Master Meow

Chapter 33


In fact, Langdon has been paying attention to the development of the situation for the past two days.

He was determined not to believe that Wells would abuse pets. Although he was beaten with a sack so many times, it was only his own provocation before he did it.

Anyway, I don't completely blame Wells, he still knows this.

He just likes to see Wells looking angry, even when he jumps up and hits him.

Therefore, when many famous lords went off to help retweet, he remained indifferent and pretended not to see it.

In fact, this matter is very easy to solve, that is, what he said. His fans have already exceeded 5 billion, and he is more influential than many stars. As long as he can say something for Wells, no matter how badly the three are, it will be useless to get more hot searches.

So Landon had been waiting for Wells to come and beg him.

But wait left, wait right, wait left, wait right, and when he finally couldn't help but take the initiative to send a message to Wells, the cat still ignored him completely, and didn't reply to him on the live broadcast.

Langdon was about to explode.

His kind heart turned into a donkey's liver and lungs like this, and he just wanted to follow him.

He was squatting in Wells' live broadcast room eight hours in advance, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became. Heard Wells' righteous explanations and threats.

Did he find evidence

For those three pet anchors, Lang Dong had heard a lot of gossip for a long time. None of the three were clean, and there was a lot of blood on his hands. I wanted to cling to him before, and kept sending private messages to him, so he ignored them, so he wouldn't get along with such disgusting animals.

Therefore, in the morning when the three anchors posted a second miserable article and led fans to hack Wells again, Langdon, who was lying in front of the screen and was dazed, looked at the abusive remarks, and felt for a moment. He was dreaming, and he thought that someone was scolding him in the dream, so he put his claws on the interface and fired back with passion.

A large number of fans and passers-by who were madly insulting Wells were instantly stunned. At first, they thought it was just a copycat number of Langdon. No excuses were found.

He also sprayed several lines in a row, the words are sharp and the content is rich, which makes people stunned.

Langdon has always given the impression of being a noble, elegant, gentleman and gentleman. He treats any animal with courtesy and just right. I don't know how many animals envy the pets he keeps.

But now, this dream beast in the minds of all animals is scolding people, and the scolding is so rude and rude, just like those trolls on the Internet.

Wasn't it stolen

How could he say such a thing!

Just like a super missile blowing up a planet, it detonated the entire network in an instant, and the territory that had been running smoothly for so many years was almost paralyzed.

For the first time, animals know what a network lag is.

At this time, Lang Dong went to sleep contentedly after scolding people. He didn't know how much trouble the outside world caused because of him. This is much bigger than the Wells thing, after all, his identity is extraordinary.

That's what Ruth wanted Wells to see.

The relationship between Langdon and Wells has always been on the verge of fire and water. Langdon would actually speak for him this time, and he still used this method to attract all the firepower to himself. Ruth was also stunned when he saw it, and he didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

But Wells had all his heart on Lu Qiu, and was not interested in watching the terminal that kept flashing. He just thought that Ruth was going to say that the three anchors were acting as demons, so he just said a word.

Ruth was helpless, so he had to let people put all the evidence that had been sorted out before.

The three Wei Na sisters were all stunned at this time. Who would have thought that Lang Dong would take care of this matter. They had been begging for so long and they had not received a response. It turned out that they were waiting here from the beginning.

Under these words from Langdon, the army that was still helping to scold Wells was instantly defeated. A large part of these animals were fans of Langdon, not only diehard fans but also passers-by fans. Possibly the opposite of someone you like.

It was also at this time that Ruth listed the evidence of animal cruelty among the three sisters one by one.

It was a five-hour video and video. The video was divided into three parts. The first part was Dina, who seemed to have the mildest temper and never got angry.

However, Dina, the best-tempered and gentlest, cut off the long-haired bear's vocal cords, cut off her claws, and even used a long steel comb to comb the long-haired bear's fur. The blood-covered long-haired bear struggled around. But he was pressed back again, and he couldn't even make a sound.

After the bear was tortured to death, Dinah looked at the camera with a smile on her face, peeled the bear with bare paws and ate it, and the appearance of blood on her mouth was a nightmare.

This scene was so bloody that many viewers couldn't watch it without sticking to it for ten minutes.

The other two, Weena and Shanna, didn't torture their pets to death like Dinah did. Weina used the long-haired bear farm as a hunting ground. She hunted a batch every two days, and finally made the pile of long-haired bear meat into jerky, packaged it as other animal meat and sold it.

Yes, she also opened an online store, and the business is neither good nor bad. After they exploded in the past two days, the business of this store came up instantly, and all the food in the store was sold out.

Now the animals that have eaten jerky are sick and vomited.

The last Shanna did not abuse animals, but she killed Kaizhi animals, and the bones of those dead animals are still buried in her yard.

Before posting the evidence of the three anchors, Ruth first called the police. When the matter was fermenting on the Internet, the police had already arrived at the residence of the three anchors and arrested them directly.

The police reported the arrest and preliminary results of the interrogation online.

All three confessed to what they had done, and sentencing was inevitable.

In just two days, the development of the situation changed again and again, and each wave was more exciting and exciting. Until the dust settled, and when it was still this result, most of the animals were dumbfounded and full of utter utter utter utter utter utter scorn.

Apart from these two words, they couldn't find any other words to describe their current mood.

I had followed the animals who had followed the three anchors before, and they were immediately blocked and deleted, and then they were as quiet as chickens, not daring to say a word, lying flat and mocking. who blinded them.

The happiest one here is Judy. After dancing wildly in the nest for ten minutes, she started a topic under her account with bigger dark circles than before and apologized to Wells.

Wells has been scolded by them for so long, and now that the truth is revealed, it is indeed time to apologize.

But the matter has not completely subsided. Lang Dong's swearing remarks are still hanging there, and there has been no movement, neither deletion nor speech.

His agent was on the verge of going insane, he slammed into the door and woke him up, pressing his head on the Internet to clarify.

There was chaos outside. Wells and Lu Qiu, who were at the center of the turmoil, were calm to the point where nothing happened.

Lu Qiu didn't eat much for lunch, and there was nothing she wanted to eat. In the end, she ordered two pieces of meat, but the taste was too fishy and unpleasant. She didn't eat it all and passed it on to Wells. Wells was reluctant to let her be hungry and didn't eat a single bite. He directly picked up Lu Qiu and went outside the city without stopping for a moment. Then he boarded the aircraft and set the fastest speed to return to the stone castle.

It took half an hour to come, and twenty minutes to go back.

Ruth didn't know they would be back at noon and didn't prepare lunch.

As soon as he saw Wells, he wanted to meet him and talk about the Internet, but Wells pushed him away and got into the large kitchen downstairs.

Everything I bought this morning has been delivered to my house. Wells sifted through a pile of aquatic products for a long time, picked some small fish and mashed them into mud, and cooked them into fish balls.

The fish balls were very tender, with almost nothing but a pinch of salt.

Lu Qiu didn't expect Wells to be able to cook, and to do it so well.

Although the robot chef peels the shrimp, the robot does the mud, and even the dumpling and salting are done by the robot, and Wells is only responsible for boiling the water.

After making a lot of fish balls, Lu Qiu ate a small portion, and the rest went into Wells' stomach.

After eating, Wells took out the medicine he had taken from the hospital from his pocket, grabbed it for a long time, opened the bottle and stuffed a piece into her mouth.

The medicine has a sweet grassy smell and is not cold, but the throat, which was a little uncomfortable, was instantly smoothed out, and it was extremely clear.

Lu Qiu's chronic pharyngitis was not severe, but every time he drank milk drinks, or ate something sour and spicy, he would feel uncomfortable for a while.

Seeing that she finished her medicine, Wells took her upstairs.

There are a lot of things to buy, and the bedroom is also piled up a lot.

Wells sifted through the pile of things for a long time, and found a very beautiful box about one meter and pushed it into her arms. There is a long white pattern on the casing of the box, like a stick, I don't know what it is.

When he bought it, Lu Qiu was puzzled for a long time. After groping to open the box, there were bags with individual small packages. Inside the bags were candies in the shape of white teeth. Sugar is the size of a thumb.

Wells helped her to unpack it, and the pink paw pad held the unique candy and placed it in front of Lu Qiu to signal her to eat it.

Taking the candy and stuffing it into his mouth, Lu Qiu grabbed the paw pad and pressed it.

The sugar spreads out quickly after entering the mouth, like sand, and begins to adhere to the teeth. After a while, it feels like a layer of things is wrapped around the teeth.

Just when she wondered to find a mirror to see what was going on, the feeling on her teeth had quietly disappeared.

I licked my teeth again, and the tartar that had accumulated due to not brushing my teeth for many days disappeared instantly.

So, it's not some sugar, but something that cleans the teeth.

No need to brush your teeth, you only need to eat one to solve the problem, which is convenient, fast and clean.

It's no wonder that things like toothbrush and toothpaste have not been found before.

After solving another important matter, Lu Qiu was in a very happy mood.

Originally, she also thought that if she really couldn't find something to brush her teeth, she would make one by herself. People can't keep brushing their teeth all the time.

She also paid special attention to Wells' mouth. Generally speaking, even if the cat does not have stomatitis, the taste in the mouth will not be particularly clean, but the giant cat's mouth has no taste at all, it is quite fresh, it seems that it is also this kind of tooth cleaning candy 's credit.

Potting his butt, he and Wells unpacked together. They were happy with the unpacking. Ruth finally climbed up and called twice from the window.

"My lord, my lord."

Wells didn't turn his head back and said, "Isn't the matter resolved?"

"No, it has been solved. After calling the police, all three have already entered. The police found a large number of abused animals and killed animals in their residences and farms. Now the evidence is conclusive, and there is no possibility of them coming out. ."

"what else"

Ruth scratched his paw on the windowsill and said, "Before we called the police, Mr. Landon came off and scolded a lot of animals for you."

Wells finally stopped, frowned and asked, "He? What does he want to do?"

"He explained on the Internet that he is a childhood sweetheart with you and is a very good friend, so he couldn't help trying to defend you."

Wells: "???"

Wells' brow arched a deep fold, and he took a long breath to calm down.

In fact, at the beginning, his relationship with Langdon was not as bad as it is now.

When Wells was first brought to the palace, the first friend he met was Langdon.

Because Lang Dong is a relative of the Queen's family, he often comes to the palace with his parents. Later, when he went to school, he stayed in the capital star, and he met more time.

At that time, Wells was unfamiliar and wary of everything, and the first one who took the initiative to approach him to show his favor was Langdon, who came with the eldest prince.

Langdon is enthusiastic and lively, not afraid of Wells' indifference, always following his ass, bringing him some food from time to time.

Wells once cherished this friendship and sincerely regarded Langdon as a good friend.

After receiving a lot of gifts, but nothing in return, he hesitated for a long time and decided to give him his favorite string that he had worked so hard to get.

There was another banquet that day, and Lang Dong would come with the others. He slipped out with a ball of thread in a mood of anxiety and anticipation, but heard Lang Dong talking with a group of friends.

It turned out that he was only punished to be close to himself and be friends with himself after he lost the bet.

He didn't like him that much either, he even thought he was rude, didn't understand anything, was like a douchebag, was always dirty, and stained his dress every time.

Now that I think about it, it's just a trivial matter, but it was a huge blow to Wells at the time.

After that, he didn't dare to make any more friends, and he didn't want to let any animals get close to him.

The two were so estranged, and Langdon was no longer as gentle in front of him as he pretended to be before, and began to reveal his true nature.

He seems to be gentle and polite, but he has a very arrogant personality. His mouth is very poisonous and very arrogant. Wells endured for a long time, and finally couldn't help but beat him for the first time. Of course, he was punished more severely afterwards.

Since then, Langdon's ridicule has intensified.

Their relationship has never been better. To this day, Langdong still provokes one or two things from time to time, as if he's used to it, and it's uncomfortable if he doesn't talk cheap for a day.

Wells didn't expect him to say online that they were good friends, and this instantly aroused bad memories in him.

"Don't respond."

He said, without opening the terminal to take a look, he picked up the scattered things to the side, picked up Lu Qiu, who had looked up at them for a long time, and entered the cathouse.

The doctor said that he should interact with the pet and teach him more. He took out the mobile terminal and opened the course he had just learned at the beginning to continue.

Lu Qiu's enthusiasm for learning is very high now, and he originally planned to continue his studies in the afternoon.

It's just that there is no pen and paper here, and it is very troublesome to practice writing.

Sitting on the table earlier, he could practice drawing on the table with his fingers. This would be hugged by the cat, and Lu Qiu's fingers unconsciously drew on Wells' furry arm.

Wells didn't feel much at first. Lu Qiu's unconscious force was very light and comfortable, but the feeling of being touched by the fur made him feel a little itchy, so itchy that he wanted to lower his head and scratch it, as if there were fleas Jump around the entire back ridge the same way.

Wells began to read along with the words on the image, but after enduring one word after another, Lu Qiu's hand still didn't stop, and he finally couldn't help itching.

The giant cat suddenly raised its claws to support Lu Qiu, turned over and lay down in the cat's nest, putting the person on the back of his head.

Then he grabbed Lu Qiu's arm with his backhand with difficulty, and pulled her hand to rest on his head.

Lu Qiu: "???"

Wells looked back at her.

The man and the cat looked at each other for a moment, and Lu Qiu tentatively drew a circle on the cat's head with his fingers, and a comfortable purr sounded.

Wells's body fell down comfortably and was paralyzed again. The interaction plan and teaching plan he thought about before he came back all came to nothing under Lu Qiu's fingers.

Lu Qiu hilariously used his head as a drawing board and practiced his strokes while massaging.

The words here are really weird. Even if she has super good eyesight now, it is easy to mistake it if she is not careful. It is even more disaster for those animals with poor eyesight.

This is indeed the case, so many animals have downloaded text aids in their terminals. Once the fonts are scanned, they will be automatically broadcast in their ears, so that they will not be mistaken.

Today's character recognition process is also quite difficult. After consolidating a few characters I learned earlier, and learning three new characters, I came out with some short sentence training, which are all sentences made from the learned characters. She squinted at it for a long time, and then stumbled and said half a sentence.

Wells kept squinting but not falling asleep. He listened to Lu Qiu listening to short sentences over and over again, because he couldn't understand and beat his head in a hurry.

Lu Qiu was indeed in a hurry, but the more anxious he became, the more sloppy his mouth became. He was able to stumble and read it before, but now he can't read two words.

With a sigh, Lu Qiu turned off the terminal and closed his eyes, wanting to be quiet.

Wells listened to her anxiety, and followed suit. But he had never raised a cub or a teacher, and he didn't know what to do to help him.

So he secretly opened the terminal, minimized the interface, and started searching the Internet again. How to teach the cubs to read and what to do if the cubs have difficulty speaking

Shutting back and forth between different posts, and finally let him touch the parent-child website.

There are several methods proposed on the website, but the most useful is to talk more, talk to the cub more, let it familiarize with the voice, and then guide it to talk more.

Wells closed the website thoughtfully, turned over on top of Lu Qiu, and moved her from the back of his head to his neck.

He then climbed up with the person in his arms, and after sweeping his gaze around, he moved to the house where Lu Qiu lived.

He pointed to the hut and said to Lu Qiu seriously, "The house."

He pointed to the litter box at the back and said, "Basin."

Just like this, he walked forward, pointing to the things around him and calling her names one by one.

"Table, wardrobe, clothes..."

Lu Qiu was a little unclear at first, but she quickly realized that Wells was teaching her to recognize things at home.

Although Wells didn't say it quickly, she couldn't remember so many things for a while. She wasn't a robot, and she didn't have the ability to remember them.

Wells wasn't bothered either, so he read it to her back and forth again and again, and the low voice never stopped.

Lu Qiu also tried his best to read along with him.

Hearing her non-standard pronunciation in a small voice, it was obviously strange, but how cute it was, Wells just felt so soft-hearted that he couldn't help rubbing his chin on the top of her head.

Why are pets so adorable!

If before meeting Lu Qiu, he was asked to teach a non-speaking animal to read and write so patiently and meticulously, he would definitely not do it, even if the knife was on his neck, even if he was about to die, this kind of thing would definitely not happen. It couldn't have happened to him.

But now, I can only say that it is delicious. Not only was he not bothered, he was enjoying it.

When Ruth came up to deliver dinner, what he saw was the earl from his family, who was always too lazy to talk because of trouble. He was holding a small pet and kept chatting until the corners of his mouth were foamed and he would not stop.

Wells was really thirsty after talking about it all night.

Lu Qiu still didn't remember all of them, only a few that were easier to read.

She was afraid that she would forget, and pointed to the few that she only remembered and told Wells.

It was a rare time to say so much. Wells didn't want to open his mouth, but he hummed softly and corrected her pronunciation.

Ruth felt a little distressed and urged him to drink water quickly.

Wells was lying on the edge of the waterfall pool and squinted his eyes and drank a lot of water in one breath. Only then did Lu Qiu realize that the giant cat had been working really hard this afternoon. Tiptoe to wipe his mouth.

He hadn't slept all day, and after dinner, Wells lay lazily in the cat's litter, squinting his eyes and quickly fell into a deep sleep.

Lu Qiu leaned beside him and consciously reached out to massage his hair.

But I don't know if I drank too much water in one breath, Wells just slept for a while, and couldn't help getting up again.

Lu Qiu was leaning against him to look at the mobile terminal, and was stunned for a moment when he was suddenly pushed away by the cat.

I saw the giant cat fly to the side of the litter box with fluttering footsteps, and then squatted half-squatting in the basin with a squinted face, its long hairy tail raised high.

Lu Qiu suddenly widened his eyes.

I couldn't help leaning on tiptoe beside the cat's den and peeking at him.

After being here for so long, in fact, she has never bumped into a big cat to go to the toilet once. This is the first time.

Lu Qiu rubbed his hands together, a strange smile appeared on his face.

The author has something to say: Bai Bai Bai Ting: "Da Miao: Could this ignorant feeling in my heart be love??"

(You said that holding hands is an agreement, but that is not love, my dear. Sorry, I suddenly want to sing hahaha)

The golden years: "The intelligence test of the horse... It's not suitable for human beings at all, ignore it~~

The big cat shopping is completely domineering president cat has wood! ! !

The baby rhino is dead! I will also give gifts to Qiuqiu! "

(But the budding friendship was pressed back)

Qingtong: "So in the end, will the children they give birth have smooth or hairy skin???"

(It can be smooth or plush!)

Xiaozhu by the stream: "Hey! Speaking of which, it is said that cats are counted in seconds! It's at most ten seconds at a time!"

Hee hee: "Well... I also thought of it, the cat's one has barbs... "

Ye Xin: "I'm a little scared, I remember that the cat is short and short, seconds, and undercuts... Can he be the male lead without having sex with our sister, it feels so painful (?o? ;"

Crying: "The cat is not a small problem, it has barbs and it hurts (TT)"

(Don't think about this problem! Stop your brains, big cats don't want to lose face!)

Xiyouzi: "The cat is full of thoughts about raising cubs, hehe, and Qiuqiu is full of thinking about eating, sleeping, and slapping cats and cats."

(different channel hahaha)

Muyuyu: "Can you turn into a human? I seem to remember that the human race has disappeared for a long time. Since I couldn't find the female lead's race, I thought it was a hairless monkey. Does it mean that there are no descriptions and images of human form

Quietly waiting for the big round. /Clever"

(Hey, I'll talk about it later)

Chai Mi You Salt Sauce Vinegar Tea: "Is the big cat so crazy? The mood is complicated, girls should be careful out of perverts! Even if he looks cute, he can't (I can't be an old mother in autumn)"

(Hahaha, no, you can't!)

One two three old: "Speaking of sterilizing cats, I suddenly remembered a post I read on Tieba before: The landlord said that one night she dreamed that her cat had become a peerless and beautiful man, and she looked completely in line with her aesthetics. , when she was excited, she woke up from the dream. Some netizens gave her the ending "He approached you slowly and whispered in your ear with a charming smile: Do you regret casting me now? "—At this moment, I deeply feel that it is quite wise to regard the male protagonist as the female protagonist."

(It's too bad, it's too bad)

Caiwei: "Maomao is really possessive, and the little rhino just chats with Qiuqiu for a day and will be isolated... By the way, the cat is really like the death of a beloved chongqiwawa. Perverted otaku…”

(No, cats are innocent, cats are not)

Lightning cat: "Thanks to the author for the comment, which solved my various doubts. I used to watch it as a cat movie, but now I finally found the feeling of watching romance, the glamorous and noble third prince of the empire and his The sweet and cute little wives' mutual petting daily... The beautiful prince who refused to be thousands of miles away turned into a coquettish idiot and a clinging spirit, is this the annihilation of cat sex or the loss of morality? get"

(Hahaha, welcome to watch today's talk)

The poem in the knife bush: "In the future, will our big cats and Qiuqiu have cute little cats? They will become people with fluffy ears!

Think of the fierce and gentle appearance of the big cat, you must cry warmly with the little cat! "

(I guess even if there is, it will be on the sidelines)

Wild mushrooms grow in the alley: "... the test still has such results... Then I used to be 80% stupid"

(Jimi, you are not! You are the best)