Master of the Flower City

Chapter 22: Who are you?


This is not right. When the leader visits his subordinates, it is supposed to be harmonious. These fists are slightly squeezed, their body language shows some dissatisfaction, and the atmosphere is quite weird.

Squinting, I saw similar words on the heads of these different people: "I don't know the general body." "Stubborn." "I don't have a high level of consciousness." "A woman is a woman too narrowly." "It's difficult."

Yang Can pondered for a while, and couldn't help but smile. Needless to say, the upright Su Yun must have said something that offended all these leaders.

When the fat and big-eared leader passed by, he cast a vigilant look at Yang Can, and asked the people next to him a few times. Soon someone came over to Yang Can and the others and asked:'What do you do? Show me the certificate. "A brutal look.

When Zhu Huaicheng was frightened by the fierce police uncle and his face turned pale, someone came to rescue him.

"Eh, you two... Sister Yun said to let you in..." After the young police officer came out of the ward, they called Yang Can and Zhu Huaicheng.

Zhu Huaicheng was relieved on the spot, avoiding the crowd, and stepping into the ward quickly.

Sitting on the sick Su Yun, with bandages on her shoulders, her hair was tied up delicately. Although the injury was still not healed, she was still in good spirits. Her slightly fat face was red, looking soft and supple. Still so touching, it seems to be recovering well.

Seeing Yang Can come in, the black and white eyes stared at him, staring at him with anger.

"Police Officer Su, hello, hello..." Zhu Huaicheng pulled Yang Can to the bed in an extremely embarrassing manner, and greeted him with some horror.

Su Yun didn't say a word, bit her ruddy lips lightly, just staring at Yang Can, as if he wanted to talk but stopped.

Yang Can looked at her bulging, and she was embarrassed to ask what she wanted to say. On the contrary, she felt very charming. The more angry the policewoman, the stronger her consciousness and the clearer her energy. She couldn't help but chuckle: "Officer Su , Has anyone told you that you actually look better when you are angry?"

Zhu Huaicheng was dumbfounded when he said this slightly teasing remark. But he came to visit the female police officer with the heart to redeem his sins. He didn't expect that Yang Can's first sentence was so serious, right

Surprisingly, Su Yun, who was sitting in the ill, did not go crazy as usual, but stared at Yang Can’s face, bit her teeth, and took a deep breath: "You... shouldn’t you have something to say? I said? Why didn’t Zhang Ju let me mention you a word when I was writing the report

Looking at Zhu Huaicheng's inquiring gaze, Yang Can motioned him to avoid it. Although the fat man was full of curiosity, he still knew that the two people wanted to talk again, and gently closed the door from the outside.

Yang Can sat down beside Su Yun with a smile, and drank a glass of water from the boiling water bottle. She shrugged helplessly, "Inspector Su, you are a policeman, and you don't understand some things."

"What do you understand! Don't go around with me, tell me honestly... Who are you? What tricks are you doing!"

Su Yun actually didn’t know how many times she had to be polite to the savior, but she didn’t get angry when she saw Yang Can’s indifferent appearance. How could she not compare the ordinary person in front of her with the one before. The images of the sex that Shenwei rescued her overlapped.

At that time, the deep look in Yang Can's eyes and the frivolous demeanor on his body were so different from the silly look in front of him. This unpredictable feeling made Su Yun feel deceived and tempered. Came up unconsciously.

This time, Yang Can deliberately came for an in-depth interview. He kept the tape recorder in his arms and kept as polite as possible when speaking. Su Yun's tone was so aggressive that he was "forced" out of his arrogance. The voice became colder: "Officer Su, don't you understand? All this is because I am a reporter."

"What happened to the reporter!"

"In the future, I will report all kinds of news and make unannounced visits. If I am pushed to the front and exposed by other media, how will I carry out my work in the future? There are still two people at large in the gang who were caught. That's all. These desperadoes have released my information, can your police ensure my safety in the future!" Yang Can almost questioned.

Su Yun was initially very angry, but the more she heard it, the more she became frightened. Yang Can really made sense. There are too many retaliations in this society. The filthiness of the methods under the countertop is unimaginable, Yang. Chan is just a reporter. There is no need to bear the pressure of police officers like them. He can't bear it, but he still said in anger, "So you know you are just a reporter? How could you have the courage to rush in and save me that day? of… "

Yang Can noticed the contempt in Su Yun’s tone, his face suddenly became cold, and his tone instantly became serious. He looked at Su Yun: "Officer Su, I remind you, no matter what the reporter of my unit, as long as With a press card in hand, you have the fourth power to check and balance the legislative, judicial, and administrative powers of a country-the power of public opinion supervision.

The words that our pen writes every day are not only for subsistence, but also to change social injustice, to amend the darkness hidden in laws and regulations, and to "expose" the filth that you cannot touch.

Soldiers are holding guns to defend the country. While you are holding truncheons to eliminate violence and security, we use cameras. Wherever you are, we are there.

The reporter is not a trembling rat hiding in a dark corner, but a warrior who can lower his head and work in the dark in order to "expose" the truth to the society. "

Yang Can's eyes are piercing, and the more he speaks, the more clear and solemn his voice, the awe-inspiring tone, a rare spirit exuding from his body, he suddenly becomes another completely different person, making Su Yun speechless, and looking at Yang Can is somewhat Admiration is also a bit "confused", and the more I don't understand how many faces the man in front of me contains.

After Yang Can said these words, he felt that his tone was a little more serious, and he blurted out these. In fact, it was not entirely because of Su Yun's words. It was also aroused by his own past. A few years ago, he had a conversation with his father. Here, I also use the term "little reporter" to despise this profession.

At that time, the old man said exactly the same thing. That was the last time he talked with him. Now Yang Can still remembers every word in that passage very clearly. Many years later, until he has the mind-reading skill. After a lot of experience, I finally understood the meaning of this noble profession in my father's mouth, and then I realized that my father insisted on creating the true ideal of Nan Zhou Magazine.

Su Yun was surprisingly quiet, her white face was full of guilt, and the atmosphere in the ward seemed a bit embarrassing, and the two of them stopped talking.

Yang Can adjusted his mind and took the opportunity to use mind reading to see her consciousness. He didn't forget that his purpose was to dig up some information.

As a report, the more complete the information, the more convincing, and the appeal of the article will increase exponentially. His new reporter does not have high professional skills. Naturally, he has to work harder in collecting information.

Su Yun's consciousness is very messy, and she keeps beating some questions: "This rogue suddenly became upright. It's really different..." "What did I just say? It hurts... I'm such a big man. Idiot. I'm so sorry to him."

"Do you want to say sorry? Still don't. It's shameful."

"Hey, he saved me that day. The report was beaten back several times. I really don't know how to write it... It's really difficult."

When Yang Can squinted his eyes to read his mind, it was easy to be misunderstood as "lust", "mysterious" and "mysterious". This time was no exception. Su Yun gradually discovered that Yang Can's gaze became more and more unscrupulous, with beautiful eyes Starting to brave the flames, unconsciously tightening the collar of the clothes, the guilt towards Yang Can gradually turned into the usual contempt.

This guy is so rude!

Fortunately, someone knocked on the door to come in at this time, and did not give Su Yun a chance to come out. The person who came in was the serious Captain Wang. He glanced at Yang Can and directly put a few report papers on Su Yun's bedside.

"Xiao Su, you have to rewrite this report. Wang Ju said that it is not detailed enough..." There was something meaningful in his tone, and he sighed and went out.

Yang Can inadvertently saw the consciousness on Captain Wang's head and suddenly realized the reason for this. He looked at the frustration on Su Yun's face with great interest. He picked up the report and read it for a while, then he laughed. It seems that I have seen some kind of funny jokes on the Internet.

"You laugh... I know I'm ugly..." Su Yun was annoyed, and came over to snatch the report, with a rare low self-esteem in her tone. If it weren't too ambiguous, she would like to smash the pillow directly into Yang Can's face.

"I said Officer Su, are you too innocent? In this report, all your heroic actions to break the human trafficking group alone, the leader can't pass this to any leader..."