Master Meow

Chapter 22


Lu Qiu slept well, but Wells didn't sleep all night. The wound on his back was aching and itchy. It was a side effect of the quick healing. He didn't finally narrow for a while until dawn .

The sun crawled out covertly, the clouds were a bit cloudy, and the morning glow was bright.

Lu Qiu gently got out of the giant cat's arms and stretched out.

Usually she would wake up quickly when she moved the giant cat, but today he just flicked his tail and didn't open his eyes.

Cats like to be nocturnal. Unlike humans, Lu Qiu just gently smoothed the hair on his abdomen. When the giant cat's tail stopped fluttering and fell into a deep sleep, he moved out of the cat's nest. .

When Ruth came in with his breakfast, he saw Wells still asleep, and didn't say anything, just put the plate on the table lightly.

Lu Qiu hugged the legs of the table and climbed up. Seeing this, Ruth gently lifted her by the back of her neck and put her on the table.

But before Lu Qiu could see clearly what breakfast was, he found that the table under him continued to rise, until it was over four meters high. She couldn't help but move towards the center of the table.

Ruth didn't leave during this process, just sat at the table and watched her movements.

Lu Qiu rarely had the opportunity to face the black panther alone. This leopard made her feel very dangerous, and she didn't seem to like her very much.

Although Ruth kept persuading Wells to treat Lu Qiu well, it wasn't because he liked her, but because of the consideration of keeping pets.

But the pet's growing influence on Wells made him have to pay attention.

Although they both thought that Lu Qiu should be a hairless monkey, Rust went to the Falling Star Forest to check. There was no such a mutated monkey born there. He even checked all the orangutan baboons. , The news is that no mutants were born in the past two years.

Going back two years, there was a mutation in the orangutan group, but it was only white in color, and there was no phenomenon of lack of hair.

Lu Qiu's origin is a mystery.

Ruth searched for a long time, and finally found some news from a hazelnut, and found the place where Lu Qiu first appeared.

But the location had no reference value, she seemed to pop out suddenly, and it appeared very strange.

So Ruth was very worried about which force she was sent here to deal with Wells' weapon.

If that's the case, he wouldn't mind killing the pet first and then plead guilty to the Count.

Lu Qiu looked at the black panther with more and more dangerous eyes. Two long fangs were exposed, as if they were going to tear her apart in the next second. He couldn't help but take two steps back.

Is this to kill her? Why? Haven't you always been friendly

Although he was so nervous that his palms were sweating, Lu Qiu was not too frightened, nor did he make a sound to wake the giant cat.

The black panther slowly approached her, and those amber eyes turned strangely pale blue-green, as if covered with a layer of fog, without the slightest emotion. The pupil in the pupil, which was not very large at first, shrunk into a small dot, and the scary scar on his face made him look even more terrifying.

Lu Qiu could even feel the breath from the black panther's nose, with a faint smell of blood, as if the prey was struggling in his mouth a few minutes ago.

He really wanted to eat himself.

Turning to look at the cat's nest, the dining table is several meters away from the cat's nest, and the giant cat is still sleeping soundly. After Lu Qiu left, the giant cat formed a semicircle by himself, with his head resting on his hind legs, but even so, he subconsciously exposed his abdomen to prevent himself from being pressed.

Lu Qiu's heart settled down again in an instant, pursing her lips tightly, she stared at the black panther for a while, to cheer herself up, she stood up abruptly and walked towards the black panther, then stood on tiptoe and stretched out her hand towards him .

Ruth was so surprised by her sudden move that she even took a step back. He had thought that if the pet was so frightened that it screamed, he would eat it in one bite before she woke Wells, and he would be able to chew and swallow the person in one bite without leaving any residue.

But this pet, not only did not scream, but even deliberately approached him and reached out to him.

Why was she not afraid to approach her, even reaching out to touch him

special ability

But Ruth was still stiff.

In order to frighten Lu Qiu, he was very close to the table and his head was all over, so Lu Qiu easily bumped into him.

She gently scratched the chin of the black panther. The leopard's fur was very short, and it looked smooth and smooth, like she was touching a fine silk.

Curling your fingers and scratching along the neck is completely different from the feeling of licking a cat, but it is also very easy to touch.

After going back and forth several times, the black panther seemed to be immobilized, allowing her to touch it without moving.

The black panther still had a fierce look on his face at first, but his ears couldn't help moving, and then he made a low purr.

Lu Qiu put both hands together, one along his chin and the other close to his neck and backwards.

The muscles under the fur rose and fell like waves in the direction of her hand.


Black Panther suddenly screamed.

Although this sound is majestic, it has a slightly higher pitch, and it is a little milky and soft, like acting like a spoiled child.

In fact, the leopard's meow is very milky, just like a cat, and the wow sound is a bit like a cat's meow.

This sound directly awakened Ruth, who was still stiff and stunned. He never thought that he would be able to make such a shameful cry. It was a shame for the leopard! !

This pet is dangerous, it is too dangerous, even he can't help but say.

Ruth woke up suddenly and stepped back directly to the wall, his front paws tightly covering his mouth. A pair of eyes glared at Lu Qiu.

The count must have been so bewildered by her that she couldn't let her continue to live, so she had to kill her quickly.

But his voice woke Wells, who was sleeping.

Yawning, Wells stretched from a coiled state to a strip, and his front and back legs were separated and stretched on the edge of the cat's litter. With his head down for a moment, he opened his eyes in a daze and looked towards the table, where he saw Ruth leaning against the wall and Lu Qiu standing on the table.

"Have you eaten? What is Ruth doing with his mouth covered?"

Wells licked his paw while asking, and rubbed his paw down his face.

Ruth put down his paws, lowered his head and said, "It's okay, my lord, it's time to eat. Today's vegetables are carrots."

Wells was washing his face for a while, and suddenly stood up from the cat's litter as if in disbelief. As expected, he saw half a clean and brightly washed carrot on the dinner plate.

He hates eating this stuff the most.

He would rather eat unpalatable nutritional formulas than eat this stuff.

Many animals are very picky eaters, only vegetarian or meat, which is easy to lack of certain vitamins, resulting in constipation, diarrhea, dry mouth and cloudy eyes, dry and dull hair, sore hands and feet, weak cartilage, in short, many problems, so there is a nutritional formula This kind of thing was born.

The nutritional formula is a liquid with a strange taste that many animals find unpleasant to drink.

Wells' dinner plate has a little vegetable every other day, not many, of a different variety. Today happened to be the turn of carrots. He thought Ruth was doing it on purpose, knowing that he hated this vegetable the most.

He leaned over to the table and smelled it. Before he got close to the carrot, he turned his head and made a vomiting motion from a distance. His pupils were about to roll up to his eyelids, which was very funny.

Seeing his expression, Lu Qiu couldn't help laughing. All the discomfort he had when facing Ruth's threat earlier disappeared. She walked over to the plate and looked at the carrots. For convenience, they had been cut into pieces, but they were still raw and had not been cooked.

Cats can eat this, but it is better to eat it after cooking. The most acceptable way for cats is to mix it with cat rice, or make it into carrot juice and vegetable juice.

Lu Qiu didn't like carrots very much either, the smell made her feel strange. I picked up a piece and put it in my mouth, eating it didn't change much from my previous life, it just grew up.

Seeing her eating, Ruth said calmly, "Sir, all your pets have eaten, so don't be picky eaters."

He and Lu Qiu were very tacit and did not mention what happened just now, and Ruth's attitude was the same as usual, as if he had never had the intention to kill.

Wells glared at him. He made another disgusting look at the carrot and pushed the plate away.

"Don't do this, I drink nutritional formula."

Ruth didn't take the carrots away, but went to get the dominant nutrient formula and poured it into a bowl ahead of time.

Wells grimaced, looking at the carrot and the bowl of water with the expression that life is too difficult for me.

He secretly pushed the dishes out again.

Ruth grabbed his paw and said sternly: "Sir, you can't throw it away secretly. I found out this morning that one of the system enhancers was missing. Are you injured? How is your injury now, do you need to call a doctor?"

Wells shook his head: "No need, it's all done."

"Then you should drink this, it's good for your body, don't be self-willed." Then he pushed towards his face again.

Although Lu Qiu couldn't understand what they were saying, he could see Wells' resistance.

She stepped forward and tasted the bowl of water, then took a few steps back with a complicated face. In fact, it wasn't too difficult to drink. The main thing was that it was too complicated, a little sweet, a little salty, and a little bitter, and she didn't know how it came out. Such a strange taste.

What kind of medicine does this thing look like? Why does the giant cat take medicine

She couldn't help thinking of the scene when she was caught by the giant cat yesterday. In the past, I always saw news that many children were caught after falling from a height, and the one who caught the person basically had both broken arms.

The effect of force is mutual. At that time, she was in pain all over her body. She thought she was going to die from internal injuries. She didn't get up for a long time. Wouldn't it be more serious that the giant cat that caught her was seventy meters instead of seven meters, which was too high.

It was only at this moment that he noticed that Lu Qiu's brows furrowed tightly, and he went up to hug the giant cat's claws in remorse. He wanted to climb on top of him, but he was afraid of hurting him.

Why didn't you notice it all the time yesterday, is it because the giant cat behaved so casually

To amuse himself, he also let himself play slides on his back.

I felt a little uncomfortable as if I was stuck with a ball of cotton.

"How are you now, do you still hurt?"

But she couldn't get an answer when she asked, she could only rub the front paw holding the giant cat against him.

Wells didn't know why the little pet suddenly acted coquettish to himself after tasting the nutritional formula. Did he feel that the formula was too unpleasant to drink and distressed him? He couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth, the coquettish little pet was so cute.


Lu Qiu also responded with a very standard meow.

Sure enough, he was acting like a spoiled child. As soon as Wells was happy, he picked up the bowl and went straight to the job.

Ruth looked stunned.

What happened again? what happened? Why

Lu Qiu ate half of the carrots, and she needed some vitamins.

After eating, Lu Qiu went around the room to digest food. Ruth dragged Wells aside and told him that he had failed to track down Lu Qiu's origin, suspecting that she was a spy sent by another force, and that she might have an attack on her. He is not good.

Wells didn't tell him to trace Lu Qiu's origins. Wells didn't even think about it at all. He only thought that Lu Qiu was a hairless monkey based on his own guess. .

True or not, he doesn't really care, what he cares more about is whether the pet is enlightened

If it is really a Kaizhi race, it can no longer be his pet.

Thinking of this, he felt regretful and reluctant.

Seeing that he was wandering around and didn't know what he was thinking, Ruth couldn't help but persuade: "You care too much about this pet."

Wells returned to his senses and gave him a smile: "Yeah, don't you think she's very smart, cute and different?"

Ruth: "..."

This is not what he meant to express!

It didn't make sense, and Ruth felt tired that he should stare more, the animal was really evil.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help raising his claws and scratching his chin. When he was touched before, he felt as if he was being controlled by her. Touch for a while.

It's too scary, and I must never let her touch me in the future.

Ruth, the butler who was calm in the face of any danger, felt a little bit afraid of a weak animal for the first time.

Not long after Ruth left, Wells went back to the nest and planned to continue to sleep. It would take a while for his body to fully recover, so he needed more sleep.

Lu Qiu was sitting at the dinner table, with the materials she had not finished yesterday at hand. She planned to make a few more underwear replacements. Underwear cannot be worn all the time, and it was too unhygienic.

When I was busy, there was a slight buzzing sound outside the window. When I looked up, I saw a white UFO-like aircraft flying from the sky and parked outside the castle.

Lu Qiu stood up abruptly and looked out the window.

Wells opened his eyes, thought for two seconds and remembered what it was, then climbed up and jumped up the window in one second, and jumped to the side of the aircraft.

A hole in the bottom of the aircraft was cracked, and a two-meter box fell out of it.

Wells happily carried the box into the house, then placed the box on the table beside Lu Qiu.

"What?" Lu Qiu poked with scissors.

Wells patted the box, and the box was instantly deformed and reorganized, turning it into a small wardrobe. Lu Qiu turned to the front and found that there were many dresses neatly placed in the closet, all of them were white and pink, those with yarn and lace.

With such a small body like Lu Qiu, there are only cubs of certain animals, so when buying clothes, the models are all specially selected cubs.

Taking out the most popular pink dress, Wells gestured on Lu Qiu and was about to put it on her.

Lu Qiu immediately took two steps back.

This style is too poisonous! Death Barbie powder and lace are absolutely unacceptable in her style, and the matching bright pink bow is a disaster.

Is this the aesthetic of this world? !

Lu Qiu was extremely shocked at this moment. When she saw the suits in Wells' cabinet earlier, she thought that the style of the clothes here was pretty good. At this moment, all her impressions were overturned.

After all, they are animals. Many animals have different eyesight than humans and cannot distinguish many colors.

But Wells still looked at her expectantly and joyfully with her clothes on, that expression was almost the same as when she forced her cat to wear funny clothes.

Lu Qiu covered her face for the nth time, what had she done to her cat in the past, no wonder it always squatted on the head of the bed in the middle of the night staring at her.

Although she didn't like it very much, she still reached out and took the clothes when she thought about the giant cat's injury to save her yesterday.

Wells' eyes widened, looking at her with great excitement, his tail almost wagging like a windmill, whirring.

Those who didn't know thought it was a big excited dog.

Lu Qiu climbed off the table along the legs of the table, hid in the kitchen with his clothes in his arms, and closed the door to change his clothes.

Wells blinked and turned his head to turn on the live broadcaster that was smashed and not broken.

As soon as the live broadcaster is turned on, the live broadcast room is opened.

Wells already knew the existence of this live broadcast room, he modified the partition, changed it to the pet area, and changed the room name from Wells' live broadcast room to Wells' Qiu.

Because of yesterday's live broadcast, his followers are now close to 50,000, and after the heat subsided in the evening, some people came in sporadically.

This number of fans is really nothing in the huge live broadcast room, but he is a super rookie who has only broadcasted once, and this result is very good.

Many people still have fresh memories of yesterday's events, so when they saw the reminder of the broadcast, fans quickly jumped in to see what surprises and explosions there were today.

In the two minutes he set up the division, the number of online viewers reached 2,000.

"The live broadcast is on, so yesterday was all right?"

"Will the anchor broadcast live in the future? Did the script deliberately attract attention yesterday?"

The people who came to leave messages were asking about things related to yesterday. Wells didn't answer, but just pointed the camera of the live broadcaster at the kitchen door.

Lu Qiu had already changed his clothes. The clothes here are a bit weird for people to wear, like a straight tube with a huge collar. It has to be pulled or it will fall down the shoulder.

The main thing is that there are not many people who can dress like humans, and animals can only do so on all fours.

Not to mention the style, the material of the clothes is quite comfortable and soft, even the yarn and lace on the top are not cheap at all.

Seeing that she hadn't come out for a long time, Wells grabbed the door and pushed open the door tentatively.

The door was pushed open, but Lu Qiu was not standing behind the door. She turned her back to the camera, her long black hair scattered behind her.

The live ball turned forward and found that Lu Qiu was turning his body on his side, sewing the bow that should be worn on his head to his side shoulders.

One side of the originally open neckline was pulled down to reveal the shoulders, and the other side was pulled up and decorated with ornaments.

After a few simple stitches, Lu Qiu put down the needle and thread and turned to look at Wells.

In fact, the clothes are still a little too big and don't fit well, but people are naturally more suitable for wearing clothes than animals, and this current explosive style is so cute that people can't take their eyes off her.

The audience who kept asking what was going on yesterday in the comments all turned their attention to Lu Qiu.

"This dress is so beautiful? I bought it too, but after wearing it, it was so ugly that I was autistic and was laughed at by my companions for several days."

"Is this animal a mutant of our orangutan family? Why is it so ugly? Her hands are so short and her mouth is too small, how can she eat?"

"Don't use your own family's aesthetics to poison other people upstairs. I think this pet is very beautiful and super cute."

Wells also thinks his little pet is super cute.

Although he was reluctant, but he had already put it on, Lu Qiu leaned slightly while holding the corner of the skirt, then raised his hand and turned around.

The live broadcaster shot from top to bottom, and when the pink skirt was unfolded, the long black hair also spun with the skirt.

It's obviously just a hairless monkey without even feathers, but it looks so beautiful in a skirt.

Watching a live broadcast is more terrifying than a video with goods, which makes people want to open an online shopping website.

"I buy it, can't I buy it!"

"Although I can't wear it, I still ordered it. It's scary, but she's so pretty."

Wells looked at his pet with a mysterious smile on his face, glanced at the comments on the screen full of praise, and couldn't help raising his chin.

Of course his pets are the best.

As the live broadcast continued, the number of viewers who came in has exceeded 10,000, and it is still slowly increasing.

It's just that today's content is not as thrilling and twists and bizarre as yesterday. Many viewers who came to watch the novel idea found out that it was a pet dress-up show, and they withdrew without interest.

Originally, Wells's live broadcast was just a whim. He wanted to show off his pets to everyone. He didn't have any special plans or preparations. He didn't show his face, and he didn't feel much regret for those who left.

It went back and forth like this, and the number of people online stabilized at 20,000.

Most of these leftovers are female animals, just to watch Lu Qiu change clothes, see the effect of dressing like a fashion show, and then follow the orders to buy, buy, buy.

After watching such a live broadcast, they even bought several clothes unknowingly, but they still couldn't control themselves.

In good conscience, isn't this really a live broadcast with goods

Wells bought a cabinet of clothes, and Lu Qiu tried them one by one. In the end, she couldn't change them anymore. She didn't expect that changing clothes would be so tiring. She sat down on the ground and waved her hand to say no.

Looking at the dozens of pictures captured, Wells turned off the live broadcast with satisfaction.

It's a pity that the clothes are still lacking.

Not knowing that he was being broadcast live, Lu Qiu shook his arms and stuffed the pile of clothes back into the closet.

Wells put the little wardrobe by the wall near the cat's den.

From having no clothes to having a whole wardrobe of clothes, Lu Qiu's mood was very complicated, and he finally didn't have to worry about running away.

But seeing these clothes, she remembered the backpack that had been left in the forest and crossed with her.

So many days have passed, whether the backpack is still in place is also a problem.

Turning to look at the giant cat, Lu Qiu thought with a headache, how to express to him that he wanted to go to the forest to find something.

Is there really no such thing as a language translator in this high-tech world