Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 127: Rounded hugs


After the arena was over, Tang Muzhou and Xie Mingzhe made an appointment to meet the next day and asked him to get off the assembly line to rest first.

The players of Fenghua Club had no intention of resting at all. When the newcomers returned to the training room, they were all downcast, especially Liu Ran, Qin Yu, and Zhou Xiaoqi who had played against Uncle Fat. The three newcomers were all in a trance, as if they had gone out of their bodies.

Zhen Man said before that if anyone underestimates the enemy and loses to Uncle Fatty, the training task for next week will be doubled. But looking at the frustrated expressions of the three little guys, she also knew that the three of them did their best, but Uncle Fat has really made great progress during this time. She never thought that Uncle Fat would make a Deathrattle card, even if she played in person , there is no 100% chance of winning.

Seeing that everyone's morale was low, Zhen Man had to cough lightly, and said: "Everyone raised their heads, what happened to each one? It's just that you lose to Uncle Fat, and you all look uncomfortable. In the future, it's really a professional league, do you always lose? Are you going to come back to hug and cry every game?"

The newcomers struggled to cheer up and looked up at her.

Zhen Man turned on the projection screen and released the video of the game, and said, "Everyone, look at the video first to find out your own shortcomings, analyze and analyze the method of cracking Fat Uncle's deck, and next time you face off against Fat Uncle, at least you won't be as flustered as you are today. "

The newcomers were shocked: "Is there a next time?!" "Are we going to fight fat uncle in the ring?" "I think next time he will definitely surprise us again, can you not send us as sandbags..."

Zhen Man ignored the complaints from the newcomers and said calmly, "You have to ask Tang Shen about this question."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a low and familiar voice ringing in his ears, with a hint of a smile: "If you ask me, the answer is to fight Uncle Fat in the ring every other week in the future."

Newbies: "… "

It seems that such mental torture is long-term and continuous!

Tang Muzhou walked into the training room, the man's smile was gentle and kind, but everyone always felt that he had bad intentions, he said in a very gentle tone: "You should cherish the opportunity to fight with Uncle Fat, everyone has seen Uncle Fat's talent and strength. , play against him often, you can hone your psychological endurance and tactical literacy, if you encounter a difficult opponent in the future, if you think of Uncle Fat, you will think that it is not too difficult, right?"

Everyone: "… "

What Tang Shen means is that if you fight with the big devil fat uncle every day, it will be much easier to meet other opponents in the future

It seems to be quite reasonable. After all, after being stimulated by Wang Xifeng's hahahaha, everyone thinks that the sound effects of the most terrifying scenes are all pediatrics, at least it won't sound every 12 seconds and cause a group attack, right? After seeing Fat Uncle Qin Keqing's death speech card that appeared and died of illness, everyone suddenly felt that the death speech card of the Great God of Fangyu in Liushuang City was so much cuter!

The expressions on the faces of the newcomers were very exciting, and Tang Muzhou followed closely: "There is another key reason why you lost today. Uncle Fat had PK with you last time, and he clearly remembers your deck. He brought out a brand new card group today. Tactics come against you, but you don't know how to adapt."

His eyes swept across the newcomers lightly, and said: "I have said many times that analyzing opponents before the game is very important. You didn't analyze his deck carefully at all, and you weren't ready to fight against him. Are you looking down on him? I think he, an amateur player, has been abused by you for seven consecutive rounds, and he will definitely continue to be abused by you today? Some people even think that fighting with him is boring and a waste of time, right?"

Tang Muzhou's words were so sharp that many newcomers bowed their heads in shame.

The impression of this great god on newcomers has always been gentle, courteous and personable. Even a newcomer who has just joined the club will patiently answer questions when he asks him questions. Every time he summarizes, what he says makes sense. Fenghua Club has a lot of fans of Tang Muzhou's younger brothers and sisters, listening to him speak, the newcomers are all convinced.

Tang Muzhou smiled slightly and then said: "I hope this is the last time you despise Fat Uncle. He is more talented than you, and he is more diligent and serious than you. If you don't respect his opponent, you are not qualified to regard yourself as a Professional player. Fighting against him is a chance I finally won for you, I hope you take it seriously... Do you understand?"

Everyone shouted in unison: "I understand!"

This time, the morale is high, and there is a kind of determination that everyone must work hard to defeat the Boss Fat Uncle.

Tang Muzhou smiled with satisfaction: "Follow Sister Man to practice seriously, and the assessment will be done in two weeks."

He nodded to Zhen Man and turned to leave.

Outside the door, Xu Changfeng and Shen An walked over together. Shen An couldn't help but ask, "Master, are you familiar with that fat uncle?"

Tang Muzhou said: "I'm not very familiar, just netizens."

Xu Changfeng chuckled lightly, seeing Tang Muzhou turning his head to look at him, he immediately stopped the smile and said, "There is a game tomorrow, Xiao An, go back to the dormitory first and rest early."

Shen An happened to be sleepy, so he said goodbye to the two great gods and went to sleep yawning.

This little guy is heartless. The newcomers of the second team were all stimulated by Uncle Fatty's card deck, but Shen An didn't react after reading it. He only felt that Uncle Fatty's cards were fresh and interesting. He seems to automatically block outside interference.

When Tang Muzhou saw his apprentice returning to the dormitory, he turned to look at Xu Changfeng: "What were you laughing at just now?"

Xu Changfeng raised his eyebrows: "I laugh at you for being too hypocritical. You also said that you are not very familiar, I think you are very interested in this fat uncle? Tell me, have you met him in reality? Is it that simple for ordinary netizens?"

"I think you're too boring." Tang Muzhou ignored him, turned and walked to his dormitory, "If you have time to gossip about this, why don't you study your next opponent more."

"Why do you study your opponent? I'm sure to win anyway." Xu Changfeng said with a wicked smile, "I want to study Uncle Fat. He's not fat in reality, right? I always feel like he doesn't look like a sophisticated middle-aged man."

"..." Tang Muzhou's mind flashed the figure of the younger brother. The boy's body was slender and straight, and his facial features were handsome and sunny. Especially when he laughed, his eyes were bright as stars, and his bright smile could easily infect the people around him.

- Uncle Fat is indeed not fat, nor is he uncle, he is a handsome boy.

Seeing Tang Muzhou distracted, Xu Changfeng patted him on the shoulder with an expression of "I know it": "In the beginning, when you said you wanted to carve Uncle Fatty's rough jade, I never doubted your intentions, I thought you were the Just like your master Lin Shen, you have the same mentality of cherishing talents. Because Uncle Fatty has talent in making cards, he gave guidance. But later, you transferred the people from Fenghua Second Team to PK with Uncle Fatty, and I didn't think it was right."

"If it's just an ordinary netizen, you don't need to drag the entire Fenghua No. 2 team as a sparring coach for him. You are more concerned about him than your teammates. With so many professional players as sparring coaches for him, his consciousness will naturally be He has made rapid progress, and it will be fine for him to be registered as a professional player in the new season next year. If you train him like this, you won’t treat him like this…”

Tang Muzhou came back to his senses and calmly interrupted his friend's speculation: "You think too much, I will help him, just because the master accepted him as an apprentice. In name, he is now my junior brother."

"... Junior Brother?" Xu Changfeng's mouth twitched violently. He didn't expect Tang Muzhou and Fat Uncle to have such a relationship. If other great gods in the alliance knew about it, they would definitely join forces to beat Tang Muzhou into the hospital.

He rubbed his forehead helplessly and said, "Is he your junior brother? Are you serious?"

"Yeah." Tang Muzhou said with a smile, "I'm a senior brother, so I should help him. The tasks assigned by the master must always be completed."

In fact, Chen Qianlin didn't explain this at all, everything was his own initiative - of course Tang Muzhou would not admit it.

Seeing the tenderness in Tang Muzhou's eyes, Xu Changfeng sighed lightly and said, "Have you ever thought that your junior brother will become stronger and stronger every day in the future, in case you meet... the people you cultivated yourself, He must be the one who knows you best, how terrible would such an opponent be?"

Tang Muzhou said calmly: "It doesn't matter. If he really has the ability, he can challenge me. Winning or losing is all based on strength. It doesn't matter. I have won so many games, and of course I can afford to lose."

Xu Changfeng smiled and said nothing more.

He has won and can afford to lose. With such a mentality, it is no wonder that he has stood at the top of the professional league for so many years, and his popularity has become higher and higher. Tang Muzhou's demeanor is not on the surface, but on the mind. Uncle Fat is really lucky to have such a senior brother.

Xie Mingzhe thought the same way, the senior brother asked Fenghua Second Team to accompany him to practice his hand, which obviously gave him a chance to hone his consciousness. Such an opportunity is hard to come by.

He gets a lot of inspiration every time he finishes a game. After being abused by the players of the second team for seven consecutive rounds last time, he made a critical attack card group of Shu Guojin series, and later made magic cards, ghost cards and Jinling twelve hairpins in a row.

This time, he will also sum up his experience and lessons, and further improve the card pool.

He already had a preliminary idea in his mind, just tomorrow, the senior brother said that he would take him to the game. Watching the game from the perspective of a bystander will make it easier to spot problems, not to mention watching the game of a great god like Xu Changfeng, there will definitely be more gains tomorrow.


The next day, Xie Mingzhe went to the arena to practice hands early in the morning, and the time passed very quickly after qualifying. It was half past six in the blink of an eye. Xie Mingzhe usually stayed in the studio for dinner, but today he said hello to Sister Qing in advance to go out, and Chi Qing didn't cook his dinner.

Tang Muzhou was very punctual, and sent him a message at half past six: "Go downstairs, I'll pick you up."

Xie Mingzhe ran downstairs quickly. He hadn't seen his senior brother for about a week since he dropped out of school. Tang Muzhou had to be fully armed every time he went out. He couldn't see his facial features at all under the cover of big sunglasses, but he still felt very kind to hear his voice.

Xie Mingzhe walked up to him with a smile: "Senior brother, you are really on time."

Tang Muzhou bent his lips and asked in a low voice, "Didn't you eat? Let's go eat first."

Xie Mingzhe nodded and followed him into the car.

Since the game started at eight o'clock in the evening, there was not much time, and the two of them didn't go to a troublesome meal, so Tang Muzhou found an exquisite small shop and invited his junior and brother to have a light meal. Xie Mingzhe asked while eating, "Do you guys from the second team have any opinion on me?"

Tang Muzhou said: "I heard that Zhou Xiaoqi had a nightmare last night, dreaming that she was hanged, probably the dream that Qin Keqing dragged her on."

Xie Mingzhe: "..."

Is the little girl so stimulated? It was a sin to dream that I was hanging myself!

Tang Muzhou joked: "After they played with you in the ring, they all thought Fang Yu's Deathrattle card was much cuter."

"Fang Yuhe..." There is also a Dou E who can touch porcelain, and also summons heavy snow groups to freeze. But since Fang Yu was promised to keep it secret, Xie Mingzhe couldn't tell his senior brother in advance, so he could only brake suddenly and said, "Fang Yu's card really doesn't dislike me, haha."

"You do have self-knowledge." Tang Muzhou smiled as he watched him eat, this guy was probably really hungry, his appetite was very good, and there was not a drop of food left on the plate.

"Can one set meal be enough?" Tang Muzhou asked softly.

"I'm full, let's go to the scene, don't be late and can't get in!"

Xie Mingzhe took the initiative to get up, but because he hit the table too hastily when he got up, the soup in the bowl was about to spill on him, Tang Muzhou quickly gave him a hand; "Be careful."

It was originally just a simple rescue action, but because the two were too close, Tang Muzhou's arm was very strong, and this time he pulled Xie Mingzhe into his arms.

Xie Mingzhe slammed into his senior brother's arms, and pressed his face directly to the other's chest. He could clearly feel the firm muscles in the man's chest, followed by a faint good smell, like smelling a spring morning. The fragrance of freshly opened flowers.

Is this the smell of Tang Muzhou? Body wash or shampoo

The smell on the man was neither pungent nor strong, the fresh and mild plant aroma, like his character, gently penetrated Xie Mingzhe's breath.

Xie Mingzhe was stunned for a while, and when he regained his senses, he found that he was in his brother's arms, and his face was still pressed against the other's chest.

The boy's ears were red and he seemed embarrassed.

Tang Muzhou looked at him like this, his Adam's apple couldn't help rolling.

The two looked at each other and looked away at the same time. Tang Muzhou turned around and pretended to be calm and said, "Let's go."

Xie Mingzhe also pretended to be okay, pretending to follow him easily.

After that, the two didn't speak. The atmosphere in the car became more and more weird, and the temperature seemed to keep rising.

Xie Mingzhe felt that his heartbeat was ridiculously fast. It was not that he had never had close contact with other men, such as teammates such as Chen Xiao and Yu Ke, who usually put on a shoulder, rubbed his head, etc., and nothing else came into his heart. When I think about it, I think they are good friends, good buddies, friendly physical contact between men, open and aboveboard, nothing to care about.

But just now, his heartbeat did stop for a moment.

Senior brother's embrace was too warm, and the smell on his body was so good that Xie Mingzhe was in a trance for a while.

Recalling the picture of Tang Muzhou decisively signing in the parent's column when he dropped out of school, Xie Mingzhe suddenly realized that, before he knew it, the impression this man left on his mind became more and more profound, probably because he had no relatives since he was a child. , Tang Muzhou is very gentle and caring towards him, so he will have a strange thought, hoping to get closer to this person.

How close is it? Xie Mingzhe couldn't figure it out yet, he only knew that he liked being with his senior brother very much.

The atmosphere in the car was a little dull, Tang Muzhou broke the silence: "It's here."

Xie Mingzhe looked up and saw that the stadium in front of him was nearly ten times larger than the gymnasium of their Imperial University. At this time, the entire gymnasium was brightly lit, and the walls outside were covered with posters and badges of major clubs, and there were very conspicuous giant Lighted subtitles that read "Star Card League Tenth Season Professional League".

This is the officially designated competition venue. Xie Mingzhe, who came to the professional league for the first time, was immediately excited and followed behind his senior brother: "Where do we go in? Will you be recognized?"

Tang Muzhou raised his lips slightly: "No, I'll take you to the backstage player channel."