Master of the Flower City

Chapter 1: Star wedding


"Hey... Zhang Ji, you said that Yang Xiuya is a good star. Why do you like Zhang Jie who looks like a pig."

On Nancheng Avenue, in a speeding old-fashioned Beverly car, Liu Yong looked at the innocent and temperamental photos of Yang Xiuya on the data in his hand, and put it together with the rich second-generation Zhang Jie with a human head and pig brain. The more he looked at it, the more angry he became, as if he was himself The girlfriend was defiled by the "**" thieves.

During this period of time, the hottest topics in the entertainment circle were two marriages. One was the wedding of Wang Xiaofei, known as the Four Young Masters of the Capital, and the big s in Hainan not long ago. The other couple was even more sensational, that is, their South Weekly magazine today. The subject to be interviewed was the wedding of Xiaokai Zhang Jie of the top ten company Honghai Group and Yang Xiuya, a female star known as one of the new four Xiaohuadan.

"You kid knows what a fart, I don’t know that when Yang Xiuya was filming last year, did the big director Wang Qiang splash water on his face in public? She has been banned for a year and hasn’t gotten alive. If she doesn’t marry, would you support her? what?"

The reporter who led the interview, Zhang Dejun, leaned in the back seat, "touching" his beard and calling Liu Yong, an intern reporter.

Yang Xiuya's splashing water incident was a sensation in the entertainment industry at the time. This beauty, who was hailed as only one in twenty years, had a lot of beauty when she debuted three years ago. It was also an advertisement and a movie and TV series.

If it weren't for her in her ascendant period because she rejected the unspoken rules of the big director who covered the sky with only one hand in the circle, she would be ugly to Wang Qiang in public. I am afraid that Yang Mi and Sun Li should carry her skirts now.

It is because of Yang Xiuya's stubborn "sex" that offended many people in the circle, and in the end she had almost nothing to film, and no record company was willing to cooperate with her again, and the agency was also considering her in the overall situation. The contract has been terminated, and the last year has disappeared as completely as the previous soup.

"Then find someone worthy of it. Doesn't Zhang Jie have a few bad money?" Liu Yong, who was dealing with a flat head, had a face like "I am an angry youth".

Zhang Dejun couldn't help but kicked him unhappily: "Look at your virtue's "sex"... Anyway, you are a college student, speaking so rough, and the value of other people's Honghai Group selling tens of billions of cars is just a few stinky money in your mouth. If you have the ability to make some bad money, let me see..."

Liu Yong scratched his head hippiely, and asked the simple and strong young man in the passenger seat to comment: "Yang Can... You just came to the magazine and you are a soldier. It must be the most fair. For you, I have no reason to say it."

The young man in the passenger seat smiled casually: "It should not be as vulgar as we thought. I read the information. It is said that Yang Xiuya, a famous chaste woman in the entertainment industry, is said to not even let her hands touch her before getting married. Maybe someone else loves each other sincerely."

"Yang Can, you deserve to be educated by the party, you are too innocent to look at things! Awareness is not at the same level as us."

Liu Yong slapped him, and unexpectedly found Zhang Dejun glared at him. At this time, he suddenly remembered that Yang Can, who had just joined the magazine, was not an ordinary person, and his tone of voice became more restrained even later.

All three of them are reporters under a small magazine in Nancheng. The only publication issued by the magazine, Nanzhou Magazine, can barely maintain the business with the sales volume of 3,000 copies per issue. Most of them are at a loss to the magazine. CEO Xu Yang gritted his teeth and insisted.

And this veteran Yang Can’s entry into the magazine was based on Xu Yang’s personal relationship, or Mr. Xu’s special approval, saying that with Yang Can’s high school dropout diploma, he would not be able to enter the press in Nancheng, let alone go to work. On the first day, you can run the news with Zhang Dejun. Any intern reporter in the industry can get such an opportunity without working in a magazine for three months.

Liu Yong didn’t dare to say anything. He looked through the information about Yang Xiuya’s debut, and flipped through the 2008 issue of Nanzhou Magazine. He accidentally saw another piece of news above that no terrorist attack was found in the security of the Beijing Olympic Games. I watched it with gusto, and sighed sincerely: "Hey, we China are bulls. We don't even dare to touch terrorists. Others, the World Trade Center in the United States, were knocked out. We opened the Olympics and we didn't even notice a bomb."

The Beijing Olympics... Listening to Liu Yong's words, looking sideways at the constantly changing scene outside the car window, Yang Can's thoughts could not help but float up to three years ago, when he returned to his first mission.

At that time, his title was National Security Agency-Investigator of the Old Ministry of K.

The name sounds pretty impressive, but in fact, the content of his work is not that elegant. His work is to obtain useful information from criminals through various methods, and is even authorized to use force and "medicine". Extreme way.

Of course, Yang Can has never used these methods. He is a psychological investigator among the old k investigators, mainly by unearthing clues buried deep in human faces, bodies and voices, and then the criminals are truthful in the investigation. An expert in behavioral psychology who distinguishes from lies.

Yang Can still clearly remembers that when he first walked into the interrogation room, he faced a religious fanatic who was helpless to all those experienced and senior colleagues. The other party had hidden the bombs buried in the Olympics scene. location.

At that time, when he entered, all the colleagues' faces appeared to be disappointed, and they didn't understand why Old K would send someone like him.

This is also very natural. As an elite institution under the Ministry of National Security, "Old K", it has been established for 60 years since the founding of the People’s Republic of China. The youngest psychological investigator with the ability of "polygraph" was also a third. Nineteen-year-old middle-aged man.

To be an excellent behavioral psychology investigator, you need not only outstanding talents, but also a deep understanding of human nature, rich experience, and strong observation.

The 21-year-old psychological investigator, no matter who it is, does not feel convincing.

That is, from heaven, he was given many titles because of the discovery of the three hidden bombs, ace investigator, behavioral psychology genius, torture expert...

No wonder, how could my colleagues think that someone in this world can see the consciousness in the human brain as gaseous words on top of their heads? This kind of alternative mind reading probably only existed in those fictional stories before.

Had it not been for that accident, he would have obtained this ability, I am afraid that even he himself would not believe that there is such an absurd thing.

I’m afraid no one would have expected that, because of a series of inconspicuous soldiers, he joined an elite force like K. K as a so-called genius psychological investigator within a few years and became a veteran. The youngest lieutenant colonel in k miles.

Whenever he thinks of this, Yang Can laughs at himself. Who knows that he, the so-called genius lieutenant colonel in psychology, not only has an IQ of less than three digits, but even his professional knowledge of introduction to psychology and human behavior is in a mess.

It's just that in the past few years in the army, although the life has been very beautiful, but it is not very comfortable.

"You are a talent cultivated by the country, and a property belonging to the country." This is what Yang Can heard the most in the four years old, and it even made him feel sick.

The property of the country is really ridiculous... If it weren’t for this bullshit, the organization wouldn’t have concealed the news of his father’s heart attack in order to make him feel at ease in carrying out his tasks, so that he would even be a dad in a single parent family I didn't see the last side of it.

Fortunately, Dad’s old comrade-in-arms Xu Yang helped him take care of everything behind him, and buried him in a splendid burial. Otherwise, he who missed the funeral would regret it for the rest of his life.

It's ironic that he has entered the country's highest-level security forces and is investigating other people's psychology every day, but he doesn't even know that his father is so seriously ill.

Yang Can sighed lightly. Destiny is often so wonderful. If it were not for his rebellious nature, his stubborn father would not just send him to the army for training, and perhaps he would never have such a peculiar reading. Mind it.

"Here..." Zhang Dejun's hoarse voice pulled Yang Can from his thoughts back to reality. They were already their destination this time, the place where the wedding of Zhang Jie, son of Honghai Group, a leading automobile sales company in the country, and the big star Yang Xiuya— Ming Kun Hotel.

If it weren’t for interviews, it would be difficult for the three of Yang Can to come to such a high-end venue. Unfortunately, they didn’t enjoy it right away. Luxurious hotel environment.

All the media, including Nanzhou Magazine, were blocked in the outer area. Honghai Group had already taken over the entire hotel for a whole month. Except for the guests they invited, no one could enter, even those who had already Hotel guests must check out one week before the wedding.

Mobile phones, cameras, these things are considered contraband even if they appear on those relatives and friends who come to the wedding. The guarding posture makes the inside and outside of the hotel look extraordinarily tightly guarded.

Fortunately, Honghai Group is not closed, so the news, before the wedding three days later, there will be a public press conference at noon today, and it is very humane to allow reporters to open the hotel for one day.

Honghai’s public relations manager has already spoken out early. This is to give a lot of face to the media friends. Please also raise your hands and don’t be too "forced". The scene will be cleared from tomorrow. Don’t blame any reporters sneaking in. They are not polite, just like a posture of courtesy first and then soldiers.

"What time is it? Can I eat?" Liu Yong asked, "licking" his chapped lips.

In the makeshift tent press center, hundreds of reporters from various media were crowded together. Of course, a small magazine such as Nanzhou Magazine had no good place. They were squeezed to the very edge of the tent. There is no place for me, and after being exposed to the sun for a long time, my mood becomes a little bored.

"A quarter to five o'clock." Yang Can looked at the time and moved his shoulders. Compared with the training in the army, the hard work of the reporter seemed to him like a vacation.

"It's dinner..." In the shouting room not far away, a few service staff came out of the hotel, carrying boxes of packed lunches with big bags and small bags, and brought them over. Hundreds of reporters rushed up and surrounded them happily. Get lunch.

Box lunch is a welfare for Honghai Group to entertain reporters in order to win the hearts and minds of these low-level reporters so as not to write too much when they report.

Holding three press cards to register, Liu Yong, who was still lazy just now, looked like chicken blood at this time, roaring bravely and snatching 4 boxes of lunch amidst the chaos.

"Come on, Yang Can, Zhang Ji... I also took an extra... I'm absolutely full." Hippie smiled and handed the lunch.

The three of them squatted on the ground to start. Liu Yong just took a bite and felt something was wrong. He picked up the chopsticks carefully and found that there was not even a piece of meat in the lunch box. Then he sneaked at the person next to him, but found a lot of people. There were huge braised chicken drumsticks in the lunch box, and I couldn't help but muttered: "Unlucky... Why don't we have any chicken drumsticks?"

"Eat, don't talk nonsense." Zhang Dejun didn't take it seriously, as if he was used to it. Yang Can, who sullenly eats and did not make a sound, understands the situation. This is actually very particular about what kind of media reporter is the one who sent lunch What kind of lunch boxes are distributed? The lunch boxes received by the big newspapers and TV stations are at least 25 yuan for the food "color", but they all have 6 yuan on the roadside stalls. The grade.

What is even more unbalanced is that the few media elites among the reporters were invited into the hotel by the staff in full view and dine in the lobby. The difference between the treatments is self-evident.

Also, no matter what the field is the same, there is still a gap in the level of people.

Halfway through eating, Yang Can suddenly heard a crisp female yelling from the door of the hotel and couldn't help turning his head to look at it.

"You let me go... I have the right to freedom of the press! Why do you arrest me? I booked the room last month and you have no right to drive me out..."

"Big brother... don't... don't drop the camera... the camera is innocent!"

"It'll be fine in a while... I only take a few photos... Really, just a few... It's easy for you."

I saw a few hotel security guards with a cold face, a delicate girl with short hair, kicking and struggling with her feet in the air, came out of the gate and threw her hand into the reporter's tent.

"Don't get in here anymore, next time you won't just collect your film." From the security guard's angry and threatening face, it is obviously not the first time that this girl has been caught sneaking in.

The girl with a press card hanging around her neck looks like seventeen or eight years old, with short hair trimmed and delicate, her fair face, the most impressive pair of big emotional eyes, seem to flash when she talks. With different emotions, the voice is fast and energetic, giving people a very spiritual feeling, with a literary and artistic spirit that has not been polished by the society.

The accent seems to be Taiwanese.

Seeing this pretty little girl crying with a small face, while patting the dust on her skirt, while carefully checking the camera, the group of colleagues next to her were talking about her audacity with a gloating expression.

Reporters with a little experience can see that this little girl is immature. It’s a place usually used to receive foreign guests like Ming Kun Hotel. It’s not easy for the police to get in, let alone you, a reporter. When you are eating, you should check and wait until the meal is over, right

Seeing that little literary beauty got up angrily to get the box lunch, she was rejected by the staff with a blank eye. She could only sit in the corner next to her with a frustrated face. Yang Can thought she was very interesting. The strong nasal voice of Taiwanese girls sounded soft and soft. , Makes people listen very comfortable.

I have been used to seeing these intriguing colleagues these days, but this refreshing little beauty is very attractive. After asking with his eyes, Zhang Dejun smiled and nodded, Yang Can wiped his mouth and handed over the remaining box of lunch.

"Here, girl, eat." Taking a glance at the press card on her chest, the words Xia Meng were printed under the "Southern Chu Shijing".

"Oh... It turns out that you are from Nanzhou Magazine and you are a newcomer. What a coincidence..." Hungry and panicked, Xia Meng gobbled up and chatted with Yang Can, who is also a new reporter. The two quickly got acquainted. stand up.

It turns out that this very energetic little girl is an intern reporter for the "Southern Chu Shijing" newly opened by a Taiwanese media group in the mainland.

In the time of eating, Xia Meng, who is "natural" and lively by nature, has already told her to go to expose the "reveal" society, and presided over the civil justice and other ideals of life impassionedly. The energetic "shooting" appearance and the surrounding surroundings Those old fried dough sticks are very different, and this has also made Yang Can have a lot of affection for her. I have never met a colleague who is more ideal and purposeful than her.

"Yang Can... Just ask me if you don't understand in the future, senior, I'll take care of you, let's work hard together... Come on!" Xia Meng finally met someone more junior than her, just like a senior. He put his arms around Yang Can's shoulders and said heartlessly.

After staying in the army for a long time, Yang Can’s temperament is a bit different from ordinary people. In addition to the general appearance, there is no ostentatious taste in dressing. It is simple to say that it sounds simple, and it is "counseling" to use fashionable words to describe it. .

He was not so much a journalist running the society, but more like a security guard at the Ming Kun Hotel, which caused Xia Meng to overflow with sympathy, and for a while, he forgot that Yang Can was much older than her.

"The little girl's tone is not small, but I still want to cheer up. I learned this tone from Lin Chiling, right."

Yang Can was also amused by a little girl who said she wanted to take care of herself, but she also had some reasons for saying this. Although others' "Southern Chu Shijing" was just released, it was only a low-level in the industry, but it was still stable and stable. The weekly magazine is also qualified to mention something.

"Then I will ask you to teach Luo more from now on?" Yang Can said with a smile on her face, imitating her accent in a joking tone.

"Do you know why I want to sneak in?" Seeing Yang Can reacting with unexpected enthusiasm, Xia Meng couldn't help but put her face in the vanity, and said something in his ear.

Yang Can passively smelled her delicate and elegant fragrance, felt the hot and humid scent in her ears, and enjoyed it very much inside, but she still pretended to take a slobber and looked at her stupidly and asked, "Why?"

Xia Meng turned her head and looked around, for fear of being heard, her eyes flashed with triumphant "color", and she uttered a few words with her nasal voice: "According to my careful analysis, this master is very It might be gay."

Yang Can just spit out the water in his mouth with a "puff". Looking at the serious face of Xia Meng, he laughed so hard that his stomach hurts a little.

"You... Forget it... Don't believe it!" Xia Meng was so angry that she could not pursed her mouth. She only felt that her kindness had been ruined by others, and she glared at Yang Can with an attitude of immediately drawing the line.

"Xiao Yang, the press conference is about to begin." Following Zhang Dejun's shout, all the reporters present stood up. Today's highlight is about to begin. Yang Can and Xia Meng looked at each other and got up and plunged into it. A press conference as fierce as a war is being prepared.

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