Master of the Flower City

Chapter 65: How can there be such a test drive


"What are you messing around? Driving in..."

Yang Can didn't want to mess around with her, and quickly reduced the speed. This is because he was called "Xiao Cancan" first. He felt a little numb in his heart, but I don't know why he shouted out of this cool Ma Yiyi. It sounds pretty smooth, it's not ironic that it's really like a "nickname".

"I'll try this car, you let me." He climbed onto Yang Can without any explanation, trying to force him out of the driver's seat.

"Ma Yiyi... What are you making..." Zhou Haoran covered his eyes, feeling that there was nothing to do with his cousin who acted unexpectedly.

"What nonsense!"

"You just let it go, and it's futile to resist the ending."

"Okay... Stop it, I'll let you do it?" Yang Can turned his head and said angrily. As expected, he was not a generation, and he couldn't entangle this little girl. The two had their eyes facing each other, only less than five centimeters apart. I can clearly see the water marks in Ma Yiyi's eyes, which is completely different from her usual charming and charming.

Feeling Yang Can moving, while trying to shrink the waist back to avoid key parts against her, Ma Yiyi’s face was only slightly flushed, two hands resting on Yang Can’s belly, a little curious: "Huh. , Unexpectedly, do you still have abdominal muscles?"

Yang Can finally turned around and moved away, staring at her angrily: "Is it time for you to admire? What are you going to do?" Fortunately, there are no people on Campus Avenue at this time. .

Before he could finish the question, Ma Yiyi turned the steering wheel neatly, braked and braked the accelerator, and the Hummer made a 180-degree elegant turn. Yang Can tilted Zhou Haoran before he could sit still.

You are dying, what are you doing! Yang Can learned well this time, so he didn't ask, and stared directly at Ma Yiyi's head to see what she wanted to do.

Ma Yiyi turned around and smiled at the two of them: "There is no camera on the school road, and there are no people now. I just saw that Zhou Jie’s shabby car parked on the side of the road, just to try the sex of your military Hummer. "can… "

Zhou Jie? Isn’t the one who blacked Ma Yiyi the last time he played basketball? Is it possible that he is also a graduate student at Nantah University? Yang Can hasn't understood how this matter is related to "try your military Hummer's "sex" ability", so she saw three large conscious words on her head: "Run over."

Yang Can's heart is tight, isn't it? Before he had time to stop, Ma Yiyi stepped on the accelerator, the turbo suppression engine "boomed" like a war drum, and the Hummer, like a small tank car, ran like a flying, "booming" amid Zhou Haoran's screams! It actually used a wheel on the side to directly crush the front of the white BMW.

The huge wheel is like a boulder grinding disc running over the front body of a white BMW. With a series of glass shattering sounds, both Yang Can and Zhou Haoran felt the body rise and tilt to the right, and everyone tilted toward one window. His face was almost close to the glass, and in astonishment, a wheel of the Hummer had crushed the glass and got stuck in the body of the poor white BMW.

"Cut... The videos on TV are all deceptive, you can't press them all at once." Ma Yiyi, holding the steering wheel in both hands, wrinkled her long hair around her ears, her delicate face showed dissatisfaction, and stepped on the accelerator. There was a rumbling, but he couldn't move forward anymore, and slightly disappointed that he knocked down the reverse gear and pulled the car back.

It looked like it had been crushed by a tank, and it had completely transformed into a tattered white BMW. Both Yang Can and Zhou Hao looked at each other, and at the same time the word "sturdy" appeared in their hearts... too sturdy.

Ma Yiyi's face was flat and drove away quickly, but when Zhou Jie, who heard the loud noise, rushed out of the office building, the car was already gone. He was stunned and stared at the same place. Watching my sharp weapon for making girls turned into a pile of scrap iron... It took a long time to react and roared: "Which god did it... It's not a human..." Tears almost fell on the spot.

"You really hold a vengeance..." Seeing the blazing consciousness of revenge on Ma Yiyi's head, Yang Can couldn't help but sigh. This girl is really not easy to provoke.

"You're so cruel... But someone can see it, don't cry then..." Zhou Haoran, who was still in shock, complained in an angry tone.

"Well, it's quite possible." Ma Yiyi raised her pretty chin while driving the car. After lowering her speed and changing positions with Yang Can, she tied her hair up with a smile and put on a baseball cap and said: "But it doesn't matter. First of all, my father has money and can afford to accompany him. Secondly, I don't have a driver's license..."

Without the meaning of a driver’s license, this car belongs to Yang Can. If it is caught, even if she is found to have hit her, the main person responsible will give her the driving right to Yang Can, and the car will suddenly fall into a long silence. in.

After a small ride, the Hummer finally left the outskirts of the southern city. The rain gradually increased and the road became rough and bumpy. The roadside was full of fields flooded by rain, and the gray side.

"Didn't you go to the Provincial Water Resources Department?" Looking at Lu Mayi, he felt something was wrong, as if the direction had gone far.

Zhou Haoran also woke up at this time, sat up straight and "rubbed" his eyes, and looked out the window with a solemn expression: "Are you out of Nancheng?" Turning around, he explained to Ma Yiyi, "Brother Yang's plan. Drive to Linhu Town, check the situation, and then go to the Water Conservancy Department."

"You are going to Linhu Town?" Seeing Yang Can nodded, Ma Yiyi was stunned, as if thinking about something.

In fact, this matter was planned by Yang Can very early. Since he exposed the case of Guojian Group, Nanzhou Magazine has received a letter of report at a rate of one letter per week, reporting on the paper mills of Yingzi Company in Linhu Town. There was an incident of death of a worker by poisoning. The other side knew that Nanzhou Magazine was a municipal-level media and could not reach the edge of the province of China. However, he still turned to the magazine for help.

Yang Can also learned from the side before that the pollution index of the Linhu Township Paper Mill, the largest in the province, has indeed exceeded the national standard after each inspection, but every time the rectification is ordered, there is no movement. This is very impressive. Incomprehensible.

There should be only one reasonable explanation for all this, that is, there is someone behind Yingzi's paper mill, and this person is not small. Yang Can believes that this is a big fish that can greatly increase the influence of Nanzhou Magazine.

Yang Can thinks differently from ordinary people. The more challenging he is, the more he likes it. If Nanzhou Magazine wants to grow quickly, it must take a step forward and touch the news that others are afraid of. The last word to stand out in a fiercely competitive industry, he Yang Can dares to do things that others dare not do.

I didn’t know how long I had been driving on the expressway. When the sky was getting darker, I finally reached the name of Linhu Town. The scenery in front of me made Yang Can feel as if he was back in the 1980s, completely different from the prosperous Nancheng City. Different, the surrounding scenery seems to be shrouded in gray rain.

"Brother Yang. Could you please find if there is a restroom nearby?"

Yang Can really convinced the young master. There are no restrooms in such a wilderness, and the pits are hard to find, so he tilted the car aside: "Go... Go and get rid of it."

The two got out of the car and watched Yang Can unzip the zipper in the woods, Zhou Haoran's face flushed: "This is not so good."

"Then feel free to do it yourself."

Seeing Yang Can's comfortable appearance, Zhou Haoran really couldn't stand it. After gritting his teeth, he finally opened the zipper with presumptuousness. Unexpectedly, he felt the soothing comfort just after he came out, and a group of people appeared next to him. .