Master of the Flower City

Chapter 36: Leave the witness and get out of Nancheng


The turmoil before the award presentation by the youth representatives, although due to various reasons, there was no one-word description in any media, but dozens of reporters on the scene described the incident in detail in the industry. Basically, the media people in the same city. Everyone knows what happened that day.

Everyone asked themselves, is the demolition of the Guojian Group newsworthy? The answers are consistent, yes, very valuable! The people in Nancheng have long hated these unscrupulous real estate developers who are holding empty buildings and not selling them and pushing up prices. As long as any article on the media denounces real estate developers, it will definitely have a good response.

But why don't people write articles to scold them? Nan Chu Shijing did not dare, Nancheng Evening News did not dare, even the leader of Ace Weekly did not dare.

There is only one reason, and that is money...

Whether it’s a magazine or a newspaper, as long as it’s print media, the real biggest source of income is not absolute sales, but a large part of it actually depends on the injection of advertising funds. In the past ten years, real estate advertising has occupied these print media ads. The share has never been lower than 30%.

Hundreds of thousands, millions of dollars in advertising fees are taken from others, and the whole page of the newspaper is all other people's advertisements. How can you still write a manuscript to reveal the negative news of others

Many people in society now criticize the media for being unscrupulous, and it is clear that the housing prices can’t hold up, but all the media still publish articles every week describing how the housing market is so hot, where it has set a new record, alarming, "forcing" to scare the people to buy houses , But I don't know that the media people behind these are also being tortured and tortured by this conscience. Sitting at the table, they can only curse and write with ignorance of their conscience. In a word, life is forced.

As soon as Zhu Huaicheng went online, Su Yun sent a message: "Yang Can... Why haven't you been online these days..."

"Officer Su, it's my old Zhu... Yang Zi is busy, and hasn't been home for a few days."

"Not here again, what the hell is this guy doing lately... He loves work so much?"

Su Yun was a little lost in front of the computer screen. She didn't know why Yang Can made her gritted her teeth with hatred, and she was a little uncomfortable in her heart when she couldn't see him.

In fact, Yang Can didn't do anything wrong. He had been in the Huainan Open Zone these days, collecting and interviewing some information through storms, and then went straight to the main target this time.

In the late-night private room of the Lihua Bar, the scene was in a mess. A group of scarred people were kneeling in front of Yang Can and shaking. Sitting with Yang Can on the sofa, leaning against a middle-aged man with a tiger-backed waist and a long right cheek The scars made people shudder, but the original fierce face was a little embarrassed at this time.

Those dozens of shivering pony boys couldn’t figure out how, how could this shameful person in front of them be able to take this Lihua bar in Huainan District that even the police did not dare to come to, looking around, full The mess of the land is like being swept by a team of armed police.

Yang Can dangling cigarettes, with smoke in front of him, looking sideways at the sturdy middle-aged man next to him and asked: "Lao Yang, that's not bad, it looks pretty beautiful after being released..." He was in charge of interrogating the suspects. Over time, those people used his last name to use the homophonic nickname "Yan Wang", which means that in front of this person, it is like coming to the underworld, and everything you do can't be hidden.

Yang Xiong was "fucking" in very blunt Mandarin, and grinned helplessly, "Hell. I never expected to meet you here. I am also a mess. You are blocking my way again. "The tone was full of begging for mercy, which made the ponies who were kneeling on the ground look very surprised. The first time they saw Yang Xiong, they also looked like this.

"Touched" the scar on his right face, Yang Xiong unconsciously remembered his time in Xinjiang, when he was still an extremist named Isaac, if it hadn't been dug out from his mouth by King Yang Intelligence, "forced" I can't go back to my hometown, why should I be nesting in the suburbs of this southern city to have a meal.

How did this terrible King Yang become a little reporter

"I'm not embarrassed by you. You will serve as a witness for the two of me, settle the Guojian Group, and then get out of Nancheng. I will not investigate the others." Yang Can leaned on the chair, and in his calm words, there was a bit of compassion. mean.

Yang Xiong took a deep breath and pressed his turbulent anger. He didn't have the courage to get angry. Finally, he just smiled bitterly, "Why are you? You can't tell Wang Jianming in Huainan." "

Yang Can pressed the smoke out, frowned and said, "Don’t I know that Yang Huaian and Qiucheng in the province belong to Wang Jianming? Don’t worry, I’ll go to Deputy Director Zhang Kai. He is investigating the matter of Guojian secretly and there is evidence. The case can be opened."

Upon hearing these names, Yang Xiong knew that King Yang Yan had already "touched" things clearly, and the trace of luck in his heart finally disappeared. He took a breath and muttered: "I really I don’t understand you people who study do you look like a god, you can't hide anything from you."

Looking at the kneeling people in the lobby with a disheartened expression, they ordered two out: "Dede, Zhang Mazi, come out with Yang... Reporter, do whatever he asks you to do. I will take care of it." Yang Xiong now sincerely sighed that he knew Yang Can fortunately. If he didn't know him, he would be deadlocked to the end, and he would really be overwhelmed.

Holding his head, Yang Can looked desperately at his eyes: "You think this is the way to go."