Master of the Flower City

Chapter 85: Who dares to say to withdraw


"Look at it for yourself." Yang Can said, and went straight to help Qiu Huabo up and sit upright. The guard who had rushed in and was going to drag Yang Can out was also stopped by Xue Zhikai's hand. He was also curious about this unattractive appearance. Are these things that the young people take out are true or not

Some of the global data on the projection were obtained by Yang Can asking his old colleague to crack the database of the Provincial Water Department, some were data from the national surveillance satellite, and some were measured by his instruments. The three items were combined and analyzed by the Australian side. Calculation, I don’t know how much more detailed it is than the Water Resources Department.

"This... Um." Several experts in the Water Conservancy Hall looked at the projection with solemn expressions. Qiu Huabo turned off the lights and pulled the curtains to let them see clearly. All the experts looked at each other. , I don’t know what to say.

After a long period of silence in the ward, Wang Haibo finally seemed to be unable to suppress his emotions, and roared. The whole ward was full of his roar.

"What's the matter? Talking? Why didn't you say anything? You have been engaged in water conservancy for decades. Does it take so long to figure out the situation?"

Faced with the eyes of everyone, the headed old white-haired expert coughed and adjusted his emotions before slowly explaining: "If this real-time data is all true, then the situation really requires us. Imagine a bit more serious.” He looked at Yang Can suspiciously, as if he did not believe him at all, and raised the volume: “But! What I want to emphasize is that even if all these data are true, Hong Feng With the coming, there is still a great chance that the cofferyan township will be able to defend it!"

The people in the room immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time turned to Qiu Huabo and Xue Zhikai to wait for them to make a decision, but both of them "touched" their chins and pondered.

Yang Can felt the blood turbulent in his heart on the spot, almost couldn't help but go up to smoke the old man named Professor Lin, resisting the raging anger, tapping the keyboard, and linking to the Australian laboratory.

As soon as the big nose Xiurang appeared on the screen, one of the water conservancy experts opened his mouth slightly: "Dr. Xiulang." This man, who had seen Xiulang when he was sent to the exchange meeting in Australia a few years ago, was surprised. Explaining what Dr. Xiurang did to the people around him caused everyone to be astonished.

The speculation about the authenticity of the data is not self-defeating, but everyone is not too clear about what is the sacred child of the Qiu Secretary, and how can he know foreign technical experts

"This is Dr. Xiu Lang, the chief water conservancy expert of the Brisbane Water Resources Bureau. Let him explain to you." Yang Can briefly explained the situation to Dr. Xiu Lang in English, and put his laptop in a gloomy face. Passed it to Professor Lin.

Xue Zhikai’s face was uncertain, and with a wave of his hand, the secretary next to him went up and became an interpreter. Experts from China and Australia started an urgent discussion together. A dozen people surrounded them involuntarily. They knew, This may be a discussion that will affect the fate of China.

"Dr. Xiulang, I admire your ability to collect data, but even according to your data and the flood peak comes, the cofferyan township still has enough ability to hold it." After Professor Lin and Dr. Xiulang exchanged some basic information, they still Stubbornly see one's own point of view.

On the screen, Dr. Xiurang couldn't help frowning when he heard the translation, and cursed "..." in a low voice, which made the secretary difficult to translate. He just coughed twice and Ma Yiyi almost laughed.

"Professor Lin, you look at the rain clouds in your upper reaches. The rainfall today is even more fierce than yesterday. When the flood peak passes through the cofferdam township, the flood peak flow will exceed the expected two percent."

Dr. Xiulang showed a complex technical software on the screen. The intersection of two complex fluid patterns demonstrated the whole process of the rehearsal.

Looking at these three-dimensional fluid shots like movie screens, Professor Lin and his team were a little surprised. In fact, this software was also a bitter after the Brisbane flood a few months ago. The lesson is that it is the most advanced fluid system calculation software in the world that is developed by all the outstanding programmers in the country. It is no wonder that Professor Lin feels that it is an eye-opener.

Seeing Professor Lin and the group speechless, Yang Can said to Dr. Xiu Lang that it was troublesome and turned off the contact signal. Before turning off the signal, Dr. Xiu Lang asked Yang Can incomprehensibly: "Yang, What is the structure of your Chinese heads? You are indifferent to this situation. There is a 50% chance that you will be defeated and you will not evacuate? In Australia, if the figure exceeds 10%, you will be evacuated beforehand."

Yang Can was silent and smiled bitterly. This is that the national conditions are not absolutely necessary. It is impossible for the two words of withdrawal to be uttered from the mouth of the leader. Most of the people in their hearts regard their hometown. The one-acre three-quarters of the land is too important to see, and even hesitate to gamble his life for these things. The old concepts are deeply ingrained.

If any leader dared to say "retreat", then the people would have a completely different meaning. After the failure, they will greet the 18th generation of the leaders and ancestors, and they will continue to madly spread the word "flood to protect the city". This kind of gossip, and on the other hand, the central party may also use the big hat of "incompetence" to smear the person responsible for proposing to "evacuate."

Under the trend of these various complex factors, it is only the tragedy of floods and the heroic deeds such as those human flesh sandbags and so on in the country. The word "evacuation" is as heavy as a daughter, and can easily crush a politician. Official career.

After Yang Can turned off the computer, Professor Lin and the others were silent. Qiu Huabo and Xue Zhikai also heard the "50%" number. The room was filled with the depression before the storm, and everyone swallowed dryly. Saliva, as if even a finger move would be very laborious.

Both Qiu Huabo and Xue Zhikai did not speak. In silence, they seemed to be waiting for the other to make a decision. This decision really had too much influence. Leave? Who dares to bear this responsibility, this infamy.

Yang Can watched the various consciousness texts on the heads of the people in this room with cold eyes, and was silent.

At this time, Wang Haibo was worried that his paper mill and Wu Sulan's paper mill were next to the cofferyan township. As soon as the flood came, the paper mill's benzene materials that exceeded the standard were washed away by water. Such a publicity is very difficult to conceal. He cannot take this risk.

And Xue Zhikai is worried about his career. He is only forty-eight this year. At that time, he was rich and powerful and had a bright and ambitious political career. If he rashly made this decision to withdraw, what would he have to bear in the future? Can he go further? He worried that he would not be able to bear the blow.

The other officials at all levels have mixed feelings, but they coincidentally have one idea that dominates: "If it is a natural disaster, if it is a natural disaster, you only need to exaggerate the facts, and there will be no problem with the black hats on their heads. Which province does not have it? The natural disasters are as severe as the Sichuan earthquake. The provincial and municipal party committees and the "governments" have no responsibility, but if they are ordered to evacuate, will the central government hold them accountable?"

As for Qiu Huabo. He is different. The old secretary is struggling. What he is struggling with is if he orders an evacuation, will he be sorry for the people in the cofferdam township that he fought together? He praised them when he visited before. Having eaten with the common people, I encouraged them to hold on firmly, and now he wants them to withdraw suddenly. He gave the cofferyan township hope and guarantee, now he wants to smoke his own mouth? Is there really no hope to hold on to the cofferyan township

He Qiu Huabo has been supported by the common people for half his life, and he doesn't know how many pennants were sent by his family to praise Dee. Leave? He will be drowned in the saliva of the common people.

The room was so quiet for 5 minutes without a single person speaking, as if time had frozen. Finally, Wang Haibo, who was in the most anxious mood, made a sound. He saw him step forward and said solemnly: "Governor Xue, Secretary Qiu, Let me say something.” I increased the tone and raised my tone: “Even if the cofferyan township has only 50% hope, then we have to use 200% hard work to fight and pull this possibility to 100%. We must hold on to it. Only by doing this can we be worthy of the party and the people..."

"Yes... What Deputy Mayor Wang said is that we must fight to the end!" "We have survived every year for so many years, and this year will definitely be fine!" "I agree too." "Agree..."

At the moment when Wang Haibo's impassioned remarks made everyone nod their heads frequently, and even claimed to be, at the moment when Qiu Huabo and Xue Zhihai's thinking were shaking, a voice suddenly yelled: "..."