Master Meow

Chapter 67


on the ship.

Wells' face was always not very good, and he didn't know whether he didn't sleep well or was in a bad mood.

Over the night, the blood in his eyes still hasn't slowed down, and it's still red.

Lu Qiu hugged his big head and looked left and right, then stretched out his hand and shook it: "Does it affect my vision? What color is my hand?"

Wells opened his mouth and bit her finger, gritted his teeth and said vaguely, "Pink."

Lu Qiu shook his head: "It's over, something really went wrong. It's not pink!"

Wells blinked at her. "It's pink."

He let go, and the place where his teeth gnawed was pale pink.

Lu Qiu didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Is there any discomfort in the eyes? Does it hurt? Do you feel nauseous? I forgot to ask the doctor to show you yesterday. There should be a doctor on the spacecraft, so let me call!"

As she spoke, she pressed the call button in the room. "We need a doctor."

Wells didn't stop her, just watched her busy, and she felt a little better unconsciously.

It didn't take long for a robot doctor to knock on the door.

It turned out to be the image of a panda, all round and fluffy, very cute.

"May I ask who needs help? What are the symptoms?"

Lu Qiu pointed to Wells' eyes: "Please check his eyes."

Wells was lying on the ground, and Doctor Panda took out a bunch of instruments from his arms.

"How's it going? His eyes turned red yesterday and haven't gotten better. Is he infected?" Lu Qiu hurriedly asked after the examination was over.

Dr. Panda shook his head without a neck: "Suspected conjunctivitis, no infection, high intraocular pressure, overuse of the eyes, and excessive emotional fluctuations will occur."

Holding the eye drops prescribed by the doctor, Lu Qiu felt relieved, and supported Wells' eyelids to look left and right for a while. Finally, he put his hands on his eyelids and made him close his eyes.

"You must not have slept last night, sleep now, I am by your side."

Wells opened his mouth and bit her waist, got up, turned on all the alarms in the house, wrapped her in his arms, and closed his eyes again to lie down.

The tie that was tied to Lu Qiu last night had been replaced by a chain. This chain was stronger than the previous one, and could not be broken by external force. No animal could open it except Wells.

Lu Qiu didn't sleep, he kept studying on the terminal and watching videos on mute. Wells still slept restlessly, and she had to keep an eye on him and pat him twice.

When he woke up, it was past noon, and the capital star was in sight.

Lu Qiu opened the projection on the spaceship and saw the planet for the first time.

This is a silver-gray planet, with green and blue spots dotted in the silver-gray, it looks very strange, there is a trace of anger in the cold, and there is a large icy cold in the anger.

As the spacecraft approached, the planet on the projection became larger and larger, and the scenery above became clearer and clearer.

Said to be clear, but it only changed from speckled green to bean-sized green.

Wells pulled Lu Qiu's eyes away from the projection: "It's coming."

"Yeah. I woke up, do you feel better? Let me take a look at my eyes." Lu Qiu raised his head and stared at his eyes for a while.

It stands to reason that conjunctivitis should also be bloodshot, but Wells's pupils are all red, and the red is very pure.

"I don't think the doctors on the spacecraft are very good. Wait until the capital star to go to the hospital to have a look."

Wells rubbed her, as if she could say anything: "Okay, go."

The spaceship landed quickly. Capital Star is worthy of being the center of the entire Yan Beast Empire. The spaceport is almost several times larger than that of Riva Star. It is impossible to see the edge at a glance. It is completely high-tech in the future.

The dome of the spaceport transfer hall was so high that Lu Qiu felt as small as an ant.

She huddled in Wells' arms and looked around, but she didn't expect to get on the aircraft first, but instead waited for Modes to come.

After Lu Qiupan and Wells reunited, Modes returned to the capital star.

Knowing that they were coming, Modes took the initiative to wait at the spaceport to pick up the ship.

Compared with the simple disguise before, she will disguise directly to the teeth, wrap it tightly, and use color-changing lenses for the pupils, which become amber. The coat color has also become all gray, gray, and there is no sense of existence.

"Qiuqiu." Modes shouted in a thick voice, and quickly came to her in three steps and two steps, and opened her front paws to hug her.

Of course, it still failed this time.

Wells' arm was firmly in front of him.

Modes tilted her head, threw herself directly on Wells, and rubbed against him.

Wells's movements immediately stiffened.

This was the first time that Modes took the initiative to get close to him.

Taking advantage of the moment when Wells was stiff, Modes pulled Lu Qiu up and hugged her tightly, rubbing and rubbing and rubbing, and she took a deep breath while leaning her nose against her cheek.

"Ah, Qiuqiu smells so good on her body, her skin is so smooth, and her hairlessness is really amazing!!!"

Just like humans liked furry animals in the past, Modes is an invisible, hairless control.

Knowing that Wells would definitely put a chain on Lu Qiu again, she didn't lead Lu Qiu back, so she took advantage of this meeting before Wells could react.

Sure enough, after just a few minutes, Wells stretched out his claws and snatched Lu Qiu back. She carefully rubbed all the places where Modes had rubbed her tongue to completely eliminate her smell.

This possessiveness makes Modess unable to help but curl her lips, this third brother is really too perverted.

Lu Qiu touched the water marks on his face and asked, "Why are you here, Modes, you are here to pick us up?"

"Yeah, the aircraft is ready, come with me."

She walks through a special passage and doesn't need to line up with other animals.

Thinking of where he was about to reach, Wells' expression darkened again.

Lu Qiu hugged him and coaxed softly, "It won't be a problem, don't worry too much. Is the place where you lived when you were a child still there? I want to see."

Wells' expression turned slightly pale, and he said slowly, "It's not necessarily still there."

Modes interjected: "It's here, it's kept, and it's been cleaned all the time, you can live there."

Wells looked out the window of the aircraft. At this time, they had already flown out of the spaceport and were falling into the atmosphere of the capital star.

"Don't go to the palace first, I want to see Oliver first." He suddenly said.

Modes turned her head, hesitated, and said, "Oliver is also there."

Wells turned his eyes back from the window, and the mood just calmed down by Lu Qiu was a little bad again.

In addition to his love of tricks, Oliver also has a very powerful skill, which is his lip service.

Two sons, he looks more favored than Longfellow, he can get whatever he wants, and he is welcome wherever he goes.

This is one of the reasons Wells has been unable to understand him.

He obviously already has everything, but he is still jealous of others.

Oliver is here now, and I don't know what he said to Felix.

The aircraft arrived at the capital city of Saint-Yi after nearly an hour, and the palace was also located in a corner of the city of Saint-Yi.

Lu Qiu had been staring out the window since the aircraft approached the ground.

Previously, she thought that the construction of Kali City was already amazing, but when she saw the city of St. Yi, she realized that she was rare and strange.

There are towering buildings everywhere, and between buildings, there are tall and wide colored light strips.

These strips of light are another way for animals to go from one building to another.

The sky is full of such criss-crossing bands of light.

From a distance, the city looks like a huge Rubik's cube, connecting everywhere in all directions. Maybe the top floor of a building is the first floor of another building, which is more complicated than the magic 3D city of Chongqing.

Lu Qiu was completely dizzy after only a few glances.

After passing through the complex city buildings, the aircraft came all the way to a group of low buildings.

To say that it is low is only compared with other places, but it is actually not short.

This building complex has white walls and white tiles. It covers a very wide area. It extends all the way to the outside of the city. There are a large number of forests, rockeries, mountains and rivers in the complex.

Lu Qiu felt that he had seen a few familiar places, all of which he saw in Wells Hours' video, but the distance was too far and he was a little unsure.

As soon as the aircraft approached, two teams of animals in formal suits came up to check.

Modes lifted the hat on her head and removed the color-changing contact lenses in her eyes to confirm her identity.

Then Wells and Lu Qiu were also examined together.

It seems that they got the news in advance, they just checked their identities and let it go.

When he got here, Lu Qiu, who had been relaxed all the way, suddenly became a little nervous. What I want to see is the majesty of the entire empire, will they hit the mandarin ducks


Wells hugged her up: "Don't be nervous, it's alright."

Wells was thinking, he didn't quite understand why Felix invited Lu Qiu together. Could it be that something special about Lu Qiu was discovered

Felix had also sent animals to check Lu Qiu's origin before, and he must have found nothing like him.

He had already guessed Lu Qiu's origin, so Felix had guessed what he wanted Lu Qiu to do? Will it be bad for her

Anxiety and unease about the unknown instantly put Wells on alert

"It's here." Modes reminded, "Father is in the small conference room."

Wells flew forward with a blank expression.

He has only been to the small conference room a few times, and the pattern here has not changed over the years.

Wells took a deep breath, raised his claws and walked in.

Two huge doors were opened, and inside was a huge round table covered with a red carpet, with bookshelves on both sides of the wall.

There were two cats sitting inside.

One was Felix, who Lu Qiu had seen in the video last night, and he was reading a book in his hands.

The other cat, a shorthair with black and white stripes, looked lean and a little smaller than Wells. But he looks very cute, with round blue eyes, a smile on the corner of his mouth, and a very elegant state.

This is the second prince Oliver

Just looking at his appearance, few animals can feel bad about him. Because he is indeed very pleasing, with a kind face, although thin, but his cheeks feel fleshy and quite easy to touch. The fur is also very clean and smooth, almost glowing.

Finding the door pushed open, Oliver turned his head to look.

He was suddenly called by Felix today, and he didn't say anything, he had been here for more than an hour.

Suddenly seeing Wells and Lu Qiu appear, Oliver jumped off the bench beside the round table in an instant, all the hair on his back exploded.

"You bastard, Wells, why are you here?!"

The bastard almost said it, but fortunately he quickly realized that the situation was wrong and shut his mouth in time.

"My father has already told you not to step into the capital city for half a step in this life, but you dare to come here. You are disobeying the king's order."

Knowing that Lu Qiu had run away and all the animals he was looking for had been caught, Oliver was always in a state of anxiety and panic.

I don't know how many times I scolded those animals, but I couldn't catch an animal without any fighting power.

But after only one night of panic, he calmed down. He knew that Wells was not easy to mess with, but Lu Qiu had already been retrieved, and he was not injured, and Wells had nothing to lose.

Even if Wells wanted to trouble him, he was required not to step into the capital star, as long as he did not leave the capital star, he was absolutely safe.

So he was not too worried when Felix came over to him today.

I have done so many things before, and it should be the same this time. Anyway, as long as you play coquettish and admit you missed it

Wells stood by the door and didn't move, his eyes staring at him like a sharp weapon that could kill him at any time.

He hugged Lu Qiu tightly and drifted towards Oliver at a slow pace.

Oliver's footsteps began to retreat unconsciously.

Why haven't seen him for a few years, and why Wells feels stronger.

"I was looking for you, so you are here." Wells said in a light tone. When he was about to approach him, he suddenly accelerated and knocked Oliver down before he could react.

At this time, the black-and-white cat was lying on the ground in the posture of a tortoise facing the sky, and its tail was trampled under the paws.

Wells used great strength, his claws tightened, and he almost stepped on the tail.

You must know that the tails of animals are almost always used to maintain balance, even if this family can fly. Once the tail is seriously injured, flight is also affected.

Wells is not poisonous this time.

Oliver let out a shrill scream, his voice so sharp and piercing.

He wanted to roll over and fight back, but the pain from his tail made him almost unable to exert any strength, and he could only curl up into a ball on the ground and roll in pain.

"You bastard, let me go. Father, father, save me." Oliver glared at Wells, yelling in his mouth.

Wells didn't care about Felix's reaction, so he shot directly in front of him.

He counted the time, when Felix would stop him.

But no, he still turned over the precious pages in his hand, as if he hadn't seen the scene in front of him.

When the second son who had always loved him called for help, he just glanced up and continued to turn to the next page.

Modes was stunned by this scene.

She looked at this and that, bewildered, and finally ran to Felixin's side.

"Father, won't you stop it?"

Felix turned his head and gently licked the hair on her head, patted her head with his paws and said, "Don't worry about it, it's alright, you go back first."

Modes shook her head and did not go.

Wells almost stepped on Oliver's tail directly. In fact, even if he stepped on it, with the current medical conditions, he would be able to recover in just a few minutes.

He was not relieved at all, and the anger in his heart could not be released.

The claws moved to his neck, the sharp claws touched Oliver's throat, and his crying stopped abruptly.

It seems that he didn't expect Wells to do such a thing, and he didn't expect Felix to allow himself to be bullied like this.

He struggled to turn his head, enduring the sharp pain in his tail in disbelief. But he found that Felix was talking to Modes with his head sideways, without even looking at him.

He couldn't help but murmured in despair: "Why, how could this be? Father?"

Oliver always thought that even if he couldn't compare to Longfellow, he was the one who was favored. He could get everything he wanted, but why

Have you been abandoned

But how is it possible, he should be the favored one, how could the father let him be bullied without paying attention.

Something must have gone wrong!

Wells looked down at him with cold eyes, and asked him why: "Why arrest Qiuqiu?"

Oliver turned his head and glanced at Lu Qiu who was crawling on Wells' back, tilting his head carefully to reveal a pair of eyes looking down.

He pursed his lips and was silent for a while, his eyes kept looking at Felix, but he never looked up. Oliver's eyes changed from hope to despair, and finally he smiled miserably and said to Wells:

"You ask me why, didn't you already know it? You are just an illegitimate child who jumped out of nowhere, but you are so lucky, stronger than me, smarter than me, protected all the time, not assassinated. I am always worried and worried that I will die in the next second. Any animal I pick up is a legendary person. So why would I arrest her? To please the king, to make him happy, is that enough? What did I do wrong? "

Wells didn't expect that he would know the true race of Lu Qiu, and his purpose of arresting Lu Qiu was completely different from what he thought.

If Lu Qiu hadn't confessed to him yesterday, I'm afraid he would have been shocked to the point of aphasia now.

Taking Lu Qiu to please Felix, then Felix knew that, he raised his head suddenly and specially invited Lu Qiu over because of this

Felik came over after putting down the book.

He nodded affirmatively: "I didn't know about Qiuqiu for a long time."

"What do you want to do?"

Wells released Oliver and quickly backed away, all the way to the door.

Before he could go out, another cat rushed in outside.

It was the eldest prince Longfellow. He glanced around the room, bowed respectfully to Felix, and then looked suspiciously at Oliver lying on the ground and Wells who appeared here.

"Father, what happened?"

"I have something to say, and since you're here, let's hear it."

After speaking, the door of the conference room was closed, and there was an extra layer of light waves on the surrounding walls. This was to prevent eavesdropping and prevent other animals from approaching.

Longfellow went over and lifted Oliver up and carried him to a chair.

Oliver curled up into a ball, completely lost his previous nobility and elegance, and just looked around with hated and complicated eyes.

Wells stood by the door and didn't sit down, Lu Qiu was hugged tightly by him.

He didn't care whether Lu Qiu was human or not, but other animals cared and coveted him.

Wells regretted coming here.

The importance of people is enough to make every animal move.

He didn't know Felix's attitude, he wasn't sure to keep Lu Qiu, a treasure that belonged only to him. No matter how rich he is, he cannot compete with the entire empire.

At this time, Wells began to think about retreating, thinking about how long he and Lu Qiu could take him and Lu Qiu to escape with everything he had now.

Once the news that Lu Qiu was a human was exposed, there would be no place for them in the whole world.

Unless, unless he can kill his two brothers and Felix becomes the new king because of his ascendance.

He didn't know that Wells had already begun to consider Lu Qiu, who was so complicated and so thrilling, and looked at Felix with a curious expression.

What family news is there to say? Is it suitable for her to be an outsider

"Come and sit, don't stand there." Felix said to Wells.

Lu Qiu shook his arm to bring him back to his senses.

Wells shook his head and calmed down, without letting his thoughts leak out, he sat down at the farthest place from all the animals.

Longfellow was late, did not hear the previous sentence, and now has no idea what happened.

Since seeing the brothers fighting each other, Modes has been covering her mouth with her snow-white claws without regaining her senses.

"Father, what do you want to say?"

Felixin glanced at Oliver again, his tail was limply hanging to one side, still in pain, his face was contorted in pain, but he didn't ask to leave, just stared at the other animals present with some red eyes.

Felix let out a sigh. Ordinary cats have many offspring in their lifetime, and dozens or hundreds are not a problem.

However, due to the genetic problem of the royal family, every cub born will mutate and be powerful, but because of this, their children are thin, and there are only so many children up to now.

But these children are still being raised crookedly.

He had always been vaguely aware of what Oliver had done, but he felt that it was his own child, so he did not correct and interfere too much. But he is getting more and more excessive, he has already crossed the line, and he does not know what to do.

"Oliver, I know what you've done over the years. After this meeting is over, you can go to Raya to live for a while to relax."

Oliver's face was pale and his expression was completely stunned. This sentence was equivalent to directly condemning him to death.

He wanted to struggle and wanted to ask why.

But the words were all stuck in his throat, and nothing came out.

Faced with this scene, Wells did not waver in his heart, and he even wondered if Felix was taking this opportunity to court him.

But for so many years, he has never had any hope for this nominal father, so at this time he is just watching like a bystander. Even showed a somewhat mocking smile.

It's ruthless that the child I used to like the most can also abandon it when it is said to be abandoned.

"What I'm going to say next, it stands to reason that I can only tell the next king. This is something that every king has to explain for thousands of years, but now that you all know it, then I will say it directly." Felik's eyes slowly swept across several children, and finally looked at Lu Qiu.

Wells raised his claws and completely pressed Lu Qiu into his arms to block his sight.

"You should have heard a legend since you were young. It is said that in the beginning, animals can become humans. In fact, this legend is true. Animals can indeed become humans, and after they become humans, their lives will be extended."

The small conference room suddenly fell silent.

Except for Oliver, who already knew, the others were all stunned.

Lu Qiu didn't see how the other animals reacted. She almost jumped out of Wells's arms at the moment, and she was ecstatic.

Animals can become people! ! !

Therefore, it is not a problem to fall in love if the race is different, and reproductive isolation is not a problem! !