Master of the Stars

Chapter 1654: Reverse chess game (Part 2)


Master Lu Yi subconsciously touched his head, but he just touched the shell of the power armor and made a dull sound: "Hmm, it sounds a bit familiar."

"Didn't you take the course 'Rite and Ancient Chinese Characters'?"

"It's 'Appreciation of the Formation of Ancient Chinese Characters'. I thought it was a mixed-credit art class. The elective teacher was confused when he saw our group of students, so there was something wrong with his course introduction... Is this a famous aphorism? "

"Quotations of the Lord Zhanhe."

"... Damn it! You're reading such a huge book! Ah, I'll go find someone right away."

The "Soil Ranger" is a medium-to-large maintenance platform, but there is only so much room for people to rest. Master Lu Yi left in a hurry, and not long after, Medical Officer Tao Xian, who had had poor communication before, took the initiative to talk to him:

"Your Excellency, Commander, I'm sorry, there was some fluctuation in the 'Tinder' just now..."

"Nothing, Sister Tao, we will meet in the third area."

With that said, Ronan stood up and slowly walked towards the relevant area. On the way, I still communicated with Medical Officer Tao Xian:

"Have you found the cause of the 'fluctuation'?"

"In order to avoid being detected by those troublesome ? above, it has been silenced, but there are breakpoints in the low-frequency area... It should still be the main base's semi-plane ', the reconstructed pathway is not stable enough."

“Have you submitted any feedback?”

"Submitted, but there is no explanation. There is no way. There are all kinds of monsters and monsters here in the 'Red Wheel Crack'. Various fields and radiation are superimposed together. The 'Xuan Crystal Array' can have such transmission efficiency. We It’s enough to snicker.”

While he was talking, Ronan had already seen Medical Officer Tao Xian and Master Lu Yi at the edge of the third area. The former was still waving to him.

Ronan's eyes quickly fell on her chest. The power armor she was equipped with had a special 'array slot' built into it, which was firmly locking a group of blazing white 'flames'. Now the light waves were flickering, showing the 'fire' "The situation is still not very stable.

But as Medical Officer Tao Xian said, there was nothing they could do in a short period of time. Moreover, being able to enjoy the blessing of the "Xuanjing Array" is already the most ideal state.

Yes, after thousands of hours of high-intensity work, the asteroid Tonghuan-28758 cannot be changed except for the overall structural strength. It has become a systematic battle fortress. The most important thing is that the "Xuanjing Array" has finally Once arranged, it was installed in the main base which was being "demi-dimensionalized".

As long as there are no major problems with the outer battlefield situation, the support of the "Xuanjing Array" to the asteroid can still be guaranteed. This is also the basic guarantee for subsequent wars.

However, the installation and operation of the "Crystal Array" also caused new problems: For those alien species and vicious zombies, the existence of the "Crystal Array" is undoubtedly the brightest and most dazzling thing in the starry sky. Star.

They are like those light-seeking mosquitoes, swarming in endlessly, desperately destroying the main base hosting the array as well as surrounding sites and links, making maintenance work extremely difficult.

The seventh engineer battalion and even the third temporary brigade almost vomited blood. They were like the hardest working ants and bees on this asteroid, climbing up and down, running back and forth.

It is conceivable that this high load state will continue until the "half-plane" of the main base is completed.

But, there is still a but: Everyone knows that under the cover of toxic environment, the most taboo in field operations is fatigue and weakness caused by factors such as high load, disease, serious injury, etc., which will open the door to toxic pollution.


So, the core of the previous discussion between Ronan and Master Lu Yi about "rotation" was: Which of the two negative effects of "Poisonous Pollution" and "Electric Hydralisk Hunting" are more acceptable to you... To put it nicely, you Which one do you think is more likely to be avoided

At present, Ronan obviously regards "avoiding poisonous contamination" as his first principle. In fact, this is also a requirement of military code:

When performing tasks in a toxic environment, a reasonable rest rhythm must be maintained. On the one hand, it is necessary to ensure that the state of most people does not exceed the fatigue line and not to allow evil to take advantage of it; on the other hand, half of the people must remain awake at all times, and professional medical doctors must monitor the symptoms during rest, especially during sleep. Comrades implement monitoring because sleep is also a time period that is easily contaminated.

There is no doubt that this is written in the code of conduct and is an experience accumulated through life. Complying with it is the greatest respect for those who sacrificed their lives.

But in the real environment, it is too difficult to implement it strictly. Often, meeting this requirement will lead to loopholes on the other side, and trade-offs must be made under complex and conflicting conditions.

At this time, there are no standards of conduct, and the effectiveness of implementation still needs to be tested by life.

Routine inspections by military officers and medical officers do not take much time and are generally not difficult. What they tried their best to do was to avoid disturbing the sleeping soldiers in the process.

"The state of Group A is not bad, better than the previous round."

After leaving the third area, Medical Officer Tao Xian breathed a long sigh of relief, which was regarded as recognition of Ronan's rotation pattern. But she only said this, and the "fire" light on her chest began to change, and the amplitude was significantly amplified, forcing her to go all out to control it to prevent the special fluctuations of the crystal array from leaking out and being noticed by the monsters above her head.

This is a sequelae of the forced control of movement during the inspection, but to a greater extent it is caused by the current stealth state.

Mr. Lu Yi couldn't help but speak again: "It's okay to hold it in like this all the time. We have already had two rounds of rest. Team B should still be able to hold on for two hours. It's worth taking the risk!"

Ronan didn't respond, but the slicing instrument he always had on him flew up silently and circled outside Medical Officer Tao Xian. The latter is already quite familiar with him, and does not need to be reminded. The brightness of the "fire" on his chest has greatly increased, and some restrictions have been relaxed.

But wrapped in those flying slicing instruments, the originally tangible and insubstantial light waves seemed to be pulled by some kind of twists and turns. They only flashed in the area where the three people were standing, and were almost not exposed.

On the contrary, the surrounding space appears darker, and the slicing instruments flying around are also coated with a layer of light film, making them look particularly bright.

Ronan took back the batch of slicing instruments and said, "Thank you, Sister Tao, for your blessing."

"This hand is so beautiful. It is worthy of being called the 'Little Prince of Cutting'..." Medical Officer Tao Xian, who had regained his composure, clicked his tongue in praise. This was not the first time she had praised him.

"Aren't you a syncopation maniac?"

"Don't take the words of those rough old men seriously. When it comes to the spread, it also depends on us sisters."

"I think the 'Slicing Mania' might... cause less damage?"

Medical Officer Tao Xian smiled heartily: "I don't care about that. I'd better follow you these days, in case something goes wrong with me. Just in time, I want to see how far your game has evolved."

"It's not a game."

"Okay, it's the theoretical model of your project."

The two people were talking and laughing here, and quietly ignored Master Lu Yi's suggestion.

Lu Yi looked at the way the "Slicer" interfered with and gathered the blessing power of the "Crystal Array". No matter how many times he saw it, he felt it was magical, and for a moment he forgot what he had just said.

Ronan glanced at him behind his visor.

Master Lu Yi's reaction is a typical one among the current fifth mobile company.

For now, Ronan's command is quite satisfactory, and if he can strictly follow the rules, he will not compromise on it. But behind this "strict implementation", it also brings new pressure invisibly.

Consistently executing against dogma is likely to bring another level of "fatigue" and cause people's attention to shift unconsciously, blurring the difference between dogma and goals. The most important thing is, if things continue like this, will the soldiers under my command rely on the dogma or on you

Dogma cannot make people "rely on" or "trust", and as a team leader, you must have this "reliable" and "trustworthy" quality, and use it as a lever to adjust the psychology of officers and soldiers.

No matter what kind of group they are in, there are only a few people who are truly willing to die. Between life and death, people tend to become particularly picky about the commander who can determine, at least in part, their survival rate.

Most people probably want to be able to think carefully and be strong and decisive; they hope to be able to learn from everyone's opinions, but also hope to come up with new ideas and come up with more ideas. Here comes the clever way.

Unfortunately, Ronan currently falls short of these requirements. At least it doesn't seem like it.

Even though Ronan has been following the two senior lieutenants Xianzhu and Qiao Shu in the past sixteen weeks, he has traveled between various stations on the planet. As a "technical lieutenant", he has gained a lot of recognition and has also made some achievements such as "Slicing Mania". "A reputation like "theologian" is not enough after all.

Compared to a senior lieutenant with 30 to 40 years of combat experience, no one wants to work for a newbie who has only been in the army for less than a year. At the very least, they dare not completely entrust their life and property to him.

Even Mr. Lu Yi, a young man who was very familiar with Ronan, couldn't help but want to put forward his own opinions when Ronan was giving orders...

This is a waste of energy when the brain should not be used. In the final analysis, it is still "distrust" that is at work. Coupled with the corresponding doubts and tensions, it will undoubtedly create another level of "fatigue".

It is like an invisible insect ant, biting everyone's mental defenses all the time. In a stressful environment on the edge of life and death, it is not known when it will burst.

It's human nature, human nature.

But this is another problem that Ronan, the chief officer, must avoid.

The three of them had returned to the place where Ronan had just rested. Medical Officer Tao Xian was already quite exhausted after a round of inspections and controlling the "fire" for a long time, but he still managed to keep himself up and joked with Ronan:

"Is the 'Earth Time and Space' you created now a fight?"

"Not yet, we are preparing for war."

Lu Yi couldn't help but interjected: "Boss, the characters you arranged for both parties are not strong enough. How long are you going to hold this in? It's really not fun to play the game until you get to the first step."

"What a game! People say it's a 'project model', and it's for graduation. Don't make random ideas."

Medical Officer Tao Xian rarely showed his senior attitude and scolded Lu Yi, as if he had forgotten who had mentioned the 'game' in the first place.

The young man had such a good temper that he laughed twice and didn't care.

But when Medical Officer Tao Xian's words fell into Ronan's ears, a sense of absurdity emerged spontaneously, including the indistinguishable distinction between reality and fiction, and confusion.

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