Master of the Flower City

Chapter 104: Go back to the land


Yang Can stunned Wang Sanye with a punch, and Mrs. Wang came over and quickly reluctantly helped Wang Sanye to prevent the unconscious husband's face from sinking below the water.

With a look of contempt, Yang Can picked up the two little girls who were so scared that their faces turned pale, not to mention that his boat had no place, even if there was a place, Yang Can didn’t plan to take Wang San. Take away, this kind of selfish and pedantic old scourge is one less in this world, which may not be a good thing for the cofferyan township.

"Don't cry, I'll take you out." Yang Can smiled and comforted the two little girls who had been in the water for a long time. The two girls seemed to feel the warmth on the man's body, and looked at him with big eyes, a little dumbfounded. , The hand unconsciously grasped his clothes tightly.

Yang Can felt that the air here was getting thinner and thinner, and knew that this matter could not be delayed any longer. The air here would not last long. If he kept on, he might not have enough oxygen to swim out, so he stretched out to Mrs. Wang. I will also take you out. "Plus this Mrs. Wang, the position is just enough.

Mrs. Wang is about sixty years old, her skin looks like a wrinkled apple after a week, but her voice is still very feminine. She shook her head and said, "No, my husband is here, and my ancestors also Here, I must be here, so you can take them away." The calm expression didn't even mean a trace of fear.

""Milk" "Milk"..." """Milk" "Milk" come with us..." In this narrow space, the cry of the two little granddaughters looked particularly bleak, and Yang Can heard something in his heart. Comfortable, I am very puzzled by the old lady's thoughts, reminding: "Old lady, if you don't go now, I'm afraid you won't be able to go later."

Madam Wang held Wang San tightly in her arms, and squeezed out a smile: "Go away, you will almost lose your breath when you swim in. My half-perishable body doesn't have such a long breath, so it's hard to take all of me. Do, life and death are fate..." After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes and said the Buddha's name.

Yang Can did not expect that the old lady was so knowledgeable and open-minded, and she spontaneously developed a kind of admiration for this traditional and chaste old lady. How could this Wang San really marry such a lady? He sighed and knew what she said. It was a fact, and reminded the two little girls: "Take a big breath, we are going to dive." He nodded to Granny Wang, who was calmly waiting for death. Knowing that this was a goodbye, I felt a bit complicated, so I dived into the water.

Three minutes later, with a "wow", Yang Can emerged from the water, and the villagers rushed over to get the pulp and fished him up. They shouted in surprises, and felt that they had squeezed out their place. Little girls.

Wang Chuanjun and Jiang Wei checked the physical condition of Yang Can and the two little girls for the first time, and the data was normal. They breathed a sigh of relief. Looking at Yang Can’s eyes full of admiration, Yang Tou rescued two more. Personally, this is incredible.

"They really love being in it, the leader is really god..." "Yeah, how did he know that there are living people underwater?" "It must be the savior sent by God to our cofferyan township... God bless." The villagers muttered in awe and fear, Yang Can seemed to be shrouded in an indescribable mysterious power, and for a moment he dared not look directly at his face.

"Turn around and go back." Yang Can took off his clothes and lay shirtless on the boat head, letting Gu Wan put a few dry towels on her body and said.

"There is another position..." Zhou Haoran and several people felt incredible when they heard this, and asked rather uncertainly, this is not like Yang Can's style.

"Go back." Yang Can explained much more lazily, only repeating these two words. His consciousness energy has completely collapsed this time. Without his human radar, he couldn't continue his search work in this harsh environment. Up.

Wang Chuanjun, Jiang Wei, Zhou Haoran, and Zhou were among a dozen other people. They all felt their bodies loose at the same time, as if some burden was relieved. Zhou Haoran even lay down directly as if prostration, and looked at Wang Chuanjun who reacted the same way. After seeing it, there was a bitter smile of joy, only to realize that everyone couldn't hold it anymore.

To be honest, they are not like Yang Can. They wanted to turn around and go back a long time ago. They were just afraid of dragging down the team, so they didn't dare to say it. At this time, they heard Yang Can's "go back". , It is like being amnesty.

"Let's go... Let's go back to the land..." Zhou Haoran endured the tingling of his arms and patted the heads of the two little girls who were coughing constantly. Everyone "showed" long-lost smiles. The ordinary "land" couldn't No matter how ordinary words, they sound so kind.

Back along the way back, it’s much smoother, Yang Can can take a good rest, everyone’s emotions along the way are very relaxed, although a few were obviously depressed by the rain and developed fever. They both comforted and sulked at each other. Such a little bit of discomfort is nothing compared to the ecstasy of escaping from death.

However, when passing by the Yingzi Paper Mill, everyone was still a little depressed, and gradually stopped talking, as if returning to the real world from joy, and being reborn in the disaster, not long after enjoying the joy of rebirth, they were pulled back. brutal reality. I can't laugh anyhow.

Suddenly everyone smelled the pungent chemical odor, they covered their noses unconsciously, and were surprised that they looked at each other and didn't know what was going on.

At this time, I don’t know who shouted in surprise: "Look, everyone, that platform is gone..." Everyone quickly turned their faces and looked at it. With a searchlight, it turned out that the temporary platform that had been built before had disappeared, and only the platform was full. A bucket of raw materials printed with English letters floated in the flood.

Both Wang Chuanjun and Jiang Wei straightened up in surprise, and they "rubbed" and "rubbed" their eyes in disbelief. The highly toxic chemical materials in front of them were soaked in the water, and the temporary platform in the paper mill collapsed. ? Turning around, I saw that Yang Can and Gu Wan were both old gods, and I was even more surprised. I couldn't help but recall Yang Can's weird reaction at that time.

"Yang Tou, didn't you see that this table was going to collapse a long time ago?" Wang Chuanjun asked suspiciously. Yang Can's words with closed eyes were cold and calm, and he didn't answer but just reminded: " Benzene is highly toxic in water. Those who cleaned the storage tank for the paper mill before were killed by these toxic gases. Don't go there if you don't want to die."

While Wang Chuanjun nodded, he saw several people floating in the distance, dying on the exposed metal poles. Under the light of the searchlight, their faces were distorted in pain, and it turned out to be Guan Defa and Guan Defa. The Wang brothers.

Both Wang Chuanjun and Zhou Haoran, who were in charge of controlling the direction, raised their mouths with a sneer that they deserved, and at the same time turned their heads away from there.

The second Wei, who had been desperately trying to get on the platform, couldn't help being dumbfounded at this time, and muttered to himself: "Fortunately, I didn't go up. Fortunately, I didn't go up." I didn't know if his whole body was drenched with rain or cold sweat.

Not only did the other villagers raise no objections, a few were excited and even spit a few in the direction of those people, and murmured cursingly: "... I am so despondent, I know bullying people on weekdays, and I deserve to die." "Retribution," Retribution." The suffocation in my heart seemed to ease a lot at this moment.

Tian Guoli and Major Miao waited on the shore for nearly an hour under the heavy rain, and their hearts were always up and down. They organized assault boats several times in the middle to try to rescue them, but they all failed because the floods were too rapid and the rain was too strong. Anxious but couldn't help anything, and could only wait for news from Yang Can's team. This was undoubtedly a painful torment for Tian Guoli, who were anxious for sex, and their teeth were about to be crushed.

"They're back... They're back..." A few sharp-eyed villagers were holding old-style telescopes, and suddenly shouted, Tian Guoli jumped up from the place where he was, "Yang Can is back... Yes Is Yang Can back?"

Hearing the sound, everyone gathered around. Numerous searchlights and electric rods all pointed to the same place. In the dark night and rain, the peculiar assault boat appeared in people’s sight, and it was filled with people. .

I don’t know who cheered, and then the cheers of tens of thousands of people rang out. In the noisy voice, someone kept shouting: "That's A Juan and her child..." "Xia Sheng... It's Xia Sheng... Saved and saved." Now..." "Let's see if I am dazzled, is it Wei Lao Er!"

In the heroic cheers, Yang Can fell asleep. He was really tired, and he was not in the mood to enjoy such a warm welcome from the crowd.