Master of the Flower City

Chapter 7: Family business


The room where the editing meeting was held was silent, and everyone was waiting for Xu Yang's final decision with their own minds.

Only Yang Can thought about it, and saw that he released his finger on the data, and said silently: "Fifteen characters." He was quite satisfied.

This is actually his little trick to test the intensity of consciousness energy, which is a kind of "finger literacy" ability that has no practical value. It concentrates the consciousness energy on the fingers and can read it when "touching" the paper. The text content inside, the more you read before the concentrated consciousness energy dissipates, the stronger the consciousness energy, and the longer the time spent by mind reading.

In the past few months, his consciousness energy was stuck on the 14-character level. Unexpectedly, after having trouble with Yang Xiuya, his consciousness energy was obviously improved. This really surprised him a bit. It seems that Yang Xiuya's A clear and flawless consciousness is indeed of great benefit to him.

Seeing Yang Can yawning, others might think he was a little pretentious. Yang Can, who was immersed in his own world, knew very well that Xu Yang would definitely support him in the end, no matter how people present questioned him.

These people don't even know that he is not only the direct line of President Xu, but also one of the owners of this magazine.

In fact, this Nanzhou magazine was jointly funded and founded by his father and Old Xu, and his father’s share was even larger.

I think that these two people were born in the Wengong team of the army, and when they were young, they had a wish to contribute to the cultural cause of the motherland. It was not until a few years ago that they finally turned this dream into reality after all the hardships.

It’s just that I didn’t expect that my father, who was not successful, passed away due to illness. Yang Can still remembers that in the last phone call, his stubborn father begged for the first time, that is, he hoped that he would come back and help him...

This is also the reason why he is here now. If he can't get the Nanzhou Magazine up and fulfill his father's last wish, then he himself will not be able to pass the hurdle in his heart.

Of course, Yang Can’s inner ambitions go far beyond this. He possesses such a thorough mind-reading skill. If he does not advance to the peak of power, he is really ashamed to have such ability for himself. For any man, power is always fascinating. ", and controlling and guiding the discourse power of the mass media is undoubtedly an extremely fascinating thing.

It's just that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and the road has to be walked step by step. The world media tycoon Murdoch only started from a newspaper industry, and he needs to accumulate more in this industry.

Realizing the seriousness of this incident, Xu Yang unconsciously wiped the sweat of his palms on his pants, hesitated and then turned his head to look at Yang Can, who had been silent, and asked: "Xiao Yang, tell me the truth. , Did you see everything you wrote in the manuscript?"

The child of Yang Can is Xu Yang who watched to grow up. Although he has not seen each other for almost five years, in Xu Yang’s impression, Yang Can is still a relatively honest and introverted person, not as if he would concoct fakes just to highlight himself. News speculators.

Yang Can stood up calmly and nodded: "Yes, Mr. Xu, I really saw it with my own eyes."

He didn’t return to his house last night, so he came directly to the magazine to wash out the photos he had taken and wrote the manuscript. Old K’s report was written too much. This press release is not difficult for him. It follows a certain format. You can get started.

Of course, Yang Can still conceals the part about Yang Xiuya very morally, and only reported in the article that Zhang Jie and Gu Xiaoqing had an affair before marriage.

Xu Yang saw that he was so determined without hesitation, and he also estimated that Yang Can should have not lied. After all, Liu Lan had just stated the seriousness of the problem so clearly, he would not be so stupid to harm his magazine. Seeing Xu Yang nodded deeply, Liu Lan, who is good at observing words and colors, knew that Xu always believed, and cautiously "inserted" a reminder: "Mr. Xu, Zhang Jie and Yang Xiuqing can be the day after tomorrow. I got married. Do you think it is appropriate for us to publish this news in the magazine tomorrow?"

Step back ten thousand steps, even if Yang Can said it is true, this matter still needs to be concerned about other aspects. This matter should be exposed before the wedding. If Zhangjie and Yang Xiuya are married in the end, they will not admit it, Hong Haina. If other industry peers do not respond, Nan Zhou will be passive when the time comes.

There are more people on the side of the lie, and the lie may also come true.

Although Zhang Dejun could not understand Liu Lan, she had to admit that she considered more thoughtful than herself, and hummed but did not sing the opposite. After all, this matter is too much involved, it is a matter of life and death for the magazine, and the final decision is only I can leave it to Xu Yang himself.

Looking at the dignified ecology of these people around, Yang Can couldn't help but laughed secretly. Just Yang Xiuya's bad temper? Continue to marry Zhang Jie? It's possible that "sex" is just as impossible as selling a dynamic zone in a Unicom business hall. It's just that with my current identity, it is inconvenient and talkative. I can only rely on myself, Uncle Xu, to make his own decisions.

Xu Yang stood up and walked for a few steps in the conference room with his hands on his back. After hesitating for a moment, he finally took out the courage of his soldier, patted the table fiercely, and finally made the final decision: "Luo Cheng... I'll give you two hours to write the manuscript. Make it right, put this news on the cover, go to the print shop before eleven o'clock, and distribute it to the channel as quickly as possible. Be sure to get it out before tonight. We will issue a special issue today!" , There is still a vigorous and resolute "sex" in the bones, as soon as a decision is made, it is immediately put into action.

special issue? Everyone is looking at me from you, and when I look at you, I suddenly realized that this time Xu is always going to make a desperate bet and take a gamble.

Figured this out, Luo Cheng and Liu Lan unconsciously glanced at Yang Can, thinking that this is really not an ordinary family member, not only Mr. Xu's direct line, but also made such a big move as soon as he went to work. From now on, Nan Zhoukan will go to heaven or hell entirely in the hands of the truthfulness of his news.

With the appearance of the old god Yang Can, many people present were speechless. Looking at this reaction, I am afraid that this stunned kid didn't seem to figure out the situation. Can't help but shook their heads in their hearts.

After the news is over, it’s time for the editorial department and the publishing department to be busy. The reporters on the spot also have their shifts. The work of the magazine is like this. Although it is busy and kills people, other times are very flexible and you can arrange a lot of free time. .

After retiring from the army, Yang Can really enjoys this kind of free work, which is much more leisurely than the life of the army with strict rules and regulations.

Yang Can now only waits for the special issue to come out with peace of mind, and it is enough for the South Weekly to create a sensation with the eye-catching headline.

Back home, idle and bored, opened the laptop equipped with old K, drinking coffee slowly and writing this week's daily report.

This is the work he must do every week. According to their old K’s rules, although he is already in a semi-retired state, he is still a special talent, a weapon cultivated by the country, and he must report his situation at a fixed time. In order to let the country know his whereabouts.

The main purpose is to prevent him from using his special skills for profit, and at the same time to eliminate the possibility of him being contacted by foreign forces.

He even went to the hospital to find a designated psychologist for psychological analysis every once in a while to see if his mental state was normal.

Yang Can didn't feel any trouble. He thought that in order to leave Mr. K, he deliberately analyzed the key information several times incorrectly, causing several major missions to fail because of this, and he was taken several major punishments by the army.

In the end, the leaders had no way to retreat. Even with his poor performance, it's no wonder that the organization was so worried about him. Before the change, the possibility of shooting him was "sexual".

As soon as he finished the report, the phone rang. It was from Zhu Huaicheng, his roommate who lived with him.

"Yang Can... Today, I am working overtime and come back later. You can help me get online... Today, I brought the gold team and made an appointment. You help me organize people first, and I'll be back soon."

"Bringing the group again... Are you really annoying? Then you come back soon." Yang Can hung up the phone and clicked on the World of Warcraft icon.

Zhu Huaicheng who called is one of Yang Canfa's juniors. He is a typical dead fat boy who is ignorant and idle.

Although this fat guy didn't read much, he was born with a glib tongue. From a young age, he was able to snatch him from the "Shuanghui" ham sausage because the kid in the next class was able to render things like the dignity of the boys in the third and fifth class. Being trampled on, caused the two classes of dozens of "hairy" children to experience a massive "playground" collective fight when they were teenagers.

As he gets older, he also relies on this expertise to find a job running business in a well-known advertising company. Although he is usually vulgar, but Yang Can is very agreeable. He has been a friend for more than ten years. Not to mention, Yang Can is just such a big buddy after retiring from the army. Yang Can has been renting with him since he came back, and every day of bragging and bullshitting can be considered comfortable.

Yang Can didn't play online games very much before, but he couldn't stand the strong recommendation of Zhu Huaicheng, and he often played the game called World of Warcraft to pass the time.

After entering the secret security card to select the server, a human female mage named Nancheng Yanjie appeared on the character login interface.