Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 121: Impression changed


Chi Yingying has been having a headache recently. Xie Mingzhe's card skills are rather annoying. This is the consensus of everyone in the studio, but she did not expect that this guy has made ten cards in a row in a week, which is the same as the previous Lin Daiyu. , Xue Baochai put together to form a deck of "Jinling Twelve Hairpins", and gave her a story outline to improve the card encyclopedia.

The intricate relationship between characters makes Chi Yingying almost dizzy.

In order to facilitate Chi Yingying's understanding, Xie Mingzhe drew her a character relationship table, which was densely packed like a spider's web, and he explained seriously: "Every card is enough to write a character biography by itself, if you encounter something you don't understand Ask me anytime."

"Well, let me sort it out first." Chi Yingying also liked this set of cards very much, and couldn't help but ask, "Can you give me a collection?"

"Of course, I can directly make a physical card for you." Xie Mingzhe said with a smile, "If more people like this set of cards in the future, we can make the set of Jinling Twelve Hairpins as a peripheral for fans."

"Great!" Chi Yingying looked at the beauties with different looks on the card and said, "There will definitely be many people who like this card."

Yingying's words were quickly confirmed. Chi Qing, Pang Yu, and Jin Yue from the studio all liked this card. Chen Qianlin was the first to see this card, and he adjusted all the data. The card did not express any opinion. However, when Chen Xiao saw it, he couldn't help but scolded with a smile: "This card of yours really destroys the opponent's spirit!"

Xie Mingzhe said: "Brother Chen accompany me to practice a game first?"

Chen Xiao immediately waved his hand: "No, I don't want to hear Wang Xifeng's laughter every 12 seconds."

"..." Once every 12 seconds, this is the result of Chen Qianlin's modification of the data. Seeing Chen Xiao's disgust, Chen Qianlin pretended that it was none of his business, and calmly said to Xie Mingzhe, "Xiao Ke still doesn't know that you did this. Multi-water card, you can try it out with Xiao Ke, just to hone his psychological quality."

Xie Mingzhe nodded: "Yes, just look for Xiao Ke!"

At the same time, Yu Ke, who was in class at school, suddenly sneezed heavily.

After class, Yu Ke quickly slipped back to the dormitory holding the book.

Since he became a member of the Nirvana Club, he would go to the Nirvana studio from time to time to eat. You can see A Zhe, Brother Chen, and the others, chatting and blowing water, which is much better than eating alone in the cafeteria.

Today, due to the early end of get out of class, Yu Ke went back to the dormitory ahead of time to prepare for dinner in the studio. As a result, just as he was about to go out with his helmet in his arms, he suddenly received a message with his light brain, the sender was QX, Qin Xuan.

Qin Xuan's words are always like gold. This time he sent a video. The zoomed image looks bloody, with a concise explanation: "3D renderings."

Yu Ke understood at once - the 3D rendering of the blood pool hell was finally made!

Two days ago, Qin Xuan made the first version, and everyone thought it was very good after sending it to the group, but in the end it was rejected by Qin Xuan himself, so he simply deleted it and redo it because he was not satisfied. I think the details need to be revised. Yu Ke was a little confused and thought he was really "perfectionist".

I don't know what he will change into.

Yu Ke curiously opened the video he sent, and his eyes could not help but light up - this revised version is really amazing!

Qin Xuan added some detailed designs of corpses in the blood pool hell. The white skulls floated in the blood pool, showing the gloom and horror of hell vividly, and also accompanied by scene sound effects, some evil ghosts came from time to time. Creepy cry.

Yu Ke couldn't help but send a row of likes: "So beautiful!"

Is this called beautiful? Classmates, should you go back to junior high school to learn how to use adjectives

Resisting the urge to complain, Qin Xuan asked coldly, "Are you still satisfied?"

Yu Ke directly sent a series of voices: "Satisfied, satisfied, satisfied! Super satisfied! Especially the ghost screams that appeared from time to time in the scene, my scalp was about to explode when I heard it, and I was very excited, hahaha, the opponent will definitely be very scared when they hear it, It's easy to get distracted, and then I'll take advantage of the distraction of the opponent and kill them off guard!"

Hearing the excited laughter of the young man in his ear, Qin Xuan twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, always feeling that this guy was a little silly.

After Yu Ke finished speaking, he realized the key and asked, "Did you send it to A Zhe and the others?"

Qin Xuan said: "Well, they all said it was good. I plan to bring the 3D map data to the studio tonight, import it into the simulation mode, and try the actual combat effect."

Yu Ke said, "I'll go downstairs to find you, let's go together!"

Not long after the words were spoken, there was a knock on the door, and they just flew down.

Qin Xuan opened the door, glanced at the little guy who was giggling at the door, and frowned; "You go first, I have a picture to draw, and I will go at half past six before dinner time."

"I'll wait for you on the sofa, let's go together at 6:30." Yu Ke ignored Qin Xuan's indifferent gaze. Since Qin Xuan became a teammate and promised to draw a scene card for him, he was not as afraid of Qin Xuan as before.

Every time Qin Xuan glared at him before, Yu Ke felt as if he had been placed in a "fixed negative state" and did not dare to move on the spot. But now, being stared at by Qin Xuan, he will automatically release the control, and he is still alive and kicking, because deep down in his heart, his impression of Qin Xuan has changed from "a person who is eccentric and difficult to get along with" to "a person who looks like a It's a bit cold, but it's actually a very nice person."

Not knowing that he had received another good person card, Qin Xuan saw that Xiao Ke refused to leave, so he had to open the door and let the other party in.

Yu Ke put his head on his optical brain picture making page, looked at the dense grid that had been magnified countless times, and asked curiously, "What are these drawings you drew? Is it homework from the Art Department?"

Qin Xuan said lightly: "The scene map of the ghost castle is a modified version of the one in the exhibition."

Yu Ke was stunned for a moment, and immediately smiled and praised when he recovered: "You are also making the second scene card? Your efficiency is really high, the style of the scenes you draw is very good, and the details are super perfect. You can join Nirvana really well. Great!"

Qin Xuan: "…"

He hates being flattered the most. But looking at Shang Yu Ke's sincere eyes, this guy said something like the truth. Qin Xuan was a little embarrassed to be praised in person. He turned around stiffly and said, "You sit on the sofa for a while. I will finish painting soon and leave at half past six."

"Well, I'll wait for you!" Yu Ke turned and sat on the sofa.

As soon as he sat down, he received a message from Xie Mingzhe: "Xiao Ke, have you finished class? Come back to the studio in the evening, let's learn from each other and see how you have been practicing recently."

Yu Ke immediately said excitedly: "Okay, Qin Xuan and I will come over at half past six!"

Xie Mingzhe wondered: "Why do you want to come with Qin Xuan?"

Yu Ke said: "By the way, bring the scene card of Blood Pond Hell to the actual battle, and learn from each other on the new map, I will be more confident to win you!"

win me? Do you think too much, boy

Seeing his confident look, Xie Mingzhe smiled and said, "Okay. Then tell Qin Xuan, come over for dinner, and we will cook more dishes in the evening."


At half past six, Qin Xuan stopped work on time and brought the painted plan of the ghost castle with him.

When I came to the Nirvana studio, I smelled the familiar aroma of food as soon as I entered the door. Yu Ke ran to the restaurant looking for the taste and couldn't help but envy when he saw the sumptuous food on the table: "I really want to move in with you, every day. There are so many delicious foods…”

Xie Mingzhe patted him on the shoulder and said, "For now, bear with it. You have no place to live here if you move here. In the future, we will rent our own office building, and everyone will have a single dormitory. You and Qin Xuan can always do it at any time. Come and stay."

Yu Ke is also looking forward to the day when the Nirvana Club is officially established.

Chen Xiao is currently looking for a new team base. The current studio is renovated from a duplex residence owned by his brother Chen Qianlin. The area is too small. There are no more people in the living room. Shabby.

Hearing this, Chen Xiao said, "I will let the intermediary hurry up and find us a base address with a better environment. We must move before the New Year. Let me handle this matter."

Brother Chen and Xie Mingzhe were of course relieved, and everyone had a happy dinner around the table.

After eating, everyone went back to the living room and sat down. Qin Xuan handed the 3D map to Xie Mingzhe, who immediately connected to the game and imported the map into the private gallery. Since it did not pass the official review, this map can only be used in simulation mode at present. used in.

Chen Qianlin, Chen Xiao, Qin Xuan, and Yu Ke also found a swivel chair to sit down and entered the game.

Uncle Fat pulled all the accounts of the four to the simulated arena.

After the scene map of Blood Pond Hell is imported into the simulated arena, everyone can conduct a field inspection. Compared with watching the effect animation made by Qin Xuan on the light brain, the feeling is more obvious when you are in the scene. This scene card is indeed the best in the dark scene, especially the bones floating in the blood pool that Qin Xuan added later. , making the whole scene more terrifying and more realistic.

Xie Mingzhe said with a smile: "Qin Xuan's map is really very detailed."

Yu Ke stood on the footstone in the middle of the blood pool, surrounded by Gululu's pool of water that was constantly bubbling with strange blood, and there were faint bones in it. He really liked it. Yu Ke couldn't help but put his foot on the edge of the blood pool to test it out, and asked, "If I fall into the blood pool, will I lose blood?"

Qin Xuan said: "No, the blood pool will only make your cards lose blood. According to Lin Shen's suggestion, I designed the initial blood loss to drop 3% per second. I will see the actual combat later, the data is not good. It can be modified if appropriate.”

Since the foothold is about one square meter, and players can only stand, the summoned cards will definitely fall into the blood pool, and suffer a negative state of 3% blood loss per second, and this is an "environmental negative state" and cannot be uncontrolled Class skills are removed.

The length and width of the blood pool are both designed to be 50 meters. The maximum release distance of the skills in the game is 30 meters. Only 30 meters away from each other can they attack the opponent's cards. After the two sides have set up the formation, there is still about 20 meters of flexible movement. Areas allow cards to move.

This scene map is not complicated, you can see the end at a glance, but the blood loss of the blood pool will be more annoying.

There are two theoretical ways of playing in the blood pool hell. The first is that according to Xie Mingzhe's original idea, Xiaoke's ghost card attack is higher. Under the influence of the blood pool scene, all cards continue to lose blood, and their own blood volume is very high. Unhealthy, Yu Ke took the opportunity to break out, harvest and clear the field, so that he can "fight fast".

The second way of play, Xie Mingzhe also suddenly thought of it after he personally arrived at the scene - the Red Mansion deck can also win by delaying in such a scene. How strong is your attack? I can return to full blood after playing for a long time. After a long time, the first one who can't stand it will be the opponent.

When playing against those fast attack decks, you can use this scene card. On the one hand, it can make the environment's blood drop state make up for the insufficient output of the Red Mansion deck. On the other hand, it can also allow the Red Mansion deck to use various control, Auxiliary dragged to the later stage and won with poor blood volume.

This scene can be used by Ka Yuke, and Xie Mingzhe can also be used!

Thinking of this, Xie Mingzhe smiled and said: "Xiao Ke, let's try PK in actual combat?"

Yu Ke pressed preparations simply: "Come on, let's see how I abuse you, hehe!"

Xie Mingzhe: "..."

Before it even started, you put Flag behind your back!

He didn't know what cards Xie Mingzhe had made recently. He thought it was just the previous gold-type card decks. As a result, after the two sides were ready, at the stage of showing the cards, Yu Ke was completely dumbfounded when he looked at the all-color water-type beauty cards that appeared in front of him. .

Jia Yingchun, Jia Tanchun... What are these!