Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 118: Wang Xifeng


Among the twelve hairpins in Jinling, Daiyu and Baochai are undoubtedly the protagonists, and the story revolves around them. The four girls in Jia's house have different personalities and their final fates are also different. Among the remaining characters, Wang Xifeng is naturally the most critical person in promoting the novel's plot.

Feng girl, Feng Ge'er, Feng Lazi, these nicknames are enough to show Wang Xifeng's character.

According to the description in the original book, when Wang Xifeng first appeared, she didn't see her, first heard her laugh, and she was full of momentum just by appearing on the stage. The book also spent a lot of ink on describing her gorgeous clothes. That large paragraph of gorgeous comparison sentences with xx on the head, xx on the body, and xx on the skirt has almost become a template for describing the appearance of beauties in house fighting essays.

Xie Mingzhe really can't remember the words described in these descriptions. After all, it is too difficult for him to remember what "Pisces flounder rose pendant" as a boy, but he remembers Wang Xifeng's appearance very clearly. Sister Feng has a pair of red and phoenix triangles. Eyes, two curved willow leaves and hanging eyebrows, quite bright facial features, thin lips with a smile, not angry and arrogant, full of jewels all over the body, at first glance, she is a lady of a wealthy family.

Her gorgeous dress fully shows her noble status in Jia's house, and she is simply a mobile jewelry storehouse.

Wang Xifeng is Mrs. Wang's own niece, and she is shrewd and capable, and won the favor of Mrs. Jia and Mrs. Wang. She holds real power in Jia's house, and she is resolute and ruthless. She is a typical "ancient woman" who can manage so well. The big Jia Mansion shows how strong she is.

Several times in the book, the disputes within the Jia Mansion are resolved with ease by Wang Xifeng. She is smart, beautiful, capable but vicious. The slaves called her "Ye Wang Po" in private, which shows how terrifying she is.

Wang Xifeng's scheming and scheming, no other woman in the whole family can compare to her.

If she was born in modern times, she would definitely be a very powerful female boss and be among the richest women. But the environment of Jia's mansion is that of a famous family in ancient times. There are too many internal intrigues. Wang Xifeng's organs have exhausted, and Jia Rui, who is interested in himself, is killed, and the concubine brought by her husband is killed. In the end, she herself was exhausted and died of a serious illness. .

Wang Xifeng is a character that Cao Xueqin has created particularly full. As the actual administrator of Jia's house, her ruthlessness and determination are very suitable for making output cards.

Among the twelve hairpins of Jinling in the Red Chamber, Tanchun was made into a single output card, and Wang Xifeng could do group output.

For the first skill, Xie Mingzhe decided to use her "laughter" as the starting point. They all said that Wang Xifeng was "hidden in a smile". On the surface, he was friendly with you, but he had already planned how to kill you. Horrible.

In the original book, when Wang Xifeng appeared on the stage, the bold laughter came from a distance, which shocked Sister Lin, who had just arrived at Jia's house.

Since Wang Zhaojun, who was done before, can shoot down birds in the air with the sound wave output of "Out of the War", then Wang Xifeng can also use the sound wave output to attack the entire enemy team with outrageous laughter and sound wave output.

Sister Feng's "hahaha" demonic laughter sounded, and the group of opponents within the range were injured.

For group attack cards, generally only one main attack skill is designed, because the data will be greatly reduced if there are two group attack skills. The usual practice is to use one skill as a group attack and the other as a support/passive to enhance your own attack. Zhou Yu, for example, has a chain of iron cables in front of him, and fires the Red Cliffs for output; Lu Xun also only has one group attacking skill that burns the battalion.

Wang Xifeng's group attack skill is called "Hidden Sword in a Smile", and Xie Mingzhe has to think about the rest of the skill design.

Sister Feng's killing and decisive style of doing things has always been that after aiming at the target, she will act decisively and without hesitation. She never drags her feet, and she sets the game perfectly to kill the target. This can be made into her passive skill,

I remember in A Dream of Red Mansions, there was a comment about Wang Xifeng - the agency was too smart, and it took Qingqing's life.

She had indeed calculated a lot of people, but in the end, she could not end well. This skill can be made into a Deathrattle skill. When Wang Xifeng died of illness, some effects were triggered, which just matched with other cards of the water element.

But in this way, Wang Xifeng has three skills.

For cards with three skills alone, the data will be relatively poor, and because of the three independent skills, the basic attack cannot be stacked to the highest value of 1500. Wang Xifeng must be the same. If the basic attack cannot reach the highest level, then reduce the cooling time and let Sister Feng play a few more rounds of sonic attacks.

Shi Xiangyun taunted his opponent with a sleeping posture, and Wang Xifeng stimulated his opponent with a magical laughter.

After thinking about the setting, Xie Mingzhe began to make the card of Wang Xifeng.

In terms of character image, he adapted it into a comic version according to the appearance description in his memory.

Wang Xifeng has a pair of distinctive red phoenix eyes, willow leaf eyebrows, and bright facial features. Xie Mingzhe could not remember the specific hair and jewelry on his neck, so he could only draw some gorgeous jewelry according to his own understanding.

As he slowly described, a lady with gorgeous clothes, jewels, and bright looks soon appeared on the Nebula Paper. She had a smile on her lips. sharp.

Wang Xifeng (water system)

Level: Level 1

Evolution star: ★

Frequency of use: 1/1 time

Basic attributes: HP 400, ATK 800, DEF 300, Agility 30, Crit 30%

Additional skills: Hidden knife in a smile 3 seconds, let out a hearty laughter, cause 100% group water-based sound wave attack to all hostile targets within 23 meters; cooldown time 15 seconds)

Additional skill: Killing decision (Wang Xifeng kills and decides, after seeing the target to be dealt with, she will never show mercy. She can lock on the designated enemy target within 23 meters, and let her sonic attack cause a crit to the target. Damage bonus 100%; cooldown 15 seconds)

Additional Skills: Calculating the organs (Wang Xifeng calculated a lot of people, but in the end she failed to end well, and died of a serious illness. She was extremely smart before, and she was unwilling when she died, and transferred 20% of her basic attack power to the designated friendly card card, let friendly cards continue to fight for her)

Among the three skills, "Hidden Sword in a Smile" can only be regarded as medium in the group output skills, far less than Zhou Yu and Lu Xun's fire group attack. The 100% coefficient damage is not high, but the advantage is that the cooldown time is very short. , can frequently send out magical laughter to attack opponents. Laughing four times a minute is enough to upset your opponent.

The second skill "Killing Decision" is Sister Feng's core output skill. She can lock on the enemy's single target, and at the same time as a group attack, it will cause additional crit bonus to the locked target. When a certain card of the opponent has residual blood, he can immediately stare at this card and attack in a group. While suppressing the blood line in a wide range, it can also take away the head, which is very useful.

The third skill is quite shameful. The smart Wang Xifeng is still calculating to death. She is unwilling to die, and transfers the basic attack to the designated teammate. Moreover, her transfer is "permanent transfer in this game", not short-term. The damage bonus inside the card, that is to say, the basic attribute of the card that she transferred to attack will directly increase by 20%.

If she summons a super powerful harvesting card when Sister Feng is killed in battle, and Sister Feng transfers her basic attack to this harvesting card, the damage will be quite terrifying!

The simplest example is Sun Shangxiang in Xie Mingzhe's deck, a harvest card with rocket bursts. After raising his basic attack, Sun Shangxiang can continue to burst as long as he can drop a card on the opposite side in seconds, and he may be able to clear the field. . Xiao Ke's Black Impermanence is the same, so Sister Feng's Deathrattle skill is actually very strong.

Of course, Sister Feng doesn't have the ability to actively pull hatred. If the opponent leaves her alone, the Deathrattle will not be triggered - but, Wang Xifeng, who laughs every 15 seconds and causes a range of sonic attacks, will anyone leave her alone

Just laughter is annoying, not to mention group output.

The opponent will definitely dispose of this card, so I don't have to worry about the problem that the Deathrattle can't trigger. Unless the opponent has a perverted control card like Meng Po to make Sister Feng forget her skills, or silence at critical moments, so that she can't release her skills.

Xie Mingzhe happily picked up the Wang Xifeng card and put it in the card showcase.

The Twelve Hairpins of Jinling have a new card.

Because the image of Wang Xifeng was too time-consuming to draw, Xie Mingzhe only made this card in the afternoon.

Today, I completed the three sisters of Xichun and Wang Xifeng, four cards, and he was very tired, so Xie Mingzhe decided not to make cards at night, and took Xiaoke and Qin Xuan to the arena to practice the matching of new cards.

At dinner, he showed the card to the master.

Chen Qianlin adjusted some data for him. Shi Xiangyun and the data of the four sisters of Jia Fu did not need to modify too much. However, Wang Xifeng's basic group attack, Chen Qianlin suggested to lower it to 650, and raise it to the full level to almost 40,000, which is still a lot worse than the output cards that are always at 60,000 or 80,000. However, with such an adjustment, the CD of the skill has also been shortened accordingly, from 15 seconds to 12 seconds.

Laughing four times a minute turned into five laughs a minute.

In the future, when I take this card Wang Xifeng to play, I can hear her "hahaha" laughter every 12 seconds, and the opponent must be very depressed. It doesn't matter if the skill output is relatively low, the sound effects of this hahaha will greatly affect the mentality of the game. Maybe in the future, when you play with Fat Uncle, you can't help but put forward a suggestion - turn off the earplugs, let's play the silent mode, let Wang Xifeng stop laughing !

The author has something to say:

Sister Linkage Technology adopted some readers' suggestions and revised it to: It should be sighed, which is more appropriate. Thanks for the suggestion!

Wang Xifeng: Hahahaha, I have come out, you still haven't commented! Leave a message for some face, or listen to me laugh 5 times a minute :)