Master of the Stars

Chapter 52: Bu Qingwen (Part 1)


Frightened by the black shadow, Xie Junping almost fell all the way down. He was in a very embarrassed state and could not help but curse.

Due to the induction of Wuchen Chain, Ronan could see more clearly: "It's an animal in the swamp, it seems to be a muskrat... Are there any other entrances and exits besides the way we came in?"

The muskrat is a relatively common animal in the jungle wetlands of Zhixing College. When it reaches adulthood, its body size is thirty to forty centimeters, and its tail is also twenty to thirty centimeters long. The one that just flashed was more than half smaller, and seemed to be underage, but it was really nimble in its movements.

Xie Junping grinned: "This place has been idle for more than a year or two. I'm afraid it has become a bird's nest or something. Be careful not to step on bird poop..."

Halfway through the last word, he swallowed it back.

At this time, the lighting beam just cuts into an open area. It can be seen that the ring-shaped chairs maximize the use of space, the two footrests placed randomly, the wall lamps embedded in the inner wall of the tree hole, and some exquisite wall-mounted bookshelves and decorations make it clear at a glance that this It is the layout of a rest room.

How big can a tree hole be? The visible usable area will never exceed three square meters, and it really can't even accommodate a bed. However, the exquisite layout makes the most of the characteristics of the circular space in the tree hole, giving it a relaxing and relaxing feel.

Xie Junping immediately forgot what he said before and said repeatedly: "You can enjoy it, it's amazing."

"There is another level above." Ronan pointed to the stone steps still extending upward and continued to move.

"Why do I feel that this project is not inferior to the 'Gear'? Especially after so many years, it has been able to keep a secret and is too strict with its mouth." tendency.

While talking, the two of them reached the upper floor, which was also the top floor of the tree hole hut. The layout here is simpler, and even a little empty at first glance. There is only a table embedded in the inner wall of the tree hole, and in front is a low stool directly modified from the irregular protrusions of a dead tree.

The table top was very clean, with only a round tray on it. Xie Junping recognized it as an old-style projection album base. The projector probably went out because of the power supply, but as long as it was recharged, it should be a very direct clue.

Ronan focused on various parts of the inner wall of the tree hole.

He fumbled and pulled out a lot of brackets, supports, and other weird things, most of which were set up around the table. Judging from their respective positions, this is obviously a workshop. As long as the corresponding equipment is installed, it can fully handle general research work. That's enough for a designer.

Xie Junping watched with interest and squeezed over to see if he could show off any more airs.

Ronan stopped squeezing with him and moved to the opposite side of the table, which was the most open area. There were no wall-mounted facilities here, but if you looked carefully, you could see a circle of irregular and long lines, roughly enclosing an area of about one square meter.

He stretched out his hand to touch it and exerted a little force from left to right. The inner wall of the bark in this area turned out like an unfolded scroll, opening to both sides.

The next moment, skylight shines in.

The change in light made Xie Junping on the other side turn back suddenly. In fact, after spending more than half an hour in the laboratory and the tree hole hut, it is now around 6:30, night has fallen in Xia City, and the outside sky is quite dim.

In the dark wetland jungle, the "gear" hundreds of meters away only showed a vague outline and could not be seen clearly with the naked eye.

But for some reason, Ronan felt very good at this moment.

Maybe it's because we are on the "Observation Deck"? The message given by the "Gear" designer has been completely clear.

Next to him, Xie Junping burst out laughing: "Signal, there's a signal!"

Ronan ignored it and continued to look at the "gears" in the distance through this observation window. The blurry view with the naked eye is nothing. He still has the elevation and floor plan of the building in his mind, including his earlier intuitive impression of a corner of the building.

When all the elements came together, Ronan suddenly felt that the buildings in the distance seemed to be the civilization of the previous generation that had been washed away by time. In the confrontation with the power of nature, only the rusted shells were left, heavy and vicissitudes of life.

Every corner of the building is full of traces of the unruly industrial order, which is incompatible with the vast natural environment, but in this boundless darkness, a compromise is finally achieved.

The sudden feeling made Ronan open his notebook and draw lines with a fluorescent pen to capture the intuitive impression that hit him.

After Xie Junping cheered, he looked back and saw Ronan's actions, and was furious for a moment.

Does this person really have a drawing addiction

But in the blink of an eye, I feel relieved. A person like this who is obsessed with a certain hobby should not be a ruthless guy.

Xie Junping walked back softly and looked around. He saw simple and even crude lines on the paper. If he had not known the object of description in advance, he would never have connected the sketch written by Ronan with the jungle and buildings in front of him. together. However, after clarifying the direction of the sketch, I unexpectedly found it quite interesting, especially the structure that seemed to be twisted in the water waves, which seemed to show some kind of invisible power.

Okay, instead of calling him Picasso, can I call him Van Gogh

Ronan was always quick at sketching. He quickly closed the notebook and sighed with satisfaction.

By now, Ronan had become more interested in architecture everywhere, and couldn't help but ask: "Who is the designer here?"

Xie Junping shrugged: "Then you have troubled me. This building must be at least twenty years old. When it was built, I was still a little baby and you were not born at all. But... Haha, there is a signal. It’s easy to talk about anything, Zhi Nao must have relevant basic information.”

Xie Junping's previous experience of calling the heavens and the earth unfaithful had obviously stifled Xie Junping. He gritted his teeth and networked, and then asked the student union for temporary authorization. From this moment on, he had absolute power of life and death over that damn laboratory.

"Sooner or later, I'm going to stuff Yan Hong's old thing in there and let him taste it, no matter which gutter he hides in..."

During the time of being tough and ruthless, Xie Junping finally restarted various system modules that he had experimented with, searched for relevant information, and found the original design drawings stored in the electronic file, including the designer's signature.

He used the powerful function of the bracelet to create an AR effect, making images appear out of thin air:

"Independent designer: Bu Qingwen. Wow, look at this signature, it seems to be a woman's, the handwriting is very beautiful!" Xie Junping turned his head and looked at the furnishings in the tree house, but did not see a particularly obvious feminine style. On the other hand, the exquisite and comfortable design of the rest room on the next floor seems to confirm this.

Xie Junping was slightly excited, but received no response from Ronan. Turning his head to look, he saw Ronan staring at the designer's name and handwritten signature displayed on the light screen, motionless.

His breath seemed to freeze completely along with the surrounding air.