Master of the Flower City

Chapter 26: Online love legend


After the company went home after dinner, Yang Can made a cup of coffee after writing the report, and enjoyed the entertainment and leisure of going online on time and starting the evening.

"It's boring... Playing the arena again? A waste of time! Why not the following two films by Sora Aoi..." Zhu Huaicheng, who was shirtless after taking a shower, glanced here and sighed.

In fact, it's not that they can't use two computers to play together. It's just that it's more interesting to grab the computer like this. One person is depressed to play the other, and this game is only fun to play.

"Did I drank too much yesterday? Why can't I remember the process? I don't know when the woman left today. It's a loss..." Zhu Huaicheng'touched' his head with some annoyance.

"Are you losing "Mao"? Didn't go outside to open a house..."

"Naturally I am losing! Can my preciousness be measured by money? It was so hard when I was accumulating, and I didn't even feel a little when I went out... It's not a loss!" The fat man retorted with his set of false theories. He snorted twice: "Now that I think about it, getting married is still good. At least I don't have to get drunk before going to bed. Alas... if only I had a wife."

The two bachelors are always unavoidable of such a topic. Yang Can has long been unaware of it. He was boring to receive emails in the main city, repairing his equipment and preparing to start the night fight, when suddenly he saw a jump at the bottom of the screen.

My friend Xiaozui Bingliang is online...

Su Yun didn't pay much attention to him these days, and Yang Can didn't care, and didn't take it seriously.

What I didn't expect was that Xiaozui Bingliang suddenly sent a message: "Come to Stormwind City... Eight o'clock, it's out of date."

Yang Can’s eyes lit up as soon as he saw it. Tsk tsk, Su Yun’s second-class skill has been promulgated, and the joking bet at that time has come true. Although this woman is fierce, she is quite trustworthy. I fulfilled my promise, it looks a little cute at this point.

Zhu Huaicheng was a little bit puzzled beside him, squeezed Yang Can's shoulders, and nervously reminded: "Yang Zi... What did Officer Su call you? You should not go to report..." Su Yun's fierce image of the spicy policewoman has penetrated into him. My heart, my heart is a little afraid, but the people's police can't afford to offend.

Yang Can now has a score. She is already imagining Su Yun sitting in front of the computer with a blushing face and not admitting to defeat. She is happy in her heart and typed in disapproval and asked: "Why is it Stormwind City? Nobody?" Although Stormwind City is also a main city, it is far inferior to Dalalan, where the Horde and Alliance gather.

"I speak the words! We didn't specify which main city it is!" Su Yun's message was immediately replied, trying to protect her final rights and interests, although she was just calling her husband Yang Can in the game, she was so majestic. For sister Yun in the face, that is also a great psychological barrier.

"What are you doing? Could it be a grand gathering between the police and the people?" Zhu Huaicheng was a little bit confused, and began to wonder if the two of them were secretly affectionate, and the concubines deliberately hooked up.

Yang Can snorted in his heart. This fierce woman played with herself and slapped Zhu Huaicheng on the shoulder: "Old Zhu, do you want to hear Officer Su call our husband? Call me two hundred people if you want."

Zhu Huaicheng was stunned for a moment, and then reacted after a few seconds. He suddenly understood that this kid was only afraid of catching Officer Su, and his obscene face was excited and scared. Is there such a good thing? Thinking of Su Yun in those few days, he was scared and confused, revenge for the "sex" cause, and wailed his heart: "What you said... I told my brothers to be a witness..." Excitedly, yy began to call on all the unions. The staff, as well as the friends from Jin Tuan, help out.

Nancheng Sister Drag, who has posted a few high-click-rate pk videos, has played a great appeal, and several large dungeon servers with ghosts and gods have crashed again.

Eventually, that night, the development of things far exceeded the wise Su Yun's expectations.

In the uninhabited city of Stormwind, hundreds of trumpets and trumpets gathered in a short period of time, like a notarized wedding in a game, and watched the romantic love confession in this hour-long game.

Amidst the tumultuous words: "Wish the new couple a hundred years and have a good son." "The Moon God blesses you..." "If it wasn't for Brother to buy Durex for you." The scene was very lively.

Hundreds of players with gorgeous and dazzling mounts and equipment are neatly arranged, and the atmosphere is huge, and the atmosphere is climaxing, as if returning to the grand occasion of the heyday of the alliance and the army war a few years ago.

And Su Yun experienced the darkest moment in her life. From this moment on, she had to accept a cruel fact. She hadn't even held a man’s hand. There is a well-known husband in the game, or Such a superb shemale!

And this unprecedented grand wedding was posted on the Warcraft forum of nga by a few people who did not know the truth as a classic case of a game romance that night, and it caused a lively discussion on the forum that had been silent for a long time, friends, players Replies are sincerely blessed, and the amount of replies is "force" the bronze beard gate.

Looking at the reply posts are full of "great love testimony, the ladyboys also have spring..." "There is true love on wow..." "Who said that the Internet is virtual." "Playing Warcraft is the most touching moment for me." , A piece of harmony.

The culprits of the two successful strategies, Yang Can and Zhu Huaicheng, opened these enthusiastic reply posts with great relish, and had fun at home for a whole night, and finally tasted the taste of being an Internet celebrity.

And that night, Su Yun tossed and gnashed her teeth, she didn't fall asleep the whole night, and Yang Can's triumphant smile was all in her mind, and she didn't take a hammer to nail a picture of him on the wall.

When the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Public Security Bureau sent the manuscripts compiled after the cracked human trafficking group case to various media in Nancheng, they did not know that this matter had become a veritable old news, and Nanzhou Magazine had already disclosed the "exposure" first. The whole incident.

Nancheng Evening News, Ace Weekly, Nanchu Shijing. The editors of more than a dozen media were a little bit dumbfounded when they received this news.

The cracking of such major and important cases is one of the topics that the people are most concerned about. As long as the case is solved, the media will be a welcome encouragement. It is a manuscript that is worthy of attention on the page, and it has a role in promoting sales. .

But this time it did not have the usual effect. The reason is very simple. The unknown Nanzhou Magazine has published news before all its colleagues, and the evidence, records, and text descriptions in the case are far better than those provided by the city bureau. The information is much more detailed.

The Municipal Bureau's handling is too unnatural? What is this called!

"What's going on? The Propaganda Department in the bureau is not interesting enough, right? How can we let Nan Zhoukan publish the manuscript first? And the content of the manuscript is not the same. Isn't it embarrassing us? If we don't punish Nan Zhoukan this time This kind of incident will happen repeatedly in the future.”

The heads of several media outlets called the propaganda department of the bureau, asking hysterically, and condemning Nan Zhou's move to defy the world this time.

Regardless of whether Nanzhou News obtained the information through any channels, they will kill this future opponent in the cradle.

The recent popularity of Nan Zhou Magazine has become a trend, and its sales have more than doubled in one month. This makes competitors who don’t put this small magazine in their eyes to be wary of this. In the weekly magazine, where did the gods come? Is there such a thing as gold