Master of the Stars

Chapter 35: True face (Part 2)


Ronan stood firm in one step and survived the initial spinning period. After a while, he tried to move his hands and flex his toes. Sure enough, he found that some of his fingers and joints were sore and numb. He felt as if he had drank too much, and his reaction sensitivity had inexplicably dropped to a lower level.

Moreover, the state of flashing ideas and flowing thoughts just now is no longer there. My mind seems to be covered with a film, and I feel groggy and want to sleep.

Ronan didn't panic, just sighed: It's still here!

Since he was detained on the warship yesterday and only came out early this morning, it is impossible for him to prepare medicine again... Well, with the reserve of medicine raw materials, he would not be able to go home. Therefore, the daily pharmaceutical preparation work that he had worked so hard to maintain for the past five years was finally discontinued.

Most of the discomfort just now comes from abnormal activity of the nervous system, which can be regarded as a drug withdrawal reaction.

In this regard, Ronan was mentally prepared after there was a problem with the drug channel. He was also very vigilant when he accelerated his metabolism yesterday. I just didn't expect that the stage of tight defense and slow defense has passed, but this problem has only erupted now.

Ronan staggered out a few steps, feeling fine and barely able to hold on, but he didn't even need to look in the mirror to know that his face must be in terrible shape.

Okay, now there's a legitimate reason to go to the medical office.

Twenty minutes later, Ronan walked slowly into the medical department. This is not only the medical department of Zhixing College, but also a well-known general hospital in Xiacheng. It is open to college students free of charge. However, before entering, you must make an appointment online and verify your identity. .

Ronan's criteria for making an appointment with a doctor are very simple. He chooses whichever one has the longest waiting time. After making an appointment, I ignored the information on the appointment form and just wandered around the medical department.

It seemed aimless, but in fact, when I stepped into the main building of the medical department, the feeling of the target was already very clear.

It should be about 70 meters to the east... that's the inpatient department.

As the distance got closer, Ronan could even feel that the target's heart was filled with resentment and fear, and was being entangled and burned in a very twisted way. There was also a steady stream of emotional distractions mixed in, like It's the seasonings that are constantly sprayed on the barbecued steaks.

Uh, why do you think so

Just as he was wondering about his out-of-the-box thoughts, his feet were shaking slightly, and soon became violent, and the doors and windows of the medical department were rattling.

"Here we go again!" Amid the commotion, patients, students, professors, etc. from the Medical Department hurried out from various buildings like moving ants, filling the central courtyard within a few minutes.

Emergency escape routes in hospitals have also been opened, ready to transfer critically ill patients at any time.

But that's what happens with earthquakes. The "regular earthquake" lasted for about half a minute, followed by two aftershocks, and then became silent again.

Curses were everywhere in the courtyard, and the earthquake activity in Xiacheng in the past half month had made a special public place like the hospital uneasy. Every time there is an earthquake, the crowd must be evacuated according to regulations, and treatment services must be launched after the end. After going back and forth, it is considered lucky that no medical accident occurs.

Ronan took a few steps in the chaotic flow of people and suddenly stopped because he felt that the target who was originally in the inpatient department was moving quickly towards him.

A few seconds later, an electric sightseeing car drove out from the inpatient department on the east side and walked along the sidewalk. On board was a young man dressed in casual clothes and several strong men like bodyguards.

Ronan's eyes were locked on the young man's face. He knew this man, and it was not unexpected at all. Yes, it was Li Xuecheng who was suffocated and comatose by his hypnosis yesterday!

It seemed that Li Xuecheng was still in bad condition. His face was bruised and swollen in many places, and he looked depressed, but very anxious. He kept chattering to the bodyguards around him. When he got to the point where he got serious, he slapped the bodyguards on the shoulders and back and scolded him. He doesn't care about public places at all, and he comes across as neurotic.

In this state, Li Xuecheng naturally could not see the "big enemy" in the crowd of people on the roadside. But Ronan heard his own name from the few words that leaked out.

Sure enough... it's this one.

Ronan cast his gaze towards it, but before he could think of what to do, something strange happened.

Suddenly, a dark red haze of light flew up from Li Xuecheng's body. In the intertwined shadows of the medical department building and the street trees, it twisted and changed, eventually forming a vaguely humanoid, monstrous shadow.

No one saw this except Ronan. His pupils shrank slightly and he stood still, motionless.

I'm afraid no one is more familiar with this stuff than Ronan.

Burning demon shadow, another burning demon shadow!

It turns out that there is not only one Burning Shadow...

And the most incredible thing is that at this moment, what Ronan felt was not surprise, vigilance, nervousness, etc., but hunger, uncontrollable hunger.

The food you sow is ripe;

The cooked dishes are ready.

It looks delicious, come on, have a full meal...


The dark chains vibrated, and the sound was like a sharp needle, piercing the center of Ronan's brow. He shuddered violently, and all the delicious food and hunger were shattered in an instant.

On the contrary, the brand new burning demonic shadow in front of him radiated scorching power from the spiritual level, pouring down on Ronan. This is clearly full of hunger and greed!

The demonic shadow flew towards Ronan.

Ronan remained motionless, thoughtful. The strong greedy instinct coming from the burning demonic shadow was telling him something.

At the same time, stimulated by the rapidly approaching threat, the "clatter" of chains echoed in my mind, and the power from the physical and mental structure continued to accumulate in various forms until it reached a certain upper limit.

The next moment, the boundary between reality and illusion was torn apart silently, and the dark chain jumped out from the center of Ronan's eyebrows, colliding head-on with the burning demonic shadow, and instantly penetrated it!


The miserable hissing sound that only existed on the spiritual level came to reality for a moment. Hundreds of doctors, nurses, students, and patients at the scene were all in a daze for a moment. But soon, this vague feeling disappeared, just because the abstract symbol at the front of the dark chain was shining brightly.

The dark red light illuminated the originally dark inside of the burning demon shadow, and released some kind of power, instantly transforming into a rapidly rolling vortex.

The power of the vortex is extremely powerful, that is, in the blink of an eye, this "newly recognized" burning demonic shadow no longer takes shape, and most of its body is sucked into the abstract symbol by the vortex, increasing the brightness of the symbol. There are also a small part that directly collapses and dissipates in the void.

Almost at the same time, the bodyguards' exclamations rang out from the electric sightseeing car that had just passed by. Li Xuecheng, who had just been irritated and reprimanded, suddenly fainted in the car and did not know where he was.

There was a small commotion in the courtyard. Li Xuecheng was hurriedly taken out of the car by the bodyguards and laid flat on the lawn next to him. His pupils were turned up, foaming at the mouth, and his face was as gray as a dead man.

Ronan turned his eyes and saw that the vitality that belonged to Li Xuecheng was leaking out like a flood gate. At a level that could not be detected by the naked eye, it turned into wisps of light smoke and was involved in the collapse of the burning demonic shadow. into the void vortex.

Ronan frowned, his mind moved slightly, the dark chain retracted, the dark red abstract symbol also moved into his eyebrows, and the void vortex disappeared.

Li Xuecheng's life force leakage process came to an abrupt end, but he had fallen into a deep coma.

Ronan stared at the unconscious Li Xuecheng on the lawn with a serious expression. The victory was overwhelming, but he didn't feel happy at all.

After a moment, Ronan looked away from Li Xuecheng and turned to the nearby crowd. Some people were watching curiously, some glanced at it and completely ignored it, and some doctors and nurses rushed over.

What can't happen in a hospital? Everything is a realistic change that people can understand.

But who knows that at a level beyond their reach, there are invisible demonic shadows arrogantly coming and going, eroding people's hearts and sucking out their essence

Ronan is one and Li Xuecheng is one.

Perhaps, the "uling" couple who suffered a human tragedy also fall into this category.

There are many? How many demons were released by that roar in the R&D area? How many of them have already taken shape like this and are plotting to take human lives

Not only that, there is clearly a competition and devouring relationship between the Burning Demonic Shadows. A looming food chain network is formed.

Ronan stared blankly at the noisy courtyard:

Is this still the world I know