Master of the End Times

Chapter 47: Psychic vs. Gunman


Qin Feng blinked, but his eyes suddenly burst into light.

"Consciousness? Haha!"

Qin Feng had always been an ancient warrior before his rebirth, so when dealing with the gunman, his first reaction was to rush towards the gunman and behead him.

But when reminded by the other party's nonsense, Qin Feng suddenly realized that he now has another identity!


He is a superpower, why should he fight like this with the other party

Sometimes, experience kills people.

"Boom!" The sound of explosions came, followed by another series of bomb attacks.

He Li exploded again. In fact, his face was also very ugly, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

Although he has been trapped by the darkness, He Li can sense that Qin Feng is just a G7-level ability user.

However, the weapon in the opponent's hand was very powerful, which made He Li dare not let the opponent get close.

However, the biggest problem for gun owners is that the weapons are not easy to carry. Not only that, the ammunition is also limited.

His ammunition will soon be exhausted.

At this moment, He Li felt that there was no movement from Qin Feng's side.

Not only that, the blackness that shrouded his eyes actually disappeared, and he finally regained the light.

The laboratory was as dilapidated as a ruin. The lights flickered on and off, and the broken wires made a tingling sound, revealing a blue-white light.

"Have you been right? Is your consciousness overdrawn?" He Li was immediately overjoyed.

"But this kid's superpower is actually not weak. I've never seen it before."

"In that case, just take him back and hand him over to the deputy district chief. We can just find the person who will do the experiment ourselves!"

A sinister smile appeared on He Li's lips.

At this moment, Qin Feng was hiding in the shadows, watching He Li holding the gun and moving forward steadily, seemingly looking for his direction.

Qin Feng's consciousness suddenly burst out.


Black flames fell from the sky!

He Li didn't expect such a thing to happen at all, and it was already too late to avoid it!


He Li screamed, and the flames instantly enveloped his body. He rolled wildly, but the flames seemed to be like maggots on the tarsal bones, constantly eroding him.

He Li almost became a fireman.

In less than a moment, his body stopped struggling and fell to the ground.


Qin Feng waved his hand and the black flame was extinguished, but He Li's body had turned into charcoal.

Section F gunsmiths are in such a dilapidated laboratory. Total death.

Qin Feng only felt tired, both physically and mentally.

"Hey!" Xiaobai ran out from the corner. Qin Feng had not allowed him to participate in the battle just now. Now he saw that Qin Feng's body was covered with scars. He jumped a few times, ran to Qin Feng's shoulder, and licked Qin Feng's side. cheek.

"Xiaobai, stop making trouble!"

Qin Feng rubbed Xiaobai, and there was dust all over his body. Xiaobai suddenly turned into little gray.

Qin Feng held back his laughter before walking to He Li's body.

At this time, the combat uniform on the corpse had already been burned, but there were still some things that attracted Qin Feng's attention.

The inner armor of purple light was revealed. Qin Feng reached out and pulled it. He Li's body suddenly turned into ashes and died completely. However, the inner armor of purple light appeared in Qin Feng's hand.

"It seems to have been damaged by myself!" Qin Feng looked at the traces on the purple inner armor and understood something.

The power of the Qingwang Sword cannot be underestimated.

"You should be able to find a professional to repair it, and you can also resell it for money!" Qin Feng put the inner armor away.

He Li naturally has other protection on his body, such as hand and leg bindings, which are designed to prevent injuries on a large scale. However, these are blue light rune equipment, so Qin Feng put them away.

"Space rune equipment!"

Qin Feng saw the dusty but silver-colored ring among a pile of dust.

Qin Feng injected his consciousness and found that there was only a space two meters long, one meter wide and one meter high.

Although there were not many, there were dozens of weapons arranged neatly.

The value of these weapons is definitely not cheap, at least more than 8 million.

Of course, the most valuable thing is this space rune equipment. Such a rune equipment is worth at least 10 million!

However, Qin Feng no longer needs rune equipment, and this ring can be sold.

Who to sell to is a question.

Qin Feng moved all the machinery inside to Xiaobai's space and took out a few time bombs.

These were probably specially prepared by He Li for this laboratory. Now that He Li died, Qin Feng automatically took over this task.

He also does not want everything in this laboratory to be spread out, this is also for his own safety.

"Let's go!"

Qin Feng gave an order.

Xiaobai immediately teleported with Qin Feng, and in the blink of an eye, they were in the wild again.

Qin Feng pressed the remote control in his hand. For a moment, there was a huge roar in the distance and the ground sunken downwards. Then it seemed as if nothing happened.

After all, this is the middle of nowhere and no one knows about it.

After dismantling the laboratory that framed him before his rebirth, he found some clues, but it was clear that Qin Feng had a bigger mystery.

But the clue may be in the deputy district chief, but now, I don't have the ability to face the deputy district chief!

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend. I don't mind having one more powerful helper!"

When Qin Feng thought about this, he finally had some ideas.

He took off his combat uniform. The 30,000-dollar T3 combat uniform was completely damaged in this battle and could no longer be repaired.

Taking out his luggage from the orphanage from Xiaobai's space, Qin Feng discovered that he only had two pieces of clothes left.

"You should buy some!"

Qin Feng was also helpless. In battle, his clothes would inevitably get damaged, and all the clothes he had had had been used up these days.

The hover car returned to the base. At this time, the sky was already showing a fishy white color, and it was another early morning.

Qin Feng turned on the communicator and looked for the person he hadn't contacted in almost a month.

"Captain Xue, I have something in my hand. I wonder if you are interested in it!"

Half an hour later, Xue Xingfu's eyes were hazy, he was dozing off, and he was already criticizing Qin Feng in his heart.

"Why does this kid come so early every time? Young man, you really work hard!"

But this time Qin Feng didn't say what he wanted to sell to him.

At this time, a suspended chariot stopped in front of Xue Xingfu. For an F-segment ability user, a luxury car was nothing unusual. He just glanced at it for a few times, and then his eyes widened.

Qin Feng carried a backpack, got down from the driver's cab, and walked to Xue Xingfu's car.

Xue Xingfu didn't even react.

Qin Feng knocked on the car window, and Xue Xingfu hurriedly unlocked it.

"Qin Feng, you have made a lot of money recently!"

He bought all the floating chariots, and the prices were definitely not bad, but he didn't sell any of them to himself. Xue Xingfu was inevitably a little resentful.