Master of the Flower City

Chapter 37: Strong wind and showers


After a few days, Yang Can divided the collected evidence data into two copies. One copy was sent directly to the Provincial Public Security Department. The two horses provided by Yang Xiong also took the initiative to go to the deputy director Zhang Kai’s house to plead guilty. The other one was brought back to the magazine by Xin Cheng day and night.

Due to time constraints, Yang Can hadn't closed his eyes for a day and a half. He handed the compiled manuscript to Liu Yong, and went home and fell asleep.

Upon receiving the news, the editor-in-chief Luo became cautious, and immediately called the editors, Zhang Dejun, and Liu Lan for an emergency meeting. Although Xu Yang disregarded everyone’s strong opposition and approved the subject, almost everyone They all opposed Yang Can's actions this time, and secretly they had made a tacit determination to reject his manuscript with various reasons.

Luo Cheng took the lead with a smile: "I didn't expect this Xiao Yang to be very efficient, so he collected all the information so soon?" Intentionally or unintentionally, his tone revealed some disbelief.

Liu Lan, who was sitting next to him, was even more blunt, frowning and said: "Yongzi, is your team's process of collecting data too hasty? If the preparation is not perfect, it will bring a huge burden to the editing team. , Don’t you know this?"

"Eh... Liu Ji, what you said is not what you said. Xiao Yang is just a newcomer. It is normal to have no experience. Originally, he should not be held responsible for such a big thing, but I think your team's backstage support The work is very problematic." Zhang Dejun immediately protested. He hadn't read the manuscript this time, and he thought that Yang Can could not do it, but he was unwilling to admit defeat.

Seeing that the two groups of people were arguing again, Liu Yong stood up quickly, and put a travel bag directly on the table with a complex expression.

When the piles of survey data, detailed ten-hour recordings, hundreds of photos, and even a few clear videos were presented before everyone’s eyes, everyone was stunned by the earthquake.

Whether it was Luo Cheng, Liu Lan, Zhang Dejun, or Bai Jie in the editorial team, the contempt on their faces was replaced by a certain dignity, and they all immersed themselves in the information and began to check the information.

In the next few hours, only the sound of "rustling" through the paper was heard in the entire room, and no one said a word.

"This Xiao Yang. I really don't know where these things got..." Finally, Luo Cheng took off his black-rimmed glasses and sighed while "rubbing" his eyes, breaking the long silence.

Zhang Dejun was surprised and delighted, his face was full of skin and flesh, and he "touched" his cheeks and guessed: "I think he is 80% of people in the city public security department."

The people present nodded involuntarily. If it weren’t for this reason, it wouldn’t make sense. Although a journalist known as the “Uncrowned King” has a secret identity that is more conducive to investigations, the reporter is not a policeman after all, and some official information is beyond the reach of the reporter. In more cases, the facts are learned from the side.

However, the information that Yang Can brought was completely front-line first-hand information. It was not only interviews and inquiries, but also detailed photos and videos as the basis, and even some copies of Guojian’s documents. It can be said to this extent. The evidence data of has completely exceeded the scope of a news report...

Everyone in the room exchanged questioning eyes with each other, their faces were a little stiff, and the same thought emerged in their hearts. After that, they really couldn't stop Yang Can's manuscript this time. Technically speaking, these materials have reached an impeccable level, and there is no reason not to post them.

If it were in other magazines, the scene must be a joy. This manuscript does not need to be published. It is directly faxed to the office of the general manager of Guojian Company. Within a week, Guojian Company will definitely put a valuable advertisement. The contract was delivered to the door, but this is in the Southern Weekly, which is owned by Mr. Xu, and it is hard to say whether things are good or bad.

Only one thing is certain, the South Weekly is about to be involved in official affairs.

The new issue of Nanzhou Magazine was published. The eye-catching title of "The Cry of the Wronged Soul under the Rubble of the Developer Bulldozer" stood on the front page. No one who had read the content clapped and applauded. This sharp and fierce topic pointed to the notorious The National Health Group was very happy to see the National People's Congress. For a while, there was a wave of verbal criticism on the Internet that criticized the National Health Group. Those who had nowhere to avenge their grievances were ignited by the spark of Nan Zhou Magazine.

The term shock is the most appropriate to describe the reaction of others in the media industry. This topic of pretending to be the world’s biggest cause made everyone a cold sweat for the South Weekly. Although there are many examples of the media challenging authority, But that also depends on what kind of media you are.

If it is a giant like CCTV, of course, you can ignore all the local organizations to report at will, but the level of Nanan Weekly wants to challenge the largest real estate developer in Nancheng, which is not good for the egg to hit the stone.

Guojian Group is not a small star, a flat-headed people, but represents a huge industrial chain of billions of assets, which is related to the life and death of many people. How much impact a piece of news has on them, they will inevitably use Ten times a hundred times the strength is back to defend their interests, can the single force, Gonan Weekly, hold on? Everyone was holding their breath and waiting for the ending.

Sure enough, as everyone expected, the comments on the Internet were strangely covered up within two days, and even Guojian became a forbidden word for posting.

But one day passed, two days passed, and a week passed again... Just as everyone was waiting for the stormy offensive of the Guojian Group to come, they unexpectedly chose to remain silent.

Finally, the storm came, but in a way that people could not even imagine.

The majestic rain did not overwhelm the small Southern Weekly, but washed away the huge body of the National Inspection and Quarantine Group: The Provincial Public Security Department announced a blockbuster news, with the National Health Group as the core, involving corruption and bribery, illegal forced evictions and demolition. Intimidation, illegal imprisonment, illegal bidding and many other major allegations have surfaced...

Yang Huaian, deputy secretary-general of Nancheng City, Qiu Cheng, deputy director of the Provincial Open Bureau, Zhao Changhe, head of Huainan Open Zone, and Liu Zhaorong, deputy governor of Guoan Bank, were arrested at the same time.

In this case, there were more than ten projects involving more than 50 million yuan. The magnitude of the case has been extremely rare in Nancheng in the past five years.

The entire Nancheng city was shaken, and such a wide-ranging and intertwined case was uncovered with thunder, which exceeded everyone's expectations.

Many people were shocked by this case. At the same time, all the media were reporting relevant information. Everyone has gradually forgotten the Nan Zhou Magazine that first reported this case, and forgot that Nan Zhou Magazine was ahead of everyone. The facts that were "exposed" before.

Regarding Wang Jianming’s ending, many people have spread word of mouth. It is said that on the day when the police were preparing to arrest him, Wang Jianming had been calling a person named Yang Xiong on his mobile phone, which lasted three times before "suicide". In a few hours, no one knew what they said, and Yang Xiong seemed to have evaporated from the world, which became an unsolvable mystery of the case.

When a piece of news plays the most important role, it is to correctly report the idea at the correct time, and usually the correct time is about half a day after the event occurred. For example, the report in Nanzhou Magazine is before the event. This kind of adventurous manuscript called "weathervane news" is really extremely rare.

And this incident has also become one of the beginnings of Nan Zhoukan's far-reaching influence in the future, that is, from now on, people are slowly beginning to realize the essence of Nan Zhoukan-100% in line with the facts, even if it has not happened for a while, it will be very short. Fulfilled within the time limit.

In the mailbox of Nan Zhou Magazine, I received countless letters. Except for a few threats to these dog reporters not to talk or walk carefully, the rest were almost all letters of commendation.

Many of them are families that have been demolished by the Guojian Group. A considerable part of the compensation they received after the case is all grateful to Nanzhou Magazine. The simple letters convey incomparable sincere feelings.

Xu Yang also naturally received many phone calls from his colleagues. His reputation in the industry has obviously gone up to a new level. Even the news producer of Nancheng Satellite TV called to ask if he could share some information with him, and his influence was increasing day by day.

The day before yesterday’s magazine also had a dramatic event. Yu Tiejun’s wife, Yu child, brought a basket of boiled eggs to the magazine to distribute, and kneeled in front of Yang Can with tears in public, crying "Reporter Yang It is a great benefactor, and the life of our family was saved by Reporter Yang."

It was really chaotic at the time. It turns out that Yu Tiejun was sentenced to a lighter sentence due to the exposure of this case. In the end, the court only sentenced him to one year’s imprisonment, plus Guojian’s compensation. It can be considered a blessing in disguise.

Without Yang Can, Yu Tiejun, a criminal who threatened his leadership with a bomb, could have imagined the tragic fate of his family. It would not be an exaggeration to say that Yang Can was their second parent. These knees are all they can express.

No one thought that a small Nanzhou magazine would become a turning point in the center of this storm, and Guojian Group would be planted on such a report.

Zhang Dejun sat on the sofa comfortably and happily. He answered the call to congratulate him all morning. He was in a very good mood. This is a blessing if you survive a catastrophe. Watching Yang Can come in, his eyes narrowed into a seam. There was a cup of coffee with the fragrance of "milk" on it.

"Xiao Yang, I did a good job this time. I fought a beautiful turnaround. This month’s assessment was done. The report in our group won the News Bureau's next season's Outstanding News Award. My friends from the News Bureau also told me Said that this time the bureau was able to solve the case, and how much our materials were used..."

Zhang Dejun's tone couldn't hide his "color", which was completely different from the panic when the police came to ask for information before.

Liu Yong smiled and interrupted: "Hey, that's not it. Our draft is a bull, and we just pulled Wang Jianming's bastard off the horse... My mother said that I didn't give birth to my son in vain. Our Nanzhou Magazine is lucky! The Public Security Department has just reported Guojian! The cooperation is too tacit!"

Although a report has no qualitative help to improve the actual treatment of everyone, it is a lot higher in spirit, obviously a lot of energy, and the media people sometimes picture this.

"Are you happy now? Don't you remember how you blamed Yang Can a few days ago? As an afterthought." Editor Bai Jie snorted not far away to help Yang Can report the injustice, causing everyone in the office to nod their heads. German Liu Yong was embarrassed and just laughed.

As the biggest hero, Yang Can just smiled and drank the "milk" tea to complete the battle: "We are only reporting the facts. The main reason is that the Public Security Bureau originally planned to check the Guojian Group and set up a sailing boat. , Good luck."

When he went to visit Su Yun that day, he accidentally saw this in the consciousness of Deputy Director Zhang Kai, so he was confident from the beginning.

"That's what I said, but I don't think we have reported the information. I'm afraid that Wang Jianming's grandsons will get away with it for more than half a year. Yang Zi, you are lucky. During the interview, I met a good person like Yang Xiong. The information is too precious ." Zhang Dejun sighed from the bottom of his heart that Yang Can is really a blessed general. How good things have he met

Yang Can took a sip of coffee and said nothing, and pushed all the information on Yang Xiong who was running away, which really saved him a lot of trouble...

To be honest, using a report to subvert a large company is usually only something that a media giant like CCTV can do. It is indeed incredible that a city-level magazine like Nanzhou Magazine can do this. No wonder everyone is so excited.

Yang Can also felt hot in his chest, and had a hearty feeling. Originally, he joined the industry, half of it was for his father’s dream, and most of it was for the ambition of building a media empire in his heart, but he did not expect to be able to Get such a real and strong sense of accomplishment in the report.

It's not about money, it's not about power, but it's so exciting and fascinating. This is what the old-fashioned father and old Xu are after. It turned out to be this way.

It’s just a small thing like Guojian Group that he has such a wonderful feeling. If we step on the broadest stage in the future, we will use our own pen and lens to control public opinion and use invisible media in the country, and even in Europe and the United States. The hand of the hand to affect the whole world, then what kind of extreme pleasure will it be

Yang Can couldn't help but feel a little surging, and his thoughts flashed together.

"Xiao Yang is very good this time. Mr. Xu personally handed out big red envelopes. It has been able to match our salary for several years. This is the first time for our magazine."

"Congratulations, I also heard that several magazines have inquired about Yang Can, saying that they are going to dig Xiao Yang over."

"Hey Yang Zi is now worthy of an extraordinary value. It's difficult... Oh, why doesn't no one poach me..."

"You have money in your mind. I feel that if I kneel down so gratefully in my life, I won't be in vain."

Bai Jie and Liu Yong sighed thousands of times, Yang Can couldn’t help but raised his mouth slightly. To be honest, he was also very excited, but what made him even more happy was that after this incident, his consciousness energy unexpectedly strengthened again. , His current "finger literacy" has reached 20 characters. He clearly feels the enhancement of his abilities. Now when he looks at people, not only can he see the consciousness gas above everyone's head, he can even vaguely see the human body. There was a faint gleam in the whole body.

What does this mean? This flood disaster did not touch many people with clear consciousness. Why did the consciousness energy increase greatly? What exactly is this mechanism? After thinking about it, the phone rang, and Xia Meng's text message came: "Hero Yang... I admire you so much... Sister, do I have the honor to treat you to dinner?"