Master of the Flower City

Chapter 79: Awareness link


With Yang Can's hand resting on his body, Qiu Huabo felt a little strange. Just when he wanted to ask, he realized that Yang Can's expression was unexpectedly cautious.

"Secretary Qiu, what are your symptoms in the past two days? What are the symptoms?" Yang Can helped Qiu Huabo onto the chair and stared at him intently.

Qiu Huabo had a strange feeling staring at these eyes in his heart, but he waved his hand, his slightly pale face was full of disapproval and said: "What symptoms, eat well, water is fragrant, and very good." But still holding his belly with his hands.

Next to him, Tian Guoli also "put in" a sentence and said, "I think it's okay. I saw Lao Qiu in good spirits yesterday. After eating two bowls of rice, there shouldn't be any major problems."

Without saying anything, Yang Can directly called Gu Wan from the Third Hospital: "Sister Gu Wan, please consult your internist. I have a patient here who wants to be diagnosed and treated. Yes, right now, I will find someone right now..."

"What the hell are you doing?" Seeing Tian Guoli and Qiu Huabo staring at Yang Can with dissatisfaction, Ma Yiyi came over and pulled down his sleeve to remind him not to make his own way.

Yang Can didn't care about other reactions, and said to himself: "Well, Dr. Wang, right? My patient's current symptoms are pain in the upper abdomen, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and fever. I already have..." After seeing Qiu Huabo, he continued, "Two. Three days have passed."

Tian Guoli was a little bit confused and screamed, "Xiao Yang, what are you talking about? How can Secretary Qiu have these "problems"?" He thought that Yang Can was deliberately making things big and wanted to shoot. Qiu Huabo's flattery, he immediately lowered his head when he saw him in his heart. Before he really saw this, the young man really met the windshield.

Sure enough, it is acute pancreatitis, or it may be severe. Yang Can has a clear heart after listening to the preliminary judgment of Dr. Wang, and said with a calm face: "Secary Qiu, go, you must go to the hospital right away!" "

"Naughty! I'm not going?" Qiu Huabo was angry, and slapped the table so hard that all the chess pieces on the chessboard fell to the ground. It was too unreasonable for a young man to dare to order him to do this and that.

Tian Guoli's face is also gloomy and terrifying. They are not those who only like to be served by people. This kind of fussy cater to them is the most disgusting, but he still smiled reluctantly to relieve the siege: "Little Yang, are you making a fuss too much? I don’t think it’s as big as you think."

Yang Can knows the seriousness of this matter, and there is no time to talk nonsense with them. He has already noticed that Qiu Huabo's black pancreas is becoming more and more intense, and he turned his head and yelled at Ma Yiyi with the key. Voice: "Get down and drive."

Ma Yiyi, who was still a little bit hesitant, was yelled at by Yang Can. He didn't know why he felt that it was right to do what he said. He turned around and ran downstairs. Tian Guoli yelled angrily: "Come back. "It's useless.

"Secretary Qiu, things are tight... offended."

After Yang Can finished saying this, Qiu Huabo didn't realize what he meant. He saw Yang Can directly drew the tablecloth on Tian Guoli's table, twisting Qiu Huabo's hand to his back with one hand, Qiu Badbo angrily He shouted: "You are upside down!" He wanted to struggle, but Yang Can would give him a chance. He clasped his hands with a twist of his wrist, and in the blink of an eye he tied his hands tightly with the tablecloth.

In Tian Guoli's panic, Yang Can directly bowed and carried Qiu Huabo, the provincial party secretary. Lao Tian became anxious on the spot and shouted: "You bastard took the wrong medicine! Not yet Put the person down?" While pulling Yang Canyu to hold him.

But Yang Can’s bullishness is no joke. He didn’t care about his pulling, and walked out the door while carrying people. He dragged Tian Guoli out of the door, and then trot all the way down the stairs. No one was seen in an instant. Up.

Tian Guoli staggered and almost fell, and when he was panting, Yang Can had run away completely out of sight. That was an irritation. He pulled out his mobile phone and asked for help: "Xiao Chen! Quick, the Secretary Qiu was a lunatic. Kidnapped, we must stop him..." Tian Guoli's hoarse roar was almost heard throughout the corridor.

"Stop! Stop!" "Put down Secretary Tian!"

There was a sound of "messy" footsteps, and the secretaries and security guards of Qiu Huabo and Tian Guoli were full of panic and surrounded from below. The most outrageous thing was that the secretary's plainclothes was anxiously ready to draw his gun. Fortunately Yang Chan is carrying Qiu Huabo while running, or he might really pull the trigger when he gets excited.

"Little comrade, let me down. I'm really not sick. You're not messing around. Okay... I'll go with you. You let me down first."

Qiu Huabo looked at Yang Can’s face without hesitation, and knew that he would definitely not threaten people in this set, so he could only bear his breath and tried to persuade him as well as he could. What does it look like

Yang Can ran down the stairs and looked at Qiu Huabo's eyes on his shoulders. Knowing that he wanted to fool himself, he really let him down. The old boy ran away and said blankly, "Drunk people never say If you’re not drunk, you old men like to carry it hard. If you get rid of the "fault", people will suddenly disappear. Go to the hospital honestly." Yang Can’s father is like that. If he doesn’t, he’s gone anyway. Can't let Qiu Huabo have an accident, shrugged his shoulders, adjusted his posture again, and ran faster.

"You little bunny... let me down! Or I will kill you!" Qiu Huabo was finally anxious, his old face flushed and yelled. Anyway, he had been a soldier for several years, and his anger finally broke out. I really want to shoot this bastard right away.

In Qiu Huabo’s yelling, Yang Can threw him into the upper compartment of the Hummer, and clapped Ma Yiyi in the driver's seat: "Go, go to the nearest hospital, the sooner the better."

Ma Yiyi's head was also a little dazed at this time, biting her lip and hesitating, and finally nodded, "Uncle Qiu, I'm sorry." Stepping on the accelerator, the Hummer galloped out.

Running wildly all the way, Yang Can was sitting in the back compartment, and suddenly realized that he was still yelling at Qiu Huabo just now. Then he looked at his face as white as a piece of paper, covered with cold sweat, holding his stomach and shaking, Yang Can Putting his hand on him and looking at it with the consciousness link, Qiu Huabo's body consciousness dimmed, but the black gas in the pancreas became thicker and thicker, broken, and his condition worsened.

After the old father passed away, Yang Can didn't let the old man look sick. Hearing Ma Yiyi quickly cried and asked, "What's wrong with Uncle Qiu, why don't you speak anymore." He thought a little bit in his heart.

"Yiyi, drive the car steadily." Then he placed his hand on Qiu Huabo's pancreas, took a deep breath, and slowly injected his consciousness into Qiu Huabo's body.

After discovering that he has this ability, a curious person like Yang Can has naturally checked a lot of information. This ability is very similar to qigong.

For some reasons, many traditional cultures in China have been suppressed for decades, and most of the so-called "Qigong" has also been labeled as "chaotic" gods and feudal bad habits. If Yang Can is not in the old k because of performing tasks After encountering Qigong master Lin Huaian by chance, he would not believe that the so-called "Qigong" can cure diseases.

He had personally seen a teacher’s wife who had been sentenced to death by a "gynecology" expert and suffered from fibroids. He miraculously recovered under Lin Huaian’s special treatment. When he handed in the report a few days ago, he still I specifically took the time to ask Lin Huaian about how Qigong cures the disease. The elderly Lin Huaian’s explanation is very simple. The practitioner uses his own qi to "open up, dredge, and communicate" with the patient's disease, thereby driving the mechanism in the other party to treat themselves. At that time, Yang Can thought of the similarities between his abilities and qigong.

Qigong masters like Lin Huaian have practiced the qi in his body all his life, but he could directly see and even control his qi. Even Lin Huaian was surprised when he was holding Yang Can’s hand at that time. It is said that Yang Can, a layman, looks like a person who has practiced qigong for decades, and the Qi in his body is unimpeded and weird.

At this time, Yang Can only used this ability to tease Song Yingxu. Then, with this ability, whether it can save people, Yang Can has this question to give it a try, and put the red consciousness gas into Qiu Huabo's pancreas.