Master of the Flower City

Chapter 64: Hummer infested, please detour


Zhou Haoran was sitting in the passenger seat, but when he looked back, he saw the bar, refrigerator and luxurious sofa in the carriage. He couldn't help but sigh from the bottom of his heart: "Brother Yang, I think your car is much better than the stuff Ma Guoqiang has collected." From the bottom of my heart, I feel that Yang Can is amazing. How can he be so handsome as a reporter, turning his hands for the clouds and raining his hands, can handle the Guojian Group, and also hold Yang Xiuya up, turning around and still knowing how to enjoy life, Men have to live so vigorously.

Yang Can smiled and didn't say anything. The rich man like Ma Guoqiang can only be regarded as a car player at best, and the person just now lived on these modified cars. How can experts and private players compare

After entering the city, Yang Can drove a Hummer, and the traffic flow in the city was still unabated. He had been trained in driving skills for a long time, but he didn't need to be unfamiliar, so he practiced on the street casually.

Zhou Haoran’s face paled in fright in the passenger seat, and was shocked that Brother Yang was really hot. He drove like his "sexual", slamming and rushing, Zhou Haoran even wondered whether Yang Can reversed the brake throttle. , But it also shows the flexibility of the Hummer.

In the drizzle, Yang Can drove into Nanda lightly. When he entered the school gate, a few security guards thought it was the leader of the military region, and they all saluted, so Zhou Haoran didn't know whether he should return the salute.

The big guy like a tank attracted the passing students, professors and some other drivers. Although Yang Can didn't show off intentionally, he also had an inexplicable sense of superiority in his heart when he stopped and got off the car next to the basketball court.

Zhou Haoran held his chest even more masculine, feeling the admiration of the people around him, and suddenly understood why those open-top sports cars on TV would be so favored by women.

On the lightly raining basketball court, the youthful and beautiful figure was running, passing a few tall male classmates with ease. He shot and scored. Ma Yiyi with a baseball cap diagonally flicked his ponytail to match her pure and pretty face. , The crisp yelling continued to encourage teammates, the semi-permeable jersey was attached to the body, and the blood-spraying figure was looming. It is conceivable why there are so many boys stopping and watching.

"Yooh... you are here, oops, your car is pretty awkward." After finally noticing Yang Can and Zhou Haoran, Ma Yiyi trot over to say hello.

"Miss, it's time to go, aren't you going to accompany us to the Provincial Water Resources Bureau?"

"Well, today, let's go." Ma Yiyi's pure face was not surprised, but she was still cool. She picked up the clothes next to him and got into the car. The crowd of onlookers immediately dispersed like birds and beasts.

While driving slowly on the campus of Nantah University, Yang Can was still seeing if he could meet Tang Ying, a little witch. Ma Yiyi, born in 90s, obviously had poor academic performance. He took a full-time adult self-examination on the east campus. , And Yang Can is a "sexual" quality, but Yang Can can only rely on self-reliance, and Ma Yiyi has a teacher to teach it.

"There is also a'plug in' head? There is also a hair dryer, just right." Ma Yiyi entered the car and found that it was so comfortable, so she started to change and take off his jersey and change clothes.

In the rear mirror, Ma Yiyi's deep "fascinating" eyes glanced over here, and the charming red lips arc upward. The two looked at each other in the mirror, and they didn't speak. Ma Yiyi didn't mean to shrink back at all.

"Ma Yiyi... You change quickly, you are a girl! What does this look like!" Cousin Zhou Haoran's face flushed, and finally couldn't help crying.

"Huh? You should be my cousin, you need to be so excited to see me? We took a shower together when we were young." Ma Yiyi's voice was disapproving, making Zhou Haoran even more angry and closed her eyes.

Yang Can understands him very well, because you are his cousin, don't you "force" him to evolve. It's not playing close relatives.

"You really dare to go to the Water Conservancy Hall, isn't your South Weekly a municipal magazine? No one is outside, so how do you conduct interviews." Ma Yiyi is still wearing only underwear and blowing her hair, and her original clothes are a little wet. Blow dry to replace.

Yang Can, who raised her eyebrows, was surprised at her question. This was not like what he had in mind that the post-90s generation should know. He couldn't help but look at him slightly with admiration.

He also learned from the side that this Ma Yiyi is the child of Ma Guoqiang and his ex-wife. He grew up in a single-parent family. Ma Guoqiang has a wife in Beijing. He rarely went back to Nancheng to see her in the past. In the past few years, if it weren’t because of her mother’s remarriage, Ma Guoqiang Nor would he take over her custody rights, plus this Zhou Haoran, who hates him so hard that he may be his illegitimate son, Ma Guoqiang's love history is really complicated.

"Yes, President Xu did not approve us for coming to Nancheng this time. The old stubborn gang of magazines also objected unanimously. It was Brother Yang who came by himself." Zhou Haoran was also the first time I saw a reporter who dare not listen to the boss's command. , I feel very exciting.

In fact, the level of this media is strictly divided in China, and there are roughly two types, the local level and the central level.

Similar to China Central Television, a central-level media such as Xinhua News Agency can conduct interviews and news reports across the country, and all localities will receive it carefully, and it is unimpeded throughout the country.

Local media can only conduct news reports and interviews in their own administrative areas. The provincial level is in the province, and the city level can travel throughout the city. Some county-level or county-level city media can only nest in their own three acres. Activities on the ground.

And there is an unwritten rule among these local-level media that reporters of local-level media must never cross-border interviews, let alone report negative news that is not within the administrative area.

If the reporters in charge of each province go to each other to expose the old ways of the other provinces, there will always be some unpleasantness among the relevant media leaders. After all, everyone is a colleague engaged in news. You ask your reporter to expose it here. Is there news? Suspected of aggression!

More importantly, in your own administrative area, no matter what happens, the leaders of the media and the high-level have a certain strength to quell the incident and keep things under their control.

Of course, it’s different to interview the administrative district. It’s like Yang Can’s plan to go to the Linhu Town New District this time. It’s a remote area in China. The township is stronger than the administration. If someone offends someone, someone else will kill them. Now, Xu Yang has no way at all. He has no way to contact the law enforcement department of Linhu Town to ask for cooperation or something.

"Oh, I can’t blame you Mr. Xu. I heard Uncle Tian say that if it weren’t for Zhou Gongliang, the deputy director of the Municipal Cultural Bureau, to oppose, the approval of the city’s and even the province’s sales channels in Nanzhou Magazine would have come down this quarter. I'm also very anxious, because I'm afraid that you will have something to do with your merits."

Ma Yiyi's words hit the key point, and Yang Can was even more surprised. She knew a lot. She really underestimated her. Yang Can couldn't help feeling the fragrant smell of the hair dryer coming from behind. Thinking about it, I can’t help but remember that Ma Yiyi had a blind date with him before. In fact, this matter is pretty good. It seems that Wu Lan has a better vision than herself. For the first time, she wanted to see the idea of Ma Yiyi.

When passing by a campus road junction, a Baobai "color" carriage stopped at the entrance of a building, and it was estimated that the owner would temporarily go inside to find a toilet.

In the rear mirror, Ma Yiyi, who had just put on a tight shirt, was unusually coquettish and moving, and suddenly shouted urgently: "Wait..."

He couldn't help but crawled over from the back seat, which shocked Yang Can.

"Xiao Cancan, go behind and play with me." She shrank and got into the space between Yang Can and Zhou Haoran.