Master of the Flower City

Chapter 392: Encountered an deceased


"Here you are." The elegant Xue Qiyuan bought a can of Red Bull and handed it to Yang Can. Yang Can said thank you.

"Yang Xiuya is very different from the rumors." Xue Qiyuan sipped a cup of black tea.

"Yes, it's not as complicated as those of us businessmen, she has a much simpler life..." Yang Can sang dryly, and slurped a can of Red Bull and drank it.

"On the contrary, I am like a female star, with so many twists and turns in my private life..." Xue Qiyuan said halfway, but closed her mouth, and a blush reached the base of her ears. She thought of the scene when Yang Can was with herself before.

When she said that, Yang Can also seemed to go back to when they were neighbors. She remembered that she had an awkward relationship with herself that day in the heavy rain. The picture of her memory is still vivid, her face wet by the rain, and her face was glaring with anger and resentment. , In my mind is very profound, compared to the two are now a lot more polite, after all, their identities are different, and they are no longer the low-level figures who have just come to the United States during the struggle period.

Seeing her slender arms trembling quietly, her hair flicking in the night sky, only a little pride was missing from that elegant face, but a trace of sadness added to her face, Yang Can took off her coat unconsciously and put it on her shoulders .

"Yang Can." Xue Qiyuan probably also recalled the same argument between the two in the rainy night. There was confusion in her soft eyes and almost uncontrollable arms. She quietly moved closer to Yang Can, listening to the familiar and affectionate call. Sound, Yang Can also seemed to be possessed by a demon, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to lead Xue Qiyuan.

The movements of the two of them were extremely slow, and they didn’t even know that they were coming, Yang Can’s fingers quietly touched Xue Qiyuan’s cold little hand, which was as soft and smooth as that day, and the hands were quietly folded together, practical and warm. , Suddenly I heard Yang Xiuya’s voice coming over:

"Lao Yang, Sister Xue, come and play this."

Yang Can and Xue Qiyuan went on at the same time, and quickly returned to the real world from the indulgent fragments they remembered of course. At this time, Yang Can, with his old face full of embarrassment, gave a dry laugh and snatched the coat from Xue Qiyuan's shoulders: " Sister Xue, when we were there, I suddenly felt so cold..."

Xue Qiyuan’s elegant face was blushing at this time, and the ears and hair were quietly scented with sweat. He was obviously embarrassed by Yang Can, and even more, but he touched his shoulder and smiled: "What a demeanor man. ."

Seeing Yang Can slowly swallowing the ground, Yang Xiuya greeted him in a rush, and naturally grabbed Yang Can's hand and said affectionately: "Go, there is a fun game over there." Then he pulled Yang Can to one. In front of the dart board, there were many wealthy children and their female companions wearing famous brands. Yang Xiuya took a dart and handed it to him:

"Come on, let's compete, whoever loses will wear a bikini to the company tomorrow."

Yang Can held the ivory dart, silently stunned, a familiar and cordial feeling appeared in his heart. In the first year of the army, dull and boring, he just hung this thing on the wall and played with it. whole year.

At that time, besides the rifle, the dart he touched the most was this kind of dart. If you compare it, Yang Can thinks that his shooting skills may not be able to keep up with the darts.

Yang Xiuya smiled and commented to the people around who had fun, and asked them to wait a moment and let the two of them intervene in the team. Those young men around obviously recognized Yang Xiuya as the star, and they all nodded in agreement very kindly. Just looking at Yang Can's face so inconspicuous, I can't help but look down upon him.

"Yang Can, what are you doing in a daze? The game has started, don't take up too much time for others." Yang Xiuya saw Yang Can holding the darts and touched him endlessly, and hurriedly pushed him, Yang Can looked up in surprise and felt The mocking eyes all around could only take a deep breath, and threw it at the bull's-eye, with a "boom" falling to the upper right corner of the target, falling in the double area of 1 in the middle of the 18 and 20 numbers.

"2 points~" The people around laughed. This dart target is not the same as that of ordinary people in China. It is the kind of professional dart game. It is displayed around the number area of 1 to 20 points like a sliced pizza. , Each piece of "pizza" has two to tiny bands in the middle, which are double and triple areas, the big red heart is 25 points, and the small red heart is 50 points.

They play the "Reaper" rule. The total score of the three marks accumulates the victory and defeat. The highest score is that the three dart is in the triple zone of 20, that is, the total score is 180 points, but that area does not have a small finger area, ordinary people Even if it is thrown at a distance of 10 cm, it cannot be thrown, let alone the distance of nearly two meters. Once thrown a little bit, it will get one point, or it will be out of the target, but it is not too difficult to throw at the target. 2 points are indeed very rare. Up.

What’s more important is that Yang Can’s throwing darts is very strange. Not only did he twist his upper body at a very large angle, but he was also full of strength. When staring at the target, the darts still "buzzed". This is something everyone knows is "lightweight and stable. "The way is completely different, you know he is a layman at first glance.

"Yang Can, you are too weak..." After Yang Xiuya threw a dart and landed in the 16-point area, she looked back and looked at Yang Can triumphantly, then gave Yang Can a dart and pretended to teach. Yang Can should have a standard posture, swing his upper arm, and hold his arm.

The 16-point area is at the bottom left of the target, which is the most suitable angle for right-handed people. Anyone who can play a little bit will choose the 16-point area. Of course, if you are lucky, if it happens to fall in the double area, then It is even more profitable.

The weight and appearance of the darts are not the same as those of Yang Can. The ivory is much heavier than the plastic, and the frequency of swinging in the air is also different. Yang Can frowned and weighed it again with the take-off dart. After all, he touched it. After a year, I can’t wait to hug the sleeping stuff, throw it away according to the red heart, the front sight is found immediately, and after looking at the target, he throws it decisively.

After the loud sound of "Boom", Yang Can moved so fast that it made people stunned. He didn't see clearly that he was moving. The dart was nailed to the target and hit the big red heart exactly, 20 points~

Everyone was stunned and didn't understand how he did it. Some people even learned his waist-twisting posture with darts, and looked confused.

Yang Xiuya was surprised that the second dart wanted to throw a 16-point area, but it fell into the 7th division next to him. She was too angry to stamp her feet. On the third dart, Yang Can still hit the big circle bullseye. Yang Xiuya was desperate immediately. I didn't bother to throw the third dart, looked at Yang Can with enthusiasm, thinking that this guy is so styleless, isn't it? Do you really want to wear a bikini to the company

I just wanted to complain a few words, but realized that Yang Can's whole body smell was different from usual. Those frivolous and lazy expressions disappeared, replaced by a focused and calm attitude, as if this is not a game, but a person It was as if the top sculptor was sculpting an exquisite work of art with his own hands, and Yang Xiuya was sucked in by his eyes.

And Xue Qiyuan, standing next to Yang Can, has a gentle and obsessive light in her eyes, watching Yang Can’s indescribable expression quietly. In the noisy space, this man’s very focused look is completely seductive. description.

A long time ago, Xue Qiyuan discovered Yang Can’s temperament. Whether he was instructing the shooting scene or when he was staring at a piece of art, Yang Can, who was usually a fool, would show this attitude. As if everything around him has nothing to do with him, everything is so beautiful, under his control.

"So chic..." The beautiful white people and women next to them all sighed quietly, not consciously approaching like Yang Can, and their eyes were brilliant. At this moment, they could tell if Yang Can was acting chic when he threw a dart, or His demeanor at that moment is chic... how to put it, at least at this moment, all the women have forgotten the male partner beside them, just staring at Yang Can's face madly.

Even the simple movements that he quietly weighed the darts in his hands now seemed to have been practiced thousands of times, and it was extremely chic.

Yang Can is immersed in a feeling. Just now, he tried to integrate the consciousness energy into the darts, and found that the darts were almost integrated with his body. The huge consciousness energy surged around him, making him feel that he was unprecedentedly powerful. He even spread the energy of consciousness to this entire area, merged and invaded the bodies of these people, from the pulse to the internal the heart.

I remember that at that time hunting 259 energy Qin Feng, he spent a lot of effort, but now, Yang Can clearly feels that his energy at this moment is strong enough to cause anyone here to burst the heart and blood vessels, as long as he is willing to...

In other words, his energy has completely evolved from the consciousness level to the physical level.

At the same time, a question came to his mind. According to the care, his current situation is very dangerous. If he rushes to over-consciousness, he may not be able to withstand the limit, and he will be able to fully acquire this ability by then. danger.

In other words, he can use... but he can't use it... Yang Can nodded in his heart, and felt that it was very reasonable. If a person's thinking power is really powerful like this incredible level, and can be abused infinitely. , I’m afraid it’s not in line with the basic logic of parapsychology.

Yang Can returned to reality from his contemplation and smiled at Yang Xiuya: "Have you chosen your bikini style?"

Yang Xiuya was also miraculous from the beginning, but at the end she was dumbfounded, so that she felt a little shocked. She felt more and more that she was a nymphomaniac. She was even shocked to be attracted to people like Yang Can, but she had to admire it. He technology.

"Just wear it, as long as you are willing to make the national spirit you cultivated so ashamed, I don't care~" Yang Xiuya squinted her eyes very confidently, and knew in her heart that her image was still very safe.

Bian also held Yang Can and blinked at the surroundings, and looked around as if showing off, as if to indicate that this was my boyfriend, and you chicks, stop drooling.

Although Xue Qiyuan saw that she was a little complicated in her heart, she also felt that it was a matter of course. After all, Yang Xiuya and him are really emotional, which is incomparable to herself.

While everyone was talking about it, a tall and sturdy man suddenly appeared in the crowd. The man with curly hair was similar to Yang Can, but his body became more burly. His facial features were typical Russian style, deep and sharp, which made people look beyond expectation. It was his slender, dark blue eyes, with uninhibited arrogance, and arrogant arrogance.

Standing by the two tall white beauties are like models, shining and moving, making it easy to draw out his sexy identity.

Seeing his appearance, everyone quickly made a place for him, and saw a short Asian man chasing and bowing behind his ass, begging in very blunt Japanese and English:

"Mr. Safin, please give me a chance, I will do what you say... Give me a chance..."

It looks like a man in his forties, with a sad face, and almost kneel down on the spot.

The Russian man named Safin didn't look at him at all. He kicked the Japanese man on the thigh of the little Japanese, and waved him contemptuously to signal him to roll.

The scene immediately became quiet. Safin came over and looked at the three of Yang Can. His eyes were on Xue Qiyuan. Yang Xiuya stayed on Yang Xiuya for a very long time. She turned her head and pointed at the dart in Yang Can's hand. Smiled:

"Man, let's try this. The game is over, you lose, they belong to me, I lose, these two belong to you." He pushed the two models around.

Yang Can was a little surprised looking at the suddenly provocative sex. Before speaking, Xue Qiyuan got up beautifully and said, "Safin, are you drinking too much? Do you think we will play such a ridiculous game with you?" .

Safin shrugged his shoulders lightly and smiled vulgarly: "My dear, you found such an ugly man after you kicked me that day. Don't you think this is even more absurd? I promise you tried me. I will change my mind after I’ve worked hard. I have inner beauty..” She shrugged her waist as she spoke, and at the same time her obscene gaze floated towards Yang Xiuya:

"Xiuya~~Your hips are still so emotional, my God, it turns out that this is the man you said is a hundred times stronger than me? I really can’t understand your Chinese women’s taste."

The national elves immediately felt nauseous, and whispered in Yang Can’s ear: “This guy is a famous scum in New York. The last time the cool girl and I attended a celebration party on TV, he blatantly ate our tofu. I I also had a fight with him..."

Yang Xiuya said very implicitly. Of course, she didn't just quarrel with this Safin, but had a fierce fight. However, this New York gangster seems to have a good background, and has had countless scandals. No one dared to move him, on the contrary countless women liked to stick to him.

Yang Can can be generous in everything, only this kind of thing made him unable to swallow, he also looked at Safin and the woman next to him, and smiled:

"Man, you don't seem to have a good look and want to play a game? Do you think we have equal chips?".

Obviously, as long as the people present are not blind, they can tell the difference. In terms of appearance, although the two next to Safin can be regarded as the best, the beauty of Yang Xiuya and Xue Qiyuan are not comparable even if all the other women here add up.

"Yang Can, don't mess around with him, this man is a lunatic." Xue Qiyuan couldn't help but persuade him, knowing that he was trying to protect herself, but Yang Xiuya stopped her and whispered:

"Don't worry, he will definitely not lose. It's okay to teach this bastard." Looking at the level of Yang Can's darts just now, I'm afraid it is not comparable to ordinary people, but Xue Qiyuan still feels that this is not appropriate. It does not look like Yang Can's. The character is right.

Safin chuckled, and suffocated his mouth quite calmly: "Well, if you win ~ what you want, except for these two babies, as long as I have what I have now, I can give it to you." The wallet shook, and the row of branded car keys above was shining and dazzling. Watching the crowds around you are going to flow down, pick one of them at least several hundred thousand dollars.

"Deal." Yang Can nodded calmly, and that was how it determined the fate of Yang Xiuya and Xue Qiyuan. Xue Qiyuan was a little speechless on the spot. Yang Can actually accompanied the trouble, but when things came to this point, she could only choose to stand firmly I'm on Yang Can's side.

"Sasaki, stand up and come here." Yang Can helped the small Japanese man who was only a non-noise man. This is why he agreed to this boring game. This Japanese Sasaki is the head of the American branch of Tokyo Fuji TV Group. Minister, when "I Have a Date with Zombies" was released in Japan before, it was introduced by Fuji TV, and it was also a strategic partner of the top group in Japan.

Sasaki just shook hands with himself at that time, and didn't expect to meet him here again. I heard that the Fuji Group has recently encountered major economic problems in investing in several TV stations in the United States, and it seems that this is related to Safin.

As for the fact that Safin is a member of the Freemasonry, Yang Can guessed from the first glance that only the rats in the gutter have such a dirty consciousness.

"Yang? Is it you?" Sasaki got up with embarrassment, looked at Yang Can in panic, and finally recognized him.

"Yang, you must never beat him in the game, don't do it like this~" Sasaki suddenly realized the seriousness of the problem, grabbed Yang Can's hand, and excitedly reminded: "If you want to gain a foothold in the United States , Can only obey him..."

Poor Sasaki was sweating profusely. He didn’t know how to explain to Yang Can. Fuji TV took over several TV stations on the East Coast. It was because it rejected a fundraising proposal under the Freemasonry. In just one month, he was terminated by all advertising companies, and he was about to go bankrupt.

"You stand up straight for me," Yang Can shouted, dissatisfied with Sasaki's cartilaginous performance.

Although he usually doesn't like Japanese people very much, they are both Asian in the United States, and the people around them can't tell who looks almost the same as the nationality of Asian people..