Master Meow

Chapter 31


Lu Qiu was panicking now.

Since the last time she caught a cold, she has been in good health. She can eat, drink and sleep without any illness or pain. She is very energetic when she climbs up and down every day.

In this case, there is really no need to make a special trip to the hospital, so why exactly

Could it be because her human identity was discovered

There are no humans here, and she's an outlier to these animals, about as much as humans have seen aliens before.

So Wells finally found out that it was wrong to send her to the hospital for research

Lu Qiu looked around stiffly, trying to escape.

Although I don't know where to go, I can't stay here.

Seeing that her appearance was not quite right, Wells stepped forward and picked her up again, and patted her lightly in his arms.

"Don't be afraid, just check your body. Be good."

His voice was low and low, and his movements were extremely gentle.

Dr. Raccoon had known Wells for some time, and it was the first time he had seen such a tender side.

Lu Qiu lay down in the warm embrace of the giant cat, and his heart slowly calmed down. His attitude towards himself was the same as before, and he didn't harbor any malice. Maybe he was too sensitive.

So when Wells put her in the instrument again, although Lu Qiu was still apprehensive and worried, he was not as vigilant and fearful as before.

"She's so nice and cute." Dr. Raccoon praised.

Wells hummed, and stretched out his paws in front of Lu Qiu, asking her to hold him and not be nervous.

"It's okay, don't be afraid, don't be afraid."

Lu Qiu didn't understand, but the soft voice of the giant cat really eased her emotions.

After soothing the pet, Wells took the live broadcaster ball out of his pocket and opened it.

Because of yesterday's preview, more than 500,000 animals gathered in his live broadcast room early in the morning, waiting for the broadcast.

After waiting for a few hours, I finally saw the broadcast announcement.

The footage is aimed at a medical instrument in which the controversial pet sits for a physical examination.

is the hospital.

Even came to the hospital to clarify, but this is indeed a good way, but I don't know if I have colluded with the hospital in advance.

Wells still didn't speak, just stood silently watching.

The examination ended very quickly, and it didn't take more than two seconds before and after. It was just irradiated up and down twice by the lit light. No blood was drawn, and there was nothing.

Lu Qiu completely relaxed.

The light made her feel uncomfortable, so after the instrument turned around, she immediately reached out to Wells and asked to go on.

Sitting on the incomparably large apparatus, it seemed that only a small group of pets reached out to the owner for a hug. This scene made a large number of animals waiting to scold in the live broadcast room instantly stuck for two seconds.

There are many here who are watching Lu Qiu's live broadcast for the first time. Although they think it is good to see it in the replay, it is still different when facing the first live broadcast.

After screaming for a while, they began to frantically abuse Wells again. Such a cute pet can be abused, but it's still not a beast!

Wells approached Lu Qiu as soon as he stretched out his hand, and she hugged her.

The results of the examination are still a few minutes away. Dr. Raccoon is standing in front of a device so huge that it can almost reach the ceiling, and his paws quickly press something.

After a while, a row of changing human projections were projected in the air in front of them, including bones, internal organs, blood vessels and muscles. The structure of each module of these bodies, according to the current physical condition, is simulated back to the appearance at birth, so the patterns keep changing from adults to infants.

During this process of change, all the injuries that had occurred on her body were clearly listed next to them.

The pupil is slightly deformed, two upper molars have been extracted, the throat is slightly swollen, and the intestinal peristalsis is slow.

If you speak human words, that is, myopia, wisdom teeth, chronic pharyngitis, plus a constipation.

Modern people have a lot of work pressure, unhealthy life and rest, lack of exercise, lying in front of the computer every day, which is not a small problem.

Lu Qiu is relatively good. Her short-sightedness is not serious, only one hundred degrees, and she doesn't need to wear glasses.

Wisdom teeth were directly pulled out when they were inflamed before. Chronic pharyngitis has never recurred without spicy food. It is just a constipation problem that is a little annoying.

These small problems in Lu Qiu's body are almost equivalent to nothing in this world where medicine is so advanced.

That said, she's been very healthy in every way physically.

The results detected by this instrument are all real-time, and the physical characteristics of each animal are unique, and there is no possibility of falsification.

Therefore, yesterday, the real hammer on the territory said that the broadcaster abused pets, and now all of them have been overthrown and slapped in the face.

But that doesn't mean anything. Mental abuse is more terrifying than physical abuse.

The viewers who have been waiting for the explanation are not very satisfied with the inspection results.

"The anchor kept pets at home alone, and deliberately let spiders approach her to frighten her, forcing her to jump out of the window. Isn't mental abuse considered abuse?"

"Or maybe the anchor thinks it's good for her to give her a bite to eat, so she doesn't think there's anything wrong with letting her eat dead fish? I can't forgive mental torture!"

"The anchor is really terrible. Thinking about it carefully makes the beast's heart chill."

After the live broadcast room started, in the short period of time after the inspection results came out, the online number quickly climbed to 2 million, and now it has firmly ranked first in the pet area, and even climbed to the home page.

Seeing the results of the examination, Wells was also a little relieved. He mercifully took the time to glance at the comments, and after a few glances, his tail began to move impatiently, his eyes cold.

Turning his head slightly, he pointed the live broadcaster at himself. For the first time, that unobstructed face looked directly at the broadcaster, and looked directly at all the animals that were watching the live broadcast. There was a severe chill in the slightly shining amber pupils. .

It was like a monarch patrolling his territory, obviously he was not standing at a high place, obviously it was only in the hospital, but all the animals watching the live broadcast felt a chill down their spines the moment they met his gaze. It was as terrifying as if he would penetrate the screen and come to him in the next second.

At this moment, the entire comment area was blank, and no one spoke or commented for a long time.

Wells opened his mouth lightly.

"Without an investigation and no tangible evidence, he fabricates false rumors, slanders other animals at will, and spreads cyber violence widely on the Internet. This behavior violates Article 3 of Article 189 of the Imperial Internet Security Administration Law. It is stipulated that if the dissemination exceeds 10 million, the maximum penalty is 10 years in prison, and if the dissemination exceeds 100 million, the maximum penalty is 20 years in prison. Those who follow the trend and commit cyber violence will be punished equally. So far, articles slandering me have been forwarded over 100 million. I I have already reported to the police and handed in the evidence. Please pay attention to your notices recently. If you evade the punishment, the punishment will be doubled next time. In addition, I would like to tell the three of you that you know what you have done, you better turn yourself in. The evidence here will only be kept for one day and will be handed over to the police a day later.”

Such a long passage is the longest passage Welles has ever spoken in his life.

After he finished speaking, he directly opened the mute and block in the live broadcast room, and after a while, all the comments saying that he was abusive disappeared.

The entire live broadcast room was instantly clean. The number of online users had exceeded 1.5 million, but there was not a single comment. It was as clean as if the audience did not exist.

In fact, most of the viewers are now in a state of panic. They hurriedly read the messages they sent on the territory in the live broadcast room, and delete them like crazy.

This cat broadcaster looks like a beast and doesn't talk much, and he will do what he says. Cats are not as small as crows and tigers, and they will take revenge to the end if they offend them.

Most of the audience just said a few words at will, and it would be fine to delete it, but at that time, there were a lot of hot fans and a lot of big lords who followed and forwarded it. Because of the large number of fans, their forwarding has already passed a hundred times. Ten thousand.

Now they are also flustered.

But it was the three sisters who were most flustered.

The three sisters had to be as beautiful as they were last night. They couldn't climb high in the past, and the big lords and some big broadcasters who had almost no intersection with them came to pay attention to forwarding and interaction, and also private messaged a few words.

The number of their fans has directly increased tenfold, from one million to ten million, and the forwarding of that article has directly exceeded 100 million.

What is the concept of over 100 million, it is simply the pinnacle of their lives, and it is unknown whether there will be such popularity in the future.

There are even some pet product manufacturers who come to them to endorse, and there are two program interviews who want to do an interview with them.

The three sisters were excited all night, and they all waited to see what else he could explain after seeing Wells explain the live broadcast tomorrow.

They were all ready. If Wells said there was no physical abuse, it could also be labeled as mental abuse. Anyway, the hat of animal cruelty could not be shaken off.

They also hired a group of navy soldiers to bring the rhythm.

After the live broadcast started today, the three of them also went in to watch, just to see how Wells explained excitedly and nervously. When they saw that it was a hospital, they were a little worried, but the navy soon took effect, and the new rhythm was brought up.

But the joy didn't last long at all, and Wells just looked at them, making them feel bad.

Sure enough, after listening to his words, the three instantly became nervous.

Dinah shouted in a bit of a breakdown: "I just said, we don't have concrete evidence, so it's not good to post it directly. What should I do now? What should I do! I don't want to go to jail, I'm not married yet."

Wei Na was very calm: "It's just a bluff to say that he called the police, it doesn't matter even if he called the police, we can hire a lawyer, not to mention that this is what he showed us in the live broadcast, we are all speaking based on facts, and did not spread rumors. What you should pay attention to is his last sentence, what else did you do to get caught?"

Dinah didn't speak for a while, only denied: "No, there is nothing, I am busy broadcasting live broadcasts every day to promote pet care, how can I do what I have the energy to do. We have known each other for so long and you still don't know me? He is lying to us with nonsense. Bar."

Behind the screen, Dinah stared gloomily at the dialogue interface in front of her. The tips of her claws unconsciously pinched the ear of the long-haired bear beside her. The long-haired bear was so sore that her mouth opened and she kept struggling without making any sound. Its vocal cords have long since been removed.

Shanna also said: "He just said that he wanted us to mess up. We are often together, but don't know what each other does? Don't worry about this, let's think about how to deal with forwarding."

This topic was brought up very tacitly and naturally, and was never brought up again.

There was a panic all over the Internet because of Wells' words. Many people didn't believe it. They scolded Wells and thought that Wells was just a threat, and it was impossible to do anything. After all, so many people turned around and scolded him. But he said that he didn't believe it, but he had to guard against it, and he was still deleting the things he had previously forwarded.

Those who previously supported Wells, such as Judy, were instantly happy.

Judy hadn't slept for two days, and her eyes, which were originally black, were now as black as the bottom of a pot, and the thorns on the back of her head drooped listlessly.

But this time, she was like a chicken blood, and praised Wells for being handsome, as if it was not her who had been calling him a scumbag two days ago.

When Wells was speaking to the live ball, Lu Qiu also lay in his arms and looked up.

She had always thought it was an ordinary toy before, but now she realized that it was not.

Wells couldn't understand what he said. He only knew that his mood and attitude were very bad. His usual soft and warm voice became serious and cold, as if he was angry.

Trying to lean back, she reached out and stroked Wells' neck.

Wells felt the comfort from the little pet, his expression softened a little, he turned off the live broadcaster, and stuffed it back into his pocket.

Turning around and entering the room, Doctor Raccoon was still standing there, with those human projections still floating in front of him.

But the diagnosis results that appeared next to the projection at this time were not only those seen by the audience before, but also much more detailed.

As for Lu Qiu's physical condition, Wells didn't plan to let all animals see it, so he greeted the doctor in advance, and some information was not revealed yet.

Wells first asked how to solve the small problems that had appeared before.

Dr. Raccoon pointed at the projection and said, "As long as the eyes are corrected with an instrument, it will be fine. After the correction, close your eyes and apply ice for half an hour and you will be fine. After the throat is inflamed, the swelling has not completely disappeared. After two days of lozenges, it will be fine. Okay. There is also the stomach. Her stomach has good digestion ability. The stomach acid can dissolve most food. However, raw meat is not easy to eat, and bones cannot be digested. Pay attention to this. She has no sharp teeth and has poor chewing ability. Don't give it to her. If you eat something that is too hard, it is best to stew the food softly. The last thing is her intestinal problem. I add some nutritional supplements to the food and adjust it slowly. There is no need to take medicine."

Dr. Raccoon's posture is very professional, with a serious face, pointing to the parts of Lu Qiu's body on the projection.

He is an expert doctor in this hospital. He only receives a small number of clients and usually does not go out to see a doctor.

Wells listened carefully, nodding his head from time to time.

Seeing that Dr. Raccoon didn't mention her teeth, he took the initiative to ask: "Her molars were pulled out, does this affect her?"

Teeth are vital body parts for all animals, not only for their feeding, but also for their weapons.

The raccoon flicked its tail, the black front paws tapped on Lu Qiu's teeth, and the little white ears shook: "No, her body and teeth have degenerated, but the existence of these two molars It will affect her chewing and health, and pulling it out is the right thing to do."

It should have been a few years since it was unplugged.

Lu Qiu couldn't understand it, but he could see that they were discussing his teeth, and wanted to know what they were talking about.

She had two wisdom teeth before, and she suffered from oral ulcers for a while. After the ulcers healed, she quickly pulled them out. When I was a child, I liked to be clean. I brushed my teeth diligently. When I grew up, I cleaned my teeth regularly, so my teeth were healthy and there was no cavities.

Her eyes wandered around the two animals for a long time, and she had no choice but to give up. It was completely impossible to understand a long sentence after just learning a few words.

However, she calmed down completely, knowing that Wells brought her to the hospital just for a normal physical examination, not what she found.

After hearing that Lu Qiu had pulled out two molars a few years ago, Wells' paw pads pressed against Lu Qiu's palm.

Earlier, Ruth tried to find out Lu Qiu's origin, but it ended up in the Falling Star Forest. They thought her clan was there, but later found out that she was not. She should have appeared suddenly, not sent here, just like being teleported by space. the same. But he knows that the space teleportation technology has not been researched, and even the teleportation of dead objects is still being studied, and it is even more impossible to teleport living objects.

Ruth was very worried that Lu Qiu's origin was not found that day, so he sent Lu Qiu's facial features to the relationship network and searched all over the galaxy.

As of today, no news has come out.

Wells didn't stop Ruth from continuing to look for it, but he wasn't afraid that Lu Qiu would be plotting evil if he approached him.

The longer they got along, the more curious he became about Lu Qiu, the more he cared about it, and wanted to know what she had been through in the past and how.

This kind of curiosity has never been seen before, and he doesn't know why he has such curiosity.

But do what you want to do, Wells has always been a man of his heart.

Dr. Raccoon was still looking at a few changing body projections. The muscles showed that Lu Qiu's muscle strength was very, very weak, and he might not be able to beat even a cub.

Such a weak animal is unheard of.

"Have you injected her with system enhancers? Although she looks weak, she is healthy in all aspects and has no major problems. From bone analysis, she is twenty-five years old, and the skeletal line has been closed for about seven or eight years. She has entered adulthood for a long time. According to the deduction results, her lifespan is about a hundred years, and she is still an adult animal. This is good news. Although her physical skills are severely degraded, she has no sharp teeth and claws, but her lifespan is limited by In addition, the chimpanzee can only live for more than 70 years at the longest, and the monkey is only 60 years old. Maybe her mutation is not a regression, but an evolution, an evolution that is more adapted to the environment!"

As he spoke, the raccoon became a little excited, and looking at Lu Qiu's expression, he wished he could pull her to the laboratory for research now.

Wells hugged him a little tighter and looked at him coldly.

"Has her race been confirmed?"

The raccoon flicked the fluffy striped tail on the back, calmed down a little, and then looked at the analysis report: "It is not much different from monkeys and orangutans in terms of body structure, and it is more similar to orangutans in terms of ovarian development. These two Races are possible. Of course, scans alone can't draw precise conclusions, if you can get me to take a little blood, just a little, I'll definitely give you the results right now."

The raccoon rubbed its paws with a look of excitement and anticipation on his face.

Wells took a step back to interrupt his fantasy: "Don't think about it."

Taking blood is very delicate for them, but it is definitely rough for Lu Qiu, he can't bear to let the pet hurt.

"Impossible." He refused coldly.

Doctor Raccoon drooped his eyes in disappointment: "That's alright. By the way, your pet is already an adult. According to her physical condition, it seems that she can enter estrus every month. Are you considering breeding her? Or sterilization? Her size is too small, it is estimated that breeding will be a little difficult, but it is not impossible. Mutated breeds are very precious, do you want to leave more offspring? Of course, if you do not breed, it is better for them to be neutered, otherwise they will make trouble. Even the master dares to do that. You should know this very well."

Wells: "…"

Lu Qiu, who was completely incomprehensible, curled up involuntarily at this moment. He always felt that a gloomy wind was blowing, and the goose bumps on his body were about to rise.

Such a bad feeling!

Wells looked down at Lu Qiu, his eyes met her dark eyes.

Lu Qiu couldn't help shouting, "Wells."


Wells nuzzled her forehead.

After a while, he exhaled and said, "No breeding, no sterilization, it's too dangerous. She won't make trouble."

The raccoon nodded regretfully: "Okay, I'm just making a suggestion, it's up to you to do it or not."

Lu Qiu, who didn't know he had escaped, was also inexplicably relieved.

After a brief physical examination, Wells did not leave the hospital immediately, but went to the operating room to correct her eyes, took some prefilled lozenges, and took Lu Qiu all the way upstairs. Parked outside the top floor room.

This is the place where animals are tested, and it is also the main purpose of coming out this time.

Most of the people who will come here are not sure if their cubs are enlightened.

It has happened before that I thought the cub was stupid and immediately abandoned it. Finally, I found out that the cub was actually a wise animal. Because of resentment, the parents who abandoned him went back to take revenge and killed all the parents and the younger siblings who were born later.

There are also people who think that the child is very smart, but it turns out that it is just an ordinary animal when it is raised, and it can be raised as a pet if it is raised.

Therefore, there are still many animals in the testing institutions.

Wells bypassed the animals lined up at the equal sign and went directly to the VIP room at the end.

Lu Qiu was put into the instrument again, and the huge instrument like a hat came over her head, covering almost her entire body.

Wells stood outside and walked nervously back and forth, his tail swaying constantly, his eyes fixed on the instrument for a moment.

What will be the result

The author has something to say: here I come!

Moemaru: "I want to know how the cat walks while hugging people. Does the male protagonist walk standing up?"

(If you hold it with one paw, the cat can fly, so it doesn't matter if you use all four paws)

The golden years: "Our big cats are good at everything! Just... If they become human, they shouldn't still like the steel straight man aesthetic of the lace bow skirt of death Barbie fans... right?"

(hahaha very likely)

Ye Xin: "Ashamed to ask, can Wells become a young man with cat ears and cat tails?"

(Girl, you are very thoughtful, push your glasses)

Chai Mi You Salt Sauce Vinegar Tea: "Don't worry about getting dirty, it's just a physical examination, the first step from pet to wife is here [dog head]"

(hey hey, exciting)

Whoops YUAN: "Fuck??Fuck! Wells is a male protagonist, will he turn into a human?Fuck? I already accepted that this is a daily item of pet life without CP, and the result is A romantic twist? Huh? Mmmmmmmmm???"

Lei Monkey: "I thought this was a pure cat-sucking article without a male protagonist!! When I saw there was a male protagonist, I was about to shout that there was a cat and what kind of male protagonist would I need, but it turned out that the cat was the male protagonist, me? ?? Line 8 actually doesn't need to be a human being, the cat has a lot of sexy hair, I want to bury it!!"

Huihui: "Cat cats become human??? Wouldn't they be treated as monsters? What is the principle? There is no human species on this planet, so why do cats become human?"

Peter Pan Er: "Ya'er! Will it turn into a human? 555 I thought it was a human cat () secretly rubbing it, excited and distressed hahahahahahahaha

(Why does everyone think this is a human cat without CP?? How to fall in love with different species! There are traces of the male protagonist being able to change into a human being. If you have read the previous book, can you guess it? Will it be a spoiler now? In the future, if you have the conditions, you can become a human. At that time, this world will probably become an orc world.)