Master of the Flower City

Chapter 393: Funny ending


Frankly speaking, compared to these high-sounding reasons, Yang Can hated the women around him being stared at. Perhaps it was due to the blood of the soldiers and male chauvinism in his bones, which made him also excited. "" (

The one beside him is the national elves of the Chinese entertainment circle. A well-known celebrity lady, watching so many eyes at the scene, being mocked by this Russian playboy, the responsibility is of course on her own. Asian men have always been low-key in American society, and rarely do with such publicity. The white people of Conflict are used to making people look down upon them. Today, he wants to break this example and try.

She couldn't help but shrugged at Yang Xiuya and Xue Qiyuan and chuckled:

"Little Huadan, Sister Xue, don’t blame me for making my own claim. This kid said those things blatantly just now. If I don’t agree, you will not be able to hold your head up after New York. If you are a man, you will dare to provoke you. Don’t worry. , Wait, if I lose, you two will slap me on the face, or kick me carefully, and then go away casually."

Yang Can laughed and teased himself with a hippy smile, but Xue Qiyuan and Yang Xiuya were warm in their hearts. They knew that this guy was accustomed to being glib, but they were still moved by him. They nodded at the same time and sent encouragement. Yang Xiuya patted Yang Can's chest unhappily:

"I can't tell, you are so manly?" He held a delicate little fist in front of him and shook it: "Don't let me lose."

And Xue Qiyuan just gave a gratitude, her face solemnly reminded Yang Can in a low voice: "Be careful, this Safin is not simple, I'm afraid he is here to test you today.. You have to plan for your future."

Yang Can couldn't laugh or cry about Miss Xue's kindness. What does it mean to plan for her own future? This line... isn't it the mantra of Ping An Insurance salesperson

Safin played darts easily, his expression was extremely relaxed, and he was obviously confident in his technique.

Maybe Yang Can’s performance just now was too attractive, maybe it’s the nature of people who like to join in the fun. In short, there are more and more people coming around. Everyone wants to see what the result of this interesting game will be. Sasaki is the most. Standing tense and stiff, he didn't even dare to move.

"Sister Xue, do you know how well this Safin is?" Yang Xiuya asked Xue Qiyuan kindly. This eldest lady is often seen in American social circles and naturally has some first-hand information.

Xue Qiyuan bit her lip to remember, and slowly said:

"It seems to be about 70 points for three darts, it's very good." Yang Xiuya was worried when she listened. This Russian man, who seems to be a drunkard, seems to be unstable with his hands, but he has a level of 70 points? Isn't this similar to Yang Can

It's still a simple "Reaper" rule. Three darts are the total score. Safin held a dart in front of the target and stood still for a few seconds. Suddenly his expression changed. Yang Can lifted his spirits and finally gained some interest. .

He observed that Safin's body standing was very relaxed and stable, and his center of gravity almost maintained a perfect balance between left and right.

When ordinary people without professional training stand, their center of gravity tends to be habitually biased to one side and is not stable. They usually shake slightly when they raise their hands. Safin’s muscles are extremely relaxed at this moment, and he doesn’t exert any force. He hasn't thrown the darts out yet, but Yang Can is almost certain that he has received some related training.

Yang Can angrily looked at the energy flow around him through the consciousness energy. The energy of the index finger of Safin's left hand was obviously greater than that of the other fingers, which should be the result of countless pulling the trigger.

Sure enough, he saw him slightly raise his left arm and did a few preparatory activities. He turned sideways and turned his right toe upside down. The whole body was leaning forward slightly, the upper arm was fixed, the forearm was lightly relaxed, and he gently threw the dart out in a fairly standard posture. ~

The dart drew a nearly perfect parabola in the air, and with a "pop", everyone was stunned and landed in the narrow three-fold block of the 20th division.

60 minutes of onlookers could not help but sounded one after another soft voice, the whole process of Safin's dart throwing is like those professional masters on TV, it can be described as impeccable, and the result is even more amazing.

However, a perfect score of 60 points is an extremely rare result. Many people are amazed, but many people believe that this is due to the level of Safin, and most of them think that luck is the main ingredient.

Only the insiders on the court know that the 20 area on the upper right of the game like shooting darts is actually the most difficult because of the angle problem, but it is much easier if you switch to the left hand. Therefore, many professional champions are left-handed players. Safin just won. It's not accidental.

Yang Xiuya opened her mouth slightly, but immediately snorted coldly: "It's just good luck." She shook Xue Qiyuan and asked, "Do you think it is."

Xue Qiyuan reluctantly responded with a smile, and she was already yelling badly. In her memory, she had seen Safin playing this game, all with her right hand. But in this posture, Safin is obviously left-handed, and this guy is also Hidden deep, is this unexpected

"Yang Can, it's time for you, come on." Yang Xiuya cheered for him, but her voice was not as confident as before. Yang Can gave him a relieved look, walked to the target platform, and took the takeoff dart. Seemingly looking at it triumphantly, Safin asked casually:

"What gun do you usually play with?"

Safin's stubborn face was visibly stiff, and he immediately laughed again: "Gun? Dude, are you kidding me, I'm a peaceful person, oh, yes, I have one here, the bullet is already loaded~ think Try it~"

He touched his crotch obscenely while laughing, his tone was full of disdain.

Yang Can did not answer, turned to face the target, still in that extremely quick and somewhat exaggerated posture, still in a high-speed motion that makes people invisible, throwing a mark, "pop" with a clear and powerful sound, accurately landing At the center of the small circle, double of 25, 50 points

"Pretty~" Yang Xiuya squeezed her fist to her chest excitedly. If there were no other people, she would have liked to go up and kiss Yang Can. Safin, who was originally proud, also became serious. He also noticed Yang Can's posture. Also looking at his palm, a look of surprise flashed across his face.

Yang Can's control of consciousness energy has reached an unprecedented level. To be honest, the targets he used to play in the army were just simple circular targets. The red dots in the center of gravity were very large. He was accustomed to the center position and couldn't aim like Safin. Triple area of 20 points.

And even if he aimed at the center, it would normally just hit the big circle. At this moment, he was trying to infuse energy into the dart, changing the flow of airflow in the flight path, and controlling the vibration to the minimum range. A lot more accurate.

It's like someone else is holding an axe and carving a flower, and his hand is holding a small carving knife.

Of course, there is another reason. The power of his wrist is too great. When he throws it out, it is basically a straight line. If he does not shoot at the balance point of the bullseye, I am afraid that the target would have been torn apart long ago.

The onlookers all talked and nodded in a whisper, because Yang Can had already revealed his hand just now, everyone had determined that it was entirely due to his strength.

"It turns out that you weren't a blind man just now?" Xue Qiyuan looked at Yang Can's calm face, and felt a little weird. She always had a strange feeling. Why would everything become so strange when Yang Can came here

Why did the Nanshi compete for Nanchu Satellite TV? On the grass of Xudong Racecourse, this big layman also inexplicably won the professional player.

If it is true strength? Is this man too versatile? Xue Qiyuan's heart is very complicated. The first time I saw Yang Can's picture, he still remembered clearly, how did it feel that he seemed to have changed a lot? It seemed that he was getting inferior to him.

Yang Can just smiled and glanced at Safin, who was doing warm-up activities. With normal eyes and expressions, Safin suddenly tightened his heart, as if he was pinched by a hand. , The feeling of breathlessness.

The Russian man felt a sudden inexplicable pressure, instinctively loosened his collar, and swallowed drooling in his throat.

The movement was gone, the first time there was a "pop", and the second mark was crooked and nailed to the 20-point block, which was only a few centimeters away from the triple zone. The people around immediately heard a burst of wonder and regret. .

"Oh my god~ it's almost!" "It's a little heavier, it's a pity that the arc is not enough."

What’s amazed is that Safin’s first bid was not accidental, but unfortunately it was only a little bit to see the second 60 points. Safin could no longer maintain his previous calmness, and left the rest on his hands. The dart slammed to the ground and cursed "f!"

The anger in his heart was not quenched, and he stared at Yang Can. Unexpectedly, Yang Can didn’t pay attention to what he meant. He bowed his head and meditated on something. He was even more furious. He clenched his fists tightly. He thought consciously that it was the Chinese influence But he couldn't tell how he did it.

Yang Can is frowning, thinking about a question. Through the experiment just now, his remote consciousness energy control is not difficult. After linking the energy, he did not feel discomfort when pressing Safin's heart pulse. It does not seem to be what Gu Wan said. The limit, then where is his current safety limit

Sasaki came up and grabbed Yang Can's hand, reminding him nervously, "Yang, don't be too impulsive, it's better to lose to him."

Yang Xiuya was unhappy when he heard it, and looked at Sasaki dissatisfiedly: "Who are you? Why didn't I know that Yang Can has Japanese friends?" If not in public, Yang Xiuya might grab Sasaki by the collar. Asked him the impulse, "Do you admit or not to say that the Nanjing Massacre?", she has never liked the Japanese.

This is really wrong to Sasaki. Fuji TV is a Japanese leftist. It is the most honest TV station in the Japanese media about World War II. It also shoots many documentaries about the confession of Japanese veterans in World War II. This is why the top groups are willing to cooperate with them.

Yang Can stood in front of the target and threw the dart without hesitation. As Safin watched tightly with blue eyes, the 25-point area of the fate center, Yang Xiuya whispered "It's a pity", Safin suddenly let go. Tone, the whole person feels better. Yang Can scored 75 points with two darts, and he scored 80 points. That is to say, when he hit the 60-point area with the last dart, Yang Can was out of play.

She greedily stretched out her tongue and licked her lips in Yang Xiuya's direction. Everyone felt disgusting, and Yang Xiuya and Xue Qiyuan had goose bumps.

Yang Xiuya couldn't help but stared at Sasaki and complained:

"It’s you, the little Japan who harms people and affects Yang Can’s performance." Sasaki looked innocent, thinking I was doing it for you, let alone losing face to save the company, as long as those advertising contracts can be restored, even if it is to let him in so much. Kneeling in front of people, he also willingly.

Yang Can just smiled. His goal now is not only to win this face, but also to test the upper limit of his ability. This time he will try to influence whether he can remotely influence the peripheral nerves of people.

A little game made a lot of suspense, but everyone's appetite was lifted up, and everyone was snorted. Safin took off his jacket, unbuttoned his shirt, shook his neck left and right, and became cautious. Although he cursed Yang Can in his heart, it seemed that he had learned well this time, so he didn't look here at all and didn't make eye contact with this weird Chinese. This time he wouldn't be influenced by him.

In the tense atmosphere, Safin stared at the bullseye with incomparable concentration, tilted his right toe sideways, and leaned forward slightly. After taking a few shots, he stopped to look at the standard line on the ground and moved forward. It took a small step to bring himself closer to the target, even a few centimeters cheaper, you can imagine how much he wants to win.

I took a deep breath, and there was a word in my mouth, as if reminding myself of the essentials of action, I once again used a standard posture to aim and aim again, fixing my upper arm and relaxing my forearm...

Just as everyone looked forward to the appearance of that wonderful and pleasing arc... an extremely weird scene happened. Safin was leaning forward, staring at the target intently, and shaking his arm. The hand holding the dart didn't even let go? That dart seems to stick to his finger~

Seeing Safin's left hand with all the center of gravity thrown out, there was a panic on his face, and the whole person fell out of control, fell to the ground with a crash, and fell a standard dog eating shit poss..

Staring dumbfounded at the Russian dude who fell to the ground, the scene was quiet and terrible for a few seconds. At this moment, Yang Xiuya couldn't help but laughed out of her mouth and laughed at the same time. Everyone was so funny at the same time. There was laughter in the scene, but out of politeness, more people tried desperately to hold back, and some well-meaning people stepped forward to help the embarrassed Safin.

Only the national spirit, who was originally nervous and dying, couldn’t help himself at this moment, clutching his stomach and laughing: "Hahaha, it’s so coke, my stomach hurts.. This poss is too classic~" I don’t seem to have a lot of fun. Buried on Yang Can's shoulders, but his body was still shaking.

The elegant Xue Qiyuan always maintained a dignified image, but her sexy mouth twitched slightly, which could not conceal her true feelings.

Safin furiously threw his hand away from the person who helped him up, eyes full of bloodshot eyes and staring at Yang Can murderously. He must be the bastard who got it! Safin's intuition was that he was scammed by this shameless Chinese guy Checking with the take-off dart did not find any abnormalities, and pushed everyone away with a gloomy face.

"Hey, isn't it better than playing? Are you afraid of losing?" Yang Xiuya shouted from the air, and she was excited to forget that she was yelling in Mandarin, but Yang Xiuya's expression matched the tone of voice, and most people who didn't understand it. Thinking that she was swearing, they smiled and shook their heads, but their hearts were so dark that the most famous scumbag in New York should have been taught a lesson long ago.

Several people who didn't know the details of the good things also whistled at Safin's back, which caused everyone to laugh again.

"Today is so enjoyable. Sister Xue's meal is too great for this trip~" Yang Xiuya's suffocation in her chest disappeared without a trace. She smiled like a flower, brilliant, she looked really happy.

Pulling Sasaki aside to sit down, Xue Qiyuan asked what was going on, Yang Cancai introduced Sasaki to them, and Sasaki also burst into tears and said his difficulties.

"The Manhattan TV we acquired, the original contract was well negotiated, and it was booked for two quarters, but somehow an island country’s foundation came to raise money, and we also asked us to stop broadcasting the ancient Japanese "Charm of the East". Cultural promotion program."

"So you refused?" Xue Qiyuan naturally guessed while sipping juice while biting on the straw.

Sasaki was filled with righteous indignation, pounding his chest and feet:

"You don’t know how much effort and money our company has spent to get these New York TV stations, so that we can cooperate with Japanese manufacturers to have some advertising share in the North American market.. If I accept With financing, the Americans will definitely greatly increase the price of advertising contracts for Japanese companies..."

Sasaki blushed with excitement and his neck was thick, making Yang Can, who was a little amusing, both embarrassed. The Japanese are just a rectum. They can't find a short knife for abdomen, and the possibility of jumping off the building is quite high.

Sasaki drank two glasses of wine, wishing to pour out all the pain in his heart, from studying hard at the University of Tokyo in the countryside of Yamanashi when he was young, to working hard in the company every night when he just came out of society, and finally got into his current position. In a year, even his gentle wife in Yamanashi couldn't even see her a few times, and she couldn't cry.

"The colleagues in the branch are all selected by me.. If the TV station is acquired, they will not have a position when they return to Japan. How can I be worthy of them~~ Even if I die... I must keep the TV station..."

After reconfirming that Sasaki was a "good Japanese" who recognized the Nanjing Massacre, Yang Xiuya's attitude was much more kind.

It’s not easy for Sasaki. It’s hard to imagine the sweat and hardship he has put in from being a migrant worker to his current position. Now he has been sent to the United States as a pioneer. From his words, everyone can feel that Sasaki is not only For money, it is his responsibility and dream for the development of his company. Frankly speaking, the sense of belonging of the Japanese to the company group is worthy of everyone's admiration.

However, the mouth of the national elves is still very direct:

"Sasaki, what use is it for you to ask Safin? If he really wants to buy your TV station and arrange these things, then why should he help you now? As long as you wait for a month or two for the TV station not to go down, it will naturally collapse. At that time he spent much less..."

Sasaki gritted his teeth, looked sadly at the wine glass in front of him, and drank it clean in one breath. His eyes were filled with helplessness and despair. After so many years of hard work, has he been trampled to death like a bug in the United States? He was really unwilling...

Yang Can's mobile phone text message rang suddenly. After looking at Yang Can, he smiled and patted Sasaki on the shoulder: "Next Friday, go to a place with me, maybe there is still room for you to change your affairs."

"What?" Sasaki raised his head in a daze, looking at Yang Can blankly.