Master of the Flower City

Chapter 84: The fighting spirit of shit


Qiu Huabo’s ward is a separate intensive care unit with an area of about 60 square meters. His pancreatitis is treated in time. Although there are no major problems, he can’t eat anything these days. Cultivate quietly, and at least have to lie down for more than a week before getting out of bed.

However, the stubborn old secretary still asked people from relevant departments to hold meetings here every day.

A huge electronic map is projected on the wall to show the real-time data of the tributaries of Changjiang and Jinghu lakes. The data is rising almost every minute. Several experts from the Water Conservancy Agency also use laptops to calculate. The pressure value of each dyke was measured, and it was continuously reported to Qiu Huabo.

The entire hospital bed is like a temporary flood control data center.

At present, there is only one top priority in the work of the province of China, that is, flood prevention and disaster relief. The province of China will experience such a turbulent period at this time almost every year. The strings in everyone's minds are broken tightly, and the atmosphere in the room seems to be tight. Abnormally solidified.

The two core figures in charge of this flood control work, Vice Governor Xue Zhikai and Qiu Huabo put together the inexplicable low pressure, and everyone who was depressed did not dare to speak much.

Seeing Yang Can coming in, everyone turned their heads around, all slightly surprised. Didn't they say it was a UN news observer? Why are these two young people here? Just now, the group of people sorted out their clothes for a long time, and their hearts were quite nervous. Unexpectedly, the people who arrived let them so disappointed.

"Yiyi? Comrade Xiaoyang? Why are you here?" Qiu Huabo's face was pale, and he sat up upright and smiled slightly. The people next to him were relieved. Oh, it turned out to be a long time. The acquaintances of Secretary Qiu, the people outside all spread the news.

Ma Yiyi did not expect that there would be so many senior officials of the provincial party committee, and it was rare that he stood aside obediently a little nervously. Yang Can originally had something to say to Qiu Huabo, but in this state, the provincial party committee had so many people. , The gentle and elegant Xue Zhikai was also there, so he was not in a hurry.

Sitting on the side carelessly, holding the apple on the table and gnawing, the deputy minister of the provincial finance department next to him was a little unhappy. How could he let such a person in, he was unruly at all, and he couldn't cough for a while.

"This is my little friend, it saved my life, so let's talk about it." Qiu Huabo now has no scruples about his life-saver, and thought that this reckless little comrade had used some means to fool the guard in. Yes, with a smile.

The well-dressed Xue Zhikai is the leading figure of the provincial party committee. He has a good image, good cultivation, good temperament, and a high reputation. He is second only to Qiu Huabo in the province. He looked at Yang Can and smiled disapprovingly: "Well, we Continue to talk about the layout of flood control. Old secretary, you are our commander-in-chief, you can give instructions to work first." The people next to him also nodded in agreement. Yang Can looked at the side and knew that Xue Zhikai was a slippery character. 』, not as honest as Qiu Huabo and Tian Guoli.

"Well, let's not gossip. According to the notice from the Flood Control Office, the huge flood peak of Changjiang has also formed. It will pass through our province tonight. The situation is very, very urgent, especially in the counties and cities along the river, especially in the cofferyan township. …" After a pause, he emphasized: "Where there was a big'chaos' in 1954, we must step up and expeditious protection."

An expert from the Water Conservancy Department next to him nodded repeatedly: "Yes, the flood situation in Jinghu Lake is also very serious, and our work is going to step up."

The gentle and elegant Xue Zhikai looked very calm and nodded: "Well, old secretary, I will also report to you on behalf of colleagues at all levels. The situation in Binhai is very good. During the two days you were hospitalized, I went to Binhai and Secretary Zhao inspected the next line together. One hundred thousand people got on the embankment, and an engineering regiment of the People’s Liberation Army also drove up. Some dangerous areas were being reinforced overnight..."

Qiu Huabo raised his hand to interrupt him, and asked anxiously, "Where is the situation in Coyan Township? How is the situation in Coyan Township?" The data reports provided by Yang Can made him very uneasy.

Wang Haibo, who was also somewhat swollen in figure and face, came over and "cut in" his mouth with a low eyebrow, "I just talked to the mayor of the cofferyan township on the phone. The villagers there are determined to fight, and the anti-flooding supplies are also relatively high. Fully, it will definitely be able to withstand it."

"Secretary Qiu can rest assured that the monitoring data of our Water Conservancy Department also shows that the pressure resistance value is within the control range, no problem." The technical professor led by the Water Conservancy Department also patted his chest to guarantee votes.

Wang Haibo spit wildly, and if he was full of confidence, Qiu Huabo relaxed his whole body, leaned back, and closed his eyes: "That's good, that's good..."

Seeing Qiu Huabo's expression relaxed, everyone in the room secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The aura given by this old secretary was so strong that everyone couldn't breathe under pressure.

When the atmosphere in the room slowly eased, there was a sudden sound: "Love is not what you want to buy, you can buy it if you want to...". Many people frowned and looked at the owner of the phone with displeasure. It's not a conference hall, but is it a basic rule to adjust the phone to vibrate? Which idiot didn't even know this.

Then the person who rang the phone was not someone else, it was Yang Can who came in last. In the contempt and disgusting eyes of everyone, Yang Can suddenly jumped up and stood up, his face suddenly changed, extremely serious. Shouted: "No, don't push it... The cofferyan township can't stand it!"

Some slightly excited roars echoed in the air, and everyone in the room sank. What kind of occasion is this? So many provincial party committee leaders should be the occasion for you, the young man, to "interrupt".

Wang Haibo was furious and shouted directly: "What are you talking about? Is this the place where you are talking? Xiao Chen pulls him out!" The guard next to him came over and pulled Yang Can with a finger, and Yang Can waved with one hand. Throwing the two guards from the Gaoma University aside, they walked quickly to Qiu Huabo and explained the situation urgently: "Secretary Qiu, the experts from Australia have called. They have calculated that the data of this flood peak surpasses the cofferyan township. I can’t stand it!” The information from Dr. Xiulang’s laboratory has been passed over. According to their analysis, the cofferdam township absolutely cannot defend it this time.

"What the hell do you do? What nonsense!" "What evidence is there for you to say that!" "Scare talk! Alarm talk!" "Come on, come on! Pull him out..."

The leaders are like ignited gunpowder. They boiled and exploded. Flood prevention was originally their biggest g-spot. They usually get excited when they touch them, not to mention the current situation.

Seeing that Qiu Huabo didn't get furious, but looked at the image on Yang Can's iPhone with a "color", he looked very attentive, and Xue Zhikai was secretly surprised by the influence of this unknown young man on Qiu Huabo. Li, staying quite calm and said: "Don’t get too excited about this little comrade, old secretary, Mayor Wang and I personally visited the cofferyan township two days ago. The situation is indeed very good. Yes, the cadres and the masses are in a very good state of mind. When it comes to this, a military order has been established and a card of life and death has been established."

Wang Haibo also argued: "Yes, it's definitely okay." Everyone around him frequently said yes, even Ma Yiyi came over and tried to pull Yang Can down. Normal lawlessness is fine. This is today. This kind of occasion is troublesome, I'm afraid it will be impossible to clean up.

At this time, Yang Can waved his hand, his face was terribly cold, and his heart was full of anger. What he took out was Hong Feng’s real-time scientific data, but the leaders of this group were talking to him about the bullshit fighting spirit. With bad habits of domestic thinking, the first thing that comes to mind is the fighting spirit when encountering things. Can fighting spirit put those living lives on it to take risks.

Yang Can sullenly, ran over without saying anything, picked up a flood control expert and threw it aside, and the one fell to the ground with a fright.

Yang Can connected the iphone to the notebook and zoomed in on the analysis image on the projection wall. When the leaders saw it, their eyes were straight, and the water conservancy experts stood up directly. Shock is the only word that can describe them now. .

The same is the water conservancy data map of the rivers and lakes of the counties and cities along the Yangtze River in China, but the one provided by Yang Can is far better and more detailed than the previous one from the Provincial Water Resources Department.