Master of the Flower City

Chapter 81: I am a good person?


After the treatment, Tian Guoli was still uneasy, and finally transferred Qiu Huabo to the Third City Hospital the next day. What does Qiu Huabo's fall mean? What kind of changes will the balance between the provincial party committee and the municipal party committee team have this time? What will happen to the case of Yingzi Paper Mill

The people in the game, including Tian Guoli, felt a sense of crisis.

As the protagonist of the whirlpool center, Yang Can came to Gu Wan's psychological diagnosis and treatment room as usual for psychological examination.

This time Yang Canlai has another important reason. He wants to solve his own mystery about the growth of his own consciousness and energy. In this regard, Gu Wan, a PhD in psychology who once studied in the United States, is probably the most he knows. May know the answer.

Gu Wan looked through Yang Can’s report with her glasses. She wears a white coat and has a mature and charming charm. Her straight and pretty breasts, and the demure and gentle face on the plane, show concern from time to time. The demeanor really makes people think of Japanese action movies.

It's just that the doctor of psychology is beautiful and tight, with a worried expression on his soft face.

"Yang Can, have you been a little too public lately? After all, you are semi-retired. If something happens, how can you explain to the organization?"

I could hear that Gu Wan was still a little worried about him, and she turned around and smiled gently: "If you don't put out the cigarette, I will add the destruction of cultural relics to your report. You don't know how many years the Wang Family's ancestral hall has a history. ?"

Yang Can pressed the cigarette with a hippy smile and spread her hand out: "Sister Gu Wan, don't be so serious. Although the means may not be correct, I serve the people. The organization will forgive me. Besides, sister Gu Wan, why are you willing to cheat me? , We are a family..."

I think that when he first came back to Nancheng, Gu Wan pushed Yang Can out to be her temporary boyfriend in order to deal with her family. Seeing that Gu Wan was about to fight back, Yang Can quickly turned the topic to his most relevant question, and asked tentatively: "Sister Gu Wan... Do you know if anyone in this world can see the energy field? Of the energy field?"

The gas of consciousness that Yang Can sees is called qi in China, and Western psychology is called energy field. Quantum physics has proven its existence. In this respect, Western research is far more than domestic, and Gu Wan is in the world psychology. The status of academia should be known.

"Yes, Fbi Li Horton in the US, Obukhova in the former Soviet Union, and Professor Sun Chulin in Beijing all have this ability? Why are you interested in these non-mainstream functions?"

Gu Wan drank her saliva and looked at him strangely with her chin on. Although the psychology community had a long-standing consensus on the existence of the energy of the human mind, there is still no scientific approach to how to use it. So up to now those theories that study the potential of the human mind , Yoga floating, mind reading, Qigong healing will be rejected as heresy by the psychology circle, and most psychologists don't bother to work with them.

Of course Yang Can wouldn't confess his own situation, but just smiled: "Know about the new knowledge, Gu Wan sister, you big doctor knows so much, I don't ask who you ask." A big hat was put on to look after Gu Wan's consciousness. Li was quite pleased, and then he continued to ask: "Then do they have any way to increase the intensity of the energy field? Or has any professor put forward a similar theory? Just as described in the novel called "Golden Eye", the supernatural power Can the person absorb the energy of the artwork?"

This is Yang Can's biggest concern. He wants to know what is the reason for the increase in his consciousness energy, and whether this change will bring any side effects. He doesn't want to end up vomiting blood for his great achievements in magical power one day.

Gu Wan felt a little funny, but she was very "sexual". If he couldn't answer her questions, she would feel very shameless. That's why she is known as one of the few professors in the psychology field who has extensive experience. one.

"Well, let me think about it. There seems to be only one Indian professor in the psychology community who has written a paper to discuss this issue... According to him, there are three ways." Gu Wan walked to the shelf and said, searching for it. , Finally took out the "Psychological World" magazine published in August 1996 to Yang Can.

"Three ways?" Yang Can took the magazine suspiciously.

"Yes, the Indian professor also studied Buddhism. He believes that the easiest way to increase the energy of human consciousness is to meditate, like the meditation of monks and those cult organizations, prayers, etc., and then he believes in doing more well. , It will be blessed and increase the strength of its energy field. What’s more absurd is that he even suggested that the supernatural person should interact with people with positive energy fields. He believes that if the supernatural person can be affected by those with positive energy fields People who are grateful, then their energy field will slowly nurture the energy field that nourishes the supernatural being...

If Yang Can heard such a "chaotic" view of God before, he would definitely sneer at him, but now he compares his own experience one by one, and he does meet the above three conditions. First of all, his mind-reading technique started because He had been lying in the ill for so long, and he could only meditate if he didn't want to meditate. With Jian Xiaoxue's company every day, he suddenly jumped out.

And during his several years in the old K, his consciousness energy has only stayed at the level of mind reading link, and there is no big improvement. It only depends on Jian Xiaoxue's energy to nourish and slowly progress, but when he arrives at Nan Zhou, his consciousness energy It was obviously enhanced. He saw that the red "color" consciousness on his body was much denser than before, and he also had a few new abilities.

It is undeniable that he did a lot of good things as a reporter.

Regarding being grateful for the people who are in the positive energy field... And Yu Tiejun, A Ju, and Qiao'er. It's true that this is true. This is completely different from his hatred in the old K. No matter what they say, these people must be grateful to themselves in their hearts.

Yang Can played a computer game called "Black and White" in which he played the god of creation. If he accepts more people to worship, the higher his divine power will be, which is quite consistent.

Although he, the Hades, would feel terrified even if he was feared, but he was loved by so many people. Yang Can also felt an inexplicable pleasure in an instant. Regardless of whether the information was true or false, even if it was just a psychological hint of a "placebo", Yang Can was finally relieved.

Fortunately, fortunately, I was always put on the side of good people. If you follow the teachings of the Indian Asan, I am afraid that my ability will slowly disappear.

Thinking of this, Yang Can felt relaxed. Looking at the clear blue "color" consciousness on Gu Wan's body, when he was excited, he took Gu Wan's hand and kissed him: "Amitabha, the donor, you are also a good person with positive energy. Thank you..." Gu Wan didn't wait for a moment to react, and walked out of the infirmary quickly.

Gu Wanqiao blushed, looking at Yang Can's back, she cursed softly in her extremely gentle voice: "This kid. Isn't she crazy?"

In the towering building of the Provincial Water Conservancy, the atmosphere is as rainy as the recent weather. Qiu Huabo’s sudden illness caused the balance of power to shift. Tian Guoli almost immediately felt that he was bound by the deputy mayor Wang Haibo. Work has become a lot of resistance.

The work of the provincial and municipal party committees gradually lost control. Some people began to use the name of flood control to fill their pockets. Some people even started to apply for batch after batch of funds from the city under the name of Hongfeng in the future. Tian Guoli can now be regarded as an experience. What is a single tree difficult to support when it comes to a handful.

Before the arrival of the flood peak, the publicity work was also one of the most important preparations. All the reporters who participated in the report were summoned, and a so-called learning conference was held with subordinate units at all levels.

The purpose is also very simple. It is to tell all these media, big and small, that now is the critical period for China's disaster relief. It must be united and your public opinion must be the same. Don't lose the chain at this time and give the people enough confidence.

Due to the large number of people coming, the conference hall on the second floor could not fit in. The organizers did not care about the banquet hall on the eighth floor of the Water Conservancy Hall Building. The banquet hall on the eighth floor of the Water Conservancy Building has been set up as a simple conference hall. Yang Can and Zhou Haoran entered the venue on behalf of the South Weekly. A conference for the promotion of a civilized city was held, and the picture of Yang Xiuya was "shot" on the white walls on both sides. At the entrance of the banquet hall, there were propaganda pictures of equal height. Yang Xiuya in the propaganda painting is clear and moving, which makes everyone look at her.

When Xia Meng and Yang Can came in, they saw Yang Xiuya's silver scale patch suspender skirt on the huge poster, "naked" with a slender white collarbone, standing on her legs, like a gorgeous and noble mermaid princess, and the advertisement Xia Meng couldn't help but admire the same image in the movie, "This skirt is only for her."

Yang Cangang was about to sit with Xia Meng until the end, but someone came over and smiled and said to Yang Can, "Reporter Yang, you are not here, you are in front."