Master of the Stars

Chapter 4: Sudden change


Human experimentation is certainly not a good word.

But in contemporary times, the word "tramp" is even more extreme.

In 2044, the Third World War broke out. In just 5 years, it destroyed 70% of human living space. In the 50 years after the war, tens of billions of people around the world lived in 88 super-large urban areas. A crowded and cramped life. It was only in the past ten years that things gradually improved.

Beyond the city lies the wilderness. The place is vast and empty, but it has been mutilated beyond recognition by nuclear radiation and "aberrants" and is completely unsuitable for human survival. But there is a group of people who reject modern civilization or are excluded by civilized society, including extremists, fugitives, and careerists... They gamble their lives and wander in the wilderness, and together they form the concept of "nomads."

Law of the jungle, inhumanity, no bottom line...

Similar words popped up one after another in Xie Junping's head, and he instantly had a standard template for Ronan's grandfather whom he had never met:

Evil scientist! The kind that appears endlessly in superhero movies.

"Because of this matter, Luo Yuandao and his son turned against each other. His son Luo Zhongheng, Ronan's father, suddenly left home and disappeared. There is no news yet. Luo Yuandao himself suffered from severe schizophrenia and was hospitalized for a long time, but his recent situation It's getting worse and I can't live for a few more days."

Xie Junping felt a toothache when he heard that. He didn't care about anything else. He was only worried that in this environment, Ronan must not inherit any bad habits or have a twisted personality...

At this time, Yingying's tone took a turn:

"But, the most interesting thing is not here. In the academic world, except for that accusation, Luo Yuandao is a nobody, but the other person related to him is a famous person - Yan Hong, you must know it."

Xie Junping nodded subconsciously, of course he knew. Yan Hong was a well-known professor at Zhixing College a few years ago and was famous in the world. However, due to the issue of "academic misconduct", his reputation was ruined and he disappeared from mainstream society. It is very sad.

"Yan Hong's book "Research on Prototype Neural Format" contributed to the emergence of 'Burner'. It is undoubtedly a revolutionary achievement, and its significance cannot be overestimated. I used to admire him."

There was no hint of admiration in Yingying's tone, only excitement: "The problem is that during the 'academic misconduct' incident in 1990, someone kicked out his work and used Luo Yuandao's undisclosed first-hand data. , yes, they are the ones obtained through human experiments in the wilderness... Your circle is really chaotic!"

Excuse me, sister, I am not from the academic circle!

Xie Junping once again slandered, but Yingying was really not gossiping. She had already started a more realistic analysis:

"When the Luo Yuandao incident occurred in 1983, Ronan was only 3 years old. The impact of his grandfather's scandal and his father's disappearance must have been throughout his childhood. How would a child understand all this? What kind of character would he show

"Now we see that he speaks in a more polite manner and behaves very noble, almost like a moral model. Regardless of the issue of acting, there are two possibilities:

"One is moral compensation. He feels ashamed and guilty for his grandfather's behavior, and subconsciously sets high moral standards for himself. In fact, it is cutting."

But then, Yingying denied it: "Of course, if that were the case, Ronan wouldn't talk endlessly about his grandfather's notes and old things. But there might be something wrong with the origin of the soft screen. He obviously What are you avoiding..."

Yingying did not continue to elaborate and jumped directly to the second item: "The other is the moral mission. If his grandfather had some kind of charisma, or no matter what his previous thoughts, the academic turmoil in 1990 was enough to impose some kind of The subversive power made him have some conjectures or fantasies about his grandfather's achievements... "

Xie Junping couldn't help but raise his head and look at Ronan.

Yingying's description is in sync with it and is as rhythmic as reciting poetry:

"Perhaps my grandfather suffered an unjust injustice? The Burner was supposed to be the work of his grandfather? Is the dying old man in the mental hospital actually a great man that the world cannot understand

"All kinds of thoughts have shaped his doomed loneliness into a tragic and a sense of mission of being 'the enemy of the world'. So he is introverted, withdrawn, determined and vigilant, like a dark hero, charging alone towards the world's dark side. … Wow, I’m so touched!”

Xie Junping's mouth twitched when he heard it. It was still the same thing before, but why did it become more and more like writing a script later on

However, a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy like Ronan is full of heroic fantasies. Looking at his serious appearance, does he really think so

"Senior Xie?" Ronan asked, like a reminder.

Only then did Xie Junping realize that he only listened to Yingying's "script", which would be a big mistake in front of Ronan. If he was misunderstood, he would die.

He hurriedly returned the notebook and commented covertly: "These paintings are very good."

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Xie Junping felt shriveled and stiff, and miserable.

"It's not really a painting, just a sketch."

Ronan was still very polite, but after getting the notebook back, he politely said goodbye: "If there is nothing else, senior, I will leave first."


Xie Junping was stunned for a moment, but Ronan nodded to him, put the energy drink on the center console, got out of the car and left.

This... is obviously suspected!

Xie Junping felt really guilty and hurriedly asked Yingying: "Uh, do you want to show off?"

"I'm sorry, all my saliva is in vain!" Yingying's words contained a hint of hatred for iron that cannot be transformed into steel: "You..."

A slight noise suddenly entered the ears, and Yingying's words became blurred and could no longer be heard clearly.


"Zizzi, zizi..."

Damn it, something happened now!

Xie Junping suddenly broke out in a sweat. Seeing that Ronan was already far away, he couldn't care about anything else. He rushed out of the car and shouted, "Junior, I'll see you off!"

Ronan turned around and responded: "I can just run there. Isn't it inconvenient, senior?"

"Uh, yes." Xie Junping was embarrassed. Now that he was about to die, he quickly turned around and returned to Mangzhong. The most important thing was to nip the matter in the bud. He actually asked Ronan to remind him, which was stupid to a certain extent.

Apart from embarrassment, he could only follow his past habits and try to close the distance: "Then I will hold a special banquet to express my gratitude. In the past two days, I have found a place to inform you."

As he said that, he walked over to exchange communication numbers. Ronan did not refuse, the two touched their bracelets, and the exchange was successful, and they shook hands by the way.

Xie Junping was just thinking about saying a few more nice words when the area on the side suddenly lit up, and he instinctively turned his head. Under the gray and dark curtain, a blue electric light was seen dancing. At first glance, it looked like lightning, but judging from its direction, it was clear that it was striking from the ground to the sky, cutting straight into the clouds.

Perhaps the light contrast was too strong, and the buildings around the electric light seemed to be distorted.

Almost at the same time, the Phantom Speedster sounded an alarm.

"What's going on?" Xie Junping turned around and walked towards the car. However, after taking a few steps, a sharp sound suddenly sounded from the built-in earphones, like the howling of an old microphone. He was caught off guard and his eardrums were numb. About to be torn apart by sound waves.

He yelled and covered his ears reflexively, but before his fingers even touched the auricles, his eyes hurt again. The temperature of the "light film" contact lens increased instantly, and he felt that the condition was abnormal. The melting mechanism of the "light film" automatically On, all functions are turned off.

Xie Junping's vision was blurry, and the world was spinning again. This is not an illusion, but a real shaking, undulation, and distortion!

The solid ground beneath our feet instantly turned into a sampan swaying on the waves. Within sight, tall buildings and bridges were twisting and deforming. Farther away, you can even see the fluttering sparks, lighting up the still-lit sky.

"Earthquake, big earthquake!"

For a moment, Xie Junping only had this thought flashing in his mind, but before he could fully understand it, his whole body fell downwards as soon as his feet were empty. What fell with him at the same time were the green belt, railings, stones at the head of the bridge, and his 500 million-dollar car. Phantom Speedster.

The bridge collapsed!

The bridge body, which is said to be able to withstand an earthquake of magnitude 9, suddenly collapsed at the half-bridge head position like a kicked over building block.

Xie Junping's mind went blank, and he screamed instinctively, grabbing at random with both hands, trying to grab some support.

He did catch something hard - some gravel that fell at the same time as him.

Holding this thing in your hand has no meaning other than gaining weight!

Xie Junping's eyes almost bulged out, and his vision swirled.

"ah… "

The screams just started, and there was severe pain in the shoulder joint, and then in the wrist, a strong force penetrated the whole body. The direction of his fall seemed to be reversed in an instant, and the whole body was shaking violently.


Xie Junping screamed at the top of his lungs, with high pitch and tears. At this time, the falling bridge body had collided with the building layers below, making a dull roar, smoke and dust, and passers-by screaming and screaming. The situation was extremely chaotic.

"Shut up!" A deep voice broke through the noise and reached my ears.

Xie Junping yelled twice more out of habit, suddenly woke up, shook his head, raised his head, and saw Ronan's face and half of his chest protruding from the bridge.

Of course, the most important thing was the arm that stretched out as hard as it could. It was long and thin, not thick, but it managed to snatch him out of Death's giant scythe... Well, it was still wrestling.

I don’t know if Xie Junping is lucky or unlucky.

The impact the viaduct sustained was outrageous. Although the bridge body had been severely deformed, only part of the edge of the bridge was broken. Xie Junping was trapped inside, and Ronan, who was only five steps away from him, was safe and sound.

But precisely because of this, Ronan was able to rush up in time and catch his arm, preventing him from falling into pieces.

The matter is not over yet. Ronan caught him, but his strength was obviously insufficient, and it was difficult to use any force to lift him up.

The most terrible thing is that when the bridgehead collapsed, an incline was formed. Although the angle was very small, in this case, Ronan was actually slowly sliding down, and there was nothing around him that could be used to draw strength.

It's never a good feeling to have your wealth and life come to an end. Xie Junping tried hard to grab something more, but when he struggled with his hands and feet, Ronan grabbed the knuckles of his wrist and narrowly slipped away.

Xie Junping's body fell down, and he screamed and struggled in fear.

Ronan's face looked ugly and he struggled to speak: "Don't move, hold my hand."

Xie Junping was already obsessed with fear, so he couldn't listen to it and was still struggling.

"Are you going to die!"

The roar penetrated his ears, causing Xie Junping to tremble violently. He raised his head and saw Ronan's eyes.

Yingying had mentioned before that Ronan's eyes were shining when he was exercising. But from Xie Junping's distance, Ronan's eyes were not clear, with thick bloodshot eyes, and some slight green and yellow colors. But these mottled colors seemed to form an abstract and strange picture in an instant. , deeply burned into his heart.

Xie Junping couldn't tell what it was, but his heart felt inexplicably tight and his whole body became stiff.

Ronan's roar had already consumed a lot of energy. At this time, the tone was lower and a little hoarse:

"Look at your hands, what they are doing!"

Xie Junping turned around and looked over, only to see that his right hand, the one held by Ronan, was curled up tightly, as stiff as a piece of dead wood. In the palm of his hand, he held tightly the stone that fell with him. The edge of the stone pierced his palm, and blood flowed out, but he didn't even know it.

This was probably some kind of stress reaction, so much so that the feeling of pain was completely lost, and flesh and stone seemed to be fused together - fear was the glue.

"Let go!" Ronan ordered.

Xie Junping also wanted to let go, but his normally flexible palms were completely frozen. Even though he was sweating profusely, he was completely disobedient: "I, I... don't let go! Don't let go!" "

Ronan took a deep breath and stared at Xie Junping: "Don't look at your hands, look at my eyes."

Now as long as Ronan doesn't let go, Xie Junping will definitely obey his words, like a puppet on strings. He will do whatever Ronan says.

Xie Junping looked directly into Ronan's eyes again. The mottled color structure was like a pair of turbid whirlpools, locking his attention firmly. The next moment, Ronan's voice rang directly deep in his head:

"let go!"

It wasn't just the palms that were loose. At that moment, all the strength in Xie Junping's body was exhausted. As soon as he loosened his fingers, the blood-stained stone fell vertically, hitting his shoulder first, and then fell downwards.

Xie Junping was awakened by the pain. He felt that his body was soft and heavy, and seemed to be sliding down again. Amidst the screams, he reflexively grabbed Ronan's wrist with his palms, and now he successfully grabbed Ronan's wrist and would not let go.

With Xie Junping sharing the responsibility, Ronan was finally able to fine-tune the position of his fingers to better exert force.

After some adjustments, the tense situation was slightly relieved. Xie Junping's congested head began to regain consciousness and he felt more elements.

The cold wind in the morning blew, and his body was swaying. There were noises in the wind, including explosions, rumbling echoes of collapsed buildings, and sharp sirens...

You can understand all the chaos around you without using your eyes.

Thanks to "Dark Hero" - now Xie Junping is completely convinced by Yingying's analysis, otherwise he would have definitely turned into a puddle of meat paste among the rocks.

But he hopes that the "Dark Hero" can work harder and pull him up...

As soon as he opened his mouth, an inexplicable strong sound came loudly.