Master Meow

Chapter 8


As Wells rose in height, the scenery outside the stone castle slowly unfolded in front of him.

Lu Qiu sat down on the giant cat's broad back, grabbing the fur under his body, but before he could feel the touch of the cat, his vision was occupied by an extremely magnificent scenery.

The entire sky was a brilliant red, filled with a sea of red smoke, which almost scorched the viewer's eyes.

Beneath this dazzling sky, is an endless rolling grassland.

Tall trees stand sporadically on the grassland, and there are huge goshawks flying in the distance, and some flocks of sheep can be seen grazing leisurely on the hills that are about to turn into black.

On the left were the forests towering into the clouds, and even though Wells was almost level with the clouds, Lu Qiu still couldn't see where the edge of the forest was.

It was cold at high altitude, and Lu Qiu couldn't help leaning down and hugging the big cat's back.

As early as when she realized that she had passed through, she realized that she would not be able to return to Earth. Now that she saw the whole scene nearby, she also confirmed her thoughts again.

However, there is no one in this place. In this area, there is no other building except for a lonely stone castle.

Wells didn't know what she was thinking, but felt that she was a little depressed, and thought she was afraid.

After all, monkeys can't fly.

He lowered his altitude a little, then flew towards the goshawk in the distance.

The long hair was blown backwards by the wind, and Lu Qiu's hair was also flying in a mess.

Wells flicked his tail excitedly, and flew above the goshawk in one breath.

Nearby animals all know that this is the territory of Count Wells, and almost all of them will not be too close to the stone castle. When Lu Qiu saw it earlier, the eagle was very, very far away from them. In her eyes, it was a normal size. When she got closer, she realized that the eagle was really too big. The strong and powerful claws are extremely frightening.

Sensing that an animal was approaching, the eagle turned around in an instant, and the dark golden pupils were pierced as if they were real.

Lu Qiu couldn't help shrinking his head and hugging Wells' back tightly.

Finding that Wells was suspended above him, the giant eagle bowed his head slightly: "Lord Count."

His voice was rough and raspy like it was being scratched on sandpaper. He also knew his own situation, and immediately shut up after saying this.

"Well. I'm just wandering around, you're free." Wells replied casually, and began to dive towards the ground.

The sudden shock caused Lu Qiu to hold on to the cat's fur tightly to prevent himself from falling off. A brief encounter with the giant eagle led her to discover that the eagle could also speak.

Thinking about it carefully, when the wolf was caught, the dog-like animals that chased him seemed to be able to speak.

And so far, she has not seen any trace of human existence.

So is there a possibility that there is no human being in this world

This guess made Lu Qiu stunned again. If there were no humans, how would she live? Cats can fly, what can she do, a weak, pitiful and helpless human being

Wells had already fallen above the grassland, and as the sun gradually fell, the green grassland gradually turned dark green.

When I looked closer, I found that these grasses were more than one meter, and the heights were even more than two meters or three meters. This height is almost level with the tree.

Because Wells suddenly appeared, a riot broke out in the originally peaceful grassland.

After a rough look, Lu Qiu saw a group of rabbits and groundhogs running around in panic. The grass was shaking non-stop, as if there was a gust of wind passing through it.

The flocks of sheep in the distance were also frightened and ran around with the huge head sheep.

A lion appeared in the distance at an unknown time, quietly following behind the running sheep, the lion easily bit off a lone sheep.

The giant eagle who had communicated with Wells before hovered at a low altitude for a while, then suddenly dashed down and plunged into the grass, and then it quickly rose back up, with a huge fat rabbit between its claws.

The strong hind legs of the rabbit are still kicking at the giant eagle.

Looking at this cruel scene that only belongs to the animal world, Lu Qiu was once again shocked by the level of danger in this world.

After turning around in the prairie, Wells flew over the forest again, startling a flurry of birds. Finally, he flew to the tallest tree in the forest and stopped beside the huge bird's nest more than three meters wide between the branches.

Three light blue eggs lay quietly in the nest, with no mother bird guarding it.

Wells raised his claws, hesitated for a moment on the three eggs, and grabbed the smallest one.

Said to be the smallest, but also more than half a meter.

Wells threw the egg on his back as well. He had an extremely precise grasp of the force. The egg rolled twice on his back and stopped right in front of Lu Qiu, not too far away and without hitting her.

Lu Qiu straightened up a little, touched the eggshell, tapped again, and withdrew his hand in pain.

The egg was as hard as an egg-shaped fossil.

At this time, it was completely dark, and all kinds of insects and birds chirped in the dark forest, making Lu Qiu unable to help but recall the night when he woke up in this world.

Those huge bugs still make her scalp tingle.

Unconsciously, his hands clenched the cat's fur.

Aware of her nervousness, Wells didn't wander any further and went back to the stone castle.

Let the little pet see the danger and cruelty outside, and she will no longer think about escaping.

And Lu Qiu has indeed temporarily extinguished the thought of going out to see. There is no one in this area for thousands of miles. With her two short legs, she can't walk very far in a day.

Put back on the big soft bed, Lu Qiu rubbed his stomach.

I ate two pieces of fruit in the morning, all of which have been digested, and now I am a little hungry.

But it's not the point of being hungry now. The point is that these fruits have been digested into water, and she kind of wants to go to the toilet.

Is desperate to go to the toilet. Ever since she saw the eagle catching the rabbit, she felt a little urgency.

Taking advantage of the dim light outside the window, her eyes swept across this incomparably spacious building. In fact, there were quite a few things in the room, but it was only because the room was so huge that it seemed extremely empty.

A huge stone platform was piled up in the corner of the wall. The stone platform was very delicately set up, like the kind of climbing platform that children used to play with. There were also holes to drill. The platform was piled up to the place close to the ceiling. There is a slide about five or six meters high.

Lu Qiu had no doubt that descending from such a high slide, he would definitely fall to pieces.

In addition to the play area, there is a huge flower pot in the other corner. The pot is covered with mud and white flocs. It is said to be a flower pot, but nothing grows in the pot.

There is no toilet in the house.

Lu Qiu couldn't hold it any longer, and jumped off the bed again anxiously.

After sending her back, Wells went out, but did not go far, just stood by the door, like a huge door god.

As soon as Lu Qiu got out of bed, he immediately noticed it. He turned around and blocked the door. In the dark room with no lights on, his eyes were like two huge lights, staring at him quietly.

Lu Qiu's heart tightened, and he raised his voice to explain, "I don't want to go out, I just want to go to the toilet."

But they didn't understand the language, and Wells remained motionless in front of the door.

The more you care about urination, the more urgent it is. But after a while, Lu Qiu felt that he was about to explode.

Can't go out and there is no toilet, do you have to solve it on the spot in the house

For some reason, she saw the huge flower pot in the corner again.

Suddenly, a word popped into my mind.

cat litter box.

If you zoom out, isn't it a cat litter box!

Lu Qiu: "..."

The previous delusion of cats being kept as pets became more apparent.

She swallowed, looked at the door again, and found that Wells had moved away at some point, and once again nestled outside the door facing the courtyard, and did not look at her again.

good chance.

She quickly moved to the litter box with eight-figure steps.

Standing in front of the basin, she hesitated again, instead of going up immediately, she first wrinkled her nose and leaned in to smell it.

There is no smell, only a faint grassy fragrance, which is a bit similar to the smell on the giant cat before.

She tentatively reached out and grabbed a handful of gray-yellow soil, and found that it was more like a powder, and the white floc was soft to the touch, like a dandelion.

These dandelion-like flocs are many, piled up in the corner of the basin, like a natural wall, if she squatted down, it could perfectly cover her figure.

Lu Qiu was slightly relieved, she really couldn't hold back, and she couldn't control whether there was a litter box here or not.

The cat litter box is not low, it is more than one meter high. Fortunately, after turning two steps, I found a step next to it very thoughtfully.

She walked up, squatted down next to Xu Xu carefully, and completely covered herself before looking around with a long sigh of relief.

Then she was shocked when she saw it.

I saw the huge door, and I didn't know when there were half a pair of eyes.

But it was not the same as before. The giant cat was sticking to the wall at the door, as if peeking. Only half of its eyes and half of its ears were exposed, and most of its head and body were still hidden behind the wall.

Lu Qiu: "..."

Lu Qiu was so embarrassed that he wanted to cover his face.

Cats like to stare at their owners when they go to the toilet, can they still not change even if they are replaced by giant species

Fortunately, the giant cat didn't come in and squat in front of her, otherwise she would want to commit suicide now.

After seeing her discovering himself, Wells retracted his head and stopped looking at it.

Ruth happened to be walking in with a plate of steaming eggs.

Wells, who had just been lying on the ground and peeked like a pervert, immediately got up, and his tail was raised in front of Ruth.

He said sternly: "I can't go in now!"

Ruth: "???"