Master of the Stars

Chapter 2: Big event


The main body of the city is still sleeping in the darkness, illuminated by neon lights and street lights. The urban haze also spreads into the sky, reflecting an ominous cloud pattern.

The earthquake cloud has not dissipated, but fortunately the crows are still sleeping peacefully on the street trees, retaining the tranquility that should be expected in the early morning.

On a big tree near the high-rise apartment, the ink felt something. It opened its eyes and saw Ronan running under the tree, then closed his eyes again and took a nap.

In a giant urban area like Xiacheng, high-rise buildings are connected back and forth through magnetic tracks, overpasses, green corridors, and self-propelled conveyor belts, just like a dense forest surrounded by leaves and vines.

Ronan was like a tiny insect, sucking the morning dew and trudging forward step by step in the forest.

His lips and teeth opened and closed slightly, and his throat, mouth, and nasal cavity vibrated fully, making a sound that at first sounded like the "buzz" of an insect's wings.

In fact, Ronan recited the sixteen words "My heart is like a prison, my heart is like a furnace; my heart is a mirror, my heart is a country" repeatedly, because the syllables are read consecutively and abbreviated, and they blend with the rhythm of breathing. Together, this weird sound was formed.

Occasionally, people who got up for a morning jog would pass by him and, confused by the sound, turn their heads to look at him. He always focused on moving forward, keeping his speed and rhythm in a relatively stable range.

After exercising for an hour, Ronan turned onto a self-propelled conveyor belt to cross the wide space between two tall buildings. This is a scheduled "rest stop" where the movement is paused but the chanting continues.

His breathing was relatively smooth, and his long-term resonant pronunciation caused hypoxia and caused the cranial cavity to swell slightly. However, compared to the effects of the medicine that were gradually accumulating and spreading, it was childish again.

The psychotropic ingredients contained in the medicine injected before going out are gradually taking effect.

In fact, if any normal person, including drug addicts for many years, injects such a dose of high-purity psychoactive drug ingredients through intravenous injection at one time, his nervous system will be instantly disrupted and his life will be killed in the shortest possible time.

However, after more than five years and nearly two thousand times of gradually deepening and constantly adjusting the tolerance process, Ronan's appearance is no different from that of a normal person, but the structure of his inner nervous system has undergone subtle and profound changes.

He is still alive and seriously feeling the changes in his body.

More than twenty kinds of psychoactive drug ingredients break through the blood-brain barrier, like more than twenty invisible knives, selecting different target neurons for modification and carving again and again.

This kind of "carving" is destined to be rough and violent.

The brain itself has no pain sensation, but under the action of drugs, it secretes dozens or hundreds of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, norepinephrine, glutamate, and neurovasopressin, releasing a flood of information through The conduction of neurons affects every piece of skin, every organ, and every corner of the body.

It was impossible to describe what it felt like, and Ronan didn't want to. It can only be said that this is much better than the initial appearance of limb spasms, urinary and fecal incontinence, or even cardiopulmonary failure.

To change the basic structure of the human body that has been passed down for thousands of generations in just a few years, a price must be paid.

Ronan was already at peace in his heart.

He closed his eyes and focused more on his chanting and breathing.

Ronan's chanting breathing technique was inherited from his grandfather. In name, it is an "auxiliary" for drug carving, but how can it be possible for human will to control changes at the molecular level of cells

Therefore, Ronan believes that its main function is to maintain mental concentration and activate qi and blood. In addition, it is a mystical "visualization".

Ronan closed his eyes, and the regular tetrahedral figure corresponding to the "Sixteen-Character Mantra", as well as its inscribed and circumscribed spheres, were clearly presented in his mind, rotating around the center, layer by layer, as if before his eyes.

About ten seconds later, Ronan opened his eyes and let out a long breath.

Visualize the graphics running smoothly and everything being fine.

At this time, the self-propelled conveyor belt had only walked half way. Ronan relaxed and looked at the city in the early morning. Not far away is a nightclub street in Xiacheng.

Many people say that life in Xia City does not fully open up until midnight, with the afterglow in the early morning. As for the daytime, it is just a mechanical charging stage. In this huge and crowded city, under every cluster of lights is a playground for people to release their pleasure, especially in the most prosperous nightclub area.

Under the neon lights, there was a group of men and women, dressed in messy clothes, stumbling out of a nightclub. Just because someone in front was a little slower, the car behind hit the car in front and rolled into a ball, like a wriggling fat insect, unable to get up.

They were not annoyed either. You pushed me and I pulled you, laughing and joking. It was obvious that they had gone through an all-night party and exhausted their energy. Only the excessive secretion of dopamine was still being transmitted between neurons.

They are so casual and indulgent, as if they are saying: Look, this is the life that young people should live!

In the chaos, a luxury flying car slid across the street without driving a driver and stopped on the side. The classic butterfly door opened handsomely.

Among the squirming human bodies, a tall man finally struggled to get up. During this period, he kissed almost all the women around him. Amidst the laughter and curses of his companions, he grabbed a long-legged man next to him. The girl, half dragged and half hugged, went to the car.

The bright neon lights of the nightclub street illuminated the man's face clearly, and Ronan happened to recognize it.

"It's him... he's a good specimen."

Ronan's heart moved, and he observed the men and women more carefully. Half a minute later, the loose-leaf notebook that never left his body came into play. He used an electronic pen to quickly draw the general outline of the area on the soft screen that resembled a paper page.

The self-propelled conveyor belt traveled for Ronan for 75 seconds. After excluding the previous consumption, the remaining tens of seconds left Ronan's painting only a rough draft with messy and intertwined lines. He had no intention of continuing. When the conveyor belt reached the end, he put away his pen, glanced down, and left.

When he turned his head, he saw that the man who had inspired him to draw the picture had somehow noticed his presence, raised his face, and looked over blankly.

The two people's eyes crossed in the void, but Ronan didn't take it seriously. He still chanted the continuous syllables, forming a tremolo like the flapping of insect wings, and continued his morning jog.

As for some noise coming from a distance, it will naturally be filtered out.

Xie Junping felt like he was going crazy.

The throat-breaking call had no effect. The figure on the self-propelled conveyor still left without looking back.

The bad friends and sex partners at his feet were still laughing and joking under the influence of the irritating compounds. The "long-legged" man who had just found it pleasing to the eye was holding his waist and giggling, groping to undo his belt.

Xie Junping is really going crazy.

"Get out!"

He forcibly pushed "Long Legs" away, jumped into the car, and locked the car door regardless of the yelling of the losers outside. At this time, the "light film" contact lens produced by Quantum Company simply analyzed the data just collected and mapped it on the retina.

The "candid photographer" on the overpass appeared in the photo taken instantly, revealing a blurry side face. The "plum blossom and bamboo pattern" school emblem of Zhixing College on the sportswear is surrounded by a red frame.

Later, the "Phantom" vehicle-mounted brain also analyzed the surrounding environment data automatically recorded by the warning system, and the analysis results were sent back one after another.

It's much clearer than an emergency snap, but there's nothing left to chance in the result.

When Xie Junping saw the hooded "candid photographer" writing and drawing with a notebook in his hand, he punched the steering wheel.

The speeding car honked its horn, and some idiot who was knocking on the car window outside was so startled that he leaned back. Before his butt landed on the ground, the speeding car started up instantly and roared away.

Be seen, be seen!

Xie Junping hit himself hard on the head. If it were a different time and place, a sociable rich man would have no problem in his private life, but the situation today is different.

According to the arrangement of the association, he should be in charge of a post-disaster charity donation activity in the satellite city of Mangzhong. It was true that he was in Mangzhong last night, but in order to attend the carnival party, he broke away from the team, sneaked out, and drove hundreds of kilometers back to Xiacheng. I originally planned to return immediately after the party, but who would have thought that I would be caught by a student from my school.

He is now fighting for the Medal of Elders of the Honor Society and trying to take the next step in the school student union. This is the key stage to establish his "status in the circle", which is equivalent to a "general election".

If we use the standards of politicians, lying, betrayal, and duplicity are certainly necessary qualities, but if they are kicked out, it is simply fatal... fatal stupidity!

What's more, now that Xiacheng is experiencing continuous earthquakes, people are panicking, and everyone's psychological endurance is declining. What was usually not a big deal may now become a big deal; what used to be a small matter may now become a big deal!

Yes, something big happened!

The car phone rang, and it was from the group of bad friends just now. Xie Junping left in a hurry and forgot to arrange many things. He hurriedly connected, but before he could speak, Lian Yu's vague curse came over first:

"Xie Junping, you bastard!"

The background sound was the weird laughter of those bad friends.

Xie Junping closed his eyes, and by the way, he actually forgot... Lian Yu, the slut who just wanted to take off his belt, actually has a wife, and her real boyfriend is also a member of the honor society!

"Holy shit!"

Xie Junping hit the steering wheel again, with such force that even the in-car brain warned him, but after venting his anger this time, he finally regained some clarity from his hangover and panic.

Calm down, be calm! As long as it is not exposed online immediately, there will always be a chance to recover.

He tried to keep his tone calm and whispered: "Lian Yu, go wash your face now, I have something to tell you..."

Lian Yu was still drunk: "Xie Junping, you fool..."

"Go wash your face, now!" Xie Junping roared loudly, wishing he could shatter the car phone.

The emperor's anger will kill millions of people; if a soldier is angry, he will bleed for five steps!

However, the other party simply hung up the phone, and Xie Junping could only get angry and grab the ground with his head...

With his head slapped on the steering wheel, Xie Junping forced himself to calm down. In fact, he is quite self-aware and knows that he is almost an "ordinary man" with average intelligence and abilities, that is, he has family connections behind him and at most has a little bit of communication skills.

However, how did he achieve this point in Zhixing Academy where there are so many masters? It's nothing more than being a qualified boss, paying appropriate remuneration, and leaving professional matters to professionals... Damn, professional!

Xie Junping slapped the steering wheel again and was entangled with this woman Lian Yu. Apart from hooking up with men, how did she show any professional qualities

Once his thoughts became clear, he immediately put Lian Yu behind and dialed another number. The standby ringtone was a very gentle female voice:

"Hello, Youlan Office is here to serve you. Every working day before nine o'clock and after seventeen o'clock; as well as on all rest days and holidays, all services will be calculated as overtime charges. We would like to inform you that we thank you for your cooperation."

Xie Junping rolled his eyes.

After a while, a clear and energetic voice that was completely different from the previous recording sounded: "Long time no see, hello Yanggu."

Xie Junping was instantly defeated by this title. I wanted to refute but I didn't have the confidence, so I could only grit my teeth and said: "Yingying, right? Good morning, isn't Boss Wu here?"

"Hey, are you sure you want to see the boss?"

"...No, no, no, just look for you, just look for you!" Xie Junping slapped his forehead hard. He was really drunk and stupid today. Why should he be angry with this crazy girl!

"That's right, just tell me if you have anything. Anyway, no matter who it is, they will kill you, haha!"

Xie Junping wanted to eat the car computer, but now was not the time to care about it after all. He could only go straight to the point: "I got into some trouble today and I need your help to deal with it."

He described what happened before as quickly as possible, and also passed the captured photos and videos for further analysis.

Soon, Yingying had a reply: "Sneak photographer? Should I admire your imagination?"

"It wasn't taken secretly?"

"Standing on the self-propelled conveyor belt, waiting for you to come out of the nightclub, and then take pictures?"

"Uh..." Xie Junping suddenly got stuck.

Although the white grab is fierce, there is no doubt about the professionalism of "Youlan". About half a minute later, Yingying reported the coordinates of a location:

"Anyway, let's do a verification first. Without counting complicated factors, if that person is just passing by, he should be the type who gets up early for a morning jog. Today is not a holiday, and the destination is probably Zhixing College. You go here and wait and see. .”

Xie Junping realized that it made sense, and the speeding car turned around and cut into another magnetic track, increasing the speed again. About five minutes later, he drove to the location designated by Yingying. This is a pedestrian viaduct located in the high-tech research and development area. It has a very good environment and is one of the main nodes leading to the college. Morning jogging enthusiasts are very interested in it. It’s hard to resist this route.

The flying car stopped at the northern end of the viaduct and then waited. Xie Junping was inevitably restless. At this time, a format chart appeared on his retina, which was a piece of personal information extracted from the database of Zhixing Academy.

The electronic photo showed a young man who looked quiet and introverted, quite handsome, and without a smile on his face.