Master of the Stars

Chapter 120: Sacrifice of the body (Part 1)


This is a rebellion!

Ronan was furious, the dark chain shook, and he forcefully pulled the human-faced spider back. As the chains buzzed and trembled, the fire clouds outside the human-faced spider collapsed and screamed, obviously having suffered enough.

The Man-Faced Spider reacted so miserably, which made Ronan slightly frustrated. It seemed that his control over the Man-Faced Spider had not failed, and his heart softened when he thought that this guy had just saved his life.

Besides, what's the use of getting angry at a guy like this who has no mind and only acts on instinct

Ronan was also wondering. Ever since he was imprisoned by the Wuchen Chain, the Human-Faced Spider had always been obedient. He had not done anything unusual in dealing with Riven before, so why did he suddenly lose control

The issues inside need to be carefully considered.

At this time, Jack took the high-speed elevator, took the special corridor, and arrived at the fighting arena. However, he did not show up directly. Instead, he entered the VIP box and met with the contact person. He did not say anything useful for a while.

Ronan concentrated on thinking about the human-faced spider.

It is very difficult to communicate with a human-faced spider that has no mind at all. It will not tell you what it thinks. Ronan can only find the problem link in the chaotic information.

His current analysis of the human-faced spider, based on the imitation paper soft screen display, is 2%. In other words, 98% of the information is garbled.

Trying to find something understandable and useful from these garbled codes is really...

Uh, what is this

Ronan's soul wavered slightly, and he was shocked by the dynamic image that suddenly appeared in front of him.

The image should be the external information that the Man-Faced Spider had ingested before, so it was straightforward and clear. Ronan was just stunned and quickly recognized it. It was a complete picture of the human body structure, and it was also mixed with mechanical components. As for the specimen, —No doubt it was Jack!

When Ronan used the human-faced spider to spy on the secrets of Jack's body, he mainly focused on brain activity and only briefly glanced at other aspects. However, he did not expect that the human-faced spider itself had recorded the entire image of Jack's body and integrated it in a form that Ronan could not yet understand.

What appeared in front of Ronan at this time was a scene that looked like a movie scene.

As for the period of time it appeared, it was before Jack ignited the "Format Fire" and the Man-Faced Spider was completely blasted out!

So Ronan saw that the thousands of filaments separated by the movement were running through the blood vessels and nerves, all over Jack's body, and instantly opened up a complex and complete structure. The energy from all parts of Jack's body, whether physical or mechanical, is integrated and transformed under this structure.

At that moment, Jack seemed to be transformed into a precision device controlled by a super chip. Every position, specific time period, and amount of output were all coordinated perfectly. Because of this, the highly concentrated internal pressure did not destroy his body immediately. Instead, it stepped on the dangerous boundary and successfully transported the densely woven electric fire back to the area where the "core" and the movement were located.

The movement "lit up" under the high-energy polymerization, and the electric light that was originally flickering on the spiritual level became brilliant and dazzling. It was during this process that the energy in Jack's body completed an incredible qualitative transformation, or in other words, it was It crosses a dimension from the reality level and touches the spiritual realm.

Ignition successful... NICE!

Ronan's soul body spun around in circles to calm down his excitement. He didn't know how this "ignition" mode was different from a normal burner, but this was still the first time he had seen the entire process of "format fire" being ignited.

Even if the real core step is not shown - the key step of energy conversion should be completed in the movement. It doesn't matter, this concept and idea are already priceless.

Whether it is Quantum Corporation or a larger force, their research ideas on the "Burner" line are open to Ronan.

Thinking that Quantum Company had spent more than ten years and suddenly achieved success in a trillion-dollar investment project, Ronan felt a deep sense of revenge.

The problem is... it's not over yet!

Unexpectedly, this "lens editing" that has been highly integrated by the Spider is still continuing.

The picture presented next is much blurry, and the time node goes back to the moment when the movement breaks down into thousands of filaments to support the structure.

Instead, the image of Jack's body was blurred, and large areas were erased, leaving only a frame built of movement, blood vessels, nerves, and some body tissues.

Energy travels, aggregates, and ignites within this framework!

Ronan saw that this was a review of the previous ignition process.

The review highlights the importance of the architecture itself, erases irrelevant details, and advances the mystery of "ignition" again. It also reminded Ronan of "self-format". Doesn't his current body structure have similar properties

A wonderful reference... Maybe he can refer to this model to practice in the future

As soon as Ronan's emotion and exclamation emerged, the "shot editing" that continued to advance began to review for the second time.

Still starting from scratch, but this time, the complex structure supported by the movement has become a blurred background, with only simple lines, either straight or arc, connecting the key nodes of the structure, or simply emerging out of thin air... maybe magnetic lines.

Ronan had to admit that he couldn't understand it at all.

But, but...

When those straight lines and arcs were spliced together, forming a complete and closed figure in the center, and when it finally appeared in front of his eyes, a certain trembling feeling rose from the bottom of Ronan's heart and dominated everything about him!

It was a throbbing that penetrated the darkness and illuminated the splendor.

A regular tetrahedron... may not be so regular.

An inscribed ball... is not completely tangent to all sides.

A wide receiver... doesn't hit all four ends perfectly.

But this structure, this outline, and the wonderful concepts presented by it, were like a heavy punch, hitting Ronan's heart, washing away his chaotic thoughts, leaving only the one that had long been assimilated with his mind. , a figure that is completely imprinted in the depths of the soul.

Regular tetrahedron and inscribed and circumscribed spheres.

At this moment, the analytical graphics of the human-faced spider and Ronan's visualization graphics were wonderfully intertwined, completely detonating the excitement that only adheres to the "format theory"!

Ronan froze on the spot.

He forgot to restrain the Man-Faced Spider again. Once the latter was free, it showed its heartless nature and screamed again, rushing towards Raven on the ring.

Halfway through, Ronan had already reacted, but he didn't stop him anymore, because at this moment, the scene he was observing was completely different.

The human-faced spider does not regard Raven as food, its attack is more like a "connection".

When it approached Rui Wen, the turbid fire cloud stirred up almost completely submerged Rui Wen. That crystal clear spiritual seed is like a star penetrating the clouds, emitting brilliant brilliance.

Raven and the Human-Faced Spider shuddered at the same time, and the latter began to circle around Raven. Raven's eyes followed him for half a circle, and when she was about to turn around, she slowly closed her eyes.

This situation, in Ronan's eyes, presented a slowly forming circle!