Master of the Stars

Chapter 114: Movement Secrets (Part 1)


As the last sound of electricity disappeared in the darkness, Jack's violent movements also stopped. He sat in the center of the machine, and the wires on his body separated one after another, and in the end, only violent breathing was left.

The interruption of the power supply seems to have brought an unexpected burden to Jack. However, his electronic eyes did not dim due to the cutoff of power. On the contrary, they became increasingly dazzling as his emotions fluctuated strongly.

Jack was gasping and emphasized again: "You self-righteous bastard, damn, do you know what you did?"

"I did something that deeply upset you, and I plan to continue doing it."

Ronan did what he said.

The human-faced spider, which had just completed its mission, had returned to him through the wall, and under Ronan's guidance, pounced on Jack.

Ronan has now confirmed that what Jack said before was true: there is indeed a certain difference between soul bodies and dark side creatures.

Jack could obviously lock the soul body, but he knew nothing about the arrival of the Man-Faced Spider, even though half of the Man-Faced Spider's body was already integrated into his body.

But on the other hand, the human-faced spider couldn't seem to find a place to bite Jack. Even if Jack's emotions are furious, his special soul protection is still working. At this time, the Human-Faced Spider was at best a penetrating imaging device. Even if it could clearly detect the activities inside Jack's brain, it could not cause any interference... and it was also a lack of interest.

The Man-Faced Spider really has no interest in Jack, and it's not because the low-level emotional turmoil it generates is no longer in its diet, but because this thing is simply unpalatable!

This is like an excellent painter who can paint a flower lifelike and attract bees and butterflies, but can never actually collect the honey - this is the difference between the real thing and the picture, the difference between the real and the false!

From the perspective of the Man-Faced Spider, Jack's emotions are such a vivid but false picture.

It can be seen that Jack's partially modified brain structure and operation mode are surprisingly simple and efficient: what kind of stimulation is there, which cluster of neurons is touched, what kind of 'neurotransmitters' are produced, and in what type of nerves The transmission between elements, what kind of reaction is stimulated, forms a continuously operating assembly line.

At first glance, this does not appear to be any different from the mental model of a normal person.

But in fact, most human emotions and psychological activities have complex operating mechanisms. The coordinated activation and joint action of various brain areas is far from being replaced by an ideal assembly line.

From this point of in-depth exploration, we can find that the seemingly efficient and concise operating mode of Jack's brain only exists more as a certain encoding method.

The spider's exploration was surprisingly deep, and without Jack even realizing it, its tentacles had reached every corner of his body. From this, it discovered a precisely modified area deep in Jack's brain, probably at the central mass connecting the left and right thalamus. Inside it, there is clearly a smaller "core" embedded.

Almost all of Jack's neural activities will pass through pre-established channels to transmit various "codes" and exchange information with the "nucleus". This "nucleus" will transmit the corresponding stimulation to various nerve centers and then provide feedback.

There is no doubt that this "core" plays a role in system integration: various "codes" are substituted into the formula to form an answer, and then transmitted.

This was originally a native and natural function of the brain, but it was replaced by the mechanical reaction of the "nucleus". This crucial step is the distinction between "true" and "false".

Are all reformed people like this

Ronan was not too confident in his own observations, and he was still more guessing about the role of "core". However, there was one situation that firmly attracted his attention:

Outside this extremely secretive "core" body, there is a filament coiled... No, it is a metal beetle!

Yes, this is the metal beetle thrown from Yan Yongbo's car!

Ronan was extremely sure, because at one end of the filament, there was still a small half of the shape of the beetle. This made him guess that if another period of time passed, the metal beetles would completely disappear and turn into filaments.

What are the conditions for transformation? If you look at the Hei Shen machine that has stopped running, you will almost understand.

It was this coiled filament that gave Ronan an extremely familiar feeling.

He used the human-faced spider as a medium and used soul observation, and found that bright and flickering electric light was clearly flickering on the thin threads.

When he further improved the sensing accuracy, he determined that there were countless finer branches on the filament, many of which were beyond the sensing accuracy range.

Ronan only saw that some of these "branches" penetrated into the interior of the "nucleus", while others penetrated into the nerves and blood vessels. I am afraid they have spread throughout the entire brain, forming a tree-shaped structure with the "nucleus" as the center. .

This is, this is... an external neuron

"What the hell are you doing again!"

It was probably Ronan's unscrupulous exploration methods that detonated an alarm device. Jack was horrified and realized that the blood-red electronic eyes were locked on the location of Ronan's soul body.

But compared with these superficial things, it was the changes inside Jack's brain that really made Ronan feel uneasy.

It was that thin thread that branched out into countless branches and penetrated into various parts of the brain, instantly trembling with dense electric fire.

Electric fires don't happen on a real level, at least not exclusively.

Because at this moment, the human-faced spider that was deep inside felt a burning sensation that could endanger its existence. Without Ronan's order, it retreated frantically.

Jack's anger template must have been cranked up to the highest level. He stood up, and at this moment, a dark flame was clearly emitted from his body.

The flames exploded from the inside out, blasting the human-faced spider out of his body, and with undiminished momentum, it rushed towards Ronan's position.

The human-faced spider howled in pain, and the powerful impact on the spiritual level instantly swept through the upper and lower floors of the Deshang Building. It is unknown how many people were innocently affected at this moment.

Ronan no longer cared about this. The moment the flames erupted, he used all his soul power and walked across the air.

A spinning teleportation, but the leap distance was far lower than Ronan's estimate - he just crossed out of the room, and the entire distance did not exceed 20 meters!

Just as the flames erupted, an invisible magnetic field formed outside Jack, distorting the spiritual level and even the real space.

Ronan's soul body seemed to have fallen into a bottomless sea, and there was amazing pressure from all directions.

This feeling is too familiar. On the warship a few days ago, the burning demon that was killed by He Yueyin was locked and controlled by similar means until it was wiped out.

Ronan's heart was shaking like an electric shock:

Format Fireā€¦ Burner!