Master Meow

Chapter 1


It was in the evening and the sky was full of clouds.

The mountain trails that were not in peak tourist season were few and far between, and Lu Qiu was a little anxious.

There had just been a heavy rain the day before yesterday. The strong sun for two consecutive days evaporated the rainwater on the stone steps, but the cliffs on both sides, which were shaded by dense trees, were still extremely wet.

Lu Qiu lifted the backpack on his back again and walked all day. By this time, he was really tired, his feet were sore and his knees were a little weak.

It wasn't very hot, but she still sweated a lot, and her face, which was whiter than ordinary people, was covered with sweat stains and flushing.

Pulling at the bangs sticking to his forehead, Lu Qiu stopped and sat on the stone steps to one side, taking out a water bottle from his backpack. I brought two bottles of water up the mountain, which are the last two.

After resting for a while, she put on her backpack and was ready to go on, but she didn't expect that because she got up too violently, her eyes were dizzy and black, and her feet hurt and her legs were weak, and the whole person could not stand still and fell forward.

There is a rocky road ahead with a steep slope, and it will definitely kill you if you fall. Her hand grabbed to the side almost subconsciously. There was a row of trees on the left, and Lu Qiu easily grabbed a branch sticking out.

She instantly calmed down, and almost put all her strength on the branch beside her and pulled hard, trying to stabilize herself. However, as soon as she exerted force, she found that there was no point of focus in her hand. It turned out to be a dead branch that broke off early.


Along with a long series of screams, a figure rolled straight down the cliff.

Lu Qiu began to regret a second before he passed out. It was just a lovelorn. Why did he have to come to climb the mountain instead of going out to eat and drink.

The weather in the mountains changes as soon as it changes. One second, the sky is full of clouds, and the next second, there is lightning and thunder.

There seemed to be an electric light splitting into the mountains, and a violent white light suddenly appeared and disappeared quickly.

The mountains quickly returned to tranquility, as if nothing had happened.

Lu Qiu woke up with a severe headache. She sat up from a pile of soft leaves while clutching the back of her head.

Except for the back of the head, the cheeks, arms, legs and back are all painful. She carefully touched the stinging part of her face, and she smelled some blood on the tip of her nose, maybe she had scratched something when she fell.

Although the pain all over her body made her very uncomfortable, she was very fortunate that she had not died in this dangerous situation.

Lu Qiu tried to stand up while holding on to the sturdy tree trunk beside her. Although she was in pain, she miraculously didn't break any bones.

The sky was completely dark, and she couldn't see anything clearly. She only knew that there was a thick fallen leaf under her body. smell.

She touched the tree next to her for a long time and couldn't touch the edge. She opened her arms and tried to hug it. Suddenly, her arms were about 180 degrees. It's hard to imagine how big it is.

Lu Qiu has a physique that attracts mosquitoes. Before entering the mountain, he packed himself up in full armor, long-sleeved trousers, all trouser legs were tied, and there were as many hats and masks. But then it was too hot, so the mask was taken off and stuffed into the bag. However, when the backpack fell, she didn't know where it was dropped. There were only two tissues in her trouser pocket for wiping sweat, and her mobile phone was still in the backpack. I don't know if there is a signal here. If no one finds her falling off the cliff, she doesn't know when she will be able to leave.

After his eyes got used to the darkness, Lu Qiu stepped forward anxiously.

The backpack should be not far from her. She decided to grope around the place first, and then wait for the dawn against the trees if she can't find it.

However, she didn't have much experience in the wild, and she didn't notice one thing. After waking up and starting activities, the surroundings were terribly quiet. The rustling of leaves.

She didn't even think about why there is such a towering ancient tree under the cliff of such a tourist attraction that only exists in the virgin forest.

After a careful turn around, the backpack disappeared without a trace.

Depressed, Lu Qiu slowly returned to the tree where he woke up, clasped his arms tightly and curled himself into a ball.

After sitting down for a while, you can clearly feel that the temperature here is too low. The long-sleeved trousers she wears can't block the pervasive coldness, and it is roughly estimated that it is less than ten degrees here. It's normal for the temperature in the mountains to be a little cooler, but it's summer now.

After sitting shivering for a while, Lu Qiu closed his eyes and forced himself to fall asleep. He waited until dawn to find a way to call for help. Even if he lost his bag, there would always be a way to contact the outside world.

But before she fell asleep, she felt something tugging at her hair, which was clinging to the bark, not only her hair, but also the sides of her neck and back.

This kind of place can't be a snake, can it

She didn't even stand up, she took two steps forward suddenly, and then she looked back in horror.

On the big tree she was leaning against, there were long black bugs the size of cockroaches. These big bugs surrounded her head to tail to form a long human-shaped line.

The worm looks a little strange, with two tentacles erected high on its head, three segments on its body and six legs. But it doesn't have wings like cockroaches.

It looks a little familiar, but this size is definitely a species that has never been seen before.

Lu Qiu's scalp was numb, and she patted her shoulder vigorously with her hands, for fear of bugs crawling on her body.

She couldn't stay under the tree, she stepped back, but she didn't know where to go.

However, at the moment when she hesitated, a huge black shadow was slowly crawling under the soft leaves under her feet, but it emerged from the leaves in a moment.

This black thing is about a meter long, swinging its body like a snake one by one, but its sides are covered with densely pointed and long legs.

Lu Qiu's pupils shrank and his whole body exploded instantly, and his back was soaked in cold sweat. She hurriedly ran forward.

It turned out to be a giant centipede only one meter long.

What the hell is going on in this forest? What are these things

As soon as she moved, the centipede immediately chased after her. The speed of the centipede was extremely fast, and when she stepped on the soft and fluffy leaves, she felt comfortable before, but now it became a stumbling block on her escape.

Sure enough, before she ran out for ten minutes, a space suddenly collapsed under her feet, and she fell directly to the ground.

There was a hole under the leaves.

The knee that had been bumped several times hit the ground again, and without looking at her, she knew that the knee must be bruised.

The centipede has chased after him. Lu Qiu closed her eyes in despair, not expecting her death to be so tragic.

But just as she resigned herself to give up resistance, she heard a short scream from the tree, and then a giant bird that was as tall as a man swooped down.

Lu Qiu only saw the open wings, which almost completely blocked the faint light in the forest.

The big bird's eyes glowed faintly in the dark night, and it swooped on the centipede's back. Its sharp claws pressed down on the centipede's seven-inch and rear tail, and its pointed beak neatly pecked open the centipede's head.

Big Bird just swallowed a one-meter-long centipede in front of her.

Lu Qiu didn't dare to let out the air, and stared stiffly and stunned at the behavior of the big bird. The bird's wings were even standing above her chest height. She really couldn't think of any bird that was so huge.

But now, only out of the wolf's den and into the tiger's den.

When the big bird ate the centipede, the faint eyes kept staring at her, as if once she made any movement, it would eat her together.

Physiological tears fell from the corners of Lu Qiu's eyes, causing a stinging pain in her already bruised cheeks, but she didn't dare to wipe or move, so she just watched the big bird finish eating the centipede, then fluttered and disappeared in an instant.

There was a clearer stench on the nose, but Lu Qiu suddenly relaxed and collapsed to the ground.

The feeling of the rest of her life after the catastrophe made her feel paralyzed all over, and the place behind her back, wet with cold sweat, was cold and cold, and the wind blew almost to the bone. She wanted to cry very much, she wanted to lie down on the warm big bed at home, she wanted to sleep under the quilt, and woke up in a safe and comfortable world.

But reality didn't give her a chance to breathe, because centipedes are gregarious animals.

After a period of silence under the fallen leaves, the rustling of animals crawling sounded again. Lu Qiu jumped up from the ground suddenly and continued to run forward.

The more she ran, the more frightening she became. All the trees she passed along the way were towering giant trees with a diameter of more than two meters. She even saw a giant tree more than ten meters wide. The tree was so high that she could barely see it. I thought I saw a wall. How could there be such a giant tree under the cliff in such a tourist city.

Not normal, so abnormal.

Thinking about those huge animals, is this still her original world

Lu Qiu stopped abruptly.

It was only then that she finally realized that she might be, or she might have crossed over unknowingly.

As a materialist, Lu Qiu never believed that such a thing would really exist. But she couldn't explain what was happening in front of her.

The already sore legs and feet could no longer run as fast as before. She moved her steps down and down, and walked forward in despair.

As long as you stay until morning, you will be able to call for help after dawn.

At the moment when he was strong, Lu Qiu stomped his foot once again, and his body was suddenly caught in the air by a net.

network? trap? Someone here!

The moment Lu Qiu was caught in the net, his first thought was not fear but surprise.

Only humans can weave nets and make traps, and she can go out as long as people come.

She looked down with bright eyes, the tree was so high, the net was more than ten meters off the ground.

The net was so huge that Lu Qiu even felt like he was about to fall out of the mesh.

Lying flat at the bottom of the net pocket, she looked around expectantly.

Finally, just when she was about to fall asleep, she suddenly heard the squeaking sound of her feet stepping on the fallen leaves. Lu Qiu was refreshed and looked down.

However, what kind of hunter came over? It was an oversized giant wolf over five meters tall, ferocious and terrifying with a grinning smile.

At this moment, the giant wolf was staring at her with gleaming eyes, and then his back arched his limbs with force, and his entire body slammed up.

It's over, it's dead.

Lu Qiu's eyes darkened and he passed out.

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