Master of the Flower City

Chapter 119: Energy level of each person


The reconstruction of the old street in Couyan Township is the largest bidding project of the provincial party committee recently, and it is also the coveted fat meat of many enterprises. The reason why the banquet of this bidding was hosted by the Guojian Group is to tell everyone in the industry to the effect that everyone in this project Don't worry about it, our Guojian is settled, please make money with harmony.

Although everyone looked at this kind of occasion and kindly, in fact, there was a lot of intrigue secretly. The senior executives of various real estate companies came here, naturally not to see how Guojian succeeded. Quite a few came to "touch" each of them. The bottom line is that the profit of such a large bidding is at least 10% or more, which is a profit of nearly 10 million. In the current real estate downturn, of course everyone wants to participate.

What's more, Guojian was already badly injured by Wang Jianming's case last time. If it was left to the past, these people would not do what he thought. In the past, there were at most two bidding parties, but this time there were eight. I know everyone's mentality.

Of course, Guojian’s main competitors are still only two, Donghao Company, and Jinhai Group. Both of these are companies that can easily draw up more than 50 million working capital at a time, and are capable of breaking hands with Guojian.

For this kind of bidding, detailed plans and plans are required, and the other party cannot offer a virtual bidding price to squeeze the opponent. After all, the industry still has to pay attention to the norms, and no one has made this kind of harm to others. Things, otherwise the next time the industry will join forces to let the unruly people out, everyone still speaks by strength.

At the banquet, Ma Yiyi dressed up and "shots", completely different from her usual rebellious image, a white "color" low-cut dress set off her exquisite figure, graceful and skillful breath far beyond her grade. It is a pretty demeanor with a good family education. Many people are impressed by her demeanor. They come up to talk to her and pay tribute to the demeanor of the daughter of the real estate crocodile.

Yang Can rarely wore a suit and served as a flower protector next to Ma Yiyi. It also attracted a lot of envious eyes from others. Yang Can's eyes kept swaying "chaotic" on the venue, looking at this group of great masters. The idiots in our consciousness also find it funny.

To his surprise, there are still a few people here who know him, and they are full of words "South Weekly, Reporter Yang, how to get together with Guojian". They are very frightened. Reporter Yang has ever read it. Shou Weiyun used a report to "force" Wang Jianming to hang himself and "suicide". Naturally, people in the real estate industry would be afraid of him. This is also normal.

In a sense, reporters are far more scary than police, because the police have to explain the rules and procedures to you when they are fierce, but sometimes reporters suddenly give you a report, maybe your company is just what The million-dollar benefit is lost.

In recent years, the real estate industry is afraid of negative reports, and it is better not to provoke people like Nan Zhou.

After observing for a long time, Yang Can was actually a little disappointed. It is said that many senior people bring their families with them. Many of the beautiful daughters of the bosses come and go, but there is no one with a clear consciousness. The appearance is bright and beautiful, but there is no connotation, and consciousness. The energy is not high. You must know that Ma Yiyi's consciousness energy is usually maintained at more than 300, but some of these women are less than 150, and the quality is too far apart.

There are a few who are not much worse than Ma Yiyi, but when you stand together, you can see a world of difference. The charm of a woman does not depend on her appearance. Although others do not have Yang Can's ability, But I can feel that Ma Yiyi's charm is far more than any female "sex" here.

At the banquet, there was no shortage of officials at all levels of the provincial party committee. Tian Guoli was undoubtedly one of the most eye-catching people. There have been people who have been looking for him, the new mayor and secretary, to make friendships. He is now the central figure in the officialdom of the province of China, and everyone wants to follow He feels like an official.

Due to the large number of people, Yang Can never found the person in charge of Donghao and Jinhai. After all, it seemed too abrupt to search for it deliberately, and he could only chat with Zhou Haoran who had come with him.

At this time, I don’t know why there was a tumult in the crowd. There were many eyes glanced over, and they whispered: "This man is a reporter?" "Why a reporter came in?" "Which one is it?"

Feeling the unkind sights around him, Yang Can drank alcohol indifferently, thinking that it was the remarks spread by some people who could not understand him. This had no emotional impact on him, a psychologist. After all, the grandsons who spoke were aware of it. The energy is below 200, and they are simply infamous characters, and Yang Can doesn't bother to look at them.

With this ability, it is not convenient and saves a lot of annoying things. Zhou Haoran next to Yang Can proudly collided with Yang Can and said excitedly: "Brother Yang, I haven't been hated by anyone when I grew up. Others say that no one is jealous of mediocrity. The reporter is really a errand. Today, this group of people hates and fears."

Yang Can couldn't help smiling. This passionate young man was indeed not a mortal, and his thinking was different from ordinary people. It seemed that he really hated the real estate industry like Ma Guoqiang, and he was so happy to be hated.

When Yang Can was in the corner, he saw Tian Guoli, who was surrounded by the crowd, approaching herself with a glass of wine: "Xiao Yang, Uncle Tian respects you for this glass of wine first. I owe you thanks."

Many officials from the province of China who were present at the scene knew about Yang Can’s deeds in the flood, and felt a little envious that Tian Guoli met such a lieutenant, thinking: If there weren’t such a brave and decisive reporter, he would live in the cofferyan township. Villager, how could Tian Guoli sit here and accept the flattery of everyone? Maybe the situation is the opposite.

Others saw the dignified South City Secretary and Acting Mayor holding a wine glass and they were the first to toast to a magazine reporter, and their glasses broke.

Yang Can was also a little surprised. He picked up his wine glass and said flatly: "We, President Xu, respect Secretary Tian most in Nanshi, and I also respect Secretary Tian. Secretary Tian Shunlili led Nanshi. Our media can also settle down and be our own. News, do less laborious things, this cup... I wish Secretary Tian's wishes come true in Nanshi."

Others were originally surprised by Tian Guoli's behavior, but now when I look at the little reporter Yang Can's so humble attitude, I feel even more surprised. I think that if I get alcohol by the mayor, I wouldn't be nervous and my hands trembled. The evaluation of him immediately rose to several levels, and many people have begun to inquire about his specific situation.

At this moment, seeing Ma Yiyi surrounded by a group of flies and only glaring at this side, Yang Can quickly abandoned the officials and strode over, putting on a ferocious appearance beside Ma Yiyi, lowered his voice and asked, "What? thing?"

The few Xiaobai who struck up with Ma Yiyi are both the second generation of the rich in the real estate industry, and they are usually domineering people. You can see Yang Can's style, with a fierce look in his eyes, and he can't help but come down. Everyone dared not offend Tian Guoli's toasting relationship just now, and was hurriedly frightened to get away.

"How can such a delicate beauty match such a vulgar person?" "He...this time is here to spoil the situation, if it is not big, I really want to single out with you, flowers "stuck" on the cow dung." Looking at the consciousness of these back figures, Yang Can felt amused, and turned to ask Ma Yiyi: "Yiyi, you are so charming today. I think these people are quite fond of you, and none of you are tempted. ?"

Ma Yiyi took advantage of the fact that people were not paying attention, got close to Yang Can, punched him on the arm with a fan, and said cautiously: "You make fun of me... Do you think I'm willing to pretend, it's not because I represent Guojian’s image, which looks like you, has no scruples at all."

Yang Can originally wanted to tease her a few words, but saw that her pretty face was a little sad, it seemed a bit sentimental, and couldn't help but look at her thoughts. Just now, many elders praised her for being very similar to her socialite. Her mother reminded her that she clearly wanted to break free from her destiny, but she still embarked on the same path as her mother, and still became a corporate vase with beauty as a trademark. She couldn't help but feel sad...

"Yiyi, with me here, do whatever you want, don't wrong yourself." Yang Can softly persuaded. In fact, he still admires the straightforward and rebellious girl with a baseball cap diagonally. She was only then. Ma Yiyi is real and carefree.

"Cut, what wronged yourself... I'm so vain, don't you know?" Ma Yiyi suddenly burst into laughter, smiled and raised the wine glass, raising his chin in a very enjoyable manner.

But why can’t Yang Can, who is so thorough, see that her strong smile today is actually trying to get as much information as possible for herself, so that this tender can go smoothly and can win the funds Yang Can needs

I couldn't help being moved. The girls he knew had a clear consciousness and their inner qualities were far better than other women in these flashy cities who were simply vain. Whether as a friend, lover, or lover, he is Yang Can's blessing.

Just as Ma Yiyi and Yang Can were chatting with smiles, suddenly heard a low voice from the side: "Miss Ma, can I ask you to dance?"

Yang Can turned his head and looked around and saw a mature and elegant man in his thirties with a beard on his upper lip, looking at them politely and smiling.

Consciousness energy actually has 280, second only to Tian Guoli's 295 among the male "sex" present.