Master of the Stars

Chapter 24: Yingying (Part 1)


Zhang Yingying snapped her fingers: "It's good if you understand."

Being so frivolous and casual is actually very different from the image of a lawyer in Ronan's impression. Ronan felt that compared to Xie Junping sending a lawyer to help, sending such a lawyer here was really surprising.

Next, Zhang Yingying’s explanation of this incident made Ronan confirm this:

"When the accident happened in the R&D area, you should know that the military and police took it very seriously when you were there. Since it was quite chaotic there, we didn't have the energy to deal with you little fish and shrimps, and we had to do screening, so we had to stay temporarily. Escorting the transport ship...well, it's a blessing in disguise."

Ronan looked at her dumbly: Where is the blessing

Zhang Yingying blinked: "It's a blessing not to rely on both sides! You are still underage. Fortunately, we are on the transport ship and we intervened in time. Otherwise, when we get to the police station and strictly follow the procedures, we will never be able to hide it from the family, haha."


Ronan was speechless. It must be admitted that the young lawyer hit the nail on the head: If my aunt knew about this, the scene would be unimaginable!

Seeing the change in Ronan's face, Zhang Yingying was finally satisfied and said, "That's not all. Do you know about the chaos on the warship just now?"

"I feel it." Ronan answered readily. There was still "shadow fog" permeating the confinement room, and even a fool knew there was something wrong.

"You have good courage. I looked at the surveillance video they sent. There was smoke everywhere and you were alone. You can still be so calm and still write and draw. It's rare, Saonian. I like young people like you the most. …”

Zhang Yingying reached out and slapped Ronan on the shoulder hard, shaking off his stiff muscles.

Regardless of Ronan's subtle emotions, Zhang Yingying continued: "I arrived on the ship two hours ago, and I couldn't meet you for a while. It's because the government and the military are nervous, for fear that there are problematic people hiding among you, and no outsiders are allowed. But as soon as this chaos broke out, they knew that 'isolating the inside and outside' was stupid enough, and they began to change their strategies."

It is indeed difficult to seal off the 'dark side creatures'.

Ronan's thoughts were flowing and he was a little distracted. Zhang Yingying coughed pretendingly: "So be careful, isolate the inside and outside, and look at the tight security. In fact, you want to be lazy. In essence, you are not paying attention to you small fish and shrimps." inside; now that they are letting go, it is not that they give up, but that they have the intention of screening and sorting out. They are much more serious than they were at first. They have to be very careful about what they say and do. I trust you very much, but I have to be trusted by someone. Some people have 'misunderstood' it, but the trouble is serious."

Ronan nodded silently.

At this time, there was a sound on the door, and the captain just left and returned: "Lawyer Zhang, please be ready."

"It's finally my turn to appear!"

Zhang Yingying stood up straight, wearing high heels. She was half a head taller than Ronan, who had not yet fully developed. She looked quite imposing at first glance. It's a pity that the too childish cheeks and energetic smile are incompatible with the serious professional suit.

She looked at Ronan's tense face and blinked:

"Aren't you nervous... Do you usually watch movies?"

Ronan almost failed to follow his train of thought and answered after a second: "Occasionally."

"What do the big villains in the movie say when they face the police?"

“…please talk to my lawyer?”


Zhang Yingying slapped Ronan on the shoulder vigorously again and walked out first.

Ronan stared at the slender back of the young lawyer, and one conclusion was already clear: no matter what the real purpose was, this lawyer Zhang was definitely not someone Xie Junping could control!

"What are you doing standing still? Let's go, let's fight quickly!"

Zhang Yingying urged from the front, Ronan smiled and followed her out.

During this period of conversation, the flow of people in the temporarily opened interrogation area seemed to increase.

Xie Junping hired a lawyer for Ronan. Naturally, those rich kids, including other detainees, would not fight alone. According to Zhang Yingying, the private lawyers of the wealthy children have formed a temporary team to negotiate with the police.

Strictly speaking, Zhang Yingying is also a member of the temporary team. It's just that she never took it seriously.

Upon entering the interrogation area, the military personnel automatically avoided the interrogation area, and the police took over and conducted various forms of sample testing first. Ronan didn't say a word from beginning to end. He did whatever others asked him to do and was very cooperative.

The calculations of the government and the military are roughly what Zhang Yingying judged. Therefore, as enforcers, the police also have a very serious attitude. Therefore, Zhang Yingying's rhetoric of "quick resolution" is destined to be just talk.

All kinds of inspections, all kinds of interrogations, all kinds of procedures have to be completed, including dealing with the firepower of other lawyers.

Li Xuecheng is still lying in the medical department on the ship, undergoing observation and treatment. His family will definitely not give up, and of course they cannot rule out the possibility of using this to divert attention.

This is not an area that Ronan is good at. Fortunately, there is Zhang Yingying beside him.

Although the rhetoric of "quick resolution" went bankrupt, the young lawyer showed her strong ability to distinguish (man) talent (bu) and no (jiang) hindrance (li). Of course, there are more things behind the scenes that Ronan did not understand. Negotiation makes all attacking firepower end up being loud thunder, small raindrops, and silent annihilation.

For Ronan, the entire interrogation process was just a retelling of the process from when he left home in the morning to when he was detained seven or eight times.

Then... clear the level!

"Oh my, what a waste of time!"

Zhang Yingying strode out of the interrogation room, ignoring the expressions of the police officers around her, sighing in a long voice, and casually lifted some of the sapphire blue gauze scarf around her neck, revealing half of her snow-white chest.

Now, a full ten hours have passed since their "entry" time.

The marathon schedule is really exhausting. Fortunately, Ronan ordered a double large nutritious meal to replenish his energy, and he was able to survive the most difficult period.

Zhang Yingying clapped her hands: "Okay, the matter has been resolved satisfactorily. The police will only leave a file for inquiry, mainly for the incident in the R&D area. As for the so-called 'personal injury' here, don't worry, there will be no sequelae."

The world of the rich... Ronan, like a normal angry young man, snorted in his heart.

"Then I can go?"

"Not yet. Because it is impossible for a warship to land for you alone, and landing craft also costs money. So you have to wait until all those people have been interrogated before you can leave."

"It seems like I am..."

"Yes, you are the first! So you still have to wait."

Ronan sighed silently. At this moment, he felt an inexplicable feeling in his heart. He turned around and saw a transport vehicle dragging several disassembled exoskeleton armors passing by not far away.

Above, a dark-faced, muscular man with short hair was looking at his face, cold and unconcealed, even if Ronan looked at him, it was the same.