Master of the Stars

Chapter 21: Battering Ram (Part 2)


A series of scenes that happened in the cabin seemed familiar to Ronan.

One is a roar of fear, which almost reproduces what happened to Ronan on the viaduct, and at the soul level, it also exposes something more essential. Looking at other people's expressions, it was obvious that they didn't know anything about "spores".

The other is the fallen "warrior". Ronan felt personally about the changes he encountered. Because the moment he was forcibly pulled out of his body, it was this dark and invisible shock that blasted his "soul" out of his body.

Now it seems that this is really a battering ram that directly acts on the soul level. Once it hits, the physical body on the real level has no ability to resist, and it hits the soul directly - full of mystical meaning.

"Warrior" obviously doesn't have the ability to leave his body, so this might be bad.

Ronan's thoughts moved slightly. He had no grievances with the military combatants, but because of the inexplicable "dark side creatures", people died, which was not what he wanted. After a slight hesitation, he issued an order to the Burning Demon Shadow for the first time after the battle.

In the cabin, the burning demonic shadow stagnated slightly. At this time, the dark flame it drove had burned away all the surrounding binding forces, making it free again and its strength skyrocketed. But Ronan's order reached its core through the chain, making it difficult for it to refuse.

The burning demonic shadow separated a ray of blood, rolled up the smoke escaping from the body of the "warrior", and stuffed it back. He spun around in the air again, looking at the fire clouds that were still exploding around him as if they were nothing. He escaped from the cabin with the red light of dark flames.

At this time, Ronan's soul body followed quietly from a distance of more than ten meters.

According to Liu Tao, the military detects dark side creatures through "shadow fog" to observe whether each information band has a tendency to interfere with changes in the reality. Ronan didn't understand the calculation method, but he knew that his current state, even if he was chased by Burning Shadow, could be maintained for a long time, and it was mostly due to his own "format".

He has an "out-of-body soul" and naturally has a tendency to interfere with reality. Otherwise, he would be chaotic and dark and become an inhuman being. How could it be possible? In this way, he is likely to be a natural signal source in the shadow fog. If he and the Burning Demon Shadow come in the opposite direction, who will be caught first in the end is not known.

It's impossible to make false claims in the east and attack the west, so we can only hide the truth...

He held the chain, keeping a distance that was neither too far nor too close, and followed the Burning Demonic Shadow all the way while carefully adjusting his route.

Although the current Burning Demonic Shadow is still at a level beyond the sight of ordinary people. But because the force frequently interferes with the reality level, in the military's detection system, it can be said to be a blazing and fierce light.

The well-trained soldiers outside only delayed for about half a second before turning their guns at the prompt and sealing off the corridor area with that special fire cloud.

However, the Burning Demonic Shadow used the "Fear Roar" trick to absorb the fearful emotions of others in a strange way for its own use. Its strength suddenly increased sharply. It was difficult for Ronan to control it, not to mention that he could only rely on special weapons to control it. Soldiers equipped to fight the enemy.

Even if the fire cloud filled most of the corridor, the Burning Demon Shadow still walked as he should, and occasionally used the "battery ram" to fire. Even under Ronan's repeated restraints, it did not cause as much damage as the first blow. , but the middle one also stands up and becomes a servant, fainting and difficult to wake up.

Facing an invisible enemy, you don't even know what happened when you fell. Such a strange situation is really a great test of the human will.

Even soldiers who have undergone rigorous training can still maintain constant firepower according to the drill, but the fear and panic in their hearts are inevitable after all.

Facing the Burning Demonic Shadow, this was an intractable knot, so much so that the number of strange "spores" in the corridor surged again, not only from the rich second generation who collapsed, but also from the soldiers in the battle. A lot of floating, contagion, exchange.

The magic of fear was like an avalanche, pouring down on everyone present. The battle formations composed of elite soldiers and the rhythm of successive fires have become visibly scattered.

"1, 2, 3... 7, 8!"

Including the one who was still lying in the cabin, there were nine well-trained elite soldiers wearing advanced exoskeleton armor, forming a combat team capable of dealing with powerful aberrations in the wilderness.

But under the fierce power of the burning demon shadow, he was completely unable to fight back.

Ronan observed this scene with a slightly complicated mood.

Just in the morning, he was still a suspect who was forcibly detained by the police. In the face of violent agencies, he could only pretend to be a grandson. But just a few hours later, the power he dominated had the ability to defeat the military's elite squad head-on. This power was powerful yet terrifying, mysterious yet practical.

However, judging from the current scene, it can be seen how overwhelmed the planetary government is in the face of the wilderness, the aberrations, and the dark side creatures.

Ronan was not a good boy who cared about the country and its people, but he remembered one sentence:

Everyone is only three hundred kilometers away from the wilderness.

Everyone on this planet faces the threat of aberrations, and now it seems that this threat is much greater than what the government and media usually promote!

After all, Ronan was not a sentimental person. He quickly recovered from his emotions, slightly controlled the fierce flames that burned the demonic shadow, and at the same time corrected his route, preparing to continue to penetrate the wall and return to his true body.

However, the next moment, there was a restless reaction from the Burning Demonic Shadow, just a little later than it. Ronan also had an inexplicable feeling. When he turned his attention, he heard a wave of dull footsteps.

At the end of the corridor, a bright color like azure sea water turned the corner and approached step by step.

It was also an exoskeleton armor with a slightly flattened, angular helmet on the head. It was once called "the most manly exoskeleton design."

But in Ronan's view, it was like a praying mantis before it pounced on food. The reflections in every corner had the penetrating power of a blade.

It was from the back of this fully enclosed helmet that a low hissing sound sounded. At the same time, the outer bones of the shoulders and neck, chest and abdomen, under the ribs, and limbs were all slightly deformed. In an instant, the entire armor was like It expanded a bit.

On the armor's coating layer, strange light grids began to appear, showing various shapes such as straight, arc, and hyperboloid.

Fine electric current seems to be pulsating in the armor shell, but if you look closely, how can it be electric current? It was clearly a layer of finely intertwined flames, clinging to the outer layer of the armor that was as blue as sea water.

Only the dazzling flames were swaying slightly.

Dark Blue Walker... Prototype form!

Ronan's mind skipped several thoughts in succession, and finally came to one place:

"Format Fire!"

Without stopping, the dark blue walker strode forward, translucent firelight swayed out, and the texture was clear, like silent water waves, pushing through the corridor, and intertwined with the fire clouds emitted by the military. There was an astonishing reaction in an instant.