Master of the Flower City

Chapter 396: Mortal enemy?


It seems that this time the other party was really irritating. Leaving the estate boundary by car, the black driver directly threw Yang Can and the four of them into the wilderness. This road was built for this estate, all the way to the sky. It's empty and there isn't even a car.

In the pleasant suburbs, Yang Xiuya and Zhu Huaicheng were quite heartless, and they set off very simply. Sasaki was the only one wandering along the side of the road like a lonely ghost.

"I don’t have a car? Just take a ride~" Yang Xiuya looked into the distance while blocking the sun with her hand, but there was nothing. Yang Can’s attitude just now can’t be blamed on the other’s shame and anger. Responsible for receiving is not responsible for sending.

If it takes 40 minutes to call a taxi, it might as well take 20 minutes to go out and rent a taxi, so as not to be exposed to the sun too, everyone can only pray for a ride on the road.

Contrary to the others, Yang Can was in a good mood, whistling and smiling inwardly. This time he could only be wronged by Sasaki. If he were not pulled today, Fuji TV might change his mind. Now they The two sides are the grasshoppers tied to a rope, and no one can run away. Let's pave the way for the smooth implementation of his future plans.

Looking at the watch, Yang Can took out to contact Lu Zibo. In the video, Lu Zibo was panting, sweat was clearly visible on his forehead, and he was very nervous lying on the grass. It was not easy for him to come to escape the manor’s bodyguards.

"Isn't it?" Yang Can smiled and asked? "

"Mission completed~" Lu Zibo shook a small USB flash drive in his hand, panting and saying that this time I really bless you, if there is no short circuit in the room on the first floor, the fire consequences would be unthinkable. The boss you gave me can't get in at all. Go.. Today is really lucky, we should buy lottery tickets~haha~

Boss, don’t you? As soon as I enter the kitchen, the signal is connected. This group of people responds really fast. If something happens, it depends on whether the most important thing is lost. Haha~ Boss, fortunately, you got the password in advance. It’s not always possible to get it done in 10 minutes. As soon as I came out, the power supply was restored on the first floor, which is really strange. Zhao Li said that their backup power response would not be so slow..."

Although Lu Zibo was born as a spy in the UK, he has hardly performed such a separate infiltration mission. This time I really experienced the feeling of 007. It was both exciting and exciting. If his former British colleague had his deeds today , I’m afraid I’ll be surprised that my jaw will fall off.

"Oh, boss, you still said that there is no support. Your military's deciphering programmers are too fast. The other party’s computer deciphers the code in less than a minute. I just don’t understand. Don’t they have a pupil recognition device? Did you start the computer again?"

Lu Zibo kept sighing, and had already determined that Yang Can must be the most elite colleague in China to cooperate this time.

But Yang Can just smiled, noncommittal.

In fact, things are far from being as complicated as Lu Zibo imagined. The whole process is actually like they planned before, with only the three of them participating.

When Yang Can pretended to think about whether to agree to the conditions of Freemasonry, he had already made a consciousness energy link with James, and at the same time divided a part of the energy into the wires, causing the small short-circuit fire accident on the first floor and cutting off a Power switch on the floor.

When learning qigong treatment with Lin Huaian, Yang Can's current control has already been superb. Now that the energy is so powerful, it is easy to remotely control this little accident.

For him, the most difficult thing is that when James starts the computer, he needs his colleagues to control the "remote viewing" to record the position of the buttons on James's hand, and to cut off the safety protection of the palmprint recognition lock at the same time.

It may not seem difficult at first, but he needs to control the consciousness energy separately. The colleague activates the two functions of "remote viewing" and "remote current control". The complexity is as if he is driving an f22 fighter jet in one hand. But the other hand is holding an embroidery needle to embroider a peony picture.

After James left the room, Yang Can immediately turned on the power of the computer, and at the same time let the Lu Zibo link invade and download the relevant files inside.

Lu Zibo thought there was a small team of people to support, but in fact, it was Yang Can who did it alone. It's just that this kind of thing cannot be explained to others. Since Lu Zibo has determined that he has organized so many people, it is better to let him go.

As a leader, the most important thing is to give confidence to the performers below. It doesn't matter if the goal is achieved.

After checking with Lu Zibo and confirming that the information is generally correct, Yang Cancai finally gave a sigh of relief. This time it was not in vain. I guessed it before. James, a second-level member of the Freemasonry, is responsible for media affairs. He Its information includes detailed information about companies and media all over the world held by Freemasonry.

Of course, if you change to someone else, even if you get this list, you won't do anything. After all, it's just a few words, and there is no substantive evidence for the illness. At most, it can only be used as the material of a fictional story.

However, the effect of this list is completely different. It is no exaggeration to say that although the top media still needs to be improved in all aspects, it is only the frontline reporters that are unique in the world.

As early as a few years ago, he focused on training Hu Fei, Su Yali, and Li Jiang in the province of China by “training the mind”. In the past few years when shooting movies and TV, Montblanc has always followed Yang Can instructed that every six months he would use this almost abnormal method to select some mentally savvy frontline reporters.

After being trained, Zhou Hongliang and Su Yali trained some of the skills of the veteran investigative department. Over the past few years, the development and accumulation of the information department has grown tenfold.

If only measured by ordinary investigations, it is no exaggeration to say that at least 200 companies under the top group have the ability to gather intelligence comparable to top agents.

The only person on the outside is Yang Can, who has a pair of scripts chosen to create magical hands for actors. The film and television department is thriving, but it is not clear. In fact, the strength of the news department of top companies is truly the world's top.

Yang Can still remembered that at the press conference of the company’s listing, he saw that the reporter department had the highest energy level among its departments. I am afraid that adding up all the intelligence collectors from China’s four major military regions would not be able to match the strength of this department. Right.

In fact, this is not surprising. From ancient times to the present, military experts in collecting intelligence know that the best intelligence personnel are not trained. Under the premise of bright minds, they rely more on a talent for a keen sense of smell. This is unclear, and only people in the industry can feel it.

Often none of the soldiers in a regiment is suitable for this kind of profession, so excellent intelligence personnel are extremely precious human resources in all countries.

But these problems are much simpler here by Yang Can. First of all, the top reporters’ salary is the best in the industry. Not only do people who apply for the news department outside every year like Guo Jiangzhili, but also many employees in other departments within the company. With the goal of joining the Ministry of Information.

There are more screening bases. After the initial internal selection interview, Yang Can will watch the interview videos of all the new reporters participating in the selection on the last day of each quarter to determine those who have agile energy and move fast. It is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate to be a frontline reporter.

Yang Can’s eyes are far more professional than experts and human resource management experience. Those invisible and intangible "feeling talents" seem to be indistinguishable from comparing a bunch of data in his eyes. After years of accumulation of this situation, the top news is getting stronger and stronger. Others in the industry seem to be envious and drooling.

And now they have one of the biggest advantages in their hands. Everyone thinks that the top is in danger this time. No one knows the information in their hands. Naturally, the Freemasons will not be defensive at all. As long as they send out their subordinates during this period. These reporters go to collect evidence of the people on the list, so everything is very simple.

Of course, it is very difficult for such a large-scale operation to be completely confidential, and you need to be more cautious. At that time, the reporters should be divided into several groups, and they cannot tell each other about the information they have. There are so many resources on hand to choose. It is not difficult to produce a hundred or so trustworthy people.

The scenery on the outskirts road is pleasant, but everyone is in a bad mood. Only Yang Can walked with a smile on her mouth. Yang Xiuya watched him for a long time with her eyes wide open, and finally couldn't help asking:

"What do you think~ so happy to think?"

"Huh?" Yang Can only realized that the expression didn't fit the current atmosphere of grief.

Especially Sasaki, who was crying and crying, could only wait for a big truck to come by the side of the road.

Yang Can embraced his shoulders affectionately and used Rissaki tightly. Now we are comrades in the same trench. Remember one sentence, persistence is victory. "

Sasaki has a wry smile on his face. He doesn't understand that Yang Can's optimism is based on the fact that he hasn't done it yet.. You can only stick to it and see if the Tokyo head office can think of a solution.

At this time, I saw a black van parked on the side of the road far away. Everyone was pleasantly surprised. But when I got closer, I noticed that there were two sturdy men in jeans standing next to them. They looked fierce and evil. Not kind.

Yang Xiuya hid behind Yang Can alertly, and whispered in his ear to remind her that she wouldn't be so lucky. It's hard to tell that every door will meet the cut road? "

Yang Can probed the consciousness energy inside the car, and was slightly surprised. Three people, energies 533, 628, and 703. This is obviously not the level that road robbers should have. He flicked Yang Xiuya's forehead and smiled disapprovingly. laugh:

"Xiaohuadan, are you talking nonsense again?"

"Oh~" Yang Xiuya touched her forehead and looked at Yang Can unconvinced. You didn't read the news. Yesterday there was a murderous maniac on the Alaska highway. He has killed many American drivers. He came to New York to travel if he didn't keep it right. Of~"

"Did he travel far and wide to find you for an autograph?" Yang Can teased the National Elf with tears and laughter.

Listening to the sarcasm in his words, Yang Xiuya realized that she was a bit too sensitive, but she always felt unwilling to be given the upper hand by Yang Can, so she stood up and argued:

"Well, even if they weren't blocking the road and robbing them, but if they meet my beautiful and delicious beauty, if I can't suppress my inner desire, I want to rob me temporarily, isn't it quite normal?"

"You're so skinny, people are not the American muscular man's food, okay, if Reza comes to the same." Yang Can pretended to look from behind her, staring at her pretty buttocks, and shook his head again and again.

Yang Xiuya patted him on the chest angrily, very angry and authentic, am I not sexy enough? Obama never met me personally, or he was determined to resign and get divorced to chase me."

This is a bit bigger, making Zhu Huaicheng next to him amused. Hehe shook her head. Yang Xiuya felt that her self-esteem had been severely hit. She stared at Zhu Huaicheng and asked if you don’t believe it.

In order to prove the boundless charm, Yang Xiuya suppressed her fear at this time, and she stood up and walked on the catwalk gracefully towards the two sturdy men.

Seeing these two big white men walking here, the national spirit swallowed saliva and became nervous. At this time, she really didn't "expect" others to be robbing sex, as long as she set up a conversation and let her face live well. Now, you can't be laughed at by Yang Can.

Seeing these two tall and mighty men, they were obviously coming towards the direction as they got closer and closer. Yang Xiuya was excited for a while, proud in her heart, turned her head and threw a smile at Yang Can and Zhu Huaicheng, that means, see it. This girl is not bragging, she is attracted~

Yang Xiuya smiled softly at the two men and was ready to reject their lines. Unexpectedly, the two big guys didn't even see her passing by her, they ran directly to Yang Can and said warmly. And..

The national elves were petrified in an instant... It wasn't that she was talking to her, but to Yang Can...!

This situation made Zhu Huaicheng beside him couldn't help but his stomach hurts with laughter. Just now Yang Xiuya looked back and smiled with her proud expression. Now it's too funny to think of it.

The other party, invited to get in the car to talk, Yang Can also understood, turned around to Yang Xiuya and Zhu Huaicheng and exhorted:

"Fatty, take Xiao Huadan first. They have a place in the car and they say they can take me away." After speaking, they followed the two men into the car without looking back.

Yang Xiuya stared at the bus slowly leaving in a daze. She couldn't speak for a long time. Zhu Huaicheng could only try to comfort too...the foreigner has a unique taste, it doesn't mean you have a problem..."

"I actually lost to this big boss..." Yang Xiuya just wanted to find a hole in the street to get in. It's really unreasonable~~

Yang Can got into the van, and there was another world inside. The space was very wide, like a small box. There was a man and a woman sitting on the sofa. Seeing Yang Can, he stood up and greeted him politely.

The bald man is very stable, his thick body and rigorous appearance give people a tough feeling, and the woman is about forty years old, with a clear water chestnut face. Although she does not look outstanding in Yang Can, she has a western style. The standard of oriental beauty among men,

"Looking up to the name of Yang for a long time, I can finally meet." Although the three of them have never met each other, they are people in the industry who naturally recognize each other.

Yang Can is now facing these two people, it is the media giants that pushed him into desperation, News Corporation President Rudolph Murdoch’s Deng Li, and his Albert Murdoch.

If Sasaki, Zhu Huaicheng and the others were there at this time, they would have their jaws falling.

This media tycoon Murdoch’s ancestral home is in Guangdong. He came to the United States at the age of 22. He married Murdoch at the age of 31. He is hailed as the top ten of the world’s top ten super-rich wives. Of course, this does not only mean that Deng Li is only Mrs. Xiangfu’s Kuo, her 628 energy has shown that she can serve as the vice chairman of News Corporation’s Asia Satellite TV business.

"Hello, Mrs. Deng." Yang Can shook hands with Deng Li calmly.

Albert and Deng Li both seemed a little surprised. Deng Li looked at Yang Can and smiled gently. Yang, you don't seem to be surprised that we are seeing you today. "

Yang Can shrugged my shoulders. I was actually surprised, because Mrs. Deng would guess that I would reject James' proposal? "It was definitely not accidental that Deng Li appeared here. It should have been speculated that he came here to wait for him, otherwise there would be no need at all.

At the same time, the appearance of Deng Li and Albert here clearly sends a signal to Yang Can that the relationship between News Corporation and Freemasonry is not intimate.

Yang Can tried to search for some consultations from Deng Li's consciousness, but the other party's thoughts jumped too fast, it was difficult to catch a trace, and some were all messy messages.

Deng Li asked Albert to open a bottle of iced juice for Yang Can. She looked at Yang Can with appreciation and sighed. Actually, Yang, my purpose is very simple this time. I hope you can agree to James’ proposal and join us in the news. group. "

Yang Can picked up the cup and said thank you to Albert, drank a sip of the juice, and waited expressionlessly for Deng Li’s words. As the world’s top media person, he was quite conscious of Deng Li’s behavior. I have heard that in the past ten years since she took office, News Corporation’s attitude towards China has changed from hostile to moderate, and her Asian company’s reports have almost never touched on sensitive topics in China.

From this point of view alone, Deng Li is definitely not a marketer as people say. Yang Can, as well as any top media person, has a bright place in his heart, because in this business, it is only relying on power and There is no way to get a foothold on the wrist. The most important thing is to have a fair temperament. To become an authority of public opinion, you must first have a ruler.

Originally, the Murdoch family had a big flaw in this point, but they were all made up for by Deng Li’s arrival. Therefore, Yang Can respects this in his heart and wants to hear what she wants to express..

Chapter 397 Dead Enemy

Chapter 397 Dead Enemy