked loudly: "No, no! This money was not given to us by Reuenthar! This money is..."

"Shut up!" Ferrara yelled, kicked Fei Duo down, and said with a gloomy face: "Your Majesty, your methods are really powerful! But you said that I collaborated with the enemy and treason. Just with these boxes of gold coins, I'm afraid No! After all, gold coins can’t speak! Do you have any evidence that I’m collaborating with the enemy

Feilao's face turned pale. He saw that these were the things in his home. Since the things were here, the other party must have ransacked his home. Thinking of this, he knew that he would definitely have a falling out today, but he really didn't expect that the other party didn't even mention a word about losing air force pay and embezzling military funds, and then he falsely accused him of collaborating with the enemy and treason! But how can I explain this box full of gold coins? You can't admit to yourself that these gold coins came from corruption, right? That is also a dead end...

Rody smiled coldly: "Still quibbling!" He waved his hand, and the Wolf Fang Army soldiers who had been eyeing him swarmed forward and started fighting with Ferrara's guards.

These guards were no match for the elite Wolf Fang Army. Two of them were hacked to death on the spot with three strikes. The nobles were so frightened that they screamed. The others did not want to die, so they all knelt down and surrendered.

One of his soldiers cut off Ferrara's sword with one blow and then pinned him to the ground.

Ferrara cursed: "Set! How dare you do this to me! Don't you want to think about the consequences!"

Rody said coldly: "What nonsense! Take him out and chop him!"

The soldier dragged Ferrara outside. Ferrara shouted: "I am an imperial commander! Even if you want to punish me, you can't kill me without an order from the Military Justice Department!"

Rody sneered: "This is the Northwest War Zone now! I am the supreme commander of the war zone. According to the special regulations of the imperial war zone, I have the right to execute you! Cut it off!"

Ferrara shouted all the way and was pulled out by the soldiers. Then the voice disappeared. Not long after, a soldier strode in with a murderous look on his face and threw a bloody human head on the ground.

Seeing several corpses lying in front of them, the bloody head rolled to the feet of a noble. The noble snorted and fainted on the spot. Some of them were so frightened that they cried. If there was no one around to support him, he would have collapsed long ago.

"Everyone." Rody changed his expression to a slightly calmer one, looked at the many local wealthy nobles present, and said calmly: "The commander of Ferrara collaborated with the enemy and treason, and the evidence is conclusive. At this moment, I have executed military law and executed him. I will Report it to the Military Justice Department immediately, but everyone has seen what happened today. We are all loyal subjects of His Majesty the Emperor. I dare not take credit for this matter alone." After saying that, he waved his hand and one of his soldiers had already taken it. A pre-written report was handed to Roddy.

"I would like to ask everyone to sign this document submitted to the Military Justice Department!"

As soon as these words came out, these nobles were stunned... Signing together

They are both local wealthy families in the northwest, and they have various connections with Ferrara Fedor, so they naturally know their backgrounds. Today, I saw the Duke chop Ferrara without blinking an eye. I was worried, fearing that if the Duke turned his face, the knife would hit him. But how can you sign this name casually? This lottery is equivalent to completely siding with the Duke...

It's easy to talk about it, but it's not easy to hear. He is the Tulip Duke, so if he kills the leader, he will be killed. No matter how powerful the background forces behind Ferrara are, there is always nothing they can do against him. But if you sign your name, you may be in trouble - if others can't touch the Tulip Duke, why can't they touch you

Seeing everyone looking at each other, Rody smiled coldly, knowing that he was still a little short of success, and then said loudly: "Commander Fei Duo, do you have anything else to say?"

Fei Duo had already knelt on the ground. He was so frightened that he urinated profusely on the spot, with snot and tears streaming down his face. He kept kowtowing and said: "Sir, sir! I have not collaborated with the enemy and treason! No!"

Rody said calmly: "Then where did these gold coins come from!"

Feiduo cried: "These gold coins were not given to me by Reuenthar! No!" He looked up and saw the nobles next to him. Are there any of them who usually collude with him? Feiduo is just a idiot. At first glance, he saw that , as if grasping a life-saving straw, shouted loudly: "Reuenthal really didn't give me this money! If you don't believe it, ask them! They all know it! They also have a share of this money!"

As soon as these words came out, Rody felt relieved: These are your words that I want!

As Rody's cold eyes glanced over, the nobles who were still hesitating were frightened out of their wits, and they cursed in their hearts Fei Duo, a fat man, for actually harming himself before he died. At that moment, no one hesitated anymore, and they all yelled at Fei Duo. There was a lot of noise in the place, and the nobles all looked filled with indignation.

"Fei Duo! You are slanderous! You have an affair with Reuenthal, and you actually dare to frame others!"

"Your Majesty the Duke! This kind of treasonous sinner cannot be allowed to live in the world! He should be executed immediately!"

"My lord, you have exposed the conspiracy of these two traitors!"

"Kill him! Use the Emperor's method of killing!!"

Seeing everyone shouting non-stop, Fei Duo had already fainted from fear.

Rody smiled: "This is really embarrassing. I have killed one just now, and I have to leave one alive for interrogation. After all, this matter is of great importance. If I kill him now, where will the Military Justice Department... "

Before Rody finished speaking, a nobleman loudly said: "Your Excellency, Feiduo's crime is extremely heinous and the evidence is conclusive. He should be executed immediately! We have all seen what happened, and we are willing to testify for you! Sign the document !”

As he took the lead, many other nobles responded loudly. These people are all related to Fei Duo, and they are afraid that the Duke will really take Fei Duo back for interrogation. They knew that Fei Duo was timid and a fool. If they were interrogated when they went back, I'm afraid they would all be bitten out in a short time.

These people shouted and shouted, wishing that the Duke would kill Fei Duo immediately. Silence yourself and save yourself.

Rody smiled with satisfaction and asked his soldiers to take the documents and ask these local wealthy nobles and local officials to sign them one by one.

There was a commotion for a while. There were some cunning nobles who wanted to stay out of the incident and pretended to faint from fright, but Rody's soldiers didn't care whether you were fainted or dead. They would kick you hard until the nobles jumped up in pain, and the soldiers held the weapons in one hand. With a machete stained with blood, he handed over the document with one hand. I guarantee that the noble will sign obediently immediately.

There was chaos for a while, and everyone in the audience, regardless of their gender, age or rank, signed the document prepared by Rody.

Rody took it over and looked at it, smiled with satisfaction, then gave Fei Duo a cold look and said loudly: "Take it out and chop it!"

He didn't dare to spare Feodor's life - you know, he was punishing these two people for collaborating with the enemy and treason. But after all, in the final analysis, it is true that they embezzled military salaries, but it is true that they are collaborating with the enemy. If he were left alive and someone found out in the future, it would be troublesome.

Kill the two of them immediately, and there will be no evidence of the matter!

With the signatures of all the local wealthy, aristocratic and local officials in the northwest, this matter is a nail in the coffin. With the signatures of all the high-level empire officials in the northwest, even if the two of them did not commit treason, they would still be committing treason!

Rody smiled slightly, and then suddenly his face darkened, his eyes swept across the audience, and he slowly left a sentence: "Everyone, please be careful whatever you do in the northwest from now on!"

After saying this, Rody gave an order and led others to carry the dozen boxes of gold coins and left.

But he deliberately left several corpses on the ground and blood stains all over the ground.

Along the way, Rody sighed in his heart. With his actions, one was to punish the two biggest worms in the army, and the other was to kill the chicken to show the monkeys. Use blood to intimidate those other northwest officials and nobles. Even if they engage in corruption in the future, they will have to think carefully about it.

After all, although Rody hated these people, he was about to leave the northwest, and he couldn't clean up the things here even if he wanted to. I can only give these people a warning and hope they will restrain themselves in the future.

He has cleared away two big pieces of rubbish for the next Northwest Army Commander. At the same time, he has shocked these corrupt officials in the Northwest. He has laid a foundation. I only hope that the new Army Commander who comes later will be a capable person. , can make good use of the situation left by Rody.

Back at the garrison, Roddy was in a depressed mood. Miaosi's departure and Ruben's dismissal made him feel heavy. Although the moths in the two armies were finally eradicated, there were more than twenty or two hundred such moths

Feeling depressed, he asked his soldiers to find some wine.

Not long after, I heard light footsteps outside the room. I turned around and saw a delicate girl walking in with a leather bag in her hand.

"Why are you?" Rody smiled faintly.

Gadalena suddenly knelt down, held the wine bag over her head with both hands, and said in a trembling voice: "Sir, I just heard that you killed the commander of Fort Trier today. He...he was the one who forcibly captured me in the first place. A man whose older brother went to the army... As a result, my older brother died in the army..." At this point, Gadalena raised her head, her eyes already red.

Rody nodded, took the skin bag, and suddenly said: "Let me ask you, I killed ten people in your village that day. Although they collaborated with the enemy, they were civilians in your village after all. Don't you hate me?"

Gadalena did not dodge Roddy's gaze at all, and whispered: "I hated it at first, but later I understood that if you don't kill people, the army will lose heart... If the army loses heart, Northwest will die. More people. So... I dare not hate adults."

Rody sighed, nodded, and said softly: "You still understand, but it's not easy anymore." He pulled out the cork on the leather bag, raised his head and took a sip of wine. Unexpectedly, the wine was extremely spicy, and he couldn't hold it in one breath. I almost choked when I came along.

He was not very good at drinking, but he was feeling depressed today and suddenly wanted to drink. After coughing violently a few times, he saw Gadalena still kneeling in front of him. His face turned red and he said calmly: "Okay, you can go out. I will return to the imperial capital in two days. When I go back, I will take you home on the way."

Gadalena stood up slowly, turned around and walked out of the room. She just walked to the door, but couldn't help but turned around and said softly: "Sir, you have changed a lot these days... I have changed since the day I saw you in the village. It’s very different.”

Rody smiled and said nothing, just waved her away.

When he was the only one left in the room, the smile on Roddy's face gradually disappeared. He slowly took a sip of wine and whispered to himself: "Has it changed? I am still Roddy, but I am no longer the soft-hearted silly boy. Dandong's notes are right, blood is indeed the best way to make people grow. s things… "