Master of the Flower City

Chapter 71: Wang Sanye's rules


"Uncle, Mom. Mom. Grandpa Third..."

When I opened the car door, I saw Qiao'er had been soaked in the rain, her small face was pale, panting, her small face was full of horror, Yang Can hugged her in her arms with a face, knowing what the child said Not sure what was going on, he drove the Hummer straight to A Ju's house while comforting.

When I walked in, I saw the old lady sitting on the ground with a dazed look, muttering to herself: "Inflicting evil. It's really making evil."

Seeing Yang Can coming, he quickly "rubbed" his swollen eyes with a cry of tears and tried to get up: "Reporter Yang, it's Reporter Yang, you can save Aju, Reporter Yang, you can save her..." He got up on the ground and almost fell.

Yang Can quickly went up and supported her: "What's the matter, speak slowly, don't worry?" Yang Can was also a little anxious when he heard that there was an accident with Aju.

"Sanye Wang knows about you coming to the house, saying that she stole the man behind her husband's back and did not obey the "women's" way. She must be dealt with according to the rules, and she must be forced to go to the ancestral hall..." the old lady cried Get up: "Reporter Yang, go and help her! Please!"

Knowing that it was his own reason that Aju was taken away, Yang Can's face instantly became cold, and he squeezed a voice from between his teeth and said, "Yiyi, stay here to take care of Grandma, Zhou Haoran will go with me."

Without waiting for Yiyi to ask what it meant, he hugged Qiao'er and walked out the door. He knew that someone at the Wang family must have eyeliner nearby. He knew that Aju contacted him, and he wanted to stop her. Q.

"Uncle... Where are we going?" Qiao'er asked with a crying little face.

"Go get my mother back..." Yang Can's face was so gloomy and scary that Qiao'er was too scared to speak. There are many rules in the cofferyan township. If you really follow Wang Sanye's words, make Ah Ju into a mess. " "Fun", according to the ancestral rule handed down from the ancestral hall of the Wang family, it is to hit fifty sticks, which might kill people. Yang Can's clenched fists were a little trembling...

After getting on the Hummer, it swiftly and swiftly. For more than ten minutes, he reached the vicinity of Wang's ancestral hall. If he walked further, he couldn't get in. There were still a few miles to walk. Yang Can got out of the car and hugged Qiaoer with one hand. Zhou Haoran was shocked, this brother Yang has always been calm and has never passed him like this.

However, Zhou Haoran was surprised and surprised. He also hurriedly got out of the car with the travel bag full of babies, and ran after Yang Can. The more he ran, the farther away he was. Zhou Haoran, a young and strong college student, was out of breath. Seeing Yang Can, who was holding Qiao'er in front of him, was getting smaller and smaller, he pressed his knees and panted. This brother Yang is really a decathlon. He used to be 80% of athletes.

The Wang Family Ancestral Hall, which was rebuilt only the year before last, was very magnificent, with two rows of sandalwood chairs. The few people sitting there were all old people visiting Cangcang. Wang Sanye sat in the middle of the head. Behind these old people, there were more than a dozen people. Hardcover young man.

In the middle of the ancestral hall, A Ju was pressed on the ground by two men and knelt, crying bitterly and unable to speak. She was beaten with blood on her back by a stick with a thick forearm.

The old wrinkled Third Master Wang narrowed his eyes on his nose and lit the flue in the dry pipe: "Go ahead."

A farmer spit on the palm of his hand and picked up the stick again. It was only five times before it was red, and there were still forty-five times behind. An old man beside him frowned and persuaded: "Three Lord, please forgive her. I think she may not be able to withstand her body. You see, she has become popular. She is also your niece's wife, so I think."

The people around looked at Aju on the ground and shivered with pain, and they couldn't bear to watch.

Wang Sanye sighed: "His uncle, there are no rules, so how can you make a circle? If you do something wrong, you will be punished. Moreover, she is carrying her husband on his back. This is a big thing. We have been able to keep the house closed at night in the cofferyan township for so many years. , There is no land ruffian, relying on the word rule..."

"..." With the loud voice, a strong young man strode into the entrance of the ancestral hall, with a little sweat on his forehead, holding a little girl in his hands. Yang Can is rarely really angry, but he is angry today.

"Didn’t you say that she stole a man? I’m the person you are looking for. I want to hear how she stole a man. I’ll tell you honestly. I’m a reporter from Nanzhou Magazine and I’m here to investigate Wang Laifu’s death. If you have any kind, just charge me! Make trouble with a woman... What kind of man"

Yang Can looked at A Ju's bloody back and was in pain when he was bowed on the ground. His anger could no longer be suppressed, and he questioned Wang Sanye every sentence.

Before Wang Sanye finished speaking, the following people called out. Wang Laifu's second uncle opened his mouth very upset and said, "Who said that my family is dead! My family came to Fu to work in the city."

Wang Laifu's younger brother shouted: "My brother is going to learn to do business!"

After the two had finished speaking their own words, they both looked at each other sympathetically, with complaints in their eyes.

That Wang Sanye knocked the ashes indifferently and smiled: "It turned out to be a big reporter from the provincial capital. I can't take care of your affairs, but our village has rules for the village, so I won't bother you to call the shots."

Yang Can sneered very angry instead: "Tunzi's rules? Good... Good, I want to see who dares to do it today!" He stood in front of Aju.

The two peasants didn’t believe this evil when they heard it. They recognized Wang Sanye, a shit reporter, and they didn’t know what they were doing. They strode towards Yang Can, but Wang Sanye frowned and raised his hand, scratching. Han Yanyan looked at Yang Can and waved his hand suddenly: "You are a foreigner. I shouldn't have embarrassed you, but today you just broke in. This is the ancestor of our old Wang family. It should be kowtow to the ancestor of the Wang family. I'm sorry to apologize, I don't make it difficult for you. If you knock three times here, I will let you stand and go out."

Yang Can's face was sullen and sneered: "Kow your head? Still let me stand out? You really think you are the emperor of the earth, do you know that you are committing a crime now? Privately detained the "women", violently, deliberately Harming others' bodies, you..." Pointed to Wang Sanye and the few farmers: "You must follow me to the Public Security Bureau to surrender."

"Ha" there was a loud laughter in the ancestral hall. These people of the Wang surname looked at Yang Can and felt very funny. Is this young man crazy

At this time, Zhou Haoran ran in in a panic and stood in front of Yang Can. When he looked at the posture, he frightened the fool. He was nervous and confused. He blushed and shouted aloud something that would ignite everyone in the other party: " Wang Sanye, you privately paid a bribe from a paper mill to conceal Wang Laifu’s death... This is a crime of sheltering and conniving... The police will be here soon..."

At this moment, everyone in the ancestral hall was shocked. Wang Sanye looked at Yang Can and his face gradually became gloomy. With amazement and rage in his heart, he squeezed a hoarse word from his teeth: " What did you just say? Say it again?"

His majesty, which Wang San worked so hard to establish for decades in the cofferyan township, was challenged at this moment. Only people close to him knew about Wang Laifu’s death, and other people did not know it. He took the money from the paper mill here. No one knows how he will stay here in the future if he is called out by this outsider, if others believe it.

At this time, after a dozen villagers were silent, they finally broke out. The sentiment was infuriated, and the blue veins on their foreheads bulged up, and they couldn't help but yell: "...Why slander Wang Sanye...Look at Lao Tzu's skin!" Kneel down! Apologize to the third master! Otherwise, this thing is endless." "Can't let this bastard, dare to say bad things about the third grandfather, that is, pour dirty water on the faces of our ancestors of the Wang family..."

Zhou Haoran was also frightened by this group of angry farmers. He didn't expect that his words would achieve such a result. He didn't know that he had violated the biggest taboo in the cofferyan township-slandering the elders who represented the authority of the tribe. Several farmers came over, and Zhou Haoran hurriedly pushed one of them to the ground.

This action finally ignited the entire Wang Family's ancestral hall. With Wang Sanye's furious roar of "clean him", all the furious farmers picked up the shovel and iron pick in the corner, and the door was closed with a "clam" Up...