Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 100: Card Tang Muzhou


After the score of 1:0 appeared on the big screen, the host girl finally came back to her senses and said excitedly, "Congratulations to Yu Ke's counterattack and the first game!"

The stunned audience also reacted, and there was warm applause in the competition venue.

On the field, Lin Xiaorui was still stunned, she didn't understand why Yu Ke suddenly killed all seven of her cards

There was a three-minute break after the first inning, and the second inning soon began.

After all, Lin Xiaorui was a player who made it to the top four by her own strength. Her reaction speed was also very fast, and she quickly realized that the two ghost cards with linkage skills, Black Impermanence and White Impermanence, were Yu Ke's strongest hidden cards. Killer.

If you want to crack the black and white impermanence linkage, you only need to grab one of them.

Lin Xiaorui took a deep breath to calm herself down. In the second game, she didn't change her deck, but she paid special attention to the two ghost cards, Black Impermanence and White Impermanence, and planned to keep Zhong Kui for Black Impermanence.

However, Yu Ke had already anticipated her thoughts.

He put Black and White Impermanence in the open card, removed the headless doll, and quietly replaced Lu Zhidao in the dark card.

At the beginning of the game, the two sides fought hard to separate in the first half, and the blood volume of the cards was completely crushed. Until Yu Ke summoned Hei Wuchang, Lin Xiaorui decisively used the skill of "Zhong Kui to catch ghosts" to force Hei Wuchang into his pocket. inside!

The audience exclaimed for a while, and they all felt that Yu Ke's game was over.

But in the next second, something happened that made the audience speechless - Hei Wuchang, who was captured by Zhong Kui, was actually released again

The audience took a closer look, only to find that Lu Zhidao's skill, "Clearly Detecting Qiuhao", can re-trial grievances.

Retrial? Can you still play like this? !

Everyone was speechless, Lin Xiaorui was even more speechless, and Yu Ke took advantage of her stunned time to quickly kill four cards in a row with Black Impermanence, stacking the Yin and Yang marks, followed by the direct explosion mark to clear the field, and won the second place again. Victory of the game.

The score was 2:0.

The situation seemed to be a little bad, and Lin Xiaorui's family and friends who were sitting in the audience frowned collectively.

Many people were whispering: "Where did Yu Ke come from so many weird cards? I haven't seen him use it in the previous rematch!" "I'm a fan of God Gui Sirui, to be honest, I don't have any of these ghost cards. Guishen has used it before!" "Could it be a new card made by Guishen? Is Yu Ke familiar with God Gui Sirui?"

People are getting more and more suspicious. When it comes to ghost cards, everyone knows that there is a great god in the alliance, Gui Sirui, who is a professional in making ghost cards. No one thought that these strange ghost cards were all the masterpieces of Uncle Fat.

In the third round, Lin Xiaorui was completely panicked. Instead of bringing Zhong Kui, she brought a healing card, because she found that the opponent's strongest was Hei Wuchang's harvest in a state of residual blood. It's too scary.

There must be a healing card to protect your output card!

However, Yu Ke didn't bring Lu Zhidao in the third round. As if he had guessed the opponent's thinking, he removed Lu Zhidao and replaced him with Meng Po.

The result was that Lin Xiaorui had just summoned the healing card, and wanted to come to a wave of group healing...

Yu Ke immediately summoned Po Meng and forcibly fed Lin Xiaorui's treatment card a bowl of bitter Meng Po soup.

- Forgetting skills.

Lin Xiaorui is about to collapse, go to your sister's forgetting skills!

The treatment did not come back, and Hei Wuchang quickly collected heads and stacked marks.

The score is 3:0!

The two hosts were stunned, and the audience was also surprised, and many people around had their jaws dropped.

Yu Ke, who was not optimistic before the game, actually defeated the champion Lin Xiaorui 3:0? The first round counterattacked and counterattacked, and the second and third rounds completely crushed the opponent. Is this guy too strong

After a long time, the host trembled: "Congratulations, congratulations to Yu Ke for beating Lin Xiaorui 3:0, winning the semi-finals and successfully entering the finals!"

The other two players watching the game in the audience looked at each other, just imagine, if the person sitting on the big stage just now was himself, his performance might not be much better than Lin Xiaorui - Yu Ke's play style today is really unexpected, not to mention that in his deck With so many new cards added, it's really surprising.

Tang Muzhou, who was sitting in the guest seat, was completely sure that the younger junior brother was playing tricks the moment he saw Lu Zhidao appear. When Xie Mingzhe made Zhong Kui, it was specially used for ghost cards under his own guidance. Now it's better, he made another Lu Zhidao to decipher Zhong Kui's ghost hunt. This little junior brother is really... What should I say about him

Tang Muzhou lightly rubbed his forehead, and reluctantly sent a message to Xie Mingzhe: "You made all these ghost cards, right?"

Xie Mingzhe replied with a very awkward smile: "Yes."

Tang Muzhou asked, "What does Yu Ke have to do with you?"

Xie Mingzhe said: "The first friend I met in college."

"So you ordered a special set of ghost cards for him?"

"That's right."

"How many did you make?"


After talking here, Tang Muzhou suddenly fell silent.

Xie Mingzhe waited for a few seconds and found that he didn't reply to the message, and then he wondered: "What's wrong with senior brother? Are you unhappy?"

Tang Muzhou was really not very happy. This guy has only been in school for two weeks. He has known Yu Ke for such a short period of time. He actually made Yu Ke's own ghost cards and made as many as eleven cards in one go? !

Thinking of this, Tang Muzhou joked: "Senior brother is so kind to you, why didn't you make a few cards for brother?"

Xie Mingzhe replied: "Because the level of senior brother is much better than mine, I don't need my help to make a plant card at all. You can't use up the plant card you made yourself."

This flattery made Tang Muzhou feel a lot more comfortable, and smiled, "I have enough plant cards, but I don't have a character card. Why don't you make me a character card?"

Xie Mingzhe: "Do you really want it? Tailor-made?"


"Okay, wait a minute!"

The semi-final between Yu Ke and Lin Xiaorui was over, and there was just a few minutes of rest and lottery time. Xie Mingzhe opened his brain and decided to "tailor-made" a card for Tang Muzhou.

The star card APP in the light brain simulates the card making system, which allows players to draw card drafts with mental power. Of course, the cards made in the APP cannot be reviewed by the system. You must wear a helmet to enter the game to connect to the star card database.

It is precisely because the APP can draw drafts and play, and does not need to be reviewed, Xie Mingzhe suddenly thought of a bad idea.

He planned to draw a "Tang Muzhou" card for his senior brother, which was called "tailor-made".

Connecting the mental power to the APP simulation card making system, a virtual nebula paper immediately appeared in his light brain. With the imagination of his spiritual world, a tall man gradually appeared on the front of the card. Wearing a chic tuxedo, with deep eyebrows and a smile on the corner of his mouth, with one hand in his pocket, he looks like the number one hero in an idol drama.

Tang Muzhou (wood series)

Level: Level 1

Evolution star: ★

Frequency of use: 1/1 time

Basic attributes: HP 100, ATK 10000, DEF 100, Agility 30, Crit 0%

Additional Skill: Gentle Appearance (Tang Muzhou looks gentle and kind, seems to be a good person?? He deceives opponents with a gentle smile. Every time he smiles, he can reduce the defense of enemy targets within the range by 50% and the attack power by 50%)

Additional skill: Full of bad water (Tang Muzhou secretly sets traps around, guides the enemy to take the bait with a smile, detonates the trap without the enemy's knowledge, and causes 100% accidental damage to the enemy target)

Additional skills: The presence of the male god (Tang Muzhou walked into the crowd, because the popularity of the male god was too high, causing the fans around him to scream frantically, causing indiscriminate sonic attacks on the hostile targets within the range, causing the hostile targets within 23 meters to lose their hearing. Daze lasts 5 seconds)

Tang Muzhou's tablet light brain quickly received the draft of this card.

Looking at himself vividly drawn on the card, and three strange skills, Tang Muzhou almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Tang Muzhou: "..."

Little Junior Brother, you are really skinny! Just kidding you to make a card, are you really "tailor-made" for me

However, the fineness of the cards he draws is quite high. The Tang Muzhou in the picture is almost a miniature version of Tang Muzhou in reality. Not to mention his handsome facial features are more than 90% restored, even the details of the clothes he wears today. , he painted very meticulously. It seemed that Xie Mingzhe had a very clear impression of his senior brother in his mind.

Tang Muzhou smiled and replied, "So in your mind, is Senior Brother so handsome?"

Xie Mingzhe was stunned, looked down, and found that the miniature version of Tang Muzhou he drew was really handsome. The mental power when making cards reflected the deepest impression of something. Could it be that his subconscious impression of senior brother is so clear?

Thinking about it carefully, his impression of Yu Ke and Chen Xiao is not so clear. If he were to draw a picture of Brother Chen or Xiao Ke now, he might not be able to draw it so quickly.

How could he remember Tang Muzhou so clearly? Obviously I haven't met a few times, but in retrospect the impression is indeed very clear. It was probably because when Tang Muzhou appeared on the stage today, the image of the whole person was magnified on the holographic screen of the venue, which shocked Xie Mingzhe as well.

Xie Mingzhe ignored the awkwardness in his heart and replied calmly, "Are you satisfied with the skills you designed for senior brother?"

Tang Muzhou was helpless: "I am so satisfied that I want to beat you."

Xie Mingzhe sent a smiley face: "Hey, tailor-made, unique character card!"

It is impossible for cards made with real-life images to pass the system review. Xie Mingzhe is obviously joking and joking. Of course, Tang Muzhou wouldn't be really angry, but he thought the naughty little junior brother was very funny.

Only people who are very close and familiar will make such jokes. Xie Mingzhe dared to be so bold, which also showed that in Xie Mingzhe's heart, he had already regarded Senior Brother Tang as a relative and friend, rather than a distant Tang God.

It's a good sign that the younger brother is willing to get close to him.

Tang Muzhou was in a happy mood and sent a message to Xie Mingzhe: "For the sake of drawing your senior brother so handsome, I won't care about your strange skills. I'll invite you to a late-night snack after the game."

Xie Mingzhe put away his light brain, and suddenly regretted making this joke. He always felt that this card should not be drawn.

When I was making the cards just now, there was almost no hesitation, and a portrait of Tang Muzhou was automatically generated in my mind, and the completion level was comparable to a miniature version of a real person. He usually thinks about creating a card design image for a long time, but painting Tang Muzhou is a subconscious impression, so there is no need to think too much.

How could this be? Xie Mingzhe didn't understand, so he just didn't want to, and continued to focus on the game.

The author has something to say:

Tang Xie is a long-flowing CP, and Tang Muzhou is very fond of his younger brother :)

The career line is the main line, and there are few emotional dramas. Because they have known each other for a long time and know each other well, they are relatively close brothers, but they have not yet reached the level of liking. In the extra episode, I will write about the relationship line, life after marriage, etc. in great detail. If you want to read the plot, read the text, and don’t be in a hurry if you want to watch the emotional drama. In the extra episode, I will write a lot of sweet husband’s daily life.