Master Meow

Chapter 70


Wells had previously objected to Lu Qiu's participation in research as an experiment.

But now it was Lu Qiu who prevented Wells from becoming an experimental subject.

The clinical trial has only reached the second round, and now it seems to be a preliminary success, and there is nothing wrong with it yet.

She didn't want Wells to take risks.

No one can predict the consequences of such a thing.

"No, wait, it won't be too long, don't be impulsive." Lu Qiu tightly hugged his front paws.

Felikin also said with a serious expression to stop: "This is not a joke, the experiment is not perfect, when it is confirmed that it is safe, I will do it for you first, and you are not allowed to go now."

He rarely used the tone of command again.

Wells ignored Felix's stop, hugged Lu Qiu, and rubbed her face: "But I want to be like you, to understand the world you see."

Lu Qiu shook his head: "Then don't be impulsive. The project has already reached this point, and it will be successful sooner or later. Just wait for a while. Okay?"

She really didn't want Wells to have any accidents.

"The children of the royal family are all special mutants. Special mutants are very different from ordinary mutants. You also found that we can all fly, and our strength is abnormal. It is not certain whether we can use conventional methods. There is one to try. Do you trust me, it will be alright." Wells tried to persuade Lu Qiu.

Felix would never let himself and the future king be the first guinea pig, and it was impossible for Modes to come over, but he could pull Oliver over to do the experiment, but Wells couldn't wait that long.

After listening to him, Felix quickly considered this issue. He lowered his head and didn't know what to think, but after all, he didn't say anything to stop him.

After all, he was still selfish in his bones, even if he felt sorry for Wells, in this matter of life and death, his priority was still himself and the throne.

Lu Qiu stared at him without saying a word or nodding. He only waited for a few months. It was really unnecessary at such a time.

"I can't wait," Wells said, his slightly red eyes looking at her as pure and firm as gems.

Lu Qiu didn't know what to say, so they looked at each other for a moment, and finally had to nod helplessly.

"Okay, but I want to watch you together."

Wells looked up at Felix.


The second experiment is half a month later. Before that, the first batch of experimental subjects must be observed to determine what needs to be improved before starting again.

The comprehensive body test of the monkey youth came out soon. The muscle and bone density were very different from those of the animal, and it was more elastic and dynamic, as if it had become younger.

In addition, the monkeys were given various convenient physical tests and intelligence tests.

Intelligence has not changed much, but physical fitness has improved significantly. Stronger and better than before, even without fingernails, you can easily climb trees to hunt, and it is more convenient to manipulate weapons, so the force value has increased a lot.

The monkey humanoid did not last for twelve hours as predicted, and when he fell asleep, his body suddenly changed back to its original shape.

Not only does the tension change, but also when you relax the unconscious.

After the monkey fell asleep, the researcher put in two hungry wild wolves. There was no place to hide in the open space. The monkey could only deal with it directly. Now there is also a fighting force in the face of it.

However, it was still a bit difficult for the two to attack together, and the monkey was quickly bitten. After being injured, he found that if he turned into a humanoid, the target would be smaller and he would be able to attack the wolf's weakness more powerfully, so soon, a young man who was a lot shorter appeared on the spot. and rear hip attack.

Not long after, a wolf fell to the ground, the young man bared his teeth and looked at the other, a provocative voice came out of his throat.

The researcher nodded: "There are no specific conditions for the mutual transformation of human and animal form, and the transformation can be successful even when emotional stress is present, and the degree of pain during the transformation will weaken as the change increases. After the body is fully adapted, the pain will completely disappear. "

Felik slapped the wall with an excited slap, shaking the entire wall twice.

"The most important thing now is stability, and it is uncertain whether the new gene chain can be inherited. If the next generation does not inherit it, it may be a little troublesome, and every newborn will have to be re-edited in the future."

"Look at it first, and a solution will always be found in the future. As long as you can take the first step, the rest will not be a problem." Felik said with pride.

Lu Qiu didn't go to school these days, and stayed in the laboratory with Wells to observe the condition of the first batch of experimental subjects.

Except for the monkeys that are the most stable, the other ones will quickly change back to the animal shape if they can't maintain it for even eight hours. It is also somewhat difficult for them to change back to the human shape, which is not as smooth as the monkeys. Physical fitness has increased, but the proportion of the increase is not high, and it seems to be related to genes.

Other sequelae have not been discovered for the time being, which also made Lu Qiu's worry much less.

Half a month later, the monkey youth successfully impregnated an enlightened female monkey, and the second round of experiments is about to begin.

This time, the scope of the experiment was expanded, and the number reached ten. In addition to Wells, there were also some elderly animals and severely ill animals, as well as infants and young children, plus a pregnant woman.

Wells was lying on the experimental table, and he couldn't see out of the window from the inside, but he knew that Lu Qiu would always stand there and watch her.

Before closing his eyes, he waved to Lu Qiu outside, and the white cat's claws opened and retracted, just like the game they used to play.

Lu Qiu couldn't help laughing, and the moment he finished laughing, it changed to worry.

I knew there was no danger, but I was still worried that I couldn't stop.

The experiment went on for three hours, and Lu Qiu stood outside for three hours. She kept staring at the stereoscopic projection next to her, watching Wells' situation.

It didn't happen by accident.

Felix also took the time to come down to watch for a while, and comforted Lu Qiu a few words.

Lu Qiu had no intention of saying anything to him, but he just nodded his head a few times.

The experiment ended three hours later, and Wells was taken to a separate room, where he was put under general anesthesia, and remained in a coma.

At this time, there was no way to go in and visit, so Lu Qiu could only watch through a wall.

Wells woke up in the evening. After waking up, he seemed a little uncomfortable. He struggled to get up and wanted to walk out of the nest.

Lu Qiu stuck to the wall worriedly and called out his name, as if he heard it, Wells walked crookedly towards the wall.

It was really painful, and it felt like my whole body was on fire. Every time I took a step, my toes were pierced by 100,000 needles, and my internal organs were all twisted into a ball. It seemed that my pores were hurting.

Wells stumbled to the ground.

Lu Qiu anxiously wanted to go in, and slapped the wall desperately: "Wells, how are you? Wells."

She grabbed the paw of a passing researcher and tried to get in, but was stopped.

"Not yet. He is about to begin to change. Don't disturb him at this time, otherwise other accidents may occur. As long as the change is complete, the pain will ease later, so you don't have to worry."

Lu Qiu knew, but he couldn't help worrying, so he could only keep calling his name in a low voice.

Wells quickly stood up again, his eyes turned bright red again, so red that they almost dripped with blood, and he looked straight at Lu Qiu's position. After just a few steps, he stumbled away. For ten minutes, half of his body was against the thick glass wall, and he could only use this method to maintain a standing posture and not lie down.

Lu Qiu tapped on the wall lightly, and Wells responded by scratching on it with his claws.

I don't know if it was because of the special variant, but his condition continued until late at night, and there was no change for nearly seven or eight hours, and the pain continued.

And he was tortured to death because of this pain, and he couldn't even stand up against the wall.

At this time, except for the pregnant woman, the other subjects had returned to normal.

The one who was seriously ill had only changed a little, and his condition had not improved much. The transformation of the old man into a human stopped halfway through, but according to preliminary tests, it would not be a problem to live another ten years.

The pregnant woman's treatment method is the most complicated. She has four children at a time. In order not to hurt the children, she has been very careful. Just after she came out of the laboratory, several researchers were tired and slumped on the ground.

Lu Qiu had no intention of noticing the footsteps coming and going next to him, so he kept looking at Wells.

His fur was all wet with sweat, and the whole cat was lying on the ground exhausted, and no longer had the strength to knock on the glass to respond to her. Even the gasping sounds were faint, and his eyes were completely closed.

"Wells, hold on, I'll find someone to save you."

Tears kept falling, and Lu Qiu felt so distressed that he was about to suffocate. She wished she could turn back time, and she would stop him from experimenting with anything.

Wiping away her tears, she got up to find the researcher: "Save him, he is in a bad state now, please save him!"

But the two researchers explained to her again that Wells' physique is very special. The genes of these royal cats are very special. They are different from ordinary animals. It is normal for them to appear in this situation. Let her wait patiently.

Besides, even if you want to stop now, you don't just stop.

Lu Qiu reluctantly grabbed a few more researchers, but the answers he got were all the same.

"Then who will be responsible if something happens to him?!" she yelled.

Several researchers looked at each other, after all, this is a prince.

Finally, the two older researchers said: "Then let's go and see with you."

Lu Qiu ran back quickly and looked into the house for the first time, but unexpectedly, he didn't see Wells' shadow.

She was startled, looked down, and found a thin man lying beside the glass wall.

This person's hair is not long, it is fine and soft white, and his skin is fair. Although he is thin, his muscles look very strong. His shoulders are wide, waist and legs are long. Visually taller than 185.

Except for this man, there was no sign of a big cat in the house.

Lu Qiu covered his mouth in astonishment, this is, is this Wells

Did it work? It worked!

The two researchers who followed behind were also a little surprised. Although they had been comforting Lu Qiu, they were also vaguely worried. Now that they saw the result, the door was immediately opened and the person was carried back to the bed.

Lu Qiu followed them in and finally saw Wells' face clearly.

He has changed very completely. Except for his hair, he hardly retains much of the cat part. His eye sockets are deep and the ends of his eyes are slightly upturned.

As if being disturbed by the surroundings, Wells frowned and looked impatient.

Lu Qiu gently held his hand.

After sensing Lu Qiu's touch, Wells' expression immediately relaxed.

Lu Qiu cried and laughed, his heart was beating non-stop.

It really succeeded, the world really had a miracle, it was like a dream, she actually saw the giant cat become a human one day.

Because of the previous painful struggle, Wells' hair was wet with sweat and stuck to his forehead.

Lu Qiu reached out and gently brushed his hair, his fingers gently tracing his facial features.

Being so harassed by her, Wells quickly woke up and opened his eyes with a flutter of eyelashes.

The eyes are red, and even though they have become human, they still have no change, and the expression when they see her is exactly the same as before.

"Wells, you woke up, how are you feeling now? Does it still hurt?" Lu Qiu leaned over and asked.

Wells blinked, just staring at her blankly, without making a sound for a while.

"Can you hear it? Why isn't there a response?" Lu Qiu touched his forehead and then touched his throat.

a little itchy.

Wells raised his hand and grabbed her wrist.

It is very natural and easy to grasp completely, and the skin feels very soft and comfortable.

Wells was stunned for a moment, and immediately looked down at his palm.

He blinked, his fingers open and tightened.

"I..." His voice was hoarse and dry.

Lu Qiu hummed and quickly asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"I, succeeded?"

"Yes, it worked! The change is complete, perfect. Do you feel any discomfort now?"

Wells shook his head and tried to sit up from the bed with his arms up.

This bed is made according to the size of the animal and is very large. In order to have enough support for living, the best materials are used.

But Wells just pressed it a little harder, and the bed suddenly began to shake, making a creaking sound, and then with a clang, the bed he was leaning against was deformed and bent, and it fell directly to one side.

Lu Qiu was so shocked that he hurried to pull someone.

But pulling his arm was as heavy as pulling a mountain. Not only did he not pull anyone, but he also brought himself down.

Wells reacted very quickly and reached out to hug her, and rolled her aside in his arms.

Several researchers who were originally standing on the side were all stunned when they saw this scene.

One of them went to check the legs of the bed and found that the legs were bent out of shape.

This strength is really amazing.

Originally, Wells' strength was very strong, and after he became a human being, it increased exponentially. If the growth of ordinary animals is two, then Wells's growth is likely to be three or five.

The better the talent and foundation of an animal, the greater the bonus it will bring after it becomes a human.

Wells looked at Lu Qiu innocently: "I don't know, it will break."

Lu Qiu smiled at him: "I know, it's not your fault. Don't talk about it, you have to check your body first."

Wells nodded.

Lu Qiu was still in his arms. This perspective and touch made Wells feel novel and obsessed.

In the past, Lu Qiu was very small and fragile in his eyes. Even if he was hugged in his arms, he was blocked by a layer of fur, which felt a little unreal.

But now the gap between him and Lu Qiu has been greatly reduced, and he can completely stick to her hands and feet.

They are exactly the same.

"Qiu, I'm so happy."

The top of Lu Qiu's hair was pressed against his chin, and she turned her head to look at him.

"I'm happy too, like a dream."

"It's not a dream, I'm real." Wells rubbed her cheek on the side of her face.

Unfortunately, the location was wrong, and they were taken to the testing room by the researchers without saying much.

The news of Wells' transformation was quickly notified to Felix, who rushed down out of breath and found Lu Qiu standing outside the testing room.


"Yes, very successful."

Felix burst into laughter in an instant, his eyes narrowed with laughter, and his beard curled up.

"Okay, that's great."

He turned around in place for a few times, his throat let out a low roar, Lu Qiu felt that his roar was a tiger's roar, not like a cat's shrill at all, but rather strong and powerful.

"When did you wake up?"

"Ten minutes ago, I waited for a long time and there was no change. I thought it was a failure. I hurried to find the researcher. When I came back, I found that he had changed successfully. I didn't see the process." Lu Qiu said in detail.

Felix didn't ask how hard the process was, and stared at Wells who was checking his body inside with satisfaction.

This set of tests is like a medical examination, with blood tests for teeth, bone scans, and so on.

By the time he came out, Lu Qiu had been waiting for almost an hour. Felix couldn't wait any longer to run.

The door of the examination room was not closed, and when Wells occasionally had time to look outside, his eyes were entangled with hers.

His eyes are big, and the ends of his eyes are slightly raised, looking fierce and bad. Especially the pair of red pupils, it is extremely strange.

Lu Qiu's heart was beating faster, and he was almost out of breath.

The former Wells made her tempted, and this Wells made her even more tempted.

It was finally over, Wells didn't stay for a moment, and walked out in big strides.

Then he took Lu Qiu into his arms again.

"Is it over?"

"Well, you can go."

Lu Qiu was hugged by him and walked forward for a while, the two of them kept staring at each other and didn't have time to look at the road.

"Do you like it? I look like this." Wells asked uncertainly.

Apart from Lu Qiu, he has only seen the human being that the monkey turned into. He doesn't know if he looks good in Lu Qiu's aesthetic.

Animals also have a strong concept of beauty and ugliness. Wells knew that Lu Qiu liked furry animals and wanted to touch everything he saw.

But after becoming a human, this advantage is gone.

On the one hand, he wished that his human form could grow back all the hair, but also felt that the skin was so beautiful that the skin was completely matched, and he didn't want to go back to the past at all.

"I like it, I like it very much, you are very handsome, a peerless handsome guy! In my previous world, you were also the best." Lu Qiu did not hesitate to praise him.

Wells was amused by her, and there were actually two tiger teeth when he laughed. The original fierce feeling was instantly diluted a lot, and it became fierce but cute.

Lu Qiu was so handsome that his legs were weak.

But it wasn't long before Wells asked another death question.

"Then do you like me as a human, or as a cat?"

Lu Qiu didn't know what Wells was thinking about every day. Like those girlfriends who were insecure when they were in love, they kept asking her boyfriend, do you like me who likes makeup, or who likes no makeup. I

"I like it all! No matter what you look like, I like it."

This answer obviously pleases Wells, his smile is bigger, and the two tiger teeth are more and more cute.

Then he snapped Lu Qiu's fingers and continued.

"But you look at me now and laugh twenty-eight times in two hours. It took you days to laugh twenty-eight times."

Lu Qiu: "..."

She always felt that Wells became more possessive and perverted.

However, she likes and thinks Wells, who will compare these, is particularly cute.

Maybe she's a pervert too.

"Then I will laugh more in the future, and strive for more than 28 times a day. Does it still hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt anymore."

The embrace of a human is different from that of a cat. After walking for a while, Lu Qiu struggled to get down. She took the initiative to take Wells' hand and clasped his fingers.

But after walking for a while, Lu Qiu realized that something was wrong with the big cat beside him.

Not used to walking on two legs, Wells is walking a little stiffly now, and he can't help but want to lie down.

No wonder he always wanted to arch his back the first time he saw the monkey.

In order to restrain his instincts, Wells' feet sneaked off the ground, slowing down to keep pace with Lu Qiu.

Lu Qiu glanced down. Wells immediately touched the ground with his feet and asked naturally, "What are you looking at?"

"You walk..."

Wells thought he had been discovered and was a little nervous.

But walking on only two hind legs is a bit unaccustomed.

"With hands and feet, when you step forward with your left foot, your left hand has to go backwards. I'll teach you."

Lu Qiu tried to hug him from behind and held his arm to teach him to walk, but after walking around, she found that the height difference made her unable to see anything.

She walked around the front, took off her shoes and stepped on Wells's feet, wrapping her arms around him.

"Hurry up, you can feel how I walk. I said that when you lift your feet, you should walk forward, your shoulders will sink, your chest will be raised, and your stomach will be straight. This is the best way to walk."

"Now lift your left foot."

There was no movement.

Lu Qiu shook his arm.


Wells, who was sniffing her hair with his head down, immediately returned to his senses, raised his left foot and walked forward.

Lu Qiu controlled his arms to swing back and forth, and the two of them looked rather funny.

"Yes, that's it, you don't need to swing your arms too much."

Wells followed her for a while, and finally got used to it, and the more he walked, the more natural it became.

Lu Qiu wanted to let go, but he hugged him tightly and refused to let go. Their arms were almost twisted into twists.

"Let me go first." Lu Qiu said unnaturally.

Wells kept looking down at her. After realizing that her face and ears were all red, she couldn't help but stop and ask, "Why are your face and ears red? Are you sick?"

Lu Qiu shook his head: "No."

Putting his hand on his cheek to try to cool down, he was indeed either sick, or he suddenly noticed something.

At this point, they had already left the testing room and entered the open area. Lu Qiu turned his eyes to the left and right, but unfortunately he didn't find anything.

"What are you looking for, I'll help you find it."

"I didn't drop anything, I just took a look." Lu Qiu shook his head.

Wells frowned suspiciously, wondering what happened to Lu Qiu all of a sudden.

Lu Qiu looked up at the sky and the ground, but didn't look at him.

Wells' original clothes had fallen into the previous room, and he had been walking around in full fruit for so long after he became a human being.

Animals have always been like this, and I don't think there is anything wrong. Lu Qiu was too worried before and he didn't pay attention. Now that I suddenly react, it's hard not to notice.

Indecent, really indecent.

Forget it, Lu Qiu suddenly discovered that some parts of Wells had not fully evolved at all.

As we all know, cats have N milk, and now, they still retain it. Small dots are evenly distributed.

After noticing this, she only felt astringent, funny and hot eyes.

Really, I really don't know what to say.

She couldn't help laughing wildly, and held back her strength, her face contorted and her body shaking violently.

Wells looked at her blankly, blank and worried.

"What happened to you?"

But fortunately, he was very sensitive, and he always paid attention to her situation. After being concerned for a while, he suddenly realized something. His face changed, he turned and entered a room, and when he came out, he was already surrounded by a long blanket.

Lu Qiu sighed regretfully.

A lot of good circles... No, it's a pity.

Wells held her in his arms again, he couldn't hold her in front like before. Now this position can only be held by the princess, but Lu Qiu firmly refused.

She lay on Wells' back, wrapped her arms around his neck, and asked curiously.

"Can you change back to beast form now?"

Wells felt it and didn't quite know why, but his brain and body told him it could.

"It should work, I'll try."

After speaking, Lu Qiu stood on his back for a while, then his upper body suddenly leaned forward. Lu Qiu only felt that the skin he was hugging quickly grew a layer of fur. Stop rising.

In less than two minutes before and after the whole change, she sat on the back of the giant cat again.

"Does it hurt?" Lu Qiu gently stroked the giant cat's back, and found that he was shaking slightly, obviously trying to restrain him.

"A little bit." Wells said sideways, stood there and waited for a while, then grabbed the ground with his four claws, and dabbling around her on his back, once again feeling the smoothness of walking on all fours Feel.

After turning around for a while, he turned back into a human form again.

Compared with monkeys and other animals, he seems to be able to change at will without waiting for time.

Lu Qiu hugged Wells' neck again with a look of surprise, feeling the pulse at the carotid artery under his arm beating wildly, Wells took a long breath, as if a little tired.

Lu Qiu said distressedly, "Don't change, take a rest."

"Well, just to test it."

At this time, Felix, who turned to see other subjects, walked back.

He bowed his head and said hello to Wells: "How do you feel now?"

Wells clenched his fist, looked up at Felix's neck and said in a low voice, "It's good, it shouldn't be a problem to beat you."

Hearing this, Felix was not only not angry, but laughed happily.

"Then there is time for us to make a gesture?"

He had taught Longfellow, Oliver, and even Modes to hunt, but not Wells.

Felix raised his claws and approached Wells, and Wells stretched out his fist and bumped his paw, without much effort, but this once tyrannical and now elderly majesty curled his claws quietly towards him in pain. Back off.

Felix flicked his tail lightly, nothing happened on his face, and said in a dignified and dignified language as usual: "Go check your physical fitness again to see the changes. You don't leave here right now, you have to observe it for at least two days. .I'll go to another place to see first, you can go to work."

Wells hummed, turned Lu Qiu with his back, and left.

After they left, the majesty and calm Felik had just pretended to disappear instantly, and a cat's face was full of pain.

He slapped his paws desperately, and breathed gently upwards.

I can't beat it, what a cat.

But he couldn't be found by his son.

The author has something to say: Lu Qiu: So round...

Wells: What circle? ?