Master Meow

Chapter 55


The Yanbeast Empire a thousand years ago was not the same as it is today. It had ten habitable planets and could travel through the universe in a spaceship at will. It was a huge empire.

At that time, almost most animals were concentrated on one planet, and of course that planet was not the capital star today.

This was migrated later, and before that, they also had a parent star, called the central star.

But the central star has long since turned into dust, and I don't know which corner it will drift to with the cosmic storm.

It is said that the entire planet is about to be destroyed, and the animals on the planet exhausted their efforts to build a spaceship and escaped with a small number of animals, but an accident happened in the middle, and not many animals survived. Later, the spacecraft crashed on the current capital star, and it took root here. With the original technology, it slowly developed and grew, and achieved the current empire.

It can be said that the biggest difference between now and then is not technology, but an animal that has long been extinct, which has been mentioned many times in the data center data.

Nowadays, most of the intelligent animals have the same similar gene in the body, and this gene all comes from the same animal, that is, human.

The image of people in their minds is the embodiment of intelligence and wisdom, because the more human genes they have, the more likely they are to be enlightened.

Although not absolute, this claim has been demonstrated.

Up to now, animals only know the general description of people. They resemble orangutans and monkeys. They have no tails, can walk upright, have good endurance, and can climb trees and go into water.

There is a folklore that in the beginning, animals could become humans.

Exactly how it has changed, no animal can tell clearly, and few animals believe it.

After all, since they were born, unless it is through surgery, they cannot evolve and change again.

But Felix knew that this was not a legend, but a reality.

Animals can indeed become people, and can change freely between the two.

Animal life will be much longer after becoming human.

But after so many years, so many kings abdicated and died, and passed it on to his generation, but he never found a way to become human.

Felix had heard the sighs and expectations of the previous king and himself.

Living to his age, with high power and authority in the world, who would want to die like this.

However, the technology to delay aging is limited, and even if you can live, your physical strength and energy will not be as good as before.

Felix could clearly feel that he slept longer than before. After a meeting, he was very tired and took a long rest to recover.

The moment he saw Lu Qiu, he remembered what he said about people in the document a long time ago.

According to the data records and the reconstructed map of genes extracted from animal bodies, if humans really exist, they should be very similar to Lu Qiu.

It's just that in the minds of all animals, human beings are very powerful. Even if they can walk upright, they must have sharper claws. Instead of seeming to evolve like Lu Qiu, in fact, all functions have degenerated.

Felix was also a little undecided.

When he was young, the imperial-funded scientific research team continued to study the special human genes in animals, but there was no reference, and nothing too useful was ever researched. After many attempts with gene editing technology, the research came out. Many monsters, but none of the successful experiments came out. Later, these projects that violated the laws of nature were stopped and did not continue.

Felix felt like he might not be able to wait for the time to become human.

The data center is deep underground in the palace. Only the blood of the royal family can be opened and entered, and it is very closely guarded.

The huge cat sprinted towards the depths of the underground palace with a slightly slow movement, passed through layers of passes, and finally stood in front of a gate.

Open the door, and there is a huge machine that can hardly be seen at a glance. The surrounding of the machine seems to be covered with mist and illusion, and there seem to be many voices mixed together, whispering and buzzing in the ear, listen more It will feel a pain in the brain.

Felix also hesitated for a moment. He approached the machine, turned off the projections and sounds, and pressed his claws under the machine. After a while, the room suddenly changed. Open, the planets flicker and jump, and the familiar and unfamiliar planets appear one by one.

But on this galaxy map, there is an emerald green planet, which is the central star that has disappeared from the universe.

Felix lightly clicked on the central star, the planet zoomed in, and the scenery above was getting closer and closer.

The incomparably tall "people" hunted and lived in groups and built houses. Some traces of orangutans could be seen on their faces. Their backs were slightly raised, their hands and feet were long, and their muscles were powerful.

Only half of what I actually see is real and the other half is fake, all of which are deduced and simulated based on machines and various data.

Felikin pulled out the information about people and looked at it.

He has not been here for many years, and when I look at it today, there is an extra image in the human database.

"Human Deduction Diagram No. 19680."

This machine will deduce according to various forms, and a new result will appear every once in a while.

Felik opened the image with indifference, and then stopped.

I saw an animal with almost no body hair except for its hair. His back was straight, his upper limbs were shortened and severely degenerated, his head was obviously widened and rounded, his forehead and upper jaw were receded, and there were no sharp teeth and claws, but fingers. Flexible and easier to operate the tool.

It's too similar, if you change the gender, this is simply another Lu Qiu!

Felix almost couldn't wait to reopen the news and found a comparison of Lu Qiu's still pictures.

Suppose, if the result of this deduction is correct, then Lu Qiu is likely to be a human.

After coming to this conclusion, Felix was stunned for a while, and wished he could arrest Lu Qiu now and study it.

How did she mutate? Where did she come from, why did she mutate, and how did she just mutate into a human being.

All kinds of chaotic thoughts kept rolling and stirring in my mind.

But at the same time Felix was hesitant and unbelievable. Because Lu Qiu was too weak and too young, not even a cub. She can't do almost anything without borrowing tools, and I haven't found anything particularly smart about her at present. At most, her fingers are a little more flexible, but what's the use of it.

Can human beings be so weak

Does becoming a human make her just like her? If he gave up his strong physique and continued to live with his weak body, would he still be able to sit firmly on the throne

Felix was lost in confusion, and for a while he didn't know what the royal family had been working on for so many years.

He re-read Lu Qiu's data, the data center will automatically record the public data of every animal using the terminal. Including those posted by Wells in the news, the detailed results of Lu Qiu's examination in the hospital can be seen.

Looking at it again, I still have to sigh with emotion. It's really too weak. The muscle strength can be so weak that I can't even climb up the windowsill, let alone hunting.

There is something wrong with this evolutionary direction.

But whether it is right or not is a hope and direction.

Felix frowned and looked at the report. Lu Qiu was twenty-five. Where did she live in the first twenty-five years? There is no record whatsoever.

This question is very important. After thinking about it, he opened the terminal and sent some messages out.

"Find out her origins and all her pasts."

After sending the message, he turned off the data and got up, passed through the room, and continued to walk deeper.

Further ahead is not a place to store data, but a huge weird laboratory.

This is the last thing left by the Central Star. After the last batch of humans passed away, it was sealed up, and fewer and fewer animals knew about it. In the end, only the Royal Family Data Center still had a few records.

The equipment inside looks quite old, and I don't know if it can still be used.

The room was sealed up, and the equipment inside would be maintained by a robot from time to time.

There are two large beds in the center of the laboratory, which now crunch when touched.

There was also a huge stone tortoise in the corner, the tortoise shell was polished.

Every time the king is handed over, he will come to this strange laboratory, and all the secrets are here.

The key to becoming a human is to need a real human being, which is the most important reason why the experiments can only be stranded for so many years.

If you don't try it, how will you know if Lu Qiu is human, or if he can retain his original abilities after becoming a human.

But Lu Qiu was next to Wells. Thinking of Wells' time with her, and his past appearance, Felix finally sighed.

I have waited for so many years, and it is not at this time.

Felik left the data center full of thoughts, and after he closed the channel, a black and white patterned cat with blue eyes slipped in silently.


After the sleeping hut was torn down by Wells, he quickly bought a new hut online that night.

It seems that he has made up his mind not to continue sleeping in the cat litter.

Aside from being stronger and more gorgeous, the new cabin is not much bigger than the previous one.

I don't know if it is more comfortable to curl up in such a small space.

The new house has doors and windows on the top. It is fully automatic and quite high-end. The walls in the house also have adjustable lighting.

The walls can be replaced with wallpaper at any time, in any color you want, and the walls can even heat up and cool down. It can be cooled at any time when it is hot, which is much more advanced than the previous one.

There is still no bed, the floor is a new one-meter-thick carpet, and there is a nest when you walk.

This new nest was not for Ruth to do, it was assembled by Wells himself. After it was installed, he went straight into it, then lay down, paws on the cushion and let Lu Qiu come in.

The new house feels better to sleep in.

After that, the days were calm as usual, and there were no more waves.

The turmoil on the Internet also slowly stopped, and it did not cause too serious consequences because of Langdong's sudden collapse of the animal design.

He also simply gave up the previous style, and the hair grew out in two or three days. This time, he changed his look and dyed his head pink, and he took on a cool personality style.

He also called on the Internet to pay attention to the heart of animals, face up to himself, and even set up a foundation to establish animal psychology clinics in various places.

For this reason, he made another news, or an interview with the official news of the Empire, and praised him by name.

Some of the advertising manufacturers who wanted to replace him because of his bad image have come anew, and the resources are even better.

Overall, this live broadcast also gave Langdon more opportunities to take his fame to the next level.

Compared to his high profile, Wells is still as low-key and mysterious as always. So far, he has only posted a few photos of Lu Qiu on the day he opened the Territory account, and he has not said anything else.

Lu Qiu steals a little time every morning and slowly goes through all the photos and videos of Wells when he was three and four years old.

When he was three years old, the photos and videos were all taken in the near future. Wells was very lively and talkative. Although he was not very fluent, he would say that he missed his home, his mother, and did not like the palace. Incredibly cute.

Lu Qiu clutched his chest many times, feeling that he was about to be turned into a cute one, so he could not wait to rush in and hug him tightly and take two gulps.

But by the age of four, almost all of the photos were candid.

No other animals appeared around Wells, he was always alone, and his expression became gloomy, angry, alert, and often frizzy.

Lu Qiu knew at this time that he should have known that his mother had passed away, and that he had been deceived by his only friend, so he completely put aside his previous innocence, and his body was covered with spikes.

Wells learned to read and hunt with a cat alone. His skills in climbing trees have improved a lot, and he can already fly, but because there is no animal education, he can fly staggeringly, and he does not dare to accelerate or fly higher, and occasionally falls.

When he fell, he licked his hair like a cat and got up again.

Langdon tried to get close, but as soon as he got close, Wells bared his teeth at him, showing an attacking appearance, then turned and walked away at a fast speed.

Lu Qiu had seen several times that he had wounds on his body, and he didn't know where he got them. Some gray hairs had begun to appear, and these wounds were very conspicuous.

Langdon secretly put the medicine in the place Wells used to pass by, but when he went to see it the next day, the medicine was still there.

Lu Qiu looked sour.

She only hides in the kitchen to take a peek at Wells every day when she sleeps in the morning. Every time she sees it, she is extremely distressed, so when facing Wells, she behaves extraordinarily clinging and attentive, always hanging on He refused to come down.

Even Wells squatted outside when he was going to the toilet. From time to time, he wanted to glance at him through the gap, so shocked that the giant cat couldn't squat down in the litter box.

Wells thought she was frightened again, otherwise why is it so abnormal.

After being interrupted several times while squatting in the litter box, Wells finally pulled Lu Qiu aside.

He frowned and asked, "Are you unhappy?"

Lu Qiu was also shocked, thinking that his daily peeking photos and videos had been discovered.

In fact, she didn't know why she didn't want Wells to know what she was looking at. She always felt that Wells might not want to see those things or recall the past.

"I'm not unhappy." Lu Qiu shook his head, and the cat's nail pendant on his neck swayed as she swayed.

Wells touched the pendant lightly, and seeing that Lu Qiu still refused to tell him the truth, his brows became tighter.

This feeling is not good, very bad.

Lu Qiu found that the giant cat was angry, it was really unhappy, and it was quite obvious.

After lunch, he lay beside him, not actively teaching her to read as usual. He put his four claws under his body and lay down on the ground. He didn't sleep, didn't speak, didn't move, and looked straight ahead, like a statue.

When Lu Qiu leaned up, he didn't react, only flicking his tail occasionally.

"Wells?" Lu Qiu called him twice.

The giant cat turned his head and glanced at her, his eyes were neither cold nor indifferent, he turned around after reading it, and did not respond as usual.

Lu Qiu tentatively patted his flank, but still didn't resist, but the giant cat quietly floated to the side, not far, only two or three centimeters.

So obvious resistance.

Lu Qiu moved a little closer to him, then leaned up again, laying himself on top of him.

This time Wells gently laid her down on the ground and floated directly to the ceiling, sticking to the ceiling like a balloon and refusing to come down.

Lu Qiu knew that he was so angry that he didn't want to talk to himself.

But there was no obvious conflict between them, so why was he suddenly so angry.

Thinking back on what he did in the past two days, that is, hiding the fact that he saw the photos of him when he was a child, and also hiding the use of cat hair as a gift.

Apart from these, she has no other secrets.

Did Wells notice it? Although she was not caught, she was actually bumped into several times, and what she did was not secret at all.

It must be angry, or sulking, it is estimated that it has been held back for several days, and it broke out today because I couldn't hold it back.

Having experienced deception before, Wells definitely doesn't like to be deceived again, and he keeps saying it's okay.

Thinking about it from another point of view, Lu Qiu suddenly felt guilty and felt guilty. This is something she did not authentically.

After realizing her mistake, she instantly understood what she should do.

But before admitting wrong, you have to coax the cat down.

Lu Qiu looked up and found that although Wells kept his eyes straight forward, the corner of his eye would still glance at her.

She pursed her lips and looked at the mobile terminal on the ground. She took a step forward, pretended to kick something, and suddenly stumbled to the ground.

"Ouch." Lu Qiu hugged his arms and cried out in pain, "It hurts."

The sound caught Wells' attention, and he flew down almost immediately.

Lu Qiu lunged towards his arms, his whole body firmly fixed to him in a big shape.

"Wells, I'm sorry, I apologize, I confess, I have something to hide from you these two days."

Finding himself deceived, Wells was about to pull her off. Hearing this, he stopped immediately, wanting to hear what she had to say.

Lu Qiu let go of one arm and opened the terminal interface in front of him.

"It was sent to me by Langdong, the photos and videos of your childhood. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hide it from you. I just want to see what you looked like when you were a child. Hit me up if you're angry, don't stop Take care of me."

When Wells saw the folder, he finally understood why Lu Qiu was sticking to him and wouldn't let go of it wherever he went for the past two days.

Is it pity for him or distressed

He didn't want to guess Lu Qiu's thoughts like this, but he was very concerned about Lu Qiu's opinion of him, and he was afraid that she would feel disappointed and disgusted with him when she saw the weak, pitiful and helpless self in the past.

"I don't know if you'll be angry when you see this, so I've been afraid to tell you. If only I could meet you earlier, I wouldn't leave you alone."

At this time, she didn't even notice that there was something wrong with her use of the word human.

Wells didn't care either. He lowered his head slightly to see Lu Qiu's expression. There was no disappointment or disgust in it, only distress.

In fact, from the beginning to the end, from the beginning of her acquaintance to the present, no matter how she was exposed to Lu Qiu, she never hated herself.

Although his face was completely relieved and he didn't care about anything, his past experience still made Wells less confident in his heart, and he even felt a little inferior when facing people he cared about.

The longer they got along, the more he showed in front of Lu Qiu, and the more unbearable parts were exposed, so he became more and more uneasy.

It happened that Lu Qiu was hiding from him again, and this was the scene of sudden anger.

Lu Qiu was quite patient when coaxing people. She slowly purred the giant cat's fur and followed it on his cheeks and head.

"If you don't want me to watch it, then I won't watch it, and I'll delete it now. I'm sorry, I'll tell you as soon as I have anything in the future. By the way, in fact, I still have a surprise for you, but I haven't done it yet. Okay, so you can wait two more days patiently?"

Wells turned to look at her: "Don't delete it."


"If you want to watch it, watch it, don't delete it. I'm not angry anymore."

Wells was quick to come and go. What made him most angry was not what Lu Qiu had seen, but that she had been secretly watching him behind his back.

After changing his posture and holding Lu Qiu in his arms, Wells enlarged the air screen and clicked a random video.

The projection of the kitten appeared in front of him.

This is a video from the end of the four-year-old. At that time, he was brushed by the animal who was caring for him. He was so painful that he resisted, bit the animal, and then got into the back of the rockery in the garden and licked the wound.

He didn't expect that Lang Dong would lurking aside and take pictures of him secretly. He didn't have much impression anymore.

On weekdays, after combing the hair, the other party will spray trauma medicine on him, and his body is clean, and no one can see what he has experienced.

But this time I ran fast, the wounds on my body were not cured, and some blood gushed out and stuck to the hair.

Lu Qiu hugged one of his paws and couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong with your injury? Why is it so serious? Does it still hurt?"

Wells finally showed a smile: "The pain is gone for a long time, it's all trauma, it's not serious, it'll be fine soon."

"Well, then... how about your animal, did you beat him back? It's better to blow his head off!" Lu Qiu said indignantly, and waved his fist.

Seeing the way she was beating herself up, Wells's grudge against the past disappeared in an instant, and she even felt like laughing: "Yes, I beat her to the ground and begged me for mercy."

"That's good, that's right!"

A video is not long, and it quickly comes to an end.

Lu Qiu had already looked at the photos of him when he was three or four years old. At first, he was thinking of finding time to look at it a little bit in the past few days. Now he can look at it in an open manner and immediately clicked on the last folder.

At the age of five, Wells grew up as fast as he had taken hormones, and he had vaguely assumed the domineering look he had later on. His eyes were slightly narrowed, and he looked super fierce, without much milky taste. When I walked over the stone, I had the illusion that this country belongs to me.

At this time, the video shot is shorter, and the distance is farther, it is very obvious that it is all candid.

The giant cat in the video was hunting. His speed was as fast as lightning, and he instantly knocked down a rabbit, and then directly bit off the back of the rabbit's neck. Not much blood came out, and the rabbit only struggled for a moment before moving. The action is neat and tidy.

As if finding a candid photographer, the giant cat that was hunting suddenly raised its head to look at the camera.

Those familiar amber eyes were full of alertness and ferocity.

This part ends here, and I don't know what happened next.

Lu Qiu clicked on several other videos in silence, and found that Wells during this period was like an emotionless predator, and there was no dialogue in any of the videos.

A five-year-old cat has been an adult for a long time on Earth, but it is still a cub here.

Seeing his changes in the past three years with his own eyes, Lu Qiu turned over and buried himself on the giant cat's chest, which was no longer rich enough.

Wells gently pressed her back with a pad of meat, and it took a while to suddenly feel that something was wrong.

He suddenly pulled the person away from his chest and found Lu Qiu crying, silently, all the fur on his chest was wet.

This was the second time I saw Lu Qiu cry. Just like last time, Wells was still at a loss. He didn't know where to put his claws, and he hugged her again in a panic.

"Don't cry, Qiuqiu, don't cry."

Lu Qiu wiped his tears with his fur, trying to squeeze out a smile. "I'm fine, don't worry."

"Is it because of me?" Wells asked. "Why?"

Why? Because of distress, because of care.

"Because I like you." Lu Qiu blurted out these words very naturally.

Wells hummed this time, and then replied solemnly.

"I like you too."