Master of the Flower City

Chapter 109: Cultural representative (2)


Since he came to the magazine, Nan Zhou Magazine has been going smoothly. This is the first time that he has encountered irresistible resistance. It really made him realize that he was slightly lacking in the overall situation. The reason why he was so arrogant in front of those leaders at the beginning, It was because he knew Qiu Huabo's position and borrowed the momentum, but Director Chen's words today reminded him.

Qiu Huabo will eventually retire. If he is too public, it will not be a good thing for Nanzhou Magazine in the long run. Based on the approval this time, he can certainly publish the "Flood in Cofferyan Township" on his own. However, this reckless method will not only reduce the impression of Nan Zhoukan from the Cultural Affairs Bureau, but also weaken the connection between Qiu Huabo and Tian Guoli, which he has just established, and leave them unwilling. Know the general impression.

Yang Can repeatedly clicked on his Xinlang Weibo, the number of fans on the screen was close to 100,000, and he kept thinking about a thought in Chen Ran's consciousness today. The director of the Cultural Bureau was in consciousness while talking with him. Two words flashed continuously, "Internet" and "Han Han".

Is he thinking that Nanzhou Weekly wants to break free from the shackles and can only rely on the momentum of the Internet media

Han Han. Han Han... Why does Director Chen think of Han Han, the 80-year-old writer who has been in the era when he looks at him? This young and famous young cultural leader has a huge personal influence. The sharp articles on his blog were reprinted by countless netizens and regarded as classics. Later, with his influence, he founded "Solo Group", which sold more than one million in a single issue. …

How does this relate to yourself

And Han Han was able to walk from the pure audience of his novels to the present huge influence. It came from the online channel of blogs. After 2008, it was precisely because Han Han shifted the focus of his blog from private topics to public topics. , Especially after the topic of current affairs, he became famous.

First-class text + correct standpoint + permanent hotspots have created the most visited blog in the world.

Indeed, in the country, no media person has dared to criticize the ugly social phenomenon as he did, and the shackles on the media person’s body are so many that they set off Han Han's sharpness, and his reputation has grown day by day. , Also inadvertently caused a huge pressure of public opinion, so that those who want to take him have no choice, this is the important "sex" of the right to speak.

Thinking of this, Yang Can suddenly seemed to clarify all the entangled thoughts before, and could not help raising his eyebrows.

Yes, I have been rushing along the single path developed by the magazine, constantly challenging authority head-on, but forgetting that there are many flexible ways to achieve this goal in the same way.

Why can't he use the Internet as a carrier to slowly build his own brand image like Han Han, and then use his own brand image to drive the development of the magazine

Han Han, don’t the younger generation writers of Guo Jingming use this method to start magazines

In all fairness, as a reporter, in addition to writing, I now have far more resources than Han Han. I can not only get the inside story of many news, but also gradually have the Weibo attention of Yang Xiuya's celebrities, and An ally of business and government for two terms.

Although Nanzhou Magazine currently has a lot of restraints due to insufficient influence, it has much more freedom at the personal level... In China, the Internet is undoubtedly the most free and topical media carrier, and there is no shortage of use of the Internet. "Fuck" became famous, and many people were unhappy because of Internet human flesh searches. What are the top ten most beautiful characters, the characters of Sister Furong became famous overnight because of this carrier.

At this time, one of the more words that appeared in Yang Can's mind was indeed "Internet trial." This is a term derived from "media trial" in recent years. Due to the characteristics of free speech on the Internet, netizens have always spoken unscrupulously. On hot issues, it is easy to form a huge influence of public opinion and influence the hot topics. The personnel affairs in China have a great influence.

A vagrant smoking a cigarette will become a household name in the country because of a photo, and regain a new life. The picture of the director of the real estate holding a box of cigarettes in his hand can ruin him, and a notebook will lead to a big case...

In these incidents, the traditional media only played the role of being kidnapped by the Internet time and time again, and at best was the role of a follower. What if the angle is reversed? Using the Internet to create suspense and momentum, what about traditional media as the interpreter

Thinking of this, Yang Can slapped his thigh fiercely, and immediately had an idea in his heart. He picked up the phone and contacted Luo Cheng in the magazine.

"Bian Luo, you work overtime at night and ask Yongzi to help me edit a few photos and put mosaics on them. If they can be published online, they don’t violate the rules."

"Remember that the photos should be blurred and real. Except for the key points, the clarity must not be reproduced by other print media."

"Our manuscript does not need to report the entire incident, and the sensitive words about Yingzi Paper Mill and Wang Haibo have been replaced with pseudonyms."

"Contact Mr. Xu and let's discuss it. We will hold down this in-depth report for another two weeks."