Master of the Flower City

Chapter 50: Big stars visit


During the lunch break, the South Weekly magazine was very quiet. The busy employees all took this short time to rest. Those who dozed off and read the newspapers all leaned on their chairs to recharge their energy. Only one person in the office was still looking good. Yiyi.

Yang Can "fuck" controlled his superbly equipped shemale mage, and showed great power in the Arathi battlefield. "**" "Dang" position, precise skills, plus accurate judgments, let him be in the alliance After losing and retreating, he was still awe-inspiring. He killed 22 tribes without dying once. This was his normal level. The number of kills and deaths in the field battlefield was twenty to one.

As he killed two lonely tribes alone in the mine, and recovering so desperately, he suddenly heard a "pop" and an undead thief made a sneak attack.

Hey, you Xiaobai dare to challenge me single-handedly, are you bored with your life? When "Flashing" appeared and was about to molest him, two more figures suddenly appeared. Two molested blood elf thieves appeared at the same time. Yang Can frowned and the big skill "Refrigerator" was thrown out, blocking their ferocious attack. .

The three thieves are very troublesome. Reluctantly, Yang Can hesitated and decided to fight to the death. Normally, it is no problem for him to pick two. But the other three, two of them are blood elves who are both troubled by wizards. It's so bad, but Yang Can likes the challenging gene to grit his teeth and prepare to fight to the end. After the refrigerator time is over, an ice ring ices the three tribes thieves in place. Just read sheep, but unfortunately I heard another desperate one. The sound of a sneak attack.

It's a tragedy... An orc thief appeared from behind and blew his blood red in a few consecutive strokes. Only then did Yang Can realize that he had caused public outrage in the tribe. The other party had deliberately encircled him and was a perfectionist. Yang Can cursed a little desperately: "... These dead perverts have to break me..."

When I was about to leave the keyboard with both hands, suddenly a golden light appeared, and the blood tank in the same place was increased by more than half. Hey, today, I believe that Brother Chun will be immortal.

"Don't be afraid of Yang Can! Sister is here, kill them..." "I'll add blood for you! Hold on!" The charming dark night female priest with a cold little mouth stepped on the clouds and fell from the sky, and Su Yun came from the earphone with Suzhou for a long time. Mian Yin.

"Ha, wife, you finally figured out how to wash commandments, animal husbandry..." Yang Can was ecstatic, and his spirits were shocked. Su Yun, this nizi, didn't say that she wanted to hide her husband to the end. Up.

With the blessing of this pastor's wife, Yang Can's powerful mage immediately became unstoppable, and the tribe was pissed off, and led a group of stragglers to defeat the opponent's yy team.

"Hehe, how about... Your wife, I'm a cow! What is mvp? Yang Can will cover you in the future, see which tribe bullies you, hum..." When Su Yun said this, Yang Can was stunned. Ha... This is the female police officer finally confessing her life imperceptibly and calling herself a wife. The psychological repetition of "sex" brainwashing is too easy to use. The historical "sex" moment must be recorded and clicked on yy's recording key.

"What wife did you just talk about? Say it again?" Yang Can asked her with a smile and typing.

"What... What did I say? It's your wife who covers you?" "Ah! What you heard just now is your hallucination! Forget it..."

Su Yun obviously noticed that she was momentarily excited and screamed. Yang Can almost always thought of her shyly stomping her feet.

Excited, suddenly the headset was taken off. Yang Can hated being disturbed while playing games the most in his life. When he turned around, he was about to scold but saw a familiar and serious face with a hippy smile: "Wu... All right. "

"Noisy during lunch break, you come to my office."

Wu Lan, who was dressed in jewels, snorted solemnly and watched the sympathetic glances from the colleagues next to him. In the South Weekly, everyone knew that Mr. Xu, who was resting at home due to a car accident these days, was so offended. , But the wife of the chairman who came to work temporarily was very fierce. Wu Lan seemed to hang on her head: "There are bears here, please pay attention..." The plaque, everyone consciously dare not approach...

After entering the manager’s office, Wu Lan closed the curtains before turning around to criticize: “Yang Zi, you will be a manager in the future. What do you think of playing on the computer during lunch break? What will others think?” After a pause, his tone slowed down: "Ma Guoqiang called me today. It seems that he has a good impression of you and is full of praise."

As soon as Yang Can heard this, he knew that Wu Lan had negotiated with his first lover about the advertising contract, and he nodded happily: "Aunt Wu is all for your face, or how can someone look at me?" Yang Can knew that this matter didn't have Wu Lan's energy, and Ma Guoqiang would not be so polite to them.

"Go... what's invisible, you have to look good as a child, you must be talented and talented, worse than anyone..." Wu Lan, who has no children, had already regarded Yang Can as her half son, but she was stern in her mouth and in her heart. Very loving, a little unhappy Yang Can's arrogant self-effacement.

"Yang Zi, to be honest with Auntie, what's your impression of Yiyi?"

As soon as Wu Lan's words turned to Ma Yiyi, Yang Can immediately became vigilant and waved her hand quickly: "It's just the ignorant post-90s. Aunt Wu, please don't "chaotic" the mandarin duck book... I can't bear it." She has no relationship with her first love, and she wants to pin her hopes on the next generation. Yang Can is not willing to bear this victim.

"You have this attitude again? You are not too young anymore. Last time Boss Liu's daughter did not look good at you. What are your standards?" Wu Lan became a little anxious and began to question Yang Can. Today He must be asked to tell why, the boss is not too young and he is still so uncertain.

"I. I'm not too demanding. Just beautiful."

"Then Ma Yiyi is not pretty yet... I saw her look like her dad, she's so beautiful, and she's pretty."

Yang Can estimated that Wu Lan was a student of Ma Yiyi. Her avant-garde and cool hip-hop style was something she couldn’t bear, but Ma Yiyi was really pretty. I can only blurt out a high standard: "Not enough, at least like Yang Xiuya's level."

Wu Lan listened to her anger and didn't strike out. How muddled this kid was, and said, "You think, can a star like Yang Xiuya be encountered by ordinary people? Don't be too unrealistic."

"No, I know her well. We drank wine and ate dinner... She also said to let our magazine do an interview..." Yang Can resisted to the end.

"Did you watch too much TV? Are you confused about playing on the computer?" Wu Lan listened very angry and funny.

Suddenly someone knocked on the door outside.

"Mr. Wu, Yang Xiuya is here." Secretary Xiao Liu said outside the door.

"Let her wait, I'll come right away." Wu Lan hadn't taught Yang Can to see through, and was not ready to stop, but was stunned when she finished speaking. She opened her mouth slightly and asked, "Who did you mean?"

"The female star Yang Xiuya is here."

Surprised, turning his head to look at Yang Can, he just shrugged his shoulders innocently.