Master of the Flower City

Chapter 111: Witnessing success


The time came to the end of July. During these two weeks, the contents of the two issues of Nanzhou Magazine appeared calm, but the sales volume still increased by more than 8,000 copies. All this is due to the tricks of Yang Can.

During this period of time, the Internet has been hyped up the matter, and the name of a spicy reporter has also risen to fame. Wang Haibo has become a model of new ** cadres who have been spurned by tens of thousands of people. A discussion post about "the rush out of the flood in the cofferyan township" has been added, spreading ten to ten, spreading hundreds of times, all kinds of rumors continue, and there are many tricks.

The common people hate this kind of corrupt "government" officials most. Since the domestic supervision mechanism needs to be improved, everyone can only use the Internet as a platform for justice. They need a voice to "expose" these ugliness. Things, these real photos aroused anger in their hearts, can they still let these people get away with it

Even Yang Can’s Weibo webpage was even attacked by hackers. It is necessary to obtain new information in advance, which is probably unprecedented in history.

Although there is no official confirmation, many portal websites have begun to report the news on the Internet. The headline of Xinlang is "Pollution that can't be washed away by floods?" However, this news report only explains According to the recent rumors on the Internet, it is only a statement of "sex", and does not mean to investigate. After all, there are too many incidents on the Internet, and the authenticity cannot be judged.

Although Xinlang's report was mainly for their Weibo promotion, Nanzhou Magazine and Yang Can were extremely welcome. It was a free and effective advertisement.

Although Yang Can did not take the initiative to explain the relevant report on Weibo, he was still very cunning to let those who concoct the incident registered countless vests, intentionally or unintentionally, repeatedly mentioned Nan in the reply of the larger forum. Everyone gradually knew the name of the weekly, and that mysterious spicy reporter belonged to a magazine called Nan Zhou.

Therefore, under such an atmosphere, although the contents of the two issues of Nanzhou Magazine are ordinary, the sales volume has increased steadily, which greatly surprised the magazine.

In Luo Cheng's and Xu Yang's estimates, if the flood disaster-related reports were directly published, the sales volume reached 8,000 is a very ideal number. They never expected that two shots would have such an amazing effect.

Finally, amidst the thousands of calls, the new issue of Nanzhou Magazine finally published the ten-page in-depth report of "The Mystery in the Flood in the Cofferyan Township". At the same time, whether it was the provincial party committee's "government" , And the senior media leaders also paid attention to the weekly magazine published today.

The magazine arrived at the channel at 6 a.m. Yang Can went out early and went to a newsstand selling newspapers and magazines in the city center. Since the incident was completely self-directed and performed by him, he also wanted to witness this time with his own eyes. the result of.

Although this newsstand is not large, it is indeed one of the most representative sales collection points recognized by Nancheng media, with the station in front and the subway station behind.

Comprehensive "sex" magazines are the same as newspapers. The main audience is mostly office workers. The dense traffic here makes this booth an endless stream of buyers.

Yang Can bought Erliangguo Tie and squatted in front of him, counting out how many copies of Nan Zhou Magazine were sold next to this point. He felt like a father looking forward to his child's outstanding performance. He was kind of inexplicable. Sense of accomplishment.

Suddenly he felt someone pat his shoulder behind him, and when he turned his head, he saw Xia Meng's delicate and artistic face.

"Hey, Spicy Reporter... Why did you big man get out of the nest today..." Xia Meng, wearing a vest and miniskirt, sat down next to Yang Can naturally with a scent of fragrance.

"I just didn't have breakfast..." Xia Meng tried to grab the chopsticks in Yang Can's hand, but Yang Can swiftly stepped away: "Sorry, I have a habit of cleanliness... I'm not used to sharing saliva with others..."

"Oh...what's the relationship between us? There have been scandals still dislike me." Xia Meng wrinkled her nose and looked a little unhappy, and reached out to Yang Can's back to grab Yang Can's pot stickers. Regardless, they almost hugged them, and the two tangled together on the bench by the roadside.

"Young people nowadays, don't pay attention to the image. They don't pay attention to the impact at all." An old lady who jogged next to him couldn't help but complained with a flat mouth. Xia Meng hurriedly stuck out her tongue, hiding in embarrassment. opened.

"You also came to see the sales?" Yang Can looked at Xia Meng and asked her. It seemed that this girl was not here for the first time.

Xia Meng'en said, with a sad expression: "I come every Monday to see if the sales of "Southern Chu Shijing" have increased. Our company pays a commission based on the sales. If it sells well, I can get more salary. Up."

Seeing Yang Can's expression of sympathy, Xia Meng immediately took Yang Can's arm with a beaming smile: "Speaking of which, thanks to your reporter Da Yang last time, you gave me the report that day, let me get a cover... I'll have a glorious look again." He squeezed Yang Can again: "You are a celebrity now, and many people on the Internet know you, so I have to mention me in the future..."

"Then what do I do?" Yang Can rolled his eyes and became a little unhappy.

Xia Meng's eyes were full of grievances, and she pretended to sigh, but her eyes were fixed on Yang Can's pot stickers, which meant that you were responsible for keeping food.

Yang Can quickly pulled out his hand and reminded solemnly: "Don't... We are pure, we only pursue pure sex, don't involve economic problems, and never learn from your Taiwanese businessmen's hobbies in our mainland..."

When the two were arguing, Yang Can's cell phone rang, which was a text message from Yang Xiuya.

"How about it, are you finished? Is your report published today? This issue is also my cover, right?"

She would care about people too. Xia Meng came to look around and saw that her SMS nickname was "Dame Yang". She felt a little uncomfortable. She snatched her phone and saw that her nickname turned out to be "Xia Little Girl." Not convinced.

"Okay, you big boss, aren't you discriminating against people? Why is Yang Xiuya a big beauty and I am a little girl! What's the reason?" This obviously stimulated Xia Meng's dignity as a female "sex", staring indignantly Yang Can's eyes.

"Which one do I do... I am below her..." Xia Meng's Taiwanese accent, her bright face was full of dissatisfaction, and her chest was so tall that she was trying to prove something. She almost took Yang Can from Squeeze it down on the bench.

"Someone sells magazines..." Yang Can pointed to the newsstand with a headache. Xia Meng immediately recovered her senses, snorted, and turned her head to look over there.

Seeing a person walking over, he took the Nanchu Weekly and looked at it for a long time, then flipped through a few pages of the Southern Chu Shijing, shook his head, and still took the "Ace Weekly" next to him. Yang Can and Xia Meng were a little helpless. , Laughed bitterly at each other. This is the pain that people who come to collect data must go through. To watch a stronger competitor succeed, self-confidence will be greatly affected.

Fortunately, there was another passer-by next to him. After reading and picking up Bennan Weekly, I flipped through it and suddenly saw the page of the flood. I was immediately attracted by the photos and paid to buy it. Yang Can breathed a sigh of relief. This is much more nervous than waiting for test results in the army.

Xia Meng patted his hand in surprise, "You have you... I will help you count..." He was even happier than Yang Can.

"It's okay, it's finally opened." Yang Can lit the cigarette. The collection point here is about 1.2% of the total sales. If 80 copies can be sold here, it will be almost the same.

As time passed, many people were holding Nan Zhou Magazine, and they didn’t sell much in the morning, only 47 copies, which is a normal number. Fortunately, at the end of the day, there are more and more Nan Zhou Magazines bought at this stall. .