Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 114: The first deathrattle card


This news from Fang Yu made Xie Mingzhe slightly startled, and suddenly sat up from the bed.

Of course he didn't forget this, and it has been written in the first item of the memo.

It has been more than a month since he met with Fang Yu in the game. When he is free, he will also think about how to make a Deathrattle card, but he has not been very creative.

At this time, Fang Yu suddenly mentioned it, Xie Mingzhe was very embarrassed, and explained quickly; "Sorry, I have been too busy recently. I always remember this matter, but I don't have a good idea."

Fang Yudao: "Yu Ke's ghost card was also made by you, right?"

Xie Mingzhe was stunned: "Where did you know that?"

"The contestant Yu Ke met in the finals of Imperial College, Zhao Han, do you still remember?"

"of course I remember."

On the day of the final, he was on the scene the whole time. Zhao Han's strength was not bad. In school, he was also a first-class master, but he was inferior to Yu Ke. I remember that Zhao Han used a water-based deck. He played slow flow control in the first two rounds. In the match point round, he played the fastest-paced map "Flame Scorched Earth", and changed to a deck that strongly controlled a wave of flow...

Wait, the water system? Could it be that he has something to do with Frost City

Thinking of this, Xie Mingzhe immediately asked, "Do you know Zhao Han?"

Fang Yudao: "He is one of the vice presidents of our Frost City Guild. After the game that day, he sent me the video. I carefully watched the game between him and Yu Ke, and I was sure that Yu Ke's ghost card was you. Yes. And, everyone in the alliance thinks so.”

Xie Mingzhe was ashamed, thinking that his vest was well covered, but did everyone know it long ago

He asked with some doubts: "Xiao Ke deliberately hid the card maker's LOGO when he played the game. How can you be sure that it must be me? Maybe Xiao Ke knows other friends who can play ghost cards?"

Fang Yudao: "Your style is too bright."

Xie Mingzhe was a little dazed: "Style? The ghost cards I drew are quite different from the character cards, right?"

Fang Yu said indifferently: "I mean the design of the skill, the style of being beaten is very obvious. Nie Shen said that it is very simple to judge whether the ghost card is made by the fat uncle. After seeing the skill, I want to beat the author. , it must be Fat Uncle."

Xie Mingzhe: "..."

God Nie, should I thank you for your praise? Xie Mingzhe really didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but Shen Nie also made sense. Sometimes, when he saw these bizarre card designs, he wanted to beat himself up.

"I was busy with Floating Frost City's team battle deck some time ago, and I didn't care about customizing the cards. The past two days have just been free, and you have made a new batch of ghost cards, so I asked. Do you have any idea of making deathrattle cards?"

Fang Yu paused for a while, and then said: "Everyone said that you will create the Nirvana club yourself and play the professional league in person. If you feel that it is a card for me and it conflicts with your club, the agreement between us will also be You can cancel, I won't force you."

Xie Mingzhe said cheerfully: "Don't worry, I will never go back on what I promised. Besides, the custom-made cards agreed at that time did not involve copyright issues, so it is not a conflict. However, I have not yet made Deathrattle cards. Thinking, it happens that I have been idle for the past two days, I will think about it carefully, and contact you as soon as I have an idea."

Fang Yu nodded: "Thank you in advance."

Xie Mingzhe said: "You're welcome, I'm also very embarrassed to delay it for so long, I will do it as soon as possible!"

After finishing the conversation, Xie Mingzhe fell into contemplation again.

Fang Yu is a special player. He is the eldest disciple of Su Yang, the originator of the water system. He is the most powerful senior brother among the four in Liushuangcheng. As the champion of the sixth season's individual competition, his strength is undoubtedly the top level, but his popularity is not as good as his second junior brother Qiao Xi. The key reason is that his personality is too arrogant.

It is said that the last player reporters want to interview is him. He never attends fan meetings and surrounding autographs. Except for necessary games, he will be there in person. He usually does not deal with other players in the circle, and rarely participates in various activities of the league, so he guards Liushuangcheng. It can be said that he is the ultimate otaku.

Fang Yu's request for custom cards, Xie Mingzhe, has been kept in the memo, and he opened it to see that the first one is to trigger the crowd control of the enemy after the card dies, and the second is to trigger his own group gain.

Such a Deathrattle card is undoubtedly a crucial comeback point in the game. When the opponent kills this Deathrattle card, not only will he be controlled by the group, but the opponent will also attack in the group, and it is likely to be counter-killed by a wave.

Since it is a Deathrattle card that can only exert its effect by death, in terms of data, the idea of creating a card is completely different from other cards. For other cards, survivability should be considered, and if you live for a while, you can put more skills. However, the Deathrattle card is "actively seeking death", so the basic defense and vitality of the card can be minimized, and the opponent can directly kill it as much as possible.

But the opponent is not stupid. Knowing that your card is a Deathrattle card, it will only trigger a very strong skill effect after death. When encountering this card in the game, it will definitely "place it" and ignore you.

Then, it is best to design a skill that absorbs damage by itself, to achieve the effect of "I will touch the porcelain and die". Only such a deathrattle card can play a role in the arena.

How to design it? Xie Mingzhe frowned and thought for a long time, but he still didn't have a good idea.

Seeing that it was getting late, Xie Mingzhe simply stopped to think, first went to bed to rest his energy, and planned to think about it when he was in the best state of mind when he woke up early tomorrow.

That night, he had a dream, dreaming that all his cards were killed in battle, one by one was more tragic than the other, and the bloody scene really sent a chill down the spine.

It was probably because I kept thinking about the Deathrattle card before going to bed, that I had such a strange dream.

When he woke up the next day, Xie Mingzhe rubbed his head with a headache—the scene in the dream was too realistic, and all the cards were chanting spells before their tragic death, such as "I curse you to die", "I won't let go if I'm a ghost." You", the classic lines in these TV series have actually come out, and his dreams are really rich.

Wait, the character who cursed at death... The most famous one is Dou E!

He clearly remembered that this was an article in a high school Chinese textbook, a rare script adapted from the drama "The Injustice of Dou E", a dramatist of the Yuan Dynasty, by Guan Hanqing.

This drama is about Dou E and Grandma Cai who depend on each other for life, but they are attracted by a local hooligan named Zhang Luer. The hooligan wants Dou E to marry him, but Dou E firmly refuses. Zhang Luer held a grudge and poisoned Granny Cai's soup, trying to poison the old man and force Dou E into marriage. Unexpectedly, Granny Cai didn't drink this bowl of soup, and gave the soup to the rogue's father. As a result, he poisoned his own father by accident. Zhang Luer was so angry that he framed the murder charge on Dou E and sued him in Chuzhou. yamen.

Dou E was helpless, and the prefect of Chuzhou was bribed by Zhang Lu'er, and was finally sentenced to death. She was full of grievances and unreasonable at the execution ground, so she had to swear to the sky with tears in her eyes, that I, Dou E, were wronged. If God had eyes, after my head was beheaded, I would let all my blood splatter on Sanchibai Lian, let me Heavy snow fell on my body, causing a severe drought in Chuzhou for three years!

After she was beheaded, all the oaths she made were fulfilled.

Deathrattle effect is triggered after death, Dou E's card is really suitable as a Deathrattle card!

Xie Mingzhe's mind was clear and bright. After thinking about it for a long time, why didn't he think of Dou E? This way of thinking has been completely opened up, and Fang Yu's custom card has finally landed!

After having a hasty breakfast in the living room, Xie Mingzhe hurriedly put on his helmet and entered the game.

He probably painted the character image of this card in his mind. Dou E has suffered a lot since childhood. She is a very thin woman, with beautiful features and a kind and filial person.

After being wrongfully locked up in the cell, she changed into a plain white prison uniform, her hair was all scattered behind her head, her waist-length hair was a little messy, and there were many messy bangs hanging down to cover her forehead, and there was nothing on her body. decorations.

Her body was tied with ropes, her hands were tied behind her back, and a sign representing death row inmates was stuck behind her, with the words "Beheading Criminal Dou E" written in calligraphy. Among them, the word "beheaded" is circled by a red line, which means that she is about to be beheaded.

The character image is easier to handle, and then the most important thing is the design of skills.

The first skill, called "Unjust Beheading", is a skill that actively pulls hatred, forcing the opponent's attack to kill him in seconds to trigger the next Deathrattle skill.

For the following skills, because Dou E's Poison Oath has three pieces, and if a card excludes the linked skills, the independent skills usually do two, and at most three. Xie Mingzhe could only choose two of the poisonous oaths that were suitable for playing in the arena.

The first one was the June Flying Snow. The sudden snowfall in the summer was the grievance of Dou E that God couldn't see, so the snowfall in the area could directly freeze the opponent group, which was regarded as a strong control skill.

The second skill is Blood Splash White Practice, which makes your own blood splash into the sky, stimulates the rage of allies within the range, and allows all teammates to greatly increase their attack power in a short period of time.

After thinking about all the settings, Xie Mingzhe immediately connected his mental power and started making this card.

With the injection of spiritual power, a pitiful woman in white quickly appeared on the Nebula paper. This character card still retains the comic style of Xie Mingzhe when he made the character card, which is very poignant and beautiful.

Dou E (water system)

Level: Level 1

Evolution star: ★

Frequency of use: 1/1 time

Basic attributes: HP 100, ATK 0, DEF 100, Agility 30, Crit 0%

Additional Skill: Beheading for Injustice (passive skill. Dou E was wronged and sent to the execution ground for murder. When Dou E, a condemned prisoner, appeared, the attack of a hostile target within 23 meters would be automatically transferred to Dou E’s body)

Additional skills: Blood Splash Bai Lian (one-time death language skill. Dou E is full of grievances, and swore a poisonous oath when she was beheaded. When she was beheaded, no drop of blood on her neck would fall on this filthy ground. All the blood splashed into the air, friendly targets within 23 meters were infected with grief and anger, and the group's attack power increased by 100% for 3 seconds)

Additional skills: June Feixue (one-time death language skill. The second poisonous oath made by Dou E when she was beheaded, only the sky can know her grievances, so when she died, heavy snow fell, all within 23 meters range. The hostile target is affected by the goose feather snow, and the group is frozen for 3 seconds)

Deathrattle cards are very rare in the database, so this card passed the review easily.

Xie Mingzhe looked at the skills on the card and was very satisfied.

Strictly speaking, Dou E is also an auxiliary card that adds buffs and group control, but the advantage of Deathrattle cards is that opponents will have a lot of headaches when they play cards and play skills. Do you want to hit her? Once she accidentally kills her and triggers the Deathrattle skill, a wave of strong control will trap him instead.

This card is very suitable for teamfights, and plays a short-term burst effect with other water-type attack cards in Frost City.

Moreover, her first skill "Decapitation" can be used as a taunting skill. When the opponent wants to use the ultimate move to drop a core card in seconds, she summons Dou E and forces the opponent to attack her, which is equivalent to abolishing the opponent's ultimate move. , and can also trigger the Deathrattle skill, allowing your teammates to burst output within the next 3 seconds.

The success of this card made Xie Mingzhe ecstatic!

Not only did he complete the custom card explained by Fang Yu, but he also opened up a new way of thinking for him.

Cards that sell blood and sacrifice!

If he adds some cards that trigger effects after blood drop in his card pool, will the opponent bother him more

Now that so many cards with annoying skills have been made, it is better to carry out the annoying skills to the end, without wasting the high evaluation given to him by God Nie: after seeing the skills, I want to beat the author.

Xie Mingzhe feels that in a society ruled by law, his personal safety can still be guaranteed, and the great gods also want to beat him, but will not really do it - anyway, his hatred value is already large enough, he doesn't mind pulling a little more!