Master of the Flower City

Chapter 100: Resonant energy of consciousness


"Yang Tou. You." Wang Chuanjun didn't understand his intentions and glanced at him. After all, he, an emergency expert, said he was helpless. What else could Yang Can think of? He wouldn't want to learn "The Dragon of Medicine". The protagonist cut her trachea under this condition and connected it with a pen. It was a TV series. Under such harsh conditions, any wound would be in danger of infection, let alone a sensitive system like the respiratory tract, let alone they don’t have it. Work hard to stop the bleeding.

"You just support it."

Yang Can slowly injected his red "color" consciousness energy into the girl's back, and went straight into her lungs, feeling the faint blue "color" consciousness energy, trying to merge with it, leading the blue "color" "'S consciousness revives, shakes, and shakes slowly, which drives the vitality of her own organ consciousness.

In the traditional concept, people are usually unable to control their own internal functions. For example, you cannot increase your adrenaline secretion at will, and cannot mobilize the immune cells in your body to fight the virus. Everything in the human body is in a kind of automation. In the mode of operation.

In the field of medicine, doctors can adjust the internal operating mechanism of the human body through various "medicine" substances or physical stimuli, while in the field of psychology, suggestive therapy, hypnosis, or positive mental therapy are generally used. It is to mobilize the energy inside the human body to obtain the healing effect.

Now the girl’s lungs and respiratory tract are blocked, and at the same time the heart stops beating. This also causes insufficient blood supply, so that the lungs cannot have enough power to remove the sludge. Yang Can’s purpose is to use his own consciousness. The energy drives the consciousness energy in the opponent’s lungs...

While feeling that the girl started to have some reactions, Yang Can only felt a huge negative emotion hit, his mind was shaken, and the consciousness link came to an abrupt end...

Yang Can couldn't help but shook his head in annoyance. He was too unskilled with this ability. He was careless. He was not prepared to face the impact of this negative energy. When he raised his hand and was about to try again, he was very uncomfortable to hear "Help... Leader" , I was wrong... Save me!" the piercing scream.

In the dark night, Wang Dalin was struggling desperately for help in the flood and silt, Yang Can threw the pulp to Zhou Haoran expressionlessly, with no emotion in his tone: "Now is the critical stage of treatment, I don't want to hear anything. The noise affects me."

Zhou Haoran took the pulp and nodded. After passing by and following Yang Can to flatten the old block with a Hummer, Zhou Haoran was also reborn. He was no longer the fearful "hairy" boy. He was unknowingly caught by Yang. Can tuned out a hint of arrogance, holding the pulp, directly knocked at Wang Dalin's bald scoop, who was struggling on the surface of the water: "What is the thief shouting! Who is allowed to call you!"

Poor Wang Dalin struggled desperately in the rapids, underneath was a dark vortex, and above it was the stench of silt. He could finally come out of the water to call for help. He didn't expect to be hit by the blow, and the hot spot sank again.

However, the human body is buoyant. When you hit it down, it immediately floats up again. What's more, Wang Dalin's "sex" is not bad. After swallowing, he struggled again and continued to call for help.

"Yet the thief shout... The thief shout... Also... the thief shout..." Zhou Haoran had already seen that the rotten goods were not pleasing to the eye. Every time he shouted "Yet the thief", he knocked him on the head. The arrogant Wang Dalin succumbed to the knock, just struggling in the water, his eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, and his mouth was so wide that he didn't dare to make any noise.

Wang Xiaolin looked panicked and angry at the end of the boat. He didn't know how much he wanted to rush up to clean up that arrogant Zhou Haoran and rescue his brother. Unfortunately, the cold scalpel on his neck reminded him that he just wanted to survive. Can only stay honestly.

Yang Can once again used his red "color" consciousness to link Eryatou's body, controlling his hot red "color" consciousness, leading the second girl's heart and lungs to beat the consciousness little by little, overcoming those negative emotions. The impact, gritted his teeth and beat with a strong impulsive consciousness like a drumbeat, driving it, and finally, the weak blue consciousness slowly became active.

Suddenly, Wang Chuanjun shook his whole body and cried out in surprise: "Heartbeat... Her heartbeat." He saw Er Yatou's body shaking for a while, and a sudden violent cough, spitting out a cloud of muddy water against the surface of the water, coughing constantly. With.

Come alive... All the people on the boat sat up straight, looked at Er Yatou in disbelief, and gathered around.

"Second girl is alive..." "She's not dead..." "This breath comes out."

The old man said that people were alive. Just now, the second girl was obviously out of breath. Why did she suddenly catch her breath? This fate is not so hard, maybe because of joy. Everyone doesn't seem to feel stinky anymore, and they come together one by one. Seeing that the girl gradually had a bloody face, she was washing her with a "hair" towel and water.

"This child is really blessed and fateful, and this can be saved." "Oh, I think it is his dead'milk' and'milk' bless her." "Well, thanks to the ancestor. People are gone. .

Wang Chuanjun and Gu Wan both looked at each other, both surprised and surprised. They lay down while taking care of the second girl who had just awakened, while discussing: "What happened to Yang Tou just now? Could it be that he practiced qigong after he retired from the army?" "Who knows. Qigong doesn't have such a fast effect, right."

At this time, only one person on the boat was still pale, looking at Yang Can, begging: Leader, I know that our brother was wrong, what you just said, if the second girl comes back to life, let my eldest brother go, look. … "Wang Xiaolin pointed to Wang Dalin, who had gradually lost his voice in the water, and there was a bit of crying in his pleading voice. Only when he talked about his brother, this bad thing seemed like a person.

Jiang Wei looked back at Yang Can indifferently, and saw Yang Can slightly forehead. Then he pulled the scalpel away from Wang Xiaolin’s neck and coldly left the sentence: “Go and get your brother up by yourself, sit on this boat, don’t talk nonsense. ."

Wang Xiaolin trembled as he listened. He didn't know why this Doctor Jiang was obviously weak, but his slender eyes flashed with a terrifying temperament. Although Jiang Wei didn't say anything threatening, Wang Xiaolin But he felt that if he talked more, he would definitely throw his brothers into the water.

In the heavy rain, after some tossing, the full boat finally calmed down. Everyone was busy with their affairs. After Wang Dalin was picked up, he spit out water for a long time, and there were a lot of people. He didn't dare to speak anymore, lowered his head, for fear that his eyes would meet Yang Can.

When Wang Chuanjun saw that the ship was about to fill up two places, he couldn't help but leaned over and asked Yang Can: "Yang Tou, we should not turn around and go back, Ajuan and Xia Sheng, the two girls are weak, we are now Lin It’s raining, I’m afraid they won’t be able to bear it for a long time. If there are complications, it will be troublesome."

Saving people is saving people, but if the people are not taken care of, what complications are caused, will these villagers bite back and hold them accountable? Wang Chuanjun has been doing first aid for so many years, and he does not know how many times he has experienced this situation, and he has lingering fears.

Yang Can squatted his mouth leaning on the boat head: "Don't worry, they are in a good condition now, there is no problem, not to mention that they are not such people who don't know what is good or bad."

"But the human heart is separated by the belly, so I'm afraid." Before Wang Chuanjun finished speaking, Yang Can waved his hand to interrupt him, stood up and concentrated, he suddenly felt the consciousness of three living people not far away. Moreover, there were still three very spiritual masses of consciousness, which was strange, adjusted the direction and drove the boat over.

In the dark night, the heavy rain made people unable to distinguish their current location, and they didn’t know that it was in the area of the cofferyan township. Driving past, I saw a factory building that was crumbled on the water and shattered to pieces by the waves. The brand of "Yingzi Paper Mill" can be vaguely identified.

Zhou Haoran couldn't help but glanced at Yang Can, and there were mixed feelings in his heart. They had come all the way to save people, but they didn't expect to come to this place. This is really bad fate.

Due to the low terrain of the paper mill, almost all the workshops were submerged by floods, and there was a mess everywhere. The floating equipment parts and many metal raw materials barrels of different sizes, as they gradually deepened, the torrential flood, everyone noticed There was a little flashlight not far away, and they looked over in surprise.

As the boat drove past, he saw the top of a factory building similar to a platform, filled with one-person-high raw material barrels, with three people on it, searching for something while looking at the water with a flashlight.