Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 1: Reborn in another world ┃ Reborn boy


Xie Mingzhe had a nightmare. In the dream, a huge beast was chasing him. He ran forward like a madman. At a glance - the ceiling above his head is not the familiar ceiling of the university dormitory, and there are no familiar roommates around. He sleeps alone in a room where he does not know where.

He remembered going out to a dinner party last night to celebrate his roommate's birthday, but the roommate drank it, so he carried his roommate back to the dormitory to sleep. It was after three o'clock in the morning, why did I wake up and not be in the bed in the dormitory

Xie Mingzhe was stunned and looked around carefully.

This seems to be a hospital ward. The walls are snow-white. He is sleeping on a hospital bed. There is something similar to a monitor next to him. A mess of wires is connected to his body. On the LCD screen of the monitor, there are some values that he cannot understand. beat.

- Could it be that he fell ill in the middle of the night and was sent to the emergency room by his roommate

While wondering, a nurse in a white coat suddenly pushed the door and came in. After seeing him, her eyes widened instantly, as if she had seen a ghost.

Xie Mingzhe took the initiative to speak: "Hello, may I ask..."

Before he could finish speaking, the nurse ran out in a panic, shouting, "Doctor Qin, the vegetative man in Ward 7 is awake!"

Xie Mingzhe: "????"

Vegetative? He was drinking with his roommate last night, how could he be in a vegetative state? Does this nurse even recognize the patient

While wondering, I saw a middle-aged doctor in his forties hurriedly pushed the door and came in, holding something similar to an ECG monitor in his hand.

Xie Mingzhe smiled politely: "Hello doctor, what's wrong with me?"

The doctor fiddled with the instrument in his hand, looked up at him, and said, "You have been in a coma for a month, lie down first, and I will check your physical condition."

In a coma for a month

The nightmare and the unfamiliar link when he woke up made Xie Mingzhe's brain confused, so he had to lie down obediently and let the doctor examine his body carefully.

The doctor came to a conclusion soon after the examination, and said with emotion: "It is a medical miracle to be able to wake up even when the brain tissue is severely damaged."

Xie Mingzhe had a question mark on his face: "Severely damaged brain tissue?"

Never heard that drinking can make a person into a vegetative state. Could it be that he drank fake wine? !

The doctor looked at him in surprise: "Don't you remember? A month ago, you accidentally fell from the third floor and suffered a severe blow to your brain. When you were sent to the hospital, you were already in shock. We performed an operation on you. , to save your life, but you have since become a vegetable and have been sleeping until today."

Xie Mingzhe: "..."

Fall from the third floor? His dormitory is obviously on the seventh floor.

Xie Mingzhe touched his nose with a dry smile: "Doctor, don't you joke? Why was I sent to the hospital last night, was it alcoholism? I don't remember drinking much... By the way, where is my roommate?" said Then he started looking around.

Listening to the nonsense of the boy on the hospital bed, a trace of worry flashed in the doctor's eyes, and he instructed the therapeutic apparatus beside him: "Number 777, check his mental power to see if his mental threshold has recovered."

The square therapy device was activated immediately and quickly turned into a robot. He stretched out his metal arms to hold the boy's head, and placed two "electrodes" on the boy's temple.

Xie Mingzhe stared at it with wide eyes, only to see its face - on the LCD screen with a width of about 20 cm, strange values kept beating. After a while, it reported the result in a mechanized voice: "The peak mental strength is 300, and the EEG curve is normal."

Dr. Qin looked back at the young man with a complicated expression: "How could this happen?"

Xie Mingzhe, whose head was held down by the robot, was also at a loss - how could this be? I want to know too!

Then, Dr. Qin seemed to think of something and said excitedly, "Such a rare case is really rare. I'll arrange it right away and give you a thorough examination!"

The doctor hurriedly left with the therapeutic apparatus.

Xie Mingzhe was left alone on the hospital bed in a mess.

At this moment, he wanted to burst out the classic three-question-Who am I? where am I? what should I do! !

However, before he could finish the question, the doctor pushed the door and came in again, this time holding a few instruments that looked like robots. The doctor gently pressed the button, and the "robots" began to work quickly. Xie Mingzhe was surrounded by them like "guinea pigs in the laboratory". He could only lie flat on the bed and let it go without any resistance." Robots" toss.

Xie Mingzhe found that something was wrong.

First of all, he has always been in good health and has a good alcohol intake. When he returned to the dormitory last night, he was still sober. In the same way, the monitors at the bedside, as well as these robots brought by the doctor, all seem to be very advanced, and they do not seem to be products of his era...

Xie Mingzhe's back trembled suddenly - he has read a lot of time-travel novels, shouldn't he also time-travel

The doctor quickly finished the examination and looked at him with a smile: "Your luck is really good. The probability of waking up in a vegetative state like you is less than 1%. I have carefully examined your body and everything is normal."

Xie Mingzhe took a few deep breaths to stabilize his violent heartbeat, and summoned the courage to ask, "Doctor, what year and month is it today? What's my name? I can't remember anything in the mess in my mind."

The doctor replied with a good temper: "Your name is Xie Mingzhe. Today is August 1, 3001 of the ephemeris, which happens to be your eighteenth birthday. It is written on the data card." He opened the LCD data card beside the bed to Xie Mingzhe glanced at it, as if to prove that he did not lie.

Xie Mingzhe: "..."

It is clearly the year 2018 AD, and what kind of strange era is the year 3001 of the ephemeris

The corner of Xie Mingzhe's mouth twitched violently, thinking of the possibility of his crossing, his brain was almost bursting with pain, he couldn't help but stretched out his hands and beat his head hard. When the doctor saw his action, he immediately grabbed his hand: "Don't move around, you have been in a coma for a month and just woke up, it is normal for your brain's memory to be partially damaged, and it will recover slowly."

Xie Mingzhe looked at his pale fingertips for a while before asking, "Do I have any other relatives?"

The doctor looked at him sympathetically: "The data shows that you have been an orphan since childhood."

Xie Mingzhe: "..."

Why is he still an orphan after crossing over

Seeing that the boy looked pale, the doctor reached out and patted his shoulder, comforting: "Don't be discouraged, it's not easy for you to wake up. Take care of your body first, and there will always be a way later."

Xie Mingzhe smiled reluctantly and said to the kind doctor, "Thank you doctor."


After the doctor left, Xie Mingzhe got up from the bed with difficulty and went to the bathroom of the ward to wash his face, trying to calm himself down.

His face was clearly reflected in the mirror.

Due to being in bed for a long time, the boy's face is a little morbidly pale, but his facial features can still be seen to be exactly the same as the original self, but the boy's face looks very green, it should be about eighteen years old when he just graduated from high school .

Xie Mingzhe buried his face in the cold water with a headache. I really hope this is a dream in a dream, and the nightmare will wake up soon.

After a long time, he looked up...

Still in this bathroom, the boy in the mirror is still the same as when he was eighteen.

Could it be that this Xie Mingzhe is himself in another time and space

Not only the name and appearance are the same, but also, in his brain, the memory of the original owner of the body began to gradually emerge.

The original owner has been an orphan since he was a child, and has been relying on government funding to live a very frugal life. It's just that the government's funding for orphans will only last until the age of eighteen, and Xie Mingzhe is seventeen and a half years old. This summer, he was admitted to the Fine Arts Department of "Didu University" by his own efforts. He was afraid that he would not be able to pay the tuition fees after going to university, so he bid farewell to his hometown and came to work in the imperial capital ahead of schedule.

However, in this day and age, manual tasks such as washing dishes, sweeping floors, and moving bricks have been replaced by robots, and it is difficult for a student who has just graduated from high school to find a job. He lived in the imperial capital for a week, living in the poorest slums, running around in search of a job, and suffering from the scorn of many people.

Once, he accidentally fell out of the window when he was going for an interview. Fortunately, the floor he was on was not very high, and he didn't fall into flesh, but he was seriously injured. His brain was severely damaged, and he was sent to the hospital by ambulance. , became a vegetative coma for a month.

Xie Mingzhe in this world is a very serious and hard-working boy, but obviously, he is not as lucky as himself in the 21st century.

Xie Mingzhe, who lives in the 21st century, although he is also an orphan, he was the No. 1 scholar in the county's science department that year in the college entrance examination, and he won a lot of scholarships, which was enough for his entire university expenses. He was also very frugal during college. Not only did he not spend the bonus, but he also saved some money through tutoring and odd jobs.

He originally planned to find a job in a second-tier city with a low consumption level after graduating from college and save money to buy a small house. From then on, he would be able to live a stable and peaceful life and enjoy the rest of his life happily. However, after just going out for a drink with his roommate, he inexplicably came to another time and space and saw another pitiful self.

It's really bad luck that his dad opened the door for bad luck - bad luck home!

Xie Mingzhe rubbed the pale face hard.

The clear touch from the fingertips and the skin seems to be telling him: stop struggling, you have shuffled the deck all over again!

In the previous period of life, there was finally a turning point, and God threw him on this poor boy. Is this reasonable

If I commit suicide now, can I go back to the earth in 2018 AD

Xie Mingzhe pinched his thigh hard, and the severe pain in his leg made him completely awake—this body is a living human being, and he really dared not take the risk of suicide. What if he committed suicide and traveled to a strange place again? Or just die? At least the current world seems to be quite advanced in technology, which is far better than wearing leaves and eating weeds in a mess of ancient times.

Xie Mingzhe comforted himself like this, and he seemed to be in a better mood.

Since you are alive, you must first find a way to live. He is not demanding, he can support himself in this world and live in peace and stability.

Xie Mingzhe took a deep breath and reluctantly accepted the fact that he was reborn inexplicably.

Xie Mingzhe in this world did not live as smoothly as Xie Mingzhe on earth.

Today is Xie Mingzhe's eighteenth birthday. The eighteen-year-old boy looked a little pitiful. Even if he turned into a vegetative state and lay in the hospital for a month, no one but the doctor would care about his life or death.

He has no relatives, no friends. Even if he died like this, no one would shed a single tear for him.

He lived a failure.

But that's okay, starting today, it's all going to be different.

Xie Mingzhe looked at the young man in the mirror and clenched his fist lightly.

- The past cannot be changed. But our future, leave it to me to work hard!

The author has something to say: Welcome to the pit.

Holographic sci-fi card competition, optimistic and handsome Shou Shou, the plot flow, true [Master Shouwen], I hope everyone likes it ^_^

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